Thrun, Breaker of Silence: death at 21

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Post by heridfel » 1 year ago

I started playing Commander back when it was still Elder Dragon Highlander, well before Hasbro noticed the format and started making products focused on it. My Thrun, the Last Troll deck was full of green good stuff, with some search and card draw to pull out the utility creatures which could disrupt my opponents or the Overrun-style effects which would win me the game. And it did win more often than not, especially if folks didn't team up early to try to disrupt me.

Even before COVID hit, it was getting harder to get folks together in person and once that started... well, it had been a long while since I had played in person. I had kept up with sets and grabbed singles that I thought would fit in my deck and about a month ago, I went to a friend's Commander house party.

I got trounced. It's one thing to be told how much faster Commander has gotten, even in the non cEDH games, but experiencing it was something else entirely. I had trouble getting cards to stick on the board, even though that's the main purpose of playing Thrun as a commander. He isn't fancy, but he's durable, or at least he should be. Not only was I not winning, my opponents could effectively ignore me to deal with the real threats. That stung. I had to make significant revisions to my deck or give up and go with a more modern commander, one which would probably come with built-in card draw or card advantage and several colors. I've been a green player since the days of Craw Wurm and Force of Nature. I want to smash face. Fortunately for me, Thrun isn't only the last troll anymore. He's also a Breaker of Silence.
Approximate Total Cost:

This is what I brought to the second game day. The first obvious change was the commander. Thrun, the Last Troll is cheaper, has hexproof rather than "hexproof except green", and can regenerate on opponents' turns to avoid destroy effects. Thrun, Breaker of Silence is bigger, tramples on his own, and is indestructible on your turn. It seems like they're roughly equivalent, but in practice, keeping the mana open for regenerating LT slowed up the deck and there are enough global effects which bury (I told you I was old) which make regeneration hit-or-miss. Trample without having to find another card makes chump blocking much harder, and while BoS's weird pseudo-hexproof doesn't protect against Beast Within or Song of the Dryads, it also can't be removed by Shadowspear.

A few of the cards which don't fall under Equipment or Enchantment Buff still make creatures bigger, like the two gods, Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Tribute to the World Tree, Guardian Augmenter, and even Snake Umbra. War Room is also card draw and Sword of the Animist is land ramp. Most of the utility creatures function as card removal as well as secondary targets for equipment or a snack for Zop.

For my beatsticks, I mostly favor creatures with hexproof and/or indestructible as well as creatures which can recur. If I force my opponent to use a card like Cyclonic Rift or Blasphemous Act to deal with a single one of my creatures, I feel a little joy inside. Someone pulling out a Swords to Plowshares and pulling it back because Dungrove Elder wants none of that... delicious.

I've intentionally avoided cards which make my creatures unblockable, like Rogue's Passage or Trailblazer's Boots, or which give a one-turn buff as a finisher like Tyvar's Stand or Primal Bellow. I'm playing this with a group that isn't cEDH and after that second game day, I had won several of the games I had played. I wanted to know if I went from too weak to too strong. The response I got was "no - your deck gives us a chance to interact, even with all the hexproof and indestructible". Getting options to avoid blockers entirely (even more than what Indomitable Might can do) or to add an instant-speed buff of +11/+11 or so... it's just not as fun for me. Oh, Commander's Plate is also close to unblockable in this mono-green commander deck, but my opponents had the option to play green or colorless creatures. :)

This deck is successful in my current group and I enjoyed playing it, so I wanted to share it here. If anyone has any suggestions, or if new cards come out which are pretty much straight improvements (like how Cankerbloom replaced Outland Liberator // Frenzied Trapbreaker, feel free to reply. If you want to adapt this deck for your group or your tastes, have at it.


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Post by ISBPathfinder » 1 year ago

Any thought towards Berserk? I ran it in my OG Thrun deck and it was nice for a burst of damage. I had to pay for regen but you are indestructible on your turn which seems like a plus for him. (reads below decklist where you say you are intentionally not running this stuff)

I am a bit curious about the random beatstick creatures in your list just from the standpoint that splitting damage between commander and non commander tends to not be great when you sort of half plan to suit up a commander with buffs.

It might be valid to turn some of your 1cmc ramp into 2cmc ramp just because ramping on two still hits your commander on curve but it does take you off some of the fragile nature of one drop mana dorks. There is a lot of land ramp on 2cmc so assuming you aren't seeing mass land destruction it tends to be a little better in the case you get wrathed. If you wanted to splurge I could also see turning one of them into a Mana Vault just because it lines up well for a T2 commander.

Hunter's Prowess is a nice card being a little bit of pump but also a lot of draw on midsized commanders who are hard to target. Lots of the downsides of this card tend to be if you get interacted with in response which you are unlikely to have happen with this commander.
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Post by heridfel » 1 year ago

Berserk would definitely be on my list if I wanted to add instant-speed buff. I love its interaction with indestructible and it can even be used as creature removal for enemies to mix things up. That makes it more flexible than something like Primal Bellow.

Re:beatsticks. What I found (and keep in mind, it was a single casual game day, albeit one with ~12 different decks) was that relying solely on Thrun was unnecessary against decks which lacked significant life gain or huge blockers. They were four-person games and I wasn't the only player doing damage. At some point, 21 from Thrun vs. 25 damage on top of what other people were doing was pretty much a push. Having other, mostly protected beaters has a lower apparent threat level and means that Thrun's command zone cost increases more slowly. I only have three auras and equipment can be moved around, so I am a bit more flexible when it comes to building up Thrun vs. another big creature. If a local group favors combo or 40-to-0-style attacks, then I totally understand a greater reliance on Thrun to carry the load.

I'll give some thought on the 1cc mana ramp. It was pared back quite a bit from my original deck. They still help for a turn 2 Cultivate/Nissa's Pilgrimage/Kodama's Reach/Wood Elves. If I had my Mana Vault or a Mana Crypt they would fit better in the new build, agreed. At some point, those weenies mostly serve to make Zop indestructible and occasionally blowing up something with Silverback Elder.

I thought about Hunter's Prowess and am a little iffy on its mana cost, as well as being another card which depends on a protected creature being out and swinging. It's the same reason I chose War Room over Bonders' Enclave. 90% of the time, the Enclave works and saves me 1 life, but the times where it doesn't work are often when I would need it the most. I also would have to think about adding Thought Vessel or Reliquary Tower if I added HP. Return of the Wildspeaker showed that I can draw a lot more cards than I can play with that style of effect.

On the other hand, I haven't seen Tribute to the World Tree much yet and it might be better to have a single big draw, even a more expensive one, than repeated draws from playing my big creatures. TttWT feels more fun, but if it isn't effective then it will feel less fun.

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