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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

Some of my decks can be a bit too much for newer players and I wanted a deck to play vs newer players or weaker decks but still got to optimize my build like I love to do. I saw rick and thought perfect Ill play mono white humans aggro and see how it goes.

Sorcery (1)

Enchantment (3)

Planeswalker (1)

Approximate Total Cost:

This is the kind of deck I'm least experienced at and use the least of the cards I would normally play. The amounts of life I gain off rick just goign 1 drop human 2 drop human 3 drop human rick swing is actually insane. I did a tiny little lifegain subtheme. The deck hates wraths especially toxic deluge and if they drop a turn 4-6 wrath effect I normally don't win which makes it feel more fair I don't really ramp either I just kind of play humans and turn them sideways but its been more effective than I ever anticipated. I have lots of fun playing this deck and if i can get a card like land ax or one ring or something to let me get card advantage while i play aggro it wins more than expected. All in all ive loved working on this but it could probably be made much better. Higher land counts felt bad as too many lands made me lose just as much as too few ideally I want lots of creatures my hand but i do need to land those first 4 land drops or I have issues. The deck feels fair and fun and full of synergy but not too powerful suggestions welcome.
Last edited by Moxnix 8 months ago, edited 20 times in total.


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Post by PrimevalCommander » 9 months ago

This deck doesn't really read to me like a deck designed to play against "new players". The One Ring Mana Crypt Ancient Tomb Jeweled Lotus Teferi's Protection, all signpost for higher powered gameplay. I can see how being weak to wrath's, and the lower numbers of heavy card draw give inexperienced players a path to victory, but playing a deck that encourages early to mid-game board sweepers might not be a healthy goal long term. If the point was to make a deck a little weaker to play with people who don't have the experience or funds to do more powerful things, I think it is a near miss due to some of the card inclusions I noted. Just my opinion.

Also I don't think God-Eternal Oketra and Solitude are humans ;)

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 9 months ago

You definitely want to pick up a copy of Angel of Glory's Rise for a humans tribal.

I feel like you have enough legendary targets that Thalia's Lancers might be worth consideration. You do have some hurt on card advantage so even just tutoring for The One Ring might be enough but it can get other things as well.

Grasp of Fate - in my opinion its a tempo removal card. I say this just because I don't think this deck is fast enough for this to really feel that amazing. I was thinking that something more like Excise the Imperfect might fit the list better just because if the game doesn't end somewhat quickly after I think Grasp can be somewhat of a liability. It depends on how much you are targeting commanders though and how your opponents are reacting but my take on Grasp tends to be that its a liability if its plan is being an answer for more than a turn and for that I tend to prefer it in a fast winning tempo style of deck.

Revoke Existence - Who hurt you? This is so far down my removal tier list I just have to assume you have a metric ton of The One Ring running about your meta or someone is literally playing gods.deck. The fact that you have this card in your list but not Heliod's Intervention to me says that either you are over reacting or there is a problem locally.

Sevinne's Reclamation - I do actually like this card but given your deck's composition I feel like your concern should be more towards someone sweeping than removing one or two of your creatures. I would personally suggest Marshal's Anthem or Ascend from Avernus instead. My own take on recovery tools is you should assume with a deck like this that the real problem will be someone taking multiple of your creatures out in one shot via a sweeper rather than one at a time via spot removal.

30 Land might also be a little low. You don't have that low of a curve and you don't have that many mana stones. I would probably consider bumping that up by at least a few but I would have a hard time being convinced that less than 35 is optimal without adding a lot more mana rocks or cutting the curve to be a lot leaner. I think it might also be worth talking about the fetchlands in the mono color deck. I have been there and done it myself but its usually because I have additional interaction like Crucible of Worlds, Rings of Brighthearth, Field of the Dead or something. I don't know that they are really worth doing without something extra. I also think your basic count is a little low for Emeria, the Sky Ruin but not so low that it will never trigger mostly probably thanks to Sword of the Animist being in your list.

Personally I think your Ranger one drop package runs a little too deep. One drops in a go wide mono color deck like this can be a little rough on what all they do when drawn naturally. You currently have 9 one drops and normally with a ranger package you can sort of identify a few different scenarios where you tutor differently with them. My suggestion is to figure out those tutor priorities and cut the ones that you essentially don't plan to tutor. Personally I would probably cut that one drop count like in half just because card advantage is going to be a problem for you and sweepers are also really rough on one drops.

I also agree that Solitude feels really odd here. You don't really have any synergy for it and this is a deck where you are going to have problems with card advantage already.
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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

Thanks for the feedback I don't like building anything unoptimized so to play with weaker decks I want to use strategies that are not as good and still have the decks functions properly and as well as it can. Im aware if they are full budget it can be an issue but some of the precons on mtgo have put up quite a fight and even taken me down so its not felt to bad most games ending in that turn 8-12 range. While the strongest draws are in fact ring/crypt into one ring whites not so great on drawing cards we use proxies in paper and everyone jams one ring and bowmasters lately which is why I don't think instant speed disenchant is so valuable over exile. The zombie card feels awesome with rick i cant help it and it won me a game vs protection from white which was cool. Teferi's Protection I legit thought about cutting I don't know if its my inexperience piloting the deck or ISP's noticing my mana being low but that free indestructible card has felt about 10x better I've never cast it for value yet. I did think the lack of ramp felt on brand and I was surprised how good that sword was when I got it I just recently added that. The lands are a funny thing if I draw 4-5 it feels just as bad as 1 I really want to see 2-3 lands.

Angel of glories rise looks amazing. I Think maybe that could be the reclamation which has felt kind of meh. I don't even think I have has a chance to flash it back the high mana cost of the angel scares me but maybe that just means I need to add some lands or something. What I really like is land tax and low lands XD. Solitude has always been amazing for me when you do get one ring or land tax or some kind of way to not be stuck on cards its just a 0 mana swords and fetchable with recruiter. That cards been an Allstar in this deck for me. Partial due to others ramping while I drop 1 2 3 drop humans. Legit solitudes won me many games and I'm never sad to see it.

I feel like the fetch lands don't have much downside once I have my opening hand the curves not very high and I don't want to draw lands so much after I get rolling until I have some kind of extra draw. Likewise I will overdraw like mad once I have landtax rolling. Thalia and magistrate haven't exactly felt Like the most friendly or fun cards nor even particularly good but I think if I make cuts for lands they should really be 3+ drops as I feel like if anything I don't have enough 2 drop humans. Emeria the Sky rune only worked for me once so thats a thing for sure but when it did turn online it won the game on its own not sure I feel like again the answer lies in more lands maybe though I cant see wanting 36 my favorite hands really are the 2 lands that only draw 1 more in first few turns I've had some decent 1 land wayfarer goes even starting slow. Maybe I cut some 3 drops for some kind of aggro human 2 drops I'm missing then cut the hatebears for some lands?
Grasp of fate kind of like solitude has just always been good every draw normally its 2 commanders and a mana artifact or something. That cards felt pretty amazing so far. I think part of the high ranger package is 1 drop humans are just good here. You have to have 4 humans to have ricks ability active and I do have mana issues so sometimes having any 1 drop human in hand to turn that online is a massive swing in that now I can hit when I couldn't and I'm life linking for huge amounts. I want a 1 drop human turn 1 and later in the game they are net even to Nykthos which is the only real way I get big mana here. That being said the life gain dork that only hits my field and the 1/1 that spawns angels have never really felt very strong maybe these are candidate land slots as well.

Avernus feels like it could get more done for me with the low to ground mana I think ill give that one a shot along with angel even though it costs more. Anthem ill leave in the wings for now I feel like Avernus and angel have more upsides. I'm actually excited to try the angel as We have done a few rick vs the zombies style games and now ill have my twin to mikaues the unhallowed and zombie apocalypse type cards.

I appreciate the feedback this really is not the kind of strategy I'm used too so I'm not as good at it I have been playing with some discord mtgo players last few night and they really like playing rick as opposed to my faster decks. Won a nice 11 turn grinder to end last night ricks life gain carrying me again. Ill dive though some searches for more 2 drop humans I would love to cut revoke and a few cards to run 5 copies of cathar commando XD. Which funny enough a rarely pop as a 3/1 human body is so damn valuable with rick which is funny. Like elite vanguard is a card I want to see in my opening hand. I think reflecting on my own comments my deck has a few mana curve issues from a few too many 3-4 drops and not enough lands as the main issue right now. I'm leaning heavy on my free mulligan for sure.

This is what i just did on mtgo ill test tonight
- Seviinne's (wasnt bad I had things to recur for 3 but it never felt good)
- revoke existence (return to dust might be better cut but I have the sweet alt are foil for that XD)
- Speaker of the heavens ( worst 1 drop was good simply by being a 1 drop and saying human)
- lunarch veteran (slightly better than speaker this almost feels like a bad cut for curve alone but I'm making it a plains in my mind and I don't get enough of those so it feels ok)
- Dranith magistrate ( not very aggro and no on likes it even if it generally just dies my orginal thoght was it will eat a removal so rick doesn't but everyone just hates this card)
- Teferis's Protection ( this just hasn't been good the time i need wrath protection is right after I tap out for rick)
-Deserted Temple - was just worse than a plains untapping Nytkos was a pipedream and I don't think i can even utilize the mana if I could.

+ plains (10% more lands feels about right to me)
+ plains
+ plains
+ plains
+Precinct Captain (makes tokens is human costs 2)
+Hanweir Militia Captain ( makes human tokens is a human costs 2)
+ angel of glories rise ( maybe does what sevines and teferis whiffed for me on and feels very flavorful nice curve topper for the deck )

Some more lands and a better game ending rez effect with cutting the weakest 1 drop humans and the one that doesn't feel fun for some aggro ones I found on the bots just now that looks pretty decent at cmc 2 both maybe making me tokens. See how this goes

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

I know its not the 3 lands but first game I draw nothing but plains the entire game and did nothing and lost even grabbing 3 a turn with tax to thin lol.

Also it seems pretty vanilla but i want to test resistance sqaud I didn't really like mentor of the meek when i had verge rangers it seemed to never hit but i pretty much mull if i don't have a 1 or 2 drop human so t3 cantrip human 3/2 doesn't sound terrible as crazy as that sounds.

- plains
+ resistance squad

I do remember why I like low lands though Its not ideal but playable a flood is an auto loss without ways to refill.

This card was not so good its a land again XD

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

Won a few good games last night every time I had like 120 life and was thinking man you know Aetherflux reservoir would be an even better Teferi's protection but we resisted the urge XD. I kept a greedy 1 land hadn and smashed a table it has ring ascendant and accord. I whiffed t1 land drop but I was on the play and I find the land t3 and my ring doesn't eat a removal until after I get the accord out and the hand density of real cards along with accord fetching the lands every turn combined with not eating deluge or wrath got us there. I feel like the lands are still the oddest thing in the deck You really don't want to many but it does still miss land dops i think that's just the nature of playing a deck without the stuff I'm used to from brainstorm to tutors for refills etc. So the variance is high but the good hands feels good. The only humans I missed were one drops and for curve only they are only 1 mana reasons and their only impact was existing as a human on the board or letting me utilize hanging mana granted if i did get wiped having a few 2 drops in the wings is probably not bad.

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

- plains
+ giant killer

Found this one drop that seems pretty good going to test it out i still feel like just being a 1 drop human makes a card good here almost and this ones got a kill mode and an ability that could be relevant. I got angel for the first time vs my buddy on mtgo on Ghoul caller gissa it was an absolute blowout exiled a graveborn muse and about 12 tokens nuked before he could draw off the grave even once and brought back the early dead humans.

The right cut is probably 3+ drops I just can't decide which ones are the worst but the deck simply has a few too many 3+ cost cards to curve nice every game going to try and cut 2 of them for 2 more plains or mana type cards when I decide what I like least.

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

So the decks been playing really well about the only card that I haven't effectively used is well of lost dreams which is sad since I have a secret layer version for my paper stack of this deck. Not really Sure what I want to make it so for now just another plains. back to 33 lands

- Well of lost Dreams
+ plains

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

- mangara of Corondor
+Intrepid Adversary

Small change but I think its a good one Still had slightly too many 3 drops this was the worst one as it was tiny 3 mana and need to die to be really useful. I get a new aggro 2 drop that doubles as extra value if drawn later seems excellent.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Puresteel has felt like human grisly bear and as the decks playing a bit better im not too sad to add another 5 drop im gonna give ISPs suggestion a slot

- Puresteel paladin
+Thalia's Lancers

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

- Plains
+ Reconnaissance

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Lancers Felt too Slow I wanted some way to GY hate a bit too
- Thalia's Lancer's
- Presinct Captain

+ Sanctifier en-Vec
+ Sungold Sentinal

A couple Gy hate humans ones target toward black and red and the others for anything. up to 17 one drops and 17 2 drops which feels pretty good.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Both of those were excellent despite no one seaming to play Sungold in standard its been amazing in edh for this deck so far. Things that I'm thinking about Chrome mox seems like it would be good but I don't know if I want to go faster and times I get one ring win but can efficiently drop my hand shouldn't bother me. I often wish my 3 dribble draw cards were just plains I rarely activate them and often lose tempo on playing minis Tirth or access to white in an opener. Overall the decks running just how I want it too now.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

- Stoneforge Mystic
+ Relic Seeker

Kind of a side grade but not being a human really does suck in this deck if the cards not good and while stone forge fetched good cards not being a human hurt this is slower and less reliable way to get clamp or animist but its a human and feels more on Brand Anway and brings our human count to a whopping 40 cards.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Relic seeker was in fact better than Stoneforge here at least in the first 2 appearances and it wasn't even close the word human and a little attack power is that important. I have never really been an aggro player but this is probably my favorite deck right now its playing like a dream. Even the worst cards in the deck feel pretty good now. I did get to play at the LGS with it and it was against noobs and one of my friends and not only did I get to win with it game one but one of them asked to play with it in another game and decided he wants to make a humans deck now all though be it with green too XD. That being said game 2 I lent out my sons smeagol deck which plays a lot of removal and flesh bag effects etc and I got blown out of the game in a terrible way but I didn't even mind I don't expect to beat my turn 1 human getting Gollum's bite and my 3 drop eating claim the precious into 2 plague crafter effects its just not able to deal with that much early removal the tempo loss is to huge. Which is one of the other things I'm loving about paying this for just having a bunch of humans I'm finding i have quite a few lines based on what i see is happening on board and things like not over committing and attack and card play order are actually huge. I thought it would play very linear but my play experience actually helps me pilot this better which is very satisfying.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

As much as I liked the Idea of running zombies with rick God-Eternal Oketera just never felt good enough for 5 mana. The times it felt good where really fueled by one ring or things I don't always or normally get and even there it was win more and not a closer. The card im replacing it with should have the game ending impact as well as be more playable early in the game.
- God-Eternal Oketera
+ Winds of Abandon

The first sorcery in the whole deck I didn't have a wrath and this one is one sided and useable for cheap. It will most likely just be an even more fair path when I draw it but that's not so bad and the upside of being a game ending one sided sweeper seems worth the test.

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