Unreleased and New Card Discussion

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Post by Venedrex » 7 months ago

Hawk wrote:
7 months ago
Venedrex wrote:
7 months ago
I gotta say, this caught me off guard.

I knew MTG was gunning for a super hero UB, but I thought Marvel Snap existing plus Disney having Lorcana would have prevented this collaboration. I was sure that DC was going to be the superhero UB of choice because of those reasons.

Guess Wotc pulled out a graph with MONEY GO BRRR arrow to the moon to convince Disney.

I suspect Maro being a Marvel fan may have helped grease the skids as well.

Oh and at the risk of being rude, this is what we warning about when the whole UB thing started. I like Marvel. A lot. But this is a prime example of how MTG is going downhill fast. Just because I like an IP, doens't mean I can't be objective and admit that this is bad for the overall health of the game.

Anyone remember those memes about I block Gandalf with Optimus Prime and then Iron Man attacks you for six while I use my Rick to buff him?
Yeah this is all that becoming a reality. Thankfully, other tcgs exist. But hey Super Magic The Gathering Bros is still kind of fun I guess so at this point that is all the game is now. A fighting game that just uses other games characters.
I'm less surprised. Still surprised, mind - this is a huge franchise, possibly the largest WotC has brought in (it'll be close with LotR), and there's very few I'd put higher (probably Star Wars?). But Magic is so fundamentally different than Marvel Snap that I think the world can contain both, and Lorcana (a game I have been following despite being utterly unable to purchase any product) has been very up-front that their initial 5-year plan is strictly the Animated Canon, so by the time they need to break the glass and put Iron Man in that game, this crossover will be ancient history. I'm more surprised because I didn't honestly think Magic had the cachet or respect to get Marvel's attention for a partnership like this.

I've been thinking on it a lot today and - is this a sign, of Magic going downhill? I suppose it depends on what you mean by that. If you mean this is probably a further nail in the coffin of a real, competitive, respected tournament scene - sure, yeah, probably. This set is either going to be casual/commander only, and further dilute the audience of people who want to do anything other than play kitchen table sim-city decks with Thanos and Captain Marvel, or it'll go to Modern like LotR and immediately warp and alter that format in a weird, irrevocable way in the name of profit where we all just get to deal with The Infinity Gauntlet being a 4x in most competitive decks, only countered by Iron Man. If you mean this is downhill in that WotC's days of doing the absolute bare minimum for their own lore/world-building/story-telling are coming to a middle - yeah, fair, also true. Why invest in a rich lore with well-written stories when selling cards featuring Aragorn and Captain America make the money line go up? Of course I, like you, fear the day that the suits upstairs realize that the Marvel set outsold Return to Lorwyn 20-1, and that doesn't just mean they won't approve Return to Return to Lorwyn...now they're wondering why we're doing non-UB sets at all. I asked Mark actually and he just responded that in-universe Magic is safe which is sweet - but, 10-15 years ago Mark said products like this would "dilute Magic's core identity too much", so grains of salt.

Empirically though, UB has brought more people to Magic than anything else. Folks that have refused to learn for years are into it now that they can play with Galadriel and Negan. It's helped folks who have felt unwelcome in LGS and the community for a variety of reasons feel welcomed and have an on-ramp, a common thing to share with other players joining at the same time. The game has never been bigger, more visible, more played, or more expansive. Is that wrong and bad? Well, it is bad for Pro Tour Grinders and Lore Lovers for the reasons I listed above, and I feel that. And I guess, if you love Magic because it felt like a private club and now they let just anyone in here, perhaps it is.

But for me - and I know this is super cheesy - but I can remember cracking open my first pack and seeing Angelic Page and Great Whale and Bravado, and it was a flashbulb moment of total love for this game. Over 25 years and counting, Magic has been my comfort on dark days. It was a way to make friends fast when I was all alone in a new place for Grad school. Playing cards is how my wife and I spent our first weekend together while we were dating. It's how I proposed. And as my brothers and I drift apart with kids and jobs and mortgages and vacations, Magic is the thing that keeps us together, a common language that lets us come right back together. 12 year old me loved Magic for just how cool its own lore was - 37 year old me just loves playing a round of cards with my friends and family. At the end of the day, does it matter if those cards depict Karn and Volrath or if they depict Batman and the Joker? The core game, the strategy, the deckbuilding, is all the same. And heck, some of my family who have just politely played along are really excited to get to have Optimus Prime and Michonne in their decks now - and if that means more Magic, that's a win in my book.

If it was solely up to me, I guess I wish they hadn't of done this. I liked Magic's lore and art and style for Magic. They didn't need to change for me. But I respect they did for everyone else, and I'm a combination of resigned to and at peace with that decision.
Yeah, this is a reasonable take. I can also draw from my previous posts about warming up to UB a bit and all that. I guess its bittersweet for me. I'm happy that people who like Dr Who get to see the tenth doctor as a card. But my concern is, every aspect of the game seems to have become an advertisement for another game. If the newest set, spoilers starting tommorrow was an actual plain old magic set without UB JURASSIC PARK I might be a little less disappointed.

But at the end of the day, I just can't imagine there will be anywhere left to play with just regular magic cards for me. I can't play an EDH game without someone showing up with Ian Malcom or Clara and the something Doctor. I can't afford legacy or vintage, (or won't, take your pick.) If I play Modern I can enjoy The One Ring and Orcish Bowmasters, (modern sucks but oh well that's another argument) and Standard is so boring and stagnant because they didn't let it rotate before extending rotation so that leaves draft.

The draft boosters which are now more expensive because after Wotc introduced a more expensive product that sold better they had no choice but to make draft boosters more expensive so that they... wait a minute. So, will I be excited as a Marvel fan and an Mtg fan that Iron Man uses the Energy mechanic? Sure will. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't of ever happened in the first place imho.

This could have all been avoided if Wotc/Hasbro, whoever the heck is in charge wasn't trying to squeeze every last miserable drop of money out of MTG. As far as I can tell, every major format has massive problems, and all we get from Wotc is, oh, uh howabout uh, some UB so we can make more money and bring more players so we can make more money. If wotc just took one minute to ban the One Ring in modern or do literally anything constructive with their game other than fleece people I'd be less saddened.

Its not the end of the world, magic isn't going to cease to exist. In fact I'm sure by every corporate metric MTG has never been better. But for people who actually play the game, I'm not so sure. Does it even really matter? Not really. And at the end of the day, I just would like to play a game that wasn't just a billboard for other games.

People also say, well, MTG always had stupid stuff, haha my goblin is piloting a mech from kamigawa with Ghalta in the backseat haha why are you complaining about your precious immersion. Well, you know what all those things have in that scenario? THEY ARE ALL FROM THE SAME BLASTED IP.

Again, if people are happy, more power to them, but I think I'm more and more inclined to go somewhere else. I don't want to stick around and ruin things for people, because I get why people are excited by UB stuff. I love designing it as custom cards. But sometimes when your dream becomes reality you find out its not all its made out to be.

I mean, if I could say, I want to play EDH with just regular magic cards, no triangle UB cards, I doubt I'd find any takers. And if you have a playgroup, then no problem you just all agree not play with them. If you don't well I hope you like Optimus Prime and Ian Malcom.
Honestly, I just wish we could say, one format for UB cards, one for regular cards. But seeing the cEDH EDH situation, I'm not sure that will work.

Further expanding on that last point, I love the idea of self-contained IPs. If someone says to me, hey wanna play DR Who Commander where we all play with Dr who cards only, sure sounds fun. Or play a fallout game, or a Warhammer commander game. Sounds good. I just don't like mixing ips because I'm a weirdo who cares about "muh immersion" as dumb of a thing as that is to care about. I know I'm in the minority too. Most people don't have any issue with Rick blocking Optimus who is targeted by Gandalf. Fair enough. I think my biggest issue is, its not that I fully immerse myself in a game, its that seeing a UB card makes me think about that ip which distracts me and confuses me.

Its like watching Star Trek and then all the sudden Gandalf pops up. Could you imagine how people would react? Do I like Gandalf? Yeah. Do I like Star Trek? Sure! But I DON'T WANT BOTH OF THEM IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. But that's just my dumb opinion, and in the grand scheme, I don't talk. Money does. So who cares, wotc can do whatever they want.

When I first started playing Magic, I was laboring under the delusion that this was a game about two wizards who battle each with spells, minions, etc from the MTG TM universe. I wasn't expecting all *gestures at UB* this to happen. I didn't sign up for it, and while the designs are fun, they ruin it for me when they displace the game I grew to love.

I mean right now, does any MTG player give a hoot about Ixalan? Not with the MARVEL UB ANNOUNCEMENT OR THE JURASSIC PARK ANNOUNCEMENT. The ship has sailed for MTG's lore and universe. Now its just one big ad. Six years ago, Underground set would have been the talk of the town. After today's announcement, no one cares anymore. Now it's just I wonder what Captain America's card will be. So much for magic's own universe.

Will I still play, of course, this game isn't called cardboard crack for nothing. But now I might as well just only play because of the UB stuff I happen to like because the normal lore is down the drain. There is not going to be MTG fans, there's going to be MTG MARVEL fans, and MTG DR WHO fans, and MTG FALLOUT fans. Cuz the actual MTG universe is ignored.

Honestly, we should just get ahead of the shark and just make formats for every IP. We can have regular MTG the format, Warhammer MTG the format (because there will be more in this universe coming) and Final Fantasy MTG the format.

I mean if they circle back and do sets for all the ips they've done already were halfway to having enough cards for a format /s

If you made it this far, this isn't really directed at you, its just me venting about Wotc's last three years of nonsense. I think you are right, and I think there is fun to be had still. I just wish we didn't have to burn the old to make way for the new.

Before they made this announcement, I was thinking about posting a list of all the things that were driving me away from this game, but didn't. I haven't been very active on this forum for the past couple months. Man, I just was hoping for some good news. Maybe its just me, but every time Wotc announces (or doesn't announce any bans) some new nonsense I'm getting more fed up.

I won't say I quit, because (something something see ya tomorrow) but my views towards wotc have gone from 1/10 to -100/10.

All they have to do is throw us one miserable bone, but they cant.

Lemme just go over Wotc's brilliant moves lately and their PR responses to player concerns:

Unfinity: Shoving a horrible un-fun and un-inspired gameplay mechanic down our throats because everyone is un-interested in these un-bearably bad products. HAHA black border enjoy noobs.

Universes Beyond: Haha, magic is like a box of buffets haha buffet analogy go brrr just ignore them haha lol stupid noob haha stupid immersion. Wotc/community.

Modern: Crap
Legacy: (I dunno)
Vintage (I dunno)
Standard: If it isn't crap its so boring no one cares enough to talk about it.
EDH (I rest my case)

Draft boosters haha, play boosters make more money haha.
Epicurean, EDH without Universes Beyond.


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Post by duducrash » 7 months ago

Im thankful I found a forum board where people are this passionate about things like this. Passion is good!

@Venedrex here me out, pauper is Skill intensive, has several viable decks and a cool comminity

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Post by Mookie » 7 months ago

My general stream of consciousness:
  • Marvel stuff isn't for me. That said, I don't want to be negative or gatekeep - if people like Marvel and that gets them into MTG, great! If you don't like the cards, you can just ignore them.
  • WotC / Hasbro are a business - they want to do whatever makes them more money. Their two options, broadly speaking, are to either increase the revenue per person... or to expand the playerbase. Honestly, drawing in a bunch of people with UB is probably better than them raising the cost to play even further (not that they're mutually exclusive, of course).
  • Past UB stuff has, as far as I can tell, been extremely successful. I see no reason for them to stop anytime in the near future.
  • ...simultaneously, I do have concerns re: product quality and power creep. If they're pulling designers from normal MTG sets to work on UB stuff, then we may end up with worse / less enjoyable sets. Alternatively, if they pump out even more sets per year and create an artificial rotation for EDH / Modern / Legacy, then that also makes it harder for me to enjoy those formats.
  • ....I also have concerns re: products becoming increasingly forgettable. I can barely remember what sets came out more than a week ago, and I'm sure I'll forget about all these product announcements soon enough. Why spend time brewing with the latest set when something new is coming out next week?
  • Eva UB when?

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Post by RxPhantom » 7 months ago

I have bent over backwards to stay positive or neutral when it comes to Universes Beyond, but Marvel brings us so much closer to Magic becoming an empty vessel for other IPs. What's next? What could ever top Marvel, and why wouldn't WotC dedicate all their resources to chasing it?

I wish I could like @Venedrex's post more than once.

Doomsaying isn't normally my style, but it feels like Magic is being hollowed out. Is this really what people want Magic to be, just a game system with no real identity? This kind of stuff happens by degrees, but the new normal fast approaches. I mean, who gives a %$#% about Tarkir when Captain America's here?
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Post by DirkGently » 7 months ago

Mookie wrote:
7 months ago
If you don't like the cards, you can just ignore them.
Ok, when my opponent attacks me with Iron Man I'll just pretend I didn't notice.
Perm Decks
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Post by Mookie » 7 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
7 months ago
Mookie wrote:
7 months ago
If you don't like the cards, you can just ignore them.
Ok, when my opponent attacks me with Iron Man I'll just pretend I didn't notice.
Flavorwise, crewing a Dragonfly Suit is pretty much the same thing. :P
I won't necessarily be a fan of some of the UB cards... but I'm also not a fan of MLD / extra turns / infect / etc.

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Post by Sporegorger_Dragon » 7 months ago

Lifeless wrote:
7 months ago
OK now I want to know what the most cringe UB would be.
Hermes_ wrote:
7 months ago
Define cringey cuz some of the magic fandom.....
5colorsrainbow wrote:
7 months ago
I was gonna say, in terms of cringey magic likely drags things it crossovers into being cringer then the other way around.
This is the correct answer. MtG is already one of the cringiest fandoms.

But to answer @Lifeless, the most cringe UB would be Homestuck.
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Post by DirkGently » 7 months ago

Mookie wrote:
7 months ago
DirkGently wrote:
7 months ago
Mookie wrote:
7 months ago
If you don't like the cards, you can just ignore them.
Ok, when my opponent attacks me with Iron Man I'll just pretend I didn't notice.
Flavorwise, crewing a Dragonfly Suit is pretty much the same thing. :P
I won't necessarily be a fan of some of the UB cards... but I'm also not a fan of MLD / extra turns / infect / etc.
"You can just ignore the cards."
"...But you can't ignore the cards."
"That's okay, they're basically the same as regular cards."

I'd call that a goalpost shift but you kinda just removed the goalposts entirely.

I don't care about the flavor, wotc can do a set in any genre they like, as long as it's THEIR IP. What I care about is shilling for other brands that I don't care for.

Magic is a big part of my identity, I'll admit it. Magic is. Not Marvel. Not 40K. Not Doctor Who. Not Street Fighter. Not Jurassic World. Not Walking Dead. But my game is not magic anymore, it's not ME anymore. Now it's Marvel the gathering and 40K the gathering and Jurassic World the gathering. My identity is being taken away from me, in a small way, and you're damn straight I'm not okay with that.

Things like MLD are usually socially pressured out of the game. Good freaking luck trying to socially pressure out UB at any game store on Earth.

Small positive note, I do like that extra turns are usually costed appropriately. If you can pull off Regenerations Restored or Twice Upon a Time // Unlikely Meeting then fair enough.
Sporegorger_Dragon wrote:
7 months ago
This is the correct answer. MtG is already one of the cringiest fandoms.

But to answer @Lifeless, the most cringe UB would be Homestuck.
MtG is cringe but it's OUR cringe. dammit. If I wanted to play with Marvel cards I'd play Snap.

I am slightly upset that nobody recognized the obvious correctness of my Skibidi Toilet answer, though, c'mon.
Perm Decks
Phelddagrif - Kaervek - Golos - Wayta - Zirilan

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Post by 5colorsrainbow » 7 months ago

-shrug- idk. I read the Ixalan stories on Friday, enjoyed them. I like the soft reboot of some the flavor stuff, Huatli and Saheeli are a cute couple, Kellan and Amelia are best boy and best girl and made me think on how the wider nerd genre spaces handles Latine and Hispanic representation. I have a Gishath deck I'm looking forward to upgrading and I'm curious on Quints first planewalker card.
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Post by Mookie » 7 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
7 months ago
"You can just ignore the cards."
"...But you can't ignore the cards."
"That's okay, they're basically the same as regular cards."

I'd call that a goalpost shift but you kinda just removed the goalposts entirely.
Technically, I'm not moving goalposts - I'm just being facetious. :P

Anyway, my general position is that if I don't like cards, I don't put them in my decks, and I also don't put them in my cube. If my opponents play cards I dislike, so be it - as mentioned, I dislike plenty of non-UB cards too. I'll take a well-designed UB commander over Chulane, Teller of Tales / Golos, Tireless Pilgrim / Tergrid, God of Fright // Tergrid's Lantern any day. Not to say every UB commander is necessarily fun to play against, but that's a separate topic.

That said, while I don't necessarily mind my opponents playing with UB cards, I recognize that is a subjective experience. If you find them to be too distracting / unpleasant in your opponents' decks, then talk to your playgroup.

(or we can continue to be anons spreading salt on the interwebs - that's fine too, although I would suggest Reddit as a better location)

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Post by cheonice » 7 months ago

Cardboard Crack nailed it 2020.

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Post by NZB2323 » 7 months ago

I liked the LOTR UB because it felt on-brand for me. I hated the walking dead/transformers/Dr. Who because it's so out of place.

Call me crazy, but Marvel feels on-brand for me. The Gatewatch is basically the Avengers.

Toralf, God of Fury // Toralf's Hammer is Thor. Iron Man isn't that different from the Izzet, Spiderman isn't that different from the Simic, Hulk isn't that different from the Gruul. Captain America is a human with a shield. Blade isn't that different from Elite Inquisitor. Is Jace that different from Professor X or Jean Grey? Wolverine seems like a Phyrexian experiment. There's an X-man who is an angel. Hawkeye is an archer. Dr. Strange is a planeswalker.

Now, if they do cards for the Punisher and Black Widow where they have guns, those would feel out of place to me.

I'm still hoping we get a Warcraft UB but as far as I understand there's a Warcraft card game so I think that would be difficult to do.
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Post by Dragonlover » 7 months ago

I think something that gets overlooked is that Magic is the lead weight on the rubber sheet of the card game landscape - it is almost impossible to make a card game that is both mechanically unique from it, and compelling enough that enough people will play it to give it the required longevity. In that event, why not just give the people that make Magic access to your IP to make a set?

I'd play a 40K card game in a heartbeat. I did, it was called Conquest, it existed for about two years then died, and had a local playerbase of about 12 people. Now I have an Abaddon the Despoiler commander deck, and will likely have that deck forever, with a local playgroup of at least 20 people that will never die.

There are at least three decks at my store that are deliberately made of nothing but Universes Beyond cards that based on some of the stuff I've seen online would strike people dead if they saw them played. We're having a whale of a time though, and that's the whole %$#%$#% point. I'm also certain that if you asked those players not to play those decks because interacting with UB cards ruins your immersion, they'd swap out.

Did expect Marvel? Not in a million years. I'll treat it like every other set - I'll read the spoilers, see if I want the cards, get what I want and continue on my merry way. We all choose how we consume content and also how much we invest in that content. If the rate of content is too much for you, disengage from anything that's not a Standard set, see how you get on. Find what works for you. He'll think of it as an opportunity to return to those golden days when all the cards weren't known - I personally have no %$#% idea what's in Strixhaven or Kaldheim so seeing cards from them is great.

Finally, if you don't like the release schedule of Magic, don't play GW games, they bring something new out every week. Pretty sure some of you would have a stroke trying to keep up.

All my decks are here

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Post by folding_music » 7 months ago

it's really easy to make a card game that's mechanically separate from Magic, it's just that no-one notices those ones. confirmed gamers have already cut their teeth and now need an easy entrance into similar games that feign being new but let you jump ahead of the queue with experience and, in the end, slowly coalesce back into M:TG

(these are just the frustrated sounds of a frequent but pessimistic designer of games that it'd be a waste of materials to actually make lol)

I don't think this new development is any worse than Doctor Who, or whatever. just that every subsequent announcement of this sort makes it harder to feel like it's worth getting invested in the creative team's original work

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Post by cheonice » 7 months ago

I think I'm with @Hawk on this one. I really like Magic as a game, as a brain teaser, as a creative outlet, as a social construct, as a way to spend time with my friends. I'm a big Vorthos, too, so watering down Magic's own IP, it's own story makes me sad. Even if I hate Jace with a passion.

Sometimes I have a serious case of FOMO regarding Magic. I always was the best informed player at my friends regarding new spoilers. This has changed. I have next to no idea about the 40k cards, because I strongly dislike the franchise. Me and my friends talked about 40k at length. There were several voices that thought we cannot ignore the cards, because they are the best in slot. But WotC printed around 27000 unique cards, so there is plenty to dive into. On the other hand LotR and D&D feel quite right. They are somewhat generic fantasy settings after all (probably the ones that made these settings generic). On the other hand I giggled, when I first saw that [card]Chun-Li, Countless Kicks[card] has Multikicker. And I'm really happy that they stopped putting mechanically unique cards into Secret Lairs. I like the approach of putting in-universe versions into the list.

So what's next? I really look forward to Ixalan. The story sounds really nice. As a historian myself I'm happy about some representation with our new Loxodon Planeswalker. I will continue to enjoy the time with my friends, the deckbuildung and the game. And after that I will just ignore everything I don't like (Fallout? What comes next? Rick and Morty??).
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Post by Dunadain » 7 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
7 months ago

I am slightly upset that nobody recognized the obvious correctness of my Skibidi Toilet answer, though, c'mon.
Idk man, I don't think you appreciate just how cringe Homestuck is.

Fortunately, Homestuck is also controversial, so WOTC probably won't touch it.
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Post by Sporegorger_Dragon » 7 months ago

cheonice wrote:
7 months ago
(Fallout? What comes next? Rick and Morty??)
Hold up, I've got a new answer...
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Post by GuJiaXian » 7 months ago

My biggest surprise with UB Marvel isn't that Hasbro would want to use the IP—of course it would. No, my surprise is with Disney. Disney is far more money-grubbing than Hasbro ever will be, and with the so-far-success of Lorcana, I'm surprised Disney isn't saving Marvel (and Star Wars, etc.) for future Lorcana expansions.

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Post by Serenade » 7 months ago

Format alternative that ignores UB stuff (including D&D) when?
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Post by cheonice » 7 months ago

Serenade wrote:
7 months ago
Format alternative that ignores UB stuff (including D&D) when?
NoUBDH. Or NoobDH.

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Post by Hawk » 7 months ago

Serenade wrote:
7 months ago
Format alternative that ignores UB stuff (including D&D) when?
There's already PrEDH, which is everything from Alpha to New Phyrexia with the banlist from that time.

If you wanted to play with a bit more of Modern Magic, I'd say another clean breakpoint (not that I have a catchy name for it yet) would be to draw the line from when they stopped designing "Blocks" and just had freestanding sets - so, you'd go up to Ixalan/Rivals of Ixalan. PrEDH draws its line because NPH was the last set released before the Commander 2011 decks changed the format forever and they started "designing for Commander", but I'd say even up to Rivals there were still designs they'd do that were "bad for commander but good for Magic". It's really Dominaria, Ravnica 3, and especially Throne of Eldraine that started the current push, and that's all right before the first "UB" cards of Godzilla and Walking Dead in 2020.

Also - won't quote the whole thing but @Venedrex I did read all the way and appreciate the response. I get it, we've all got our own lines. A few years ago I was in your shoes, raging about The Walking Dead infecting this game. As I've seen close friends really warm up to UB and as the "Mel" in me has enjoyed all the clever, inventive designs borne of UB, I've eased into it and just accept it, but it is a major shift and a big-name property like Marvel does really change things. To your point - if Marvel sells well, and there's little reason to think it won't after the insane success of Warhammer, LotR, and all the collab secret lairs, WotC is going to keep chasing that dragon even harder and will have the profit lines to point to to bring in Star Wars, Star Trek, Nintendo, Harry Potter...basically whatever they want. And that'll inevitably include crap I truly despise like Rick and Morty or Spongebob Squarepants. I totally respect anyone who loves Magic - but can''t or won't watch it turn into The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

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Post by Lifeless » 7 months ago

It does indeed seem like this is another watershed moment. The corporate entity that Wizards has become experiences a somewhat excessive number of these moments, sloughing off old players at every turn. The Magic most of us grew up with has been dead a good while, I just wish they'd stop parading the corpse so readily and at least pretend there's some motivation to make a cohesive experience.

As for my question about the most cringe UB I hadn't considered that Magic was in fact already the most cringe. A little on the nose, but probably correct.

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Post by Hermes_ » 7 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
7 months ago

Magic is a big part of my identity, I'll admit it. Magic is. Not Marvel. Not 40K. Not Doctor Who. Not Street Fighter. Not Jurassic World. Not Walking Dead. But my game is not magic anymore, it's not ME anymore. Now it's Marvel the gathering and 40K the gathering and Jurassic World the gathering. My identity is being taken away from me, in a small way, and you're damn straight I'm not okay with that.

Things like MLD are usually socially pressured out of the game. Good freaking luck trying to socially pressure out UB at any game store on Earth.

Small positive note, I do like that extra turns are usually costed appropriately. If you can pull off Regenerations Restored or Twice Upon a Time // Unlikely Meeting then fair enough.
Sporegorger_Dragon wrote:
7 months ago
This is the correct answer. MtG is already one of the cringiest fandoms.

But to answer @Lifeless, the most cringe UB would be Homestuck.
MtG is cringe but it's OUR cringe. dammit. If I wanted to play with Marvel cards I'd play Snap.
This explanation @DirkGently finally gets it into my thick skull why you feel the way you do about the UB stuff, before I just thought it was old man yelling at cloud, I guess I just never understood because outside of church, I've never really wrapped myself up into an IP. Sure, I'd say that I'm a Gryffindor demigod jedi time lord cluing for looks but any changes that happened I'd just roll with them and move on and not let them bug me. The only times I'd say something was "ruined forever" I've been sarcastic.
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Post by Mookie » 7 months ago

Alright, time to finally reveal my perfect argument to make Dirk agree with m-

Look, a distraction!

Cascaaaaade, my favorite mechanic, is returning in Caverns of Ixalan? :o The mustache hides nothing, "discover" - I know who you really are!

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Post by duducrash » 7 months ago

Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation - makes 3x *creature*tokens. Crazy!

Bartolomé Del Presidio a free sac outlet for 2MV is good!
Last edited by duducrash 7 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

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