[MCD] Typed Land Packages

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

I saw someone use Map the Frontier to fetch Arid Archway yesterday and was inspired to start this thread. I feel like conventional wisdom is to focus on untapped lands and lots of fixing when building a manabase, but we have received some interesting land types over the years that allow for more interesting ramp options and extra utility. Has anyone tried these land packages? Which of them are worth consideration?

As of this writing, there are six land types with mechanical significance, plus one supertype: Cave, Desert, Gate, Locus, Sphere, Urza's, and Snow.

Caves Caves are the newest land subtype, which means they don't currently have much support. They do have some nice variety in effects, but I feel like this is more of a Draft-only theme.

Deserts Deserts received a bunch of strong new options in OTJ, plus some nice support cards. Fetchable duals are nice to have (especially if you care about the ping), plus you have a fetchable bounceland, grave hate, and a nice manland. There are now two commander options for dedicated Desert decks, but I could see them being played elsewhere.

Gates Gates are probably the land type with the most support - they've gotten cards from multiple Ravnica sets, plus the Baldur's Gate set. Nine-Fingers Keene is the only dedicated Gate commander, but you could conceivably run Maze's End in pretty much any 5C deck. There are a bunch of ways to tutor for Gates, which makes them relatively consistent.

Spheres and Loci Spheres are like the Phyrexian version of Locus cards. The only support card for both of them is Monument to Perfection. The main appeal of Loci is copying Cloudpost with Vesuva and similar cards to generate a bunch of mana. There aren't any real payoffs for Spheres, although I could see decks like Titania, Protector of Argoth being interested in the ability to cycle The Hunter Maze for value. Otherwise, you're likely looking to use The Mycosynth Gardens in an artifact deck.

Urza's There aren't any support cards for Urza lands, but they are capable of generating a bunch of mana. Similar to Cloudpost, an Urza-based strategy is likely to want to be running land-copying effects, or at least a bunch of tutors to fetch the missing lands.

Snow Snow is a supertype, and tends to be somewhat parasitic - many snow cards care about you having other snow cards. One benefit of a snow manabase is that it is pretty easy to swap out normal basics for snow-covered basics. Snow lands don't currently provide much utility, Blood on the Snow and other cards can reward you for having a snow manabase, and Dark Depths is an interesting fetchable win condition. Snow-Covered Wastes suggests that Modern Horizons 3 may have a snow theme, which means snow decks may be getting more support in the near future.

tl;dr: What land packages have people experimented with? Do any of them feel worth running instead of a more 'traditional' fixing-focused manabase?

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Post by gsgfdf » 1 month ago

I use snow in mono Black to support cards like Dead of Winter and Blood on the Snow. The art on the Modern Horizons Snow-Covered Swamp is awesome as well.

I used gates in 5c Shrines and it was really consistent. There is some cards that can make them enter untapped like Spelunking and Baldur's Gate is a nice added bonus.

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

gsgfdf wrote:
1 month ago
I use snow in mono Black to support cards like Dead of Winter and Blood on the Snow. The art on the Modern Horizons Snow-Covered Swamp is awesome as well.

I used gates in 5c Shrines and it was really consistent. There is some cards that can make them enter untapped like Spelunking and Baldur's Gate is a nice added bonus.
Good to hear! Those are the two packages I have either run or considered in the past for Tasigur. I'm currently running a snow manabase for exactly those two cards, and constantly contemplating whether I want to lean in more and run Into the North or other snow stuff. I briefly considered a gate package for that deck when the Baldur's Gate set came out, but I couldn't find my copy of Maze's End (and it spiked in price), so I canceled that plan. I may have to look into it again - fetchable budget Cabal Coffers sounds pretty sweet.

I think the other package currently in contention is Deserts, so I'm curious if anyone has run them. I've seen Hazezon, Shaper of Sand in action, and he seems like a strong payoff, but I'm not sure if I would currently run them outside that deck. I have considered Yuma, Proud Protector for Samut though, so could be interesting to run both.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 month ago

Nice reference thread for land types.

With Thunder Junction there are more desert matter cards that I'd add to notable support cards in Sand Scout and Cataclysmic Prospecting.
I can see running Sand Scout and Map the Frontier with Arid Archway, Scavenger Grounds, and the untapped deserts like Hashep Oasis, Shefet Dunes, etc as a decent package.
Arid Archway returning a land suits the Knight of the White Orchid, Loyal Warhound, etc type ramp.

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Post by Serenade » 1 month ago

I once cycled a Shefet Monitor to grab a Scavenger Grounds to blow up a few GYs. Expensive effect, but it worked at instant speed!

(This was a jokey Keruga, the Macrosage companion deck.)
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Post by capitacommunist » 1 month ago

darrenhabib wrote:
1 month ago
Nice reference thread for land types.

With Thunder Junction there are more desert matter cards that I'd add to notable support cards in Sand Scout and Cataclysmic Prospecting.
I can see running Sand Scout and Map the Frontier with Arid Archway, Scavenger Grounds, and the untapped deserts like Hashep Oasis, Shefet Dunes, etc as a decent package.
Arid Archway returning a land suits the Knight of the White Orchid, Loyal Warhound, etc type ramp.
Fully agree with your thoughts on Sand Scout. I'm actually trying out Sand Scout, Arid Archway, Scavenger Grounds, and Shefet Dunes in my Adeline deck for this reason. Having the bounceland fetchable works really well with the other white ramp cards, and when it doesn't fit into the curve I fetch Shefet Dunes or Scavenger Grounds instead.

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

Some more analysis for Deserts: In general, I feel like there are two approaches for desert-based decks. The first approach is to run a small suite of utility deserts and a few ways to fetch them up (usually green, but Sand Scout also works in white). Alternatively, you can run Yuma, Hazezon, and as many deserts as possible, likely as part of a broader lands-in-graveyard strategy. Dune Chanter seems amazing in the latter case, but still worth consideration in the former if you care about its other text. I wouldn't run it just on the off chance of improving the desert-fetching cards, but it seems reasonable if you're interested in the fixing or self-mill abilities.

...I'll need to do some additional analysis to see if I want to convert my Samut deck into a desert manabase. I'm currently running Alpine Meadow and a ton of other nonbasic plains mostly for Emeria, the Sky Ruin, but also for Knight of the Reliquary, Karametra, God of Harvests, and a few other cards. Ignoring any fixing / tempo / tapland considerations, there is a significant opportunity cost if I cut plains - swapping to desert-based fixing would be a slight downgrade for most of those and would likely mean I can no longer support Emeria. On the other hand, Yuma and Hazezon both seem pretty strong if I can properly support them, and the deserts could make Life from the Loam and my other land-based stuff better. Hmmm...

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Post by 3drinks » 1 month ago

I definitely have a desert package in Torbran, even picked up an ARN version of the original. Happy to see a desert typed Guildless Commons.

When you talk about snow, you gotta name Arcum's Astrolabe. In snow it's virtually free fixing, and it's an artifact so it can pitch to your other artifact synergies. Snow tends to thrive most in 3c decks as 1-2c will end up with too many basics sacrificing your utility options (typically Sultai - mystical teachings, into the north, dead of winter but there's a case to eschew B and add W for Bant to use Search for Glory).

...I've clearly put way, way too much thought into this.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

Desert does seem to be getting the most goodies lately, having some cards are are generally playable outside any other desert synergies. Land types like these have a tendency to get better over time, as the next set we see caves or gates in could print something that makes a previously mediocre card amazing. So if you see one of these cards that interests you, might be worth picking up on the off chance it becomes more useful later. I have not taken my own advice, but I am going to look for a few deserts that I like and snag them for later for this reason.

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Post by 3drinks » 1 month ago

3drinks wrote:
1 month ago
Snow tends to thrive most in 3c decks as 1-2c will end up with too many basics sacrificing your utility options (typically Sultai - mystical teachings, into the north, dead of winter but there's a case to eschew B and add W for Bant to use Search for Glory).
What I was thinking here. B and W are the primary snow colours, odd as it may be. There's certainly a case for Sultai here (I just happen to love me some mystical teachings) but the correct colour combo to get the most out of it is Abzan.

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

Snow analysis:

  • Of the utility snow lands, Dark Depths and Scrying Sheets are the clear standouts - a tutorable combo piece and an efficient draw engine (assuming you have topdeck manipulation or some other way to hit with the latter consistently)
  • Faceless Haven and Frostwalk Bastion are fine manlands, but unexciting
  • Mouth of Ronom is removal on a land.
  • The only other snow lands are basics and various tapped fixing lands. Rimewood Falls and friends do have basic land types though, so they're easy to fetch even without dedicated snow fetching.
I think the snow utility lands are okay, but I would say they are generally weaker than the Desert options - I don't think I would be willing to pay a premium to specifically to fetch up a snow land. The one exception is if I'm interested in running a Dark Depths package. There are only a few cards that fetch up snow lands though, and Into the North is perfectly playable as a cheap ramp spell with upside. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to enable a high snow land count via basics alone, which means converting to snow is a pretty low opportunity cost. If you want more snow lands, the typed duals are reasonable to slot in.

Support: In general, snow cards are parasitic - they reward you for playing as many snow cards as possible, and many of them require a threshold of 3+ snow permanents to fully function. If you are running any of those cards, you'll want to swap out all your basics at a minimum. There are some snow cards that don't care though, like Ohran Frostfang and Coldsteel Heart - their snow typing is effectively flavor text.

If you want to play a dedicated snow deck, Jorn and Isu are available as commanders. Beyond them, I think there are payoffs for snow in most colors. I would say Search for Glory, Blood on the Snow, and Dead of Winter are the strongest initial pulls into snow - they're strong cards in a vacuum. I don't think Search for Glory actually needs much further support though - you'll probably run a few snow lands and On Thin Ice to tutor up, but you don't need many other snow cards for it to function. The two board wipes clearly want as much snow support as possible though.

Otherwise, blue and green have the deepest card pool of snow cards. Not necessarily the highest card quality (although Ice-Fang Coatl is very good), but they provide enough raw card quantity if you want to run stuff like The Three Seasons and Glacial Revelation that needs a high snow card count. Red doesn't have much payoff for snow unless you really like Skred, although Glacial Crevasses is an interesting color break.

For reference, I'm currently running my Tasigur deck with a snow manabase - green ramp really turbocharges Dead of Winter into a fantastic board wipe. I've considered converting Teysa into snow, but I'm not sure if I would actually run the board wipes over what I currently have in the deck - Orzhov has a very deep card pool for board wipes.

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Post by Serenade » 1 month ago

Glacial Crevasses's mana-intensive brother is Sunstone. Given the lands-in-graveyards support we have gotten lately, I wonder if the latter holds some merit.
I always wanted to put both in a defensive Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs deck.
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Post by Treamayne » 1 month ago

Mookie wrote:
1 month ago
Colorless: Coldsteel Heart, Arcum's Astrolabe, Replicating Ring
You seem to have missed the most common Snow-support artifact - Extraplanar Lens . . .


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Post by DirkGently » 1 month ago

Treamayne wrote:
1 month ago
You seem to have missed the most common Snow-support artifact - Extraplanar Lens . . .
I'm so glad nobody plays that card anymore, so we can stop having conversations about whether it's optimal to run snow or non-snow or half-snow to exploit enemy lenses.

Now we know to play half snow for Field of the Dead. So much better!
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Post by 3drinks » 1 month ago

Treamayne wrote:
1 month ago
Mookie wrote:
1 month ago
Colorless: Coldsteel Heart, Arcum's Astrolabe, Replicating Ring
You seem to have missed the most common Snow-support artifact - Extraplanar Lens . . .
You don't need to play Lens anymore. I know that "it costs 3" but realistically no, it doesn't. You really have to play it as a 4 so you at least make mana off it that turn and more often than not you want it as a 5...which puts it in competition with Mirari's Wake albeit without the colour req. And going up the curve to compare this to other options the lens gets worse and worse when we look at Mana Reflection, Caged Sun, Zendikar Resurgent. Even Gauntlet of Power looks usually superior to the lens (or Gauntlet of Might if you're in r but most people aren't like me and got fortunate to grab one on the "cheap" {$48 isn't cheap, but is by comparison to it's NM rate} from TCGPlayer). All of these options don't even Stone Rain|2ed yourself like Lens does, and for the most part they don't lock you out of playing more utility non-basics.

Even as retro preferring as I am, Lens is a relic that just isn't worth the squeeze anymore for all the hoops it asks you to jump through.

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Post by Treamayne » 1 month ago

3drinks wrote:
1 month ago
Treamayne wrote:
1 month ago
Mookie wrote:
1 month ago
Colorless: Coldsteel Heart, Arcum's Astrolabe, Replicating Ring
You seem to have missed the most common Snow-support artifact - Extraplanar Lens . . .
You don't need to play Lens anymore. I know that "it costs 3" but realistically no, it doesn't. You really have to play it as a 4 so you at least make mana off it that turn and more often than not you want it as a 5...which puts it in competition with Mirari's Wake albeit without the colour req. And going up the curve to compare this to other options the lens gets worse and worse when we look at Mana Reflection, Caged Sun, Zendikar Resurgent. Even Gauntlet of Power looks usually superior to the lens (or Gauntlet of Might if you're in r but most people aren't like me and got fortunate to grab one on the "cheap" {$48 isn't cheap, but is by comparison to it's NM rate} from TCGPlayer). All of these options don't even Stone Rain|2ed yourself like Lens does, and for the most part they don't lock you out of playing more utility non-basics.

Even as retro preferring as I am, Lens is a relic that just isn't worth the squeeze anymore for all the hoops it asks you to jump through.
Understood, but that was not my point.

My point was that I would estimate that out of every time I have seen Snow Lands in the Wild in the last 5-6 years, I have seen Extraplanar lens in the deck at least 75% of the time (and that percentage was higher the further back you go).

And yes, a decade or more ago, I was totally the person on MTGO playing Snowlands in every deck because of the chance that somebody else would drop Lens expecting nobody else to benefit.


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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

Concurring with @3drinks. Extraplanar Lens used to be a 'payoff' for snow lands when it was used as an asymmetric ramp card for monocolor decks that otherwise lacked access to good ramp. These days, I think even nongreen decks have access to plenty of reasonable ramp options. Simultaneously, there are tons of sweet nonbasics competing with basics for card slots, which means you may end up with less Lens value. Cards like Emeria, the Sky Ruin, Cabal Coffers, and Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle also care about how many typed lands you have, which makes losing one to Lens a bit awkward. It's still a reasonable inclusion, but I wouldn't convert to a snow manabase just for it either.

...anecdotally, I've considered Lens for my Thada deck, but I'm concerned about actually having enough Islands to make it good. On the flip side, the deck is already extremely weak to Vandalblast effects, so I don't want to become even more vulnerable.

(I also have some concerns about recommending it as a snow payoff from a game theory perspective, since 'I expect my opponents to be too lazy to get snow basics' seems like a poor long-term strategy. The longterm equilibrium is for non-Lens decks to be half snow, half nonsnow, which makes your own choice irrelevant.)

Now, I may agree if you were to say 'Lens is good in monowhite to turn on Land Tax and other catch-up ramp'... but that's an entirely different topic. :P

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Post by 3drinks » 1 month ago

Mookie wrote:
1 month ago
I saw someone use Map the Frontier to fetch Arid Archway yesterday and was inspired to start this thread. I feel like conventional wisdom is to focus on untapped lands and lots of fixing when building a manabase, but we have received some interesting land types over the years that allow for more interesting ramp options and extra utility. Has anyone tried these land packages? Which of them are worth consideration?

As of this writing, there are six land types with mechanical significance, plus one supertype: Cave, Desert, Gate, Locus, Sphere, Urza's, and Snow.

Caves Caves are the newest land subtype, which means they don't currently have much support. They do have some nice variety in effects, but I feel like this is more of a Draft-only theme.

Deserts Deserts received a bunch of strong new options in OTJ, plus some nice support cards. Fetchable duals are nice to have (especially if you care about the ping), plus you have a fetchable bounceland, grave hate, and a nice manland. There are now two commander options for dedicated Desert decks, but I could see them being played elsewhere.
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Post by Artaud » 1 month ago

There are also Lairs but very few and unsupported yet.

Generally idea of lands having subtypes is very cool and I wish Wizards errate more of the old ones to have them. Like:
Caves: Cavern of Souls, Gemstone Caverns, Cryptic Caves
Lairs: Lair of the Hydra cycle from Forgotten Realms (generally Lair is a monster's hideout so some other man-lands could fit as well)

Anyway unless Commander's ability focus on specific land sub/supertype it's almost always better to run the "best of" than typed land package in terms of deck's power and consistency. I've tried using Snow and Desert packages in Azusa, Lost but Seeking (which plays up to 50 lands so there is space for experimenting) and always returned to mix and match of the most powerful ones. Building and playing a land-tribal is more fun though.

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Post by Cyax » 1 month ago

In Green decks that do not run Field of the Dead and runs a commander that functions as a payoff for ramp, I run just one or two Snow-Covered basics of each legal color for Into the North.

I also run Sand Scout with Arid Archway and Cactus Preserve in Bruna, the Fading Light, but I find most of the special land type synergy to be very underwhelming.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 month ago

Of note there is a new Blue/Green Commander leaked from Modern Horizons 3 that specifically gives you land types
Unofficial Spoiler Discussion
Note this a mock up because the photo reference is so bad

Lands that I can see being used are Baldur's Gate, Maze's End, Cloudpost, Urza's Workshop, Basilisk Gate.

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

Artaud wrote:
1 month ago
There are also Lairs but very few and unsupported yet.
Yeah, I excluded Lairs because there is currently no payoff to running them. I suppose I'll note that Mine, Power-Plant, and Tower are also land types, but those are only relevant for Urzatron.

...on that note, time for Gate analysis!

Lands: In general, Gates are focused on fixing. They're not great in a vacuum - most of them are commons focused on Limited play and enter tapped. However, Baldur's Gate is a strong payoff for going all-in on Gates. Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (or just a bunch of swamps) provides similar functionality, but Baldur's Gate has the two upsides of both being fetchable and much more friendly towards multicolor decks. You'll generally want to be running at least three colors if you want full value. There are currently 22 Gates available in paper - you'll need a 5C deck if you want to run all of them, but you can still run either 12 or 13 of them if you're in a 3-color deck.

Support Overall, I would say there are two main appeals for Gates: Maze's End and Baldur's Gate. The former is a self-contained win condition that is pretty easy to pull off with all the dedicated Gate fetching and other nonbasic ramp. The latter offers a second payoff for playing a bunch of Gates, and is itself fetchable. Both of these point towards the direction of playing as many Gates as possible - again, you'll want to be running more colors for more Gate access, although you'll probably be base green for all the ramp spells. The ramp spells are generally a little weaker than what I would generally consider playable, but they may be worth it if I valued fetching a Gate over a basic. Beyond these, there are a number of support cards - I don't know if I would run Gates specifically for them, but they're reasonable inclusions if you are already running a Gate-based manabase. I'm not sure if I would run them in a 3C, 13-Gate manabase, but they're much more attractive if you're running the full 22.

I'm currently running Tasigur with a snow manabase, but I could see myself considering Gates instead if we got a bit more support - they're a fun option for budget fixing. I suppose it's theoretically possible to run both - all the fixing lands would be Gates, and all the basics would be Snow - but that would leave very few slots for utility lands or other fixing, plus there would be tension if I wanted to cut Cultivate or other ramp spells for Gate fetching.

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Post by Mookie » 1 month ago

MH3 previews (and/or leaks) have started, and these is a 'nonbasic land type matters' theme in one of the precons, plus various cards in the main set.
  • Urza's Cave is another Urza land... but more interestingly, it's a powerful new Cave. Fetching it with Cosmium Confluence and using it to fetch another land is certainly slow, but it also does very silly things with Crucible of Worlds or other recursion.
  • Planar Nexus has Nearby Planet's 'rangeling' ability, minus the basic land types. Not great on its own, but nice if you want to build around one of the less-supported land types and need another card.
  • March from Velis Vel is an explicit payoff for playing a bunch of typed lands, letting you turn all of them into something else for a turn. It's a bit like Mirrorweave or Infinite Reflection, but it is less reliant on board presence due to it affecting your lands instead.

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Post by Mookie » 4 days ago

I'm a bit sad that Snow-Covered Wastes were a trap and there isn't actually any support for snow in MH3. That said, the Omo, Queen of Vesuva precon has certainly brought some strong support for nonbasic land types.
  • Wonderscape Sage is an explicit payoff for playing nonbasics, drawing a card every turn at the cost of bouncing a land to hand.
  • Trenchpost is a new Locus. Not that exciting even if you do have multiple loci, but it may have implications in other formats - 12-Post is already a deck.
  • Talon Gates of Madara is a nifty new Gate. It can ramp itself into play from hand and serve as a combat trick, which is very weird.
  • Sunken Palace is a new Cave. Exiling seven cards from your graveyard is a pretty hefty cost, but it's otherwise cheap to activate and the only opportunity cost is playing a tapped land.
  • Sage of the Maze is effectively a mana doubler for Gates, and it can also turn your lands into massive beaters if you have a bunch of them. Seems like a strong Gate payoff.
  • Lazotep Quarry is a Desert High Market. It also lets you turn excess deserts (or itself) into 4/4 copies of creatures in your graveyard, which is neat.
  • Desert Warfare is an absurd Desert payoff, letting you recur as many as you can dump into your graveyard every turn. Scapeshift, Aggressive Mining, Sylvan Safekeeper... and we recently got Dune Chanter too to make all of your lands into Deserts. It's not quite Fastbond + Crucible of Worlds, but it does a decent impression... and that's before considering the 'make a bunch of tokens every turn' clause. There's a person in my meta with a Hazezon, Shaper of Sand deck, and I could see this easily generating 15+ tokens per turn (plus a bunch of landfall triggers).
  • ...and I guess Copy Land rounds out the new cards by offering an extra copy of any land you want.
I'm seriously tempted to convert my Samut deck into Deserts, but Gates have also gotten some nice new support. If you weren't already considering a typed manabase, I'll strongly recommend considering it. I could see my Thada deck running the Urza lands, Wonderscape Sage, and Sunken Palace, for example. On the flip side, Winter Moon and Harbinger of the Seas are interesting new options to fight back against nonbasics.

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