Meeple: The Gathering, feat. Rukarumel

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 9 months ago

In board games, it's pretty common to have a limit on the number of actions that you can do. In Carcassonne, a popular tile placement game that has you constructing a medieval town and its surroundings, this takes the form of little wooden humanoid figurines that you can place on the growing board to denote your control of a feature. Once the scenery develops and the feature is completed, the figurine has served its purpose and returns to your pool for further use. The pieces were affectionately dubbed "meeple" by the player base within months of Carcassonne's release, and the term has spread to other relevant games.

Back in 2018/2019, I had an ill-fated Kumena deck, which perished due to my inability to nerf it enough. The deck left me with a Trop I jumped the gun on, as well as an appreciation of tapping creatures into activated abilities. Random cheap crappy merfolk were a finite resource, like the meeple. I liked the concept, and once I hit a dry spell of EDH deck construction in 2022-2023 I decided to revisit the idea. I always build my decks from the commander down, what if I consciously tried exploring a theme in the 99 rather than waiting for a legend to tickle my fancy and then hold up in brewing?

The general constituents of the deck were obvious from the get-go:
  • Activated abilities that tap creatures
  • Creatures that respond well to being tapped
  • Untap shenanigans (but no Intruder Alarm)
However, it pretty quickly became obvious that the pool of activated abilities that did not care about what creatures were tapped into them is quite narrow. Kumena turned out to be quite representative of the more interesting tap sinks, as they usually require creatures of a certain type. This provided a good commander candidate - Rukarumel, Biologist is able to staple a desired type onto all non-token creatures you control, suddenly unlocking the specialised abilities. While not as potent as Maskwood Nexus, this is about as relevant as the command zone will get here.

Since Rukarumel only adds the type to non-token bodies, the list became very creature-heavy. There is some token generation, as the more meeple the merrier and there will typically be something for them to do, but the card draw abilities are type-locked and appreciate various crappy non-token bodies that can serve as fodder. The meeple can accomplish other standard deck functionality as well - ramp, interaction. The card pool turned out quite shallow once particularly unpleasant abilities were weeded out, and convoke came to the rescue. Some choice convoke spells allow the creatures to serve a purpose by tapping into them. Neat!


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The list is still in its early days, and currently my main concern is how will this actually win games. I've gotten five rounds in against various configurations of my playgroup, and in four of those I drew Halo Fountain and won off that. But other than that, things are looking a little sketchy. I guess some of the cards offer ways to deploy some pump, mostly in a Rukarumel-dependent manner, but the tokens don't get as swole or as evasive as I'm accustomed to. Anybody got anything? Or cool tech I missed elsewhere? I'm quite excited by this deck and am hopeful it will translate to paper, but for now need to iron some stuff out.
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07.09.2023 Changes
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Last edited by Rumpy5897 2 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by PrimevalCommander » 9 months ago

What is "Meeple"? I can probably guess via context, but what is the term meant to describe here?

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Post by Dunadain » 9 months ago

This post reads like a fever dream, XD, my best guess is the plan is to play a bunch of stuff that likes being tapped, a couple tribal lords that tap creatures, and you commander let's you tap all of your creatures for the lords?
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

Important decks: Ebondeath, Dracolich, Emiel, The Blessed, Phelddagriff
Other: Ruhan, Zask, Kellan, Liesa, Galadriel, Orca, Sauron, Thantis, Rukarumel, Sisay, Stickfingers, Safana, Thantis, Dihada

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 9 months ago

While I'd like to think that most of the incoherence stems from me taking the term "meeple" for granted, I figured I shouldn't chance it and rewrote the deck blurb just in case. Sorry :P

I've been doing goldfishes and got some 1v1s in, and the deck sometimes performs. Landing a good ramp outlet and/or a draw ability with a solid untapper tends to be quite important, but even then the deck kind of feels like it's spinning its wheels as it clogs the board with tiny bodies that don't really do anything. I'm getting Raff flashbacks, but I think it will be easier to try to actually make the bodies relevant here. Some cards, like Kumena and The Archimandrite, come with baked in ways to grow the board. This is probably not quite enough to bring it home, but maybe I can add some more stuff and see how it goes?

07.09.2023 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

The cuts are two of the one-drop changelings, which just are not super exciting, and two of the more niche activated abilities. In goes Awakening, which I somehow missed. Patrol Signaler has been weirdly good, especially when linked up with a tap-for-mana ability. Duergar Mine-Captain is a way to add some extra oomph to a swing, but I'm a bit leery of the fact he costs three and doesn't do a ton otherwise. Combine with Magda and a mana ability for literal deathtouch on swingers. Puresight Merrow is cheaper to both play and activate, so he should sequence better. The ability to control the topdeck should be nice in practice too, combine with a mana ability to get whatever you want (albeit exiling everything along the way). Harbin, Vanguard Aviator I'm the least convinced by, but I need to connect somehow and this is a cheap source of evasion that leans into the soldier spam from the tokens.

The list feels quite clunky when handled sometimes, and it's probably a mix of modularity, curve, and general lack of card quality. I had to mix in convoke to get this to a 99 that I felt was presentable. There are still shenanigans to be figured out, e.g. in a goldfish I got myself a hypothetical turn seven win on the back of Mistmeadow Vanisher repeatedly blinking Prosperous Partnership, creating a crazy wide for Siege Zombie to convert. Would be nice if there were options for that sort of wide utilisation, pretty much the only other one I'm aware of is Kyren Negotiations, and that's a clunky four mana. Maybe I need to get more smoothing via earlier ramp and draw. Think I can assess this sort of smoothness via goldfishes at least.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 8 months ago

De-clunk attempts continue!

Mothdust Changeling is superior to Universal Automaton here as the deck is primary in blue, and Mothdust comes with a tap sink. A meaningless one, but a tap sink nevertheless.

Neither of the two attempts at finishers introduced in the last update really gelled in a game scenario. One was a two-drop meeple that did nothing, the other was a three-drop meeple that technically came with a two-mana untap, but three-mana meeple need to be really, really exciting to survive - Samite Herbalist went in but Moonfolk Puzzlemaker fell out before the list even hit Nexus. Duergar Mine-Captain kind of felt like a combo piece, and I tend to prefer my combos to organically arise from stuff that's good in the 99 on its own. My creature base is not black-heavy, so the presumed card selection plus removal convoke spells didn't get quite as much value as I was hoping for. Lethal Scheme with its BB in the cost turned out to be a particular bummer in practice. This means Catapult Master is more likely to stay in the 99 as there's less removal in general. Conspiracy is the least good of the mass typers on paper, and in practice the card would not get deployed often as Rukarumel comes out on 5 too and can make some chumps later. I need to slim the deck a bit and the card hasn't been as much of a slam-dunk as one would expect.

The replacements include new wincon Kyren Negotiations, bits of early ramp in Birds of Paradise and Nature's Lore, and protective counterspell/2CMC tutor Muddle the Mixture. 2CMC is very stacked in the deck, there's Cryptolith Rite, Quest for Renewal, a lot of choice meeple, Aura of Dominion (one of the dumbest cards in the deck when linked up with a capable meeple) and even technically a win condition in Siege Zombie. I wonder how much ramp is correct, as I'm not exactly rushing to Rukarumel or anything, and the various higher cost cards appreciate coming down on a developed board. But what if I have nothing that interesting to develop it with? Is there some reasonable draw I could be running that would come online earlier in the game?

With the recent black cuts and green includes, the deck moved to U primary, WG secondary. The mana base has been adjusted to compensate, and I slotted in an extra land as 35 felt a little light. Gavony Township got cut as the ability is ultimately not going to win me the game, yet the colourless got in the way multiple times as I got a reasonable early setup and wanted to Rukarumel on curve. Instead I get to have an untapped fetchable red source now.

There were some cool/interesting situations that arose in both test games and goldfishes:
  • I think I might be underestimating the power of Magda. In one goldfish I linked her up with a soldier-happy setup and radiated types across the board with Mirror Entity. Three dudes tapped into Skystrike Officer, making three treasures, of which two would be used to untap Patrol Signaler to make another new dude. Boom! Kind of funny to be acknowledging this just as I'm cutting Conspiracy.
  • One of the test games had a slow start, Puresight Merrow and Scaretiller were joined by an on-curve Rukarumel naming birds, totally not telegraphing a turn six Crookclaw Elder. The only bit of ramp I managed to get going was an errant fetch recurred via Scaretiller, but by turn seven things were finally starting to click into place - I landed King Macar, the Gold-Cursed and Awakening. I'd suddenly start land-ramping by one in everyone's turn, using the Puresight aggressively to greatly increase the number of Crookclaw draw activations, slightly controlling the board with King Macar... alas, it wasn't to be, as the deck ate its first proper wipe imminently thereafter. I managed to draw enough cards to offer up a replacement merfolk-based setup when I untapped, but the wipe was asymmetrical so I just died instead. Still, reasonable rebuild!
  • Kyren Negotiations had a very nice debut in the game after that one. I swarmed the board a little early via Selesnya Evangel and Samite Herbalist, and luckily topdecked lands to get to an on-curve Inga and Esika. This led to the swarm cantripping out Stonybrook Schoolmaster, and on turn five I powered out both Azami and a complementary Rukarumel on wizards. Azami is the best dig, so unsurprisingly I found both Cryptolith Rite and an untapper by the time the next turn was up. I needed the Rite to start using the creatures for mana that can be sunk into swarm abilities, and I prioritised that as I was still able to draw plenty from summoning sick scraps on the side. Negotiations came down on a board nearly 20 wide with untap powers, and cleaned up the pod by turn 8.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 8 months ago

Hey wait, isn't this a creature deck?

12.09.2023 Changes
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The ramp was operational but unexciting. Sticking in the creme de la creme of mana dorks as they can also be meeple, plus I don't actually have a deck running them. I tried out the one-drops that make a single colour of non-green mana (e.g. Avacyn's Pilgrim), operating under the assumption that since I made the green to cast the dork I'd be better off having the dork making something else, but found them somewhat clunky/unexciting in practice. Bloom Tender works quite well, most of the time setting up a WUG tap before Rukarumel comes out and things get silly. The two retained rocks (Relic of Legends and Springleaf Drum) offer tap sinks. Maybe I should put in Paradise Mantle?

I've been goldfishing the deck aggressively to try to judge the various clunk/modularity in practice. I'm starting to think that the correct direction to take the deck is to dial back the higher cost cards and go deep on cheap meeple with minor upside. Mothdust Changeling has been fantastic, so maybe the other one-drop changeling glue would work too? Puresight Merrow has been fantastic, so Pili-Pala could contribute a similar untap rate? This is akin to the direction the Kumena deck was drifting toward at the time of its demise. Another avenue for streamlining could be the mana base, I've got a whole bunch of triomes. I can typically navigate them reasonably well via smart fetch use, but maybe it would be better to dial them back in the interest of better pacing on the whole? I remain quite win condition light, and I've got two in orbit - Epic Struggle is Halo Fountain at home and I like it for that, meanwhile Liliana's Contract is some prime type-granting cheese.

Some variably cool goldfish states:
  • Magda had another neat outing, which saw me drop an early Arcane Adaptation on Dwarf with an untapper present and stack a mountain of treasure via Larder Zombie. I haven't felt Conspiracy's absence yet though, as typically I have the reverse problem - no real need to propagate a creature type with Rukarumel or otherwise. On a related note, never ever drop in Rukarumel blind. I cast her without a draw sink in orbit, named Soldier, and promptly topdecked Kumena.
  • The World Tree is a silly card, not only does it offer low opportunity cost fixing, in one game I was weirdly rampy and had little else going on. As such, I deployed Rukarumel on God and actually activated the ability! Suddenly I found myself with 40 creatures on the field, which led to an immediate winning line:
    • Hoarding Broodlord locates Halo Fountain
    • Magda gets tapped into some ability, a Treasure falls out, Mirror Entity is activated
    • Halo Fountain comes out, the creatures are tapped into whatever, a mountain of Treasure and tapped creatures are around to win
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 8 months ago

I floated the list and my recent musings by Ebline, who encouraged both the curve trimming and triome removal. I floated the list and my recent musings by pokken, who reminded me Song of Freyalise exists. Onward!

The mana base swaps see me get rid of the triomes, and use the opened up slots for {R/W} and {R/G} duals plus three shocks matching the Bant core. At this point the only absent dual is {B/R} as those are my least used colours. The decrease in tapped lands has made operations smoother, going along well with the curve trimming.

Catapult Master is the perfect storm of expensive to cast and activate along with unpleasant to play against. I used the ability all of once, in a game where I still got rolled over. It's only going to accomplish anything in winmore scenarios, and I can't see myself burning a Rukarumel on Soldier for this. Along similar grounds, Nullmage Shepherd costs a bunch to get out and is likely to sit around unused. The ability is less prohibitive to activate, but would likely get miserable quickly if I chose to make proper use of it. Relic of Legends is a piece of ramp that costs three and isn't quite as slam dunk as Wand of the Worldsoul. There are about ten legends in the 99, but a lot of them are near the pricier side, so this is not likely to have a crazy impact in early sequencing. Meanwhile early sequencing is important and actively pursued, the board wants to populate quickly with meeple and something to do with them. Scaretiller is super cute if the stars align for him, but he costs a lot and is quite slow. He's more at home in Keskit+Toggo, in no small part because of Unwinding Clock shenanigans. I could never get excited by Surgespanner, the deployment cost coupled with the need for extra mana for the bounce just didn't gel well in sequencing. I think I played him all of once and bounced my Fallowsage to draw extra cards in a weird, flooded out game state without anything else going on. Transcendent Message is a very efficient refuel, but a one-shot one that only comes online at a time when I'm all set up. Me cutting this card on those grounds may sound ridiculous given the game enders I run in Daxos, but there the game enders end the game. Here I just draw some number and hope for the best, and often don't even land what I'm after. It may come back, it is in line with the deck's convoke sub-theme and is pretty good when the stars align.

Changeling Outcast and Universal Automaton are the forecast one-drop Changeling glue. It may not seem that exciting, but it works. Sometimes Magda appears. Sometimes a more efficient draw sink appears once Rukarumel is committed and they allow squeaking in a couple extra cards. Even a fail case of a one-drop body is honestly pretty decent. The similarly forecast Pili-Pala has predictably not reached the same heights as Puresight Merrow, but still offers some degree of flexibility in the untap. Pain Seer, henceforth known as Terribob, got skipped from the list for inexplicable reasons at the time of construction. I guess I felt I have enough draw and didn't want to risk the Bob whammy? Given the fact I would actually appreciate more card advantage, particularly some that comes online early, this is a good fit and I've been happy to see it in games. Paradise Mantle is unexciting but rather operational. Stick it on a random token that fell out of somewhere and won't get Rukarumel typed, congratulations on the extra mana dork. Move it around the entire tappable board to tap it for profit. Stick it on a self-untap guy for similar value/combo applications as Cryptolith Rite would grant. Song of Freyalise is a great catch on pokken's end, two turns of Cryptolith Rite may not be quite as awesome as full-time access but it's something! I tend to disregard sagas in deck construction, similar to planeswalkers. I think this is the first one that I'll actually have in paper? Oh yeah, the deck's odds of papering out are pretty good, it plays very fun and the group doesn't seem to mind it. Plus it's honestly nice to have a deck that doesn't crutch on the commander. Previously my most commander-independent deck was Saryth, and there the commander offers a plethora of various things that have synergies across the 99. Here Rukarumel pretty much just enables draw abilities, and this is handled better by a handful of cards in the 99 anyway.

Some more high-cost stuff is on the watchlist. King Macar, the Gold-Cursed is powerful, but offers a similar mix of slow, expensive and unpleasant as what got a few other cards offed. Link him up with Aura of Dominion and nobody else has creatures, which is a bit strong for this deck. Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor offers a very nice degree of sifting, but somehow just doesn't feel that exciting. It's like a stop-gap before the actual draw hits, which may be me approaching this card wrong - after all, pure girth off of Transcendent Message wasn't enough to keep that in. I may need to try to use the ability more to get what I actually want before committing multiple meeple to a draw. Speaking of that actually, The Archimandrite is the least exciting of the card abilities as it costs three meeple to draw and five mana to deploy. There is technically pump if things get going, which might help with pressuring the most pressure-worthy opponents. Again, maybe I need to actually try to make use of what the card offers rather than just taking what I am expecting. I'm ambivalent about Torens, Fist of the Angels. I'm always happy to cast him and gunk up the board with extra chumps, but he does cost three for this benefit. I had Inga and Esika on the list, as it feels like the worst of the Cryptolith Rite variants, but I then actually drew them in a game again after a while and they did serious work. The deck is quite creature heavy, so the limitation is not even that much of a limitation, and being able to get some extra cantrips in is good. The reduced curve is a double-edged sword - on one hand more meeple to produce mana, on the other fewer meeple that will cantrip once cast. Arbiter of the Ideal is slow and expensive, but I freaking adore that card and sticking Aura of Dominion on it feels amazing. In terms of things I'm considering, there are cheap swarm options, which all have their drawbacks. Bitterblossom is the worst permanent type for the deck, Loyal Apprentice doesn't gel well with a five-drop commander that is not even guaranteed to come out on curve, and Flamewright is a strange Selesnya Evangel side-grade. I'm out of Changeling glue at one, but is Unsettled Mariner worth a slot? Maybe I could add a little ETB utility, as it will leave behind meeple that can tap into things? Have them bring a little interaction to make up for the fact I just offed most of mine? The Recruiters would be really nice here on similar grounds.

As has become tradition, gameplay observations at the end. As has become tradition, more understanding of Magda's pure bustedness in the shell, this time I think all the way to the end. Namely there's an activated ability on there, which I kind of blanked on apparently :P I had a goldfish where I chorded her into an early Prosperous Partnership and made my way to five treasures, which promptly became Maskwood Nexus. Suddenly the world became my oyster, but a gentle fuel nudge for Puresight Merrow found Muddle the Mixture and I didn't get to explore the oyster too much. Turn that to Rite, and spin the merfolk forever to make an infinite treasure mountain. At that point the win became a similar formality to that World Tree dump from earlier. I can totally see Rukarumel on Dwarf, especially if there's a tap vector to get some cheese going. I'm also starting to appreciate Mistmeadow Vanisher, with the flicker being useful both defensively and for various value or shenanigans. For example, I've kept a Song of Freyalise in Rite mode with this when I needed to. Cute!
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 8 months ago

I floated the list by the loosely affiliated Discord, where it turned out that Wildfire and Morgane have related decks. Both have certain elements that I'm interested in exploring, for now I'm taking one piece of cool tech on board that's shared between the lists and was vouched for by both of them.

26.09.2023 Change
Approximate Total Cost:

I think I disregarded the rummage meeple when building the deck via a combination of them costing three and my bad experience with rummaging in Feather. However, this is not Feather - that deck often enters the mid game with a very chiselled hand consisting entirely of a curated selection of instants, and scrying is less disruptive there. I remember goldfishing Academic Dispute and being surprised at its underperformance. Meanwhile I gave the rummage meeple a shot here and I tend to have some level of junk in hand to kickstart the process. I'm going with just Hangar Scrounger for now - I've got five colours to work with, granting me access to things like Pain Seer that neither of the two related decks have. The fact it backs the rummage up is kinda cool too, can double dip the turn this lands if the stars align. Heck, it might even turn out to be a dig piece in some ragtag combo involving {Q} meeple and a Cryptolith Rite variant. I've still been quite happy to draw Scrounger late in goldfishes, even if I already had other draw going, I can see Reckless Racer joining the fray.

Taking out Tradewind Rider due to the classic slow and expensive reasoning. Plus repeatable low-volume bounce sits in the perfect spot where it's annoying but also not super effective. The worst of all worlds really. I nearly took out The Archimandrite for Reckless Racer, as five mana is just not a great rate for a three-body draw. Unfortunately there are only so many draw abilities, so I'm stuck with what I can get. I was genuinely happy to encounter The Archimandrite in a game where I had no other draw available. I also wanted to nab Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist from Morgane's list, but met with pushback from the group. Torens got a reprieve as both Cryptolith Rite variants and actual game-winners care about pure girth, and he's pretty good at delivering that.

The Magda explorations reached a natural conclusion as I hit some turn four wins in goldfishes (Q meeple were involved). A particularly nice combination of Mistmeadow Vanisher and Prosperous Partnership led to a Magda-less turn five win (albeit one that still crutched on Halo Fountain). I also saw the deck in a few more actual games, and saw the effects the various goldfish-based smoothing had on performance. A Volo, Guide to Monsters deck that absolutely obliterated this list early on in its life just barely squeaked out a win. I got my Crookclaw Elder whacked, which left a useless Bird Rukarumel around. It was a bit of a bummer, but I'm not sure what I can do on a construction axis to play around this that won't just be clunky/useless otherwise. In another game I got wiped, but was able to rebuild extremely quickly and won. The deck might have gotten even a touch too greased up. Good thing I didn't succumb to the temptation of shoving in Demonic Tutor and the like in the interest of smoothing!
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 months ago

One eternity later, the deck finally transitioned to paper. The bulk of the missing cards were obtained from my go-to portuguese vendor, and the package took a month-long holiday in UK customs before bouncing due to a purported lack of forms - which it actually did not need as it was a few grams under the limit. All's well that ends well, the shipment got rerouted to Poland and I picked it up while visiting my parents for Christmas. In the meantime the deck saw some play online, and it performed a bit too consistently despite never even truly showing its colours. Time to whack it a little! Also one of LCI's archetypes was literally this deck, so it seemed like a veritable goldmine of includes. More on that shortly.

The cuts all have a very high ceiling. Magda, Brazen Outlaw was the hero of a good number of recent posts, and getting her online is how the deck does its biggest dumbs. She very rarely showed up in online games, yet the deck was still too dominant. I cannot see a version where she's okay to keep within the group, so ripping the band-aid off early before I get a taste of her power in paper. Muddle the Mixture does a little bit too much - it can tutor a lot of relevant pieces or act as protection. Opposition is a card my group hated when it was in Kumena, and while I don't expect it to be hideous here I never really enjoyed drawing it and very rarely, if ever, cast it. It pretty much just served as transmute fodder for Disciple of Deceit. The remaining cards have lower floors. King Macar, the Gold-Cursed is quite slow and clunky as a removal engine, unless linked up with Aura of Dominion, in which case opponents stop having creatures. Paradise Mantle is agonisingly slow and pretty much only does anything relevant when linked up with a {Q} meeple, feeling like a combo piece. It was quite nice to have it on tap as part of Magda artifact tutoring, but that's the embodiment of what I'm trying to not do anymore. Pili-Pala seemed like a nice include based on the success of the other {Q} meeple, but the fact its {Q} ability did little in practice made it quite boring. It was sometimes nice to get some extra tap fodder for abilities but it just didn't feel that exciting in practice.

The bulk of the new stuff is from LCI, a set that is very strategically designed. I do agree that in a vacuum limiting stuff like Sunshot Militia and Warden of the Inner Sky to sorcery speed makes them more strategic in a limited setting, but the limitation completely sucked the life out of the cards within the context of this deck. A large part of the point is to be able to sink into these abilities in others' turns repeatedly, dammit! I almost didn't include them, but both abilities are ultimately pretty decent and come on cheap bodies. Plus hey, getting a fat Warden grants me some extra board presence, so that's not bad either. Attentive Sunscribe and Volatile Wanderglyph are very nice two drop guys with filtering tacked on. The Wanderglyph is the first two-drop rummager, and seeing how I was previously toying with the idea of adding an extra three-drop rummager the include is obvious. Kiora's Follower is a versatile way to double up on nice tap effects, or just act as ramp if nothing comes together. Royal Assassin is a spiritual successor to King Macar that may be less obviously on theme, but will bring better gameplay. I'm open to adding more bespoke tap abilities on guys as an expansion of the dork suite.

I've got a Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist chilling in the spare pile, waiting to go in if I notice the deck getting overwhelmed in combat. The group is opposed on principle so I'll spare them if I can. I don't think that Sunshot Militia will magically solve my relatively sparse win con problem, so I'll keep my eye open for any other ones that may work. I already mentioned Epic Struggle and Liliana's Contract. I could do Craterhoof Behemoth for some prime cheese. I'm liking Struggle the most of these, we'll see how we do. The trick is to hit enough density of this sort of stuff so that it starts happening organically in draws and you don't have to dig for them. My Keskit + Toggo deck eventually hit enough Zulaports and wins can be threatened without going out of your way. Guess we'll see what the magic number is here. I'm also considering going into flickers - I could then have some ETB interaction, and untap my various meeple in the process. Brago, King Eternal comes to mind as an ultimate power player in the category. Possibilities!
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 months ago

Couple quick swaps.

20.03.2024 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

As the deck became more and more streamlined, Arbiter of the Ideal drifted toward overcosted and not worth it. Pretty much only sparks joy when twiddled into oblivion via Aura of Dominion, otherwise feels sad or stays in hand. Similarly, Wand of the Worldsoul is cute, but nowhere near as efficient as competing options and bespoke dorks, and its floor of a tapped three drop rock is kind of ridiculous. Craterhoof Behemoth has been mentioned as a putative win con, I happen to have one, let's stick it in and see how we do. Seeing how the deck tends to ramp via creatures, it will probably slow Hoof deployment a little bit, which is a good thing. Well Rested got itself printed in Fallout and is a lovely way to add a Pain Seer to a dude, minus the pain and twiddling fun.
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