A Blast from the Past: Ruhan

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

WOTC recently announced a new Secret Lair drop with cards picked by Sheldon himself before he passed away. Definitely some sweet cards printed if you are a fan of Secret Lair, (not me) but the card that actually has Sheldon's face on it is Ruhan of the Fomori. Which makes sense seeing as how Sheldon's favorite EDH deck was piloted by Ruhan.

This alone wouldn't have gotten me to play Ruhan, but then a certain someone started slandering the good name of Ruhan and motivated me to actually brew a Ruhan deck.

Voltron is my favorite strategy in EDH, it's unique to the format, reasonably powerful, and can be taken a number of different ways. However, it does have some drawbacks. I would say the primary drawbacks are 1) Sometimes you're commander get's removed twice and you're more or less out of the game even though you technically aren't dead and 2) Sometimes you come out the gate swinging and kill one player in the first few turns, then the table catches back up and the game goes on for quite a bit longer, and the murdered player has to sit and watch.

1 and 2 could also just be lumped together into "can create unfun experiences" but they are two different problems that need to be solved individually.

Ruhan doesn't really do anything to solve the first problem, aside from coming with good colors to defend him, but he solves the second problem, can't target a player if your attacks are random! Admittedly, you might just roll the same player 3 times in a row, but even then, that just adds to the suspense!

Now I know some people are of the opinion that when someone dies to a fast voltron start they just need to suck it up. A common attitude seems to be that maybe the experience will teach them to play more early-game interaction, and it's not like voltron is a particularly strong strategy. I feel like that attitude kind of misses the point of Commander though. Smallpox is a moderately playable card in Legacy, no one thinks it's a problem because Legacy is a competitive format, and Smallpox is very beatable, it might be kind of miserable to play against, but no one is suggesting it gets banned because, for the most part, legacy isn't trying to create an environment where people can't do things other people find frustrating, it's trying to create a well-balanced format (emphasis on trying). If there are a wide variety of decks at a Legacy tournament, many of which have reasonable odds of winning the event, then the format is in a good place. Commander, however, is a casual format, if 4 decks of equal power-level sit down for a game, that doesn't guarantee that everyone is having fun.

I feel kind of dumb explaining what casual EDH means on a forum that's pretty much exclusively about casual EDH these days, but I see so many people defend fast voltron, MLD, stax, etc. by talking about its weaknesses or about how it "forces the table to play fair." No one cares, if the table doesn't want that experience, then you've failed to make a good casual commander deck.

I realize I left out a lot of nuance in my previous two paragraphs, if your playgroup is unwilling to compromise with you to find some sort of balance between what you want to play and what they want to play against, then that's partly their fault and it's probably not a good fit. Also, I called out MLD and stax because they are pretty commonly disliked, there's nothing "special" about those strategies. If your playgroup doesn't mind MLD but hates it when someone plays Aristocrats or something, then play MLD, not aristocrats. However, this isn't really suppose to be an essay on the ethos of casual commander, and I've already spoken on this tangent for long enough.

Of course, their is one fairly obvious solution to the problem of knocking one player out of the game early: just don't do it. Even if it's tactically correct to finish off one of your opponents, you could always just swing at someone else anyways. However, I feel this often leads to situations where you're kind of disrespecting your opponents. If someone is set up to win the game next turn, or if they have a play next turn that will take you out of the game, of course you're going to finish them off. After all, no one can complain that you killed a player too early when they obviously were about to do the same thing on their turn. However, in practice this just means that, when you're likely to win anyways, you make a show of letting your opponents live a bit longer, but when it actually matters, you play just as ruthlessly.

It also moves the strategy from: "kill each individual as fast as possible before moving on to the next." To "put each opponent into 1-hit range as far as possible before moving onto the next." Which just feels like playing with your food.

To take a more clear cut example, I once played against a player that managed to put infinite +1/+1 counters on a Walking Ballista, but then didn't kill the table because he "wanted to keep the game going." Of course, if someone started threatening him later, he will just laser them with Ballista in response. In my eyes, this is poor sportsmanship, and the rest of the table agreed and resigned on the spot.

It's a little less obvious when you choose to spare a player while playing Voltron, as it's a lot more likely that you underestimate your opponents and they manage to beat you because you let them live, but the core concept remains the same.

Of course, you could make it a hard rule. Just start every game by telling your opponents that you will roll for who to attack every combat. And this would work perfectly, there's no rule in the game saying you can't play all or some of the creatures in your deck like it has Ruhan of the Fomori's textbox. As long as you let the table know your rule at the start of the game, and you follow through with it, no matter what, even if it kills you, then you're in good shape.

However, if you ARE going to go through all of that, why not just actually play Ruhan of the Fomori? While I've certainly played decks with self-imposed regulations before, if there's an option that makes it an official rule, rather than an arbitrary one that I set up, I'd prefer that option. There's a certain simplicity in letting your cards speak for themselves that I prefer. Secondly, if you ARE going to play your commander like it has Ruhan of the Fomori's textbox, then Ruhan becomes a pretty compelling option. Still probably not the BEST, I think a commander with some evasion would help a lot, but a 4 mana 7/7 is a decent reward for forcing a pretty severe downside onto your commander.

TL;DR: Ruhan of the Fomori isn't particularly good, but in my eyes he's a masterfully designed casual voltron commander, 👍👍from me, and honestly, the only reason I haven't brewed him yet is because he's pretty mainstream and I am a special snowflake.

Pretty sure his popularity has been steadily dropping for years however (I can't find historical EDHrec data, so it's just a guess), while the number of good spells for him (particularly protection spells) have gone up, so I'm willing to make a deck with him now.

So yeah, I did that, here's the list:

Commander (1)

Ruhan of the Fomori

Abolishers (2)

Cantrips (7)

1 Opt

Lifelink + Vig

Approximate Total Cost:

The Iconic Voltron Deck


Lifelink + Vigilance

Approximate Total Cost:

Pretty basic list, decided to go the Aura route. Firstly because I usually don't, second of all because UW protection is kind of stacked these days, so I'll bet on my commander staying alive. It's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you play auras, betting you can keep your commander alive, you spend less on mana (compare Aqueous Form to Prowler's Helm) leaving you with more open mana to protect your commander in the first place.

The final question is whether I'm actually going to get the secret lair cards. On the one hand, I don't like secret lairs, on the other hand the secret lair indirectly inspired this deck, I have a lot of respect for the late Sheldon, and the proceeds are going to the American Cancer Society. Hmmmm......
Last edited by Dunadain 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 3 months ago

My god, Dunadain, you may have finally done it. Dirk can argue over speculation all day, but you went and hit him with a proof of concept. Is this the Raid Boss's true weakness? Are you the foretold hero who will unseat the Dirk Supremacy paradigm?

We shall see.
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Post by ilovesaprolings » 3 months ago

I tried to make a Ruhan deck long time ago. I found it to be too easily answered. Honestly it wasn't a very good list, full of crap and old cards like balduvian warlord.
However, i still have some interesting point to make:
- cards like Mystic Barrier let you direct your Ruhan attacks
- cards like portal mage let you reselect a Ruhan attack to target player
- Sunforger puts Ruhan at 11 power. Sunforger+double strike is KO if not blocked. Sunforger also helps you tutor protection cards, control cards and even one-turn double strike enabler.

I still think that Ruhan was extremely powercrept and everything that Ruhan does, Zurgo Helmsmasher does better.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 3 months ago

ilovesaprolings wrote:
3 months ago
This is a glaring omission in my opinion, but I have tried to jam this damn card into every WRx deck I make to no success.

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

ilovesaprolings wrote:
3 months ago
I tried to make a Ruhan deck long time ago. I found it to be too easily answered. Honestly it wasn't a very good list, full of crap and old cards like balduvian warlord.
However, i still have some interesting point to make:
- cards like Mystic Barrier let you direct your Ruhan attacks
- cards like portal mage let you reselect a Ruhan attack to target player
- Sunforger puts Ruhan at 11 power. Sunforger+double strike is KO if not blocked. Sunforger also helps you tutor protection cards, control cards and even one-turn double strike enabler.

I still think that Ruhan was extremely powercrept and everything that Ruhan does, Zurgo Helmsmasher does better.
Regarding Mystic Barrier and Portal Mage. They might be good but go against the point of the deck. The idea is that Ruhan's ability gives my opponents some breathing room, so I don't have to pull my punches.

If I wanted to nullify his ability, I'd just pick a better commander (or at the very least, run Dress Down).

Regarding Sunforger the plan is to pay the entire game on 4-6 mana, and some of that mana should be left to at all times for protection, so I just don't see myself having enough mana for sunforger to shine, even though I ducking love that card.

Honestly, On Serra's Wings and Myrel, Shield of Argive are in the watchlist. I'm considering cutting the curve even lower, maybe cutting another land or two, and putting a bunch of selection cantrips in. Mostly because I haven't really played around with a extremely aggressive curve before.

Ruhan might be power crept, but at least he has blue unlike zurgo.
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
3 months ago
My god, Dunadain, you may have finally done it. Dirk can argue over speculation all day, but you went and hit him with a proof of concept. Is this the Raid Boss's true weakness? Are you the foretold hero who will unseat the Dirk Supremacy paradigm?

We shall see.
TheGildedGoose wrote:
3 months ago
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by DirkGently » 3 months ago

It's nice to know I'm so motivating for people. Though I have no idea what's supposedly being proven by putting Ruhan into a bog-standard voltron shell. Nearly every commander can fit into that decklist, and the vast majority would be more effective and more interesting to play.

After having read the essay, I'm still just as baffled by why anyone would want to build him. It starts of seeming like it wants to explain the benefits of Ruhan, makes some valid criticism of voltron decks, goes on some long tangents, and then suddenly comes back with "you can just do random attacks without Ruhan" without really establishing why random attacks are desirable. The only explanation given seems to be early on, that voltron commanders might kill someone early and force them onto the sidelines, which random attacks make arguably less likely...but then the whole deck is dedicated to making Ruhan kill people quickly. Except that now it's happening by random chance - infinitely more likely to target the player who's gotten mana screwed, playing a weaker deck, or otherwise fallen behind - instead of targeting the player who is the most threatening and most capable of defending themselves. So based on your essay, it seems like Ruhan only exacerbates the problems you've laid out for voltron decks. If you want to have a mechanical justification to not eliminate people, it's not that hard - you could use something like Anya, Merciless Angel, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal // Temple of the Dead, etc.

Anyway, if we're pretending this is a serious decklist and not an attempt to win an argument, Curiosity & co all seem awful. You've got a 7-power non-evasive commander and your CA plan is that you'll get to hit people with it a bunch of times? Even if that miraculously worked, you couldn't even draw all that many cards before everyone else is dead...
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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 3 months ago

TheGildedGoose wrote:
3 months ago
Pretty weak condescension in that one. Imma give it a C+.
I'd grade B+, but still progress.
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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

Sorry @DirkGently, I'm not doing this again, I'm confident I explained myself well in the OP and don't see a need to rephrase everything I already said, especially when I'm 99% sure at this point that you deliberately misinterpret people to be argumentative. Suffice is to say that this deck was NOT made to win an argument, I've been mulling over a aura-based voltron deck for a while, simply because I usually go the equipment route. I'd tentatively settled on Danitha, New Benalia's Light, but the combination of the Secret Lair Drop and the argument on said thread convinced me to pivot to Ruhan of the Fomori.

I swear I'm not "out to get you."

@TheGildedGoose and @TheAmericanSpirit I appreciate you trying to defend me, and I'm sure that poking fun of Dirk is fun, but I'd rather you didn't keep antagonizing him, like I said this is a serious deck and I'd like the discussion to be about the deck, not dirk. Take it to the Thunderdome if you just want to mess with Dirk.

As for the substantive stuff Dirk said:
the whole deck is dedicated to making Ruhan kill people quickly...
You've got a 7-power non-evasive commander and your CA plan is that you'll get to hit people with it a bunch of times? Even if that miraculously worked, you couldn't even draw all that many cards before everyone else is dead.
Ruhan needs to connect 9 times to kill the table, and the only way to speed up the clock is with 4 ways to give double strike + Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave. the double strike doesn't even cut down on the amount of draw so it's really just Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave.

My primary CA in Ebondeath, Dracolich is the Swords and no one bats an eye. Heck, the Ebondeath list is much more capable of one-shotting people.

Evasion is a concern, but I have evasion auras (and I mean REAL evasion, not just flying or trample), and if my opponents manage to cut me off of my draw by blocking until I find one, that's fair play. I've made plenty of optimal voltron decks, this one is more about creating an experience.
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by DirkGently » 3 months ago

Dunadain wrote:
3 months ago
Ruhan needs to connect 9 times to kill the table, and the only way to speed up the clock is with 4 ways to give double strike + Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave. the double strike doesn't even cut down on the amount of draw so it's really just Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave.

My primary CA in Ebondeath, Dracolich is the Swords and no one bats an eye. Heck, the Ebondeath list is much more capable of one-shotting people.

Evasion is a concern, but I have evasion auras (and I mean REAL evasion, not just flying or trample), and if my opponents manage to cut me off of my draw by blocking until I find one, that's fair play. I've made plenty of optimal voltron decks, this one is more about creating an experience.
To be clear, I'm not saying curiosity is a bad fit for the deck out of condescension (there was definitely plenty of that in my previous post - I think it was somewhat warranted considering multiple people called me out by name and the decklist was provocatively put on the main page instead of decklists). But having gotten it out of my system, and having no desire to be antagonistic with Dunadain, who I do think is a valuable member of the community even if we've been butting heads as of late, I shall remove all condescension from my voice forthwith.

Fair point about not buffing power within the decklist, I hadn't noticed that.

I also ran swords in my Ebondeath build, and I do think they make a decent amount of sense there, but I don't think that's equivalent to curiosity & co in this deck. The swords don't die when the commander leaves play, they provide the critical +2 power buff to make Ebondeath a 3hko instead of a 5hko, they provide evasion, they provide protection, their triggers are generally much stronger than only drawing a card, and ebondeath has built-in evasion and protection already. Ruhan is, in a way, the opposite of evasive since he can't reliably attack an undefended opponent if someone is open. True, swords are also significantly more expensive to play + equip than curiosity, but since you're already waiting to play a 4-drop commander, plus the swords provide some of the protection you'd want to keep mana up for, I don't think that's as significant of a problem.

The concept of "win-more" was brought up in RCotD, and I think this qualifies where Helm of the Host does not. The main reason being that helm of the host can provide a pretty major benefit if it goes off even once - the sort of power spike that is often necessary to win games of commander. You can't expect massive power without some setup cost, but when you include cards that have a lot of setup cost, they should provide commensurate payoff. Whereas curiosity is only drawing 1 card, or 2 if you have double strike, per turn. I think that means you're going to have frequent games where you're unable to even replace curiosity in your hand unless you've already gotten Ruhan to stick with an evasive aura, which seems like a lot of precarious setup for a relatively low payoff.

Now, obviously I have nothing against playing sub-par cards in order to match a desired power level, but I think curiosity is going to exacerbate the problems of feast-or-famine gameplay that you already outlined in your first post. The situation where you most need draw is when you're having trouble executing on your plan, and the situation where you least need draw is when you're already executing on said plan - and curiosity only does anything when you're already executing on the plan. And since your plan involves hitting people pretty hard with an unblockable commander, you're likely to receive a lot of pushback executing that plan, as compared to a plan that's less overtly aggressive. Of course you do have a lot of protection, as you should, but it means you're further stacking up more things that need to be going well in order for your draw engine to work. And even the phasing stuff can be a bit awkward with curiosity since it succeeds at protecting your commander but means that you miss out on the card draw, resulting in removal time-walking your value engine even when you have a good answer in hand.

So personally I would switch to a CA engine with a very low setup cost, to reduce the frequency of games where you end up locked out. Depending what you're going for, stuff like Rhystic Study would be a good choice (though obviously annoying), Whirlwind of Thought, Trouble in Pairs, Smuggler's Share, Curse of Verbosity, Patient Rebuilding, Kumena's Awakening, that sort of thing. Or maybe some strong instant single-shot draw like Dig Through Time, Sphinx's Revelation, etc - then you don't even need to go shields down to cast it.

@TheAmericanSpirit progress at what?
Last edited by DirkGently 3 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Phelddagrif - Kaervek - Golos - Zirilan

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PDH - Drake - Graverobber - Izzet GM - Tallowisp - Symbiote
Brawl - Feather - Ugin - Jace - Scarab - Angrath - Vraska - Kumena
Oathbreaker - Wrenn&6

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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 3 months ago

@DirkGently I think a major throughline on this forum has been the community learning how to interact with each other. I think at least part of the reason you're so well regarded as a debater here is that most people don't know how to properly interact with the wide frontal assault of arguments you tend to launch. Dunadain has simply tried something new in the field of honor and I dig it. And for all those whiners who say your debates are unproductive, this one has birthed actual substance so that too I consider progress.
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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
3 months ago
the decklist was provocatively put on the main page instead of decklists
Oh %$#%, I started posting this, then copy and pasted what I had written so far onto a word doc then came back and, it would appear, failed to post it in the correct page @benjameenbear or another mod, can you move this to the correct page? My bad.

Re re curiosity: I am running Rhystic study.
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by DirkGently » 3 months ago

Dunadain wrote:
3 months ago
Oh %$#%, I started posting this, then copy and pasted what I had written so far onto a word doc then came back and, it would appear, failed to post it in the correct page @benjameenbear or another mod, can you move this to the correct page? My bad.

Re re curiosity: I am running Rhystic study.
Haha, that's honestly really funny. When I saw this on the main page I rolled my eyes thinking "seriously? I figured someone would end up building Ruhan after me bashing it, but putting it on the main page feels unnecessarily combative" xD

I did miss Rhystic Study while postulating - still, I would personally cut all of the curiosities in favor of non-saboteur draw engines. I think Tome of Legends, despite being similar, was a reasonable choice since you can still get value while you're still setting up, playing relatively low-key and getting chump blocked, before going for the throat with unblockability (and potentially DS). Unfortunately I don't think there are very many other "when X creature attacks, draw a card" effects that aren't pretty overpriced though. Kindred Discovery technically qualifies but it seems pretty mid in this context.
Perm Decks
Phelddagrif - Kaervek - Golos - Zirilan

Flux Decks
Gollum - Lobelia - Minthara - Plargg2 - Solphim - Otharri - Graaz - Ratchet - Soundwave - Slicer - Gale - Rootha - Kagemaro - Blorpityblorpboop - Kayla - SliverQueen - Ivy - Falco - Gluntch - Charlatan/Wilson - Garth - Kros - Anthousa - Shigeki - Light-Paws - Lukka - Sefris - Ebondeath - Rokiric - Garth - Nixilis - Grist - Mavinda - Kumano - Nezahal - Mavinda - Plargg - Plargg - Extus - Plargg - Oracle - Kardur - Halvar - Tergrid - Egon - Cosima - Halana+Livio - Jeska+Falthis+Obosh - Yeva - Akiri+Zirda - Lady Sun - Nahiri - Korlash - Overlord+Zirda - Chisei - Athreos2 - Akim - Cazur+Ukkima - Otrimi - Otrimi - Kalamax - Ayli+Lurrus - Clamilton - Gonti - Heliod2 - Ayula - Thassa2 - Gallia - Purphoros2 - Rankle - Uro - Rayami - Gargos - Thrasios+Bruse - Pang - Sasaya - Wydwen - Feather - Rona - Toshiro - Sylvia+Khorvath - Geth - QMarchesa - Firesong - Athreos - Arixmethes - Isperia - Etali - Silas+Sidar - Saskia - Virtus+Gorm - Kynaios - Naban - Aryel - Mizzix - Kazuul - Tymna+Kraum - Sidar+Tymna - Ayli - Gwendlyn - Phelddagrif - Liliana - Kaervek - Phelddagrif - Mairsil - Scarab - Child - Phenax - Shirei - Thada - Depala - Circu - Kytheon - GrenzoHR - Phelddagrif - Reyhan+Kraum - Toshiro - Varolz - Nin - Ojutai - Tasigur - Zedruu - Uril - Edric - Wort - Zurgo - Nahiri - Grenzo - Kozilek - Yisan - Ink-Treader - Yisan - Brago - Sidisi - Toshiro - Alexi - Sygg - Brimaz - Sek'Kuar - Marchesa - Vish Kal - Iroas - Phelddagrif - Ephara - Derevi - Glissa - Wanderer - Saffi - Melek - Xiahou Dun - Lazav - Lin Sivvi - Zirilan - Glissa - Ashling1 - Angus - Arcum - Talrand - Chainer - Higure - Kumano - Scion - Teferi1 - Uyo - Sisters
PDH - Drake - Graverobber - Izzet GM - Tallowisp - Symbiote
Brawl - Feather - Ugin - Jace - Scarab - Angrath - Vraska - Kumena
Oathbreaker - Wrenn&6

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

In my defense, I practically never use the pages, mostly just check my notifications and the "recent posts."

I think you're right about the curiosity effects, bit I'm really trying to keep a low curve and avoid tapping out ever once ruhan is down. I'll have to see what else is available. I know Chart a Course is probably decent, but i'll need at least a few more.

I could also just go for instead speed stuff, but I feel like my play group has finally wisened up to the strength of instant speed interaction and will just snipe ruhan in response even if it's just for the short period between last opponent's end step and my untap step.

Edit: oh yeah, Tome of Legends isn't going anywhere, that card never fails to impress me in Voltron shells. It might be my favorite card draw spell in voltron decks.
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Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

I've been looking at alternative draw options and honestly, Divination clones really are the next best option. Which is pretty underwhelming, but Archmage's Charm and Flame of Anor are at least flexible, and I have decided to go the cantrip route in v2.0, so that should make card draw a little less important anyways. If I'm not drawing lands, it's like I'm drawing more cards.
Last edited by Dunadain 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 months ago

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Post by ilovesaprolings » 3 months ago

DirkGently wrote:
3 months ago
After having read the essay, I'm still just as baffled by why anyone would want to build him. It starts of seeming like it wants to explain the benefits of Ruhan, makes some valid criticism of voltron decks, goes on some long tangents, and then suddenly comes back with "you can just do random attacks without Ruhan" without really establishing why random attacks are desirable. The only explanation given seems to be early on, that voltron commanders might kill someone early and force them onto the sidelines, which random attacks make arguably less likely...but then the whole deck is dedicated to making Ruhan kill people quickly. Except that now it's happening by random chance - infinitely more likely to target the player who's gotten mana screwed, playing a weaker deck, or otherwise fallen behind - instead of targeting the player who is the most threatening and most capable of defending themselves. So based on your essay, it seems like Ruhan only exacerbates the problems you've laid out for voltron decks.
Talking from my experience, what makes Ruhan worthy is the surprise value.
You sit the whole game behind a unreliable voltron general that let you fly under the radar. A 11/7 commander is a threat, but a 11/7 Ruhan is not because there are high chance it will actually help your opponent and attack another player instead.
And then you slam in a surprise attack reselector and a double strike enabler and boom you are taking out the leading player.
That's the idea. It was kinda weak 8-9 years ago when i tried it, i guess it's even weaker now.
Sadly without trample or haste, Ruhan is just bad.

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

Alright, fine, I'll try again.

The idea here is to make a deck that plays the role of a cartoonish, mustache twirling villain. As @DirkGently pointed out, you can make a functional voltron deck out of just about any commander. I've lost multiple games to a Isamaru, Hound of Konda deck, and I think he's a pretty bad voltron commander. So I'm more concerned with picking a commander that plays that role than one that is "optimal."

I titled this deck "the iconic voltron deck" and that's what I'm going for, I want people playing against this to feel like they stepped back in time to 2011. Albeit with upgraded cards to keep up in modern magic

Ruhan is great because he's big and scary, but also comes with a huge drawback that makes playing against him feel much more fair, he comes in in the right colors (plus red for some reason, but it's pretty easy to fix in commander, so no big deal). Additionally, he's iconic, whether or not he was ever good, he is associated with early 2010s magic and was THE voltron commander. (or maybe Uril was, either one would work in terms of legacy).

Finally, we keep skipping over the fact that he's a 7/7 because, yeah, getting more power isn't exactly difficult. However, doing that does add variance. Sometimes you won't get any buffing cards, and sometimes you'll get so many that you quickly start one-shotting people. Both of which I'm trying to avoid with this deck. here, I can run a couple double-strike effects so that I have some gas pedal, but no matter what, I'm guaranteed to be three-shotting people, and no matter what, I can't do better than 2 hits to take someone out. the one exception to that rule being Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave and, to be honest, I'm seriously considering cutting that card.

That might not sound like a lot, and it isn't, like I said, I almost went with Danitha, New Benalia's Light. But on the flip side, like I said, the commander of your voltron deck really doesn't matter all that much. When we talk about superior options to Ruhan, I really think we are talking about a couple percentage points at most. Either the table can interact, or they can't that's pretty much the whole conversation of a voltron deck.

Ironically, I think the best comparison to another deck I can make is @DirkGently's Gollum, Scheming Guide's voltron deck. Gollum is a pretty terrible commander for a volron deck, but that doesn't really matter, and Dirk likes the additional minigame gollum's ability adds.

In comparison to gollum, Ruhan of the Fomori is a great voltron commander, AND I like the texture his drawback adds to the game.
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Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

v2.0 is up

I decided @DirkGently was right and cut the Curiosity effects. I still think they are cool and want to find a home for them, but this ain't it.

I went hard on the selection cantrips, running every 1 MV one besides brainstorm (I don't think brainstorm is that good with only 6 fetchlands) and, in a similar vein, replaced Raugrin Triome with Meticulous Archive as my t1 fetch target. All so that I could cut the number of lands down to 32 (gasp).

The deck is now VERY aggressively slanted, but in my playtesting, with aggressive mulliganing, it still functions consistently. The Meticulous Archive is really pulling its weight in that regard.

I'm kind of curious to see how far I can push this now. I believe the next step is to try to replace the mana rocks with some other form of ramp that's less terrible after turn 2. I could cut the rocks all together, but for a deck like this, the difference between t3 and t4 is very noticeable, not only does the game end a turn earlier, but the turn you tap out for Ruhan is one turn earlier, so the likelihood of him immediately eating interaction is significantly reduced. I really think the advantage is big enough to warrant putting the rocks in, even though they are awful past t2, but I wonder if I could replace them with something else. Stuff like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Dockside Extortionist. Maybe even stuff like Strike It Rich, Lotus Petal, and Pentad Prism. Sure they are one-use only, but we really don't need that much mana once Ruhan is down, and they immediately return their mana investment when Ruhan is down and we want to leave up interaction.

Also, a cute card is Gilded Pinions, ramps into a t3 Ruhan, then can give him evasion later.

Or maybe I'm lost in the sauce again, and the fact that the rocks make it more likely we'll eventually be able to recast Ruhan, should the unspeakable happen, is well worth late-game awkwardness. I mean, the whole point of the judicious cantrip suite was to draw rocks/lands for the first 3 turns of the game, then avoid drawing them for the rest of the game. Maybe I should just trust my cards to do their job.

Edit: oh yeah, also cut the Wasteland, Strip Mine, and Ghost Quarter. I'm still terrified of Maze of Ith, but colorless lands are sooooo bad when you running on 3-6 lands for the game.

Also cut both the board wipes, some one else can be responsible and run wipes, I'm here for efficiency babeeeee. Plus, I have 3 different fogs in Everybody Lives!, Galadriel's Dismissal, and Teferi's Protection, so I already have some, admittedly unconventional, ways to combat swarmy decks.
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Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by Dunadain » 3 months ago

Played 2 games and won them both.

The deck probably keels over and dies if your opponents remove Ruhan before you untap, but that has yet to happen.
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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