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Post by Dunadain » 1 year ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Dunadain wrote:
1 year ago
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
With all due respect to the humble origins of pizza, the big "pizza" chains are fast food and imho fast food isn't really even food. Pizza, even in its lowest form, is food, therefore Pizza Hut et al is not pizza.
Yeah, you're gonna have to define your terms for me, pizza hut (or any fast food) provides calories and some (dubious) nutritional value. That makes it food in my eyes, lol.

Heck, you'll probably need to define when a restaurant is a chain in your eyes. There was a local pizzeria in my hometown that did quite well for itself, so they opened two new locations, and while I no longer live in that area, last I heard all three locations were doing very well. Are they a chain now? what if they've grown since I've last seen them to 4 locations? 5? 6? 10?
I disagree wholeheartedly. Fast food technically fulfills the role of edible but is often so nutrionally bankrupt that they contribute to food deserts. Imho, you are what you eat.
I think we missed each other here, you've reaffirmed that you don't think pizza is food, and I think you hinted you define food by its nutritional value, but I don't want to take that for granted, so again, you're going to have to give me an actual definition of what "food" means and then convince me your definition is a good definition.
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
As for chains, I think semi-local chains are fine. I think multinational corporations peddling pink slime and causing all sorts of pollution shipping their crappy psuedo-foods in pre-prepped plastic packaging on massive refrigerator trucks all over the place is not good for anyone.
So is your definition of "fake food chains" chains that are multinational? I'm going to assume the pink slime was tongue and cheek.
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Dunadain wrote:
1 year ago
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Real pizza comes from pizzerias lining streets all over the world, prepared by people with a passion for the product and made from way fewer ingredients that got extruded by some massive machine and then flash frozen for your "convenience".
The modern health trends of obsessing over the number of ingredients or whether or not the food is frozen has no real science behind it. I could give you a glass of high fructose corn syrup and it would have much less nutritional value then your average "real" pizza, but it only has one ingredient.

Freezing also has no affect on the nutritional value of the food (in most cases, obviously, poorly kept food could spoil and become a health hazard). Now, food that is frozen IS the kind of food that's not meant to be eaten immediately, food which isn't meant to be eaten immediately, in turn, often has higher levels of sodium to help it last longer. So there is a correlation between frozen food and high sodium levels. but correlation =/= causation.

Heck the entire "fast food = bad" mindset, particularly in America is overblown and lacks nuance. I blame the Supersize Me documentary, (a guy ate McDonalds everyday for a long time, became fat and made a documentary about it, it's a good watch, but it's important to realize it's not a scientific study, and the extreme transformation shown in the documentary is just that, extreme).

The pizza argument is all in good fun, but seriously, if you're interested in improving your health, these trendy "only 5 ingredients" or "fresh, never frozen" foods aren't really all the healthy. I realize it might be expensive, but talking to an actual expert, like a dietician or nutritionist, will do a lot more for your health then following health fads. And if you can't talk to one of these people in person, at least look up what these professionals have to say, rather than health influencers.

Though on a more serious note, why are you bothering bringing up whether the food is frozen or the number of ingredients in a chain pizza, when you're average pizza chain probably DOES have less nutritional value than a local pizzeria without trying to appeal to misleading health fads?
It's not about health fads. I'm not exactly seeking peak nutritional value when I want pizza of all things. But frozen food is usually loaded with salt, processed food has a ton of microplastics in it, and fast food is chock to the brim with both of those things. It simply has fallen too far to be considered food.

If a local pizzeria can source even a fraction of their ingredients themselves instead bulk buying prefab garbage and serve it within the natural lifetime of the product instead of pumping it full of preservatives, the effect is enormous. I have eaten a truly astronomical amount of pizza in my life so far, and by god do I intend to eat more, so I feel fairly confident when I say that the quality and value of a pizza is directly proportional to the artistry and care that went into its preparation. Take my favorite pizzeria ever, for example: The Devil's Pizzeria on 9th St in Durham, North Carolina. The man behind the counter, Zeod, is a Lebanese pizza god in the flesh. He doesn't serve his customers anything less than the finest and each pizza I've purchased from him had the same love and attention as a Michelangelo commission. You can taste it, man. Satisfaction made real. Why would you settle for so much less?
If it's not about health trends then what IS it about? You keep affirming it's not food and when asked why you point to health concerns. When I suggest that the food ISN'T as unhealthy as your "pink slime" comments make it seem, then you claim it's NOT about health.

We're circling around to the fact that you need to define your terms.

Also, sounds like a great pizza, but it feels anecdotal at best and irrelevant at worst. "I know a good pizerria, therefore Pizza Hut makes fake pizza."
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago

1. Not necessarily, and even so, it's 100% worth a small premium to eat something 1000% more substantial and satisfying.
First of all, "small" premium is a stretch, it can cost as much as double. Second of all, people have different financial situations. You say it's worth it for you, great. Finances are tough for me at the moment, but fine, it's not unreasonable for me to buy a more expensive food.

However, and I hate to try and grab the moral high ground here, but this is important to recognize, some people don't have the same options as you or I. I used to do a lot of volunteer work for the homeless and many of them ate a lot of fast food, not because it was the best option for them, but because it was their only option. The difference between a $10 pizza and a $20 pizza is huge for them, healthy options are even more expensive, and while buying in bulk and cooking your own meals is healthier and cheaper then any of these options, that's NOT an option if you don't have a home to store food, a kitchen to cook it, electrical services, etc.
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
2. Eh, I never get delivery. I always call it in and swing by on the way home from work. And besides, delivery is hardly environmentally responsible anyway, so perhaps it shouldn't be an option anyway.
Damn, I feel called out. Fair enough I guess.
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Post by ISBPathfinder » 1 year ago

Sooooooo I have been contemplating selling off my older more expensive cards in my collection for a bit. Its been something I go back and forth on but for me there are a few reasons to consider selling them off.

1) I am starting to get a little concerned with playing with them. This is a combination of concern of theft, damage through play, and just discrepancy of money on the board.
2) I don't have my collection insured and if I am being honest I would rather cull it than jump through the hoops of insuring it.
3) I have been pushing hard to improve my financial situation which has been pushing me to invest hard into what I would consider long term assets. To me magic cards have never and I never intend to be serious about collecting for value of the cards. I also view the current and recent past history of WoTC's actions to be a long term negative on the health of the game as well. I won't argue with the fact that its a 30+ year game at this point but I also don't have my chips on it lasting forever.

Right now if I were to just offload my most expensive 30ish cards to someone like cardkingdom I could net something in the realm of 12-20k which I could use to replace my current vehicle and keep my investing train going strong. I have been woffling back and forth on doing this for a while but it feels like I am getting closer and closer to doing it. This would probably purge me of most anything of worth that is reserve listed.

Just to reiterate though, this is not a financial crisis or anything. I set myself a goal in investing in my future that would become easier if I made this move. I am not hard up for money.
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Post by Dunadain » 1 year ago

Do it, if the actual collection isn't why you are collecting then just proxy.
All cards are bad if you try hard enough.

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Post by pokken » 1 year ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
1 year ago
I have been pushing hard to improve my financial situation which has been pushing me to invest hard into what I would consider long term assets.
I'm holding onto my magic cards as an inflation hedge. I do have them insured though, although i feel your pain about playing with them - it can be nervous to drop a tabernacle :P I use proxies for stuff over 1k generally, just not worth stressing about destroying my Timetwister in a shuffling accident.

If the value of magic cards went to zero, I would just happily buy up all the dual lands I could ever want for my decks and just have a good time, and I'd feel bad for having X thousands of dollars, but I've also got to have them for all this time so whatever. That said I think the odds of Magic cratering are pretty low at this point, so I'm willing to treat them basically like gold -- an asset that doesn't appreciate that much but is likely to be somewhat inflation protected and resilient to other currency craziness.

I think if your cards are a huge part of your portfolio then I'd be more inclined to cash some of them out though I guess. For me it's a fairly tiny fraction and I didn't really invest that much either (general appreciation is about 300% of what I've put in).

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 year ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
1 year ago
Sooooooo I have been contemplating selling off my older more expensive cards in my collection for a bit. Its been something I go back and forth on but for me there are a few reasons to consider selling them off.

1) I am starting to get a little concerned with playing with them. This is a combination of concern of theft, damage through play, and just discrepancy of money on the board.
2) I don't have my collection insured and if I am being honest I would rather cull it than jump through the hoops of insuring it.
3) I have been pushing hard to improve my financial situation which has been pushing me to invest hard into what I would consider long term assets. To me magic cards have never and I never intend to be serious about collecting for value of the cards. I also view the current and recent past history of WoTC's actions to be a long term negative on the health of the game as well. I won't argue with the fact that its a 30+ year game at this point but I also don't have my chips on it lasting forever.

Right now if I were to just offload my most expensive 30ish cards to someone like cardkingdom I could net something in the realm of 12-20k which I could use to replace my current vehicle and keep my investing train going strong. I have been woffling back and forth on doing this for a while but it feels like I am getting closer and closer to doing it. This would probably purge me of most anything of worth that is reserve listed.

Just to reiterate though, this is not a financial crisis or anything. I set myself a goal in investing in my future that would become easier if I made this move. I am not hard up for money.
I vote yes. I just liquidated probably 75% of my own collection recently and I have no regrets. My cards were sitting around doing nothing (I only play maybe once every 3 months now) and I absolutely LOATHE the creative direction WOTC has gone with the MTG Universe.

Yes, I'm that much of a die-hard Vorthos; I literally am quitting the game in protest over their handling of the MTG storyline. At some point, I'll elucidate my reasonings later (I bookmarked a thread for this express purpose), but I'm officially out of MTG as a game. Which... has created mixed feelings for me.

But my bank account and credit cards are happier for it. And if you're leveraging the value of your MTG collection into a faster appreciating asset class, I think that's a smarter move for your overall future. MTG cards ain't going to generate interest for you to live off of in your 70's.

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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/italy-a ... 46389.html

Italy's American-themed chain restaurant is a hilarious look into how other countries see the U.S.
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Post by Dunadain » 1 year ago

Hermes_ wrote:
1 year ago
https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/italy-a ... 46389.html

Italy's American-themed chain restaurant is a hilarious look into how other countries see the U.S.
This is exactly what your average bar in America looks like.
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Post by Airi » 1 year ago

Man, they even nailed the font for the menu.

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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 1 year ago

Alright, I can't possibly battle all of you at once. I am surrounded and I feel like a small island encircled by battleships. I must retreat and regroup with my pizza elitism ideologies!

*shakes fist* This isn't over though, not by a long shot! Someday I shall return, with better arguments, more free time, and not writing out everything on this tiny, typo-inclined phone!
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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Alright, I can't possibly battle all of you at once. I am surrounded and I feel like a small island encircled by battleships. I must retreat and regroup with my pizza elitism ideologies!

*shakes fist* This isn't over though, not by a long shot! Someday I shall return, with better arguments, more free time, and not writing out everything on this tiny, typo-inclined phone!
*laughs from my laptop* :laughing:
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Post by tstorm823 » 1 year ago

Sounds like we need a new argument....

Kit Kats are better than Reese's
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Post by benjameenbear » 1 year ago

Facts. The crisp bite of chocolate and wafer is superior to the slightly mushy bite that Reese's provides.

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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

Benihana of Tokyo, Chicago, 1960s

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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 1 year ago

I love a good small menu. I'll have the Hibachi Shrimp and a coke to start, with the Lunch Special as the entree.
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Post by ISBPathfinder » 1 year ago

Thanks for the responses. I probably will round things up and ship them off.

Man that menu is tough. Its like.... steak or steak. I guess I would do the chicken just because I don't do steak. Why is there shrimp as an appetizer but not a meal?
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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

TheGildedGoose wrote:
1 year ago
The only way that menu could be more 60's is if it had Kennedy's brains on it.
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Post by pokken » 1 year ago

TheGildedGoose wrote:
1 year ago
The only way that menu could be more 60's is if it had Kennedy's brains on it.
Is that some kind of weird 70s pudding recipe?

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

Nowadays buying cards is much easier than a while ago so I dont trade as much as I used to but holy I love trading cards.

I traded a %$#% of penny cards for a invocation Kefnet and loved it. I feel so smart trading a bunch of penny cards for 1 card I really eant.

I also traded 1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki for an absurd number of random ass wolves for a new casual edh. Also felt amazing how can 1 card be worth almost thr entire deck?

Its a win win. Love that part of mtg

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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

I'm considering tearing down all but two of my decks and seeing what all i have and then building a new deck(S)
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Post by EonAon » 1 year ago

duducrash wrote:
1 year ago
Nowadays buying cards is much easier than a while ago so I dont trade as much as I used to but holy I love trading cards.

I traded a %$#% of penny cards for a invocation Kefnet and loved it. I feel so smart trading a bunch of penny cards for 1 card I really eant.

I also traded 1 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki for an absurd number of random ass wolves for a new casual edh. Also felt amazing how can 1 card be worth almost thr entire deck?

Its a win win. Love that part of mtg
Ive had folks in my area that get really annoyed when I use a high-priced card to pry out alot of cards from them. Even if the cards are penny to quarter cards. Some sort of hoarder mentality gets triggered I think.

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Post by Hermes_ » 1 year ago

It felt wrong putting together my all the red wipes Barren Glory wincon deck. I'm tempted just to not finish it and work on my Daxos of Meletis [/card] pilowfort deck instead.
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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

EonAon wrote:
1 year ago
Ive had folks in my area that get really annoyed when I use a high-priced card to pry out alot of cards from them. Even if the cards are penny to quarter cards. Some sort of hoarder mentality gets triggered I think.
I can't understand that tbh. when someone takes random hydras for me that were ocupying space and I would never be able to sell or would be very hard to trade for an actual good card I'm always happy

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Post by 5colorsrainbow » 1 year ago

As long as both parties are happy with the trade I think it doesn't matter if one pricey or chase card is traded for a bunch of not as pricey/in demand rares or cards. When I used to have a larger magic friend group in high school, no matter what cards you pulled likely you could use them and if you can't trade them to someone else who can and made deck building easer and cheaper.
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Post by Dunadain » 1 year ago

I can't believe I'm saying this, but The Mandalorian has officially become my favorite piece of Star Wars media.

You can argue with me all you want, but after last week's episode I haven't been able to get this show off my mind, and nothing else from the Star Wars franchise, not even the original movies, has done that to me.
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