Slogurk, the Overslime: It Came from the Mists

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 11 months ago

Indescribable... Indestructible! Nothing Can Stop It!
- tagline, The Blob (1958)

Slogurk, the Overslime: It Came from the Mists is a Lands Control deck that seeks to survive into the late game by using various Fogs and Counterspells to preserve your life total and disrupt your opponents until you can grow Slogurk into an increasingly large and indomitable threat. To complement these elements an array of disruption and utility spells are utilized to stall the game out ranging from bounce and removal to card draw and Nostalgic Dreams.

This is the culmination of years and years of experimenting and tinkering with blue-based control decks, and with this list I think I have achieved what I set out to do: build a blue-based, lands-centric control deck that played out nonlinearly and balanced disruption with not being too rage-inducing.

This is my finest work yet.

It Came from the Mists


Approximate Total Cost:

Why Slogurk?

Slogurk, the Overslime offers a number of benefits that our deck takes advantage of. Firstly, it's a sort of Life from the Loam in the command zone, allowing us to consistently generate card advantage via recurring and lands. With our suite of fetches, cycling lands, and other ways to put lands into the graveyard, the deck can constantly take advantage of Slogurk's ability. In addition, Slogurk is nigh immortal with a little bit of support, which makes it a consistent threat and blocker. Cheating the commander tax is amazing, and generating card advantage at the same time is even better. Finally, since Slogurk grows and has evasion, it makes a natural and elegant finisher, saving us precious slots in our deck.

So, how does this deck work?

I've played a lot of control decks over the years both in EDH and something I've learned over that time is that you can't and shouldn't try to police the table. This is a surefire way to draw attention to yourself, causing you to spend resources on things that could've either been directed elsewhere and thus someone else's problem. No, it's far better to manage your threat profile and keep it low by using a light hand and using soft control such as bounce and fogs. These are less feelbad since they don't actually permanently remove anything but the tempo gains are palpable. As a control deck, we have a powerful endgame, and surviving to that point puts us in a fantastic position to win.

How does this deck win?

Slogurk beats. Being able to run effectively zero win conditions outside of the command zone is a huge boon to control decks as you can devote more slots to disruption and development. I like my decks to be well-oiled machines and cards that only win the game tend to gum them up on occasion, so I have a predilection towards purity of form.

Let's get into some more specific analysis, shall we?


Most non-cEDH decks have too few lands, full stop. Here, we fun slightly fewer than I think most EDH decks should have, but as we have a plethora of cycling lands we can always use them in a pinch to hit important land drops. Rimewood Falls and Tangled Islet seem out of place, but fetchable duals are fantastic and underplayed in two color decks. Coming into play tapped isn't great, but that's the thing: if you need something untapped, just don't get the tap land. This deck is actually surprisingly colored pip intensive, so those lands overperform, especially on turn 1. Speaking of fetch targets, since this deck can easily recur fetchlands, I run a high amount of basics. It's very easy to run out of lands to fetch, but in most cases this isn't an issue. If you have that many lands in play, you probably don't need more. Field of the Dead makes an appearance because it's a Magic card, alright. Our commander recurs lands, so we're running quite a few utility lands, from disruption to card draw to ramp.


Speaking of, the ramp package has grown since I last updated this post. Sakura-Tribe Scout and friends are overperformers in regard to mana investment, and Burgeoning is one of the dumbest cards in the deck. We're able to barf out lands as necessary and in the mid to late game have all the mana available to do everything we want to do. I'd like to find room for something like Walking Atlas or Dryad of the Ilysian Grove or something but it's difficult to do so at this point.


Did I not say we are a control deck? Gotta have 'em. I'm a little uncomfortable with only 8, though, if I'm honest. The thing about counterspells is that when you need one, you really need one in a control deck, so a higher density of countermagic is very much wanted. However, you run the risk of becoming a table villain if you run too many. Letting things get out of hand without being out of control is an incredibly difficult and nuanced skill, but in my opinion it's better to have and not need than need and not have, particularly utilitarian countermagic.

Spot Removal

Similarly, I'm worried about spot removal. Unfortunately, there just aren't that many strong removal spells in Simic that I'm not already running. Nature's Claim? Kenrith's Transformation? Imprisoned in the Moon? If I could find one or two more cards truly worth running I would retool this section but here we are.

Board Wipes

Not that many good options here, either. Oblivion Stone is a necessary evil, as sometimes, you have to blow up the world. Curse of the Swine is mildly underplayed as removal and a pseudo-board wipe in non-white decks. Consuming Tide is a personal favorite, as you usually cantrip it and often generate card advantage, let alone the obvious tempo advantage you gain. 5 is an uncomfortably low amount, but the fogs we run do a lot to compensate.


Older versions of this deck ran Shigeki, Jukai Visionary and Seasons Past along with Turnabout and Rude Awakening to generate infinite mana and win through growing an infinitely large Slogurk, but those days are behind us. Most of this section is now devoted to land recursion, but Nostalgic Dreams is such a cool card that I can't not play it. While we're here, I just need to say that Conduit of Worlds is an incredible card. Invest while you still can.

Card Draw

I am agonizing over this section. I love every single cycling land here, even Ash Barrens, but I feel like I'm running one too many actual spells here at the moment. Is Fact or Fiction the weakest link? Attunement is certainly a choice, but with our commander, it digs and grows at an alarming rate. I think the other three are auto-includes, but something has to go.


Here's a brief list of cards Muddle the Mixture grabs:
What an all-star.

Most of the others are fairly straightforward, but Scapeshift is a bomb I've included but never drawn into. Honestly, I have no idea how it will perform, but in theory it means "kill target player and then Splendid Reclamation" but in practice I don't think that's going to happen often. do have an Intuition but I always feel awful playing that card. On the other hand, I'd play Gifts Ungiven in a heartbeat if it was legalized, so why not?


The most interesting part of the deck. Why board wipe when you can just fog 'em out? Negating aggro decks with finesse instead of violence enables them to attack another player instead, doing your job for you in terms of murder. While combat tends to be the weakest win condition in the format, this deck, due to its low creature count can be weak to aggro, which is what makes these fogs extra great. Glacial Chasm and Constant Mists are just broken answers to combat. Spike Weaver, similarly, tends to delay games a lot in your favor. It's especially dumb with Conduit of Worlds. The others are the best fogs available, though Blessed Respite and to a lesser extent Tangle are on the cusp.

That's the deck! More to come as the list evolves and solidifies.
Last edited by TheGildedGoose 4 months ago, edited 13 times in total.


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Post by pokken » 11 months ago

I have started adding a few cards in these decks that I think really add a lot of flexibility:

1) Cryptic Command --> this card is severely underrated in EDH and it lets you protect/bounce critical pieces. It's probably better than one of the worse fogs (for its ability to do things like either Fog or bounce Slogurk, the Overslime for an instant speed loam, or bounce Mystic Sanctuary and replay it as a loop).
2) Disallow / Voidslime / Summary Dismissal are really handy for stuffing Bojuka Bog which is the most likely graveyard hate to see in casual games.

I don't know that you want to run all of those, but I think some of them are a good idea.

The old school Cryptic Command / Eternal Witness "lock" works pretty well in this deck (though with Mystic Sanctuary instead), where you do stuff like bounce sanctuary and tap all their dudes, then play sanctuary again).

And finally, I think Nylea's Intervention is likely to outperform Fabricate most of the time; it does similar to what you want Fabricate for but also gets you 4 specific lands at the same cost as Fabricate for Crucible of Worlds.

(and I have cast the hurricane mode of Nylea's Intervention more times than I care to admit)

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 11 months ago

pokken wrote:
11 months ago
Cryptic Command
Oh, good call, especially the neat loop with Sanctuary. No disagreements here. I think it could replace Blessed Respite.
I'm really not too concerned about graveyard hate, but I suppose Disallow could replace Arcane Denial.
This is... interesting. I think Fabricate is a bit better because it can find a board wipe or even Zuran Orb in a pinch, but I do like the idea of tutoring for a suite of cyclers.

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Post by pokken » 11 months ago

TheGildedGoose wrote:
11 months ago
This is... interesting. I think Fabricate is a bit better because it can find a board wipe or even Zuran Orb in a pinch, but I do like the idea of tutoring for a suite of cyclers.
Yeah, I think fabricate is fine. I think you'll have more fun tutoring for a pile o lands most of the time and drawing into stuff.

*most* of the time, getting Glacial Chasm plus either Mystic Sanctuary or Otawara, Soaring City // Boseiju, Who Endures // Academy Ruins is likely to do the job you want fabricate for? But definitely not a guarantee.

And of course just getting 3 cycling lands is going to be inevitable pounds of card advantage with Slogurk, the Overslime, which I think is the default mode -- get 3 cycling lands, cycle them all for cards, etc. It's fairly slow but it's also crazy inevitable.

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Post by toctheyounger » 11 months ago

Ooooo, I love the Gurk. This deck is actually wildly fun to play, and it makes me a little sad this guy doesn't see more attention.

I ran a cycling version with like Escape Protocol and the usual Routes etc for some great times. It's remarkably easy to make an enormous ooze and do stupid %$#%$#% with it quite quickly.

From memory, World Shaper was quite a good inclusion, and they're kinda curve toppers these days but so were Nissa, Vital Force and Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait. Landfall cantrip is kinda gross. And if you're on those, Manabond is kinda nice too if you stack the triggers the right way.

It's also worth considering Ashaya, Soul of the Wild for any sort of board presence you might have. Not only does it protect your stuff from Rift, it means any other spot removal or combat loss grows the ooze.

Realms Uncharted seems like a Green Intuition of sorts too, I'd look to get that in.

I will also say that it's nice not to see turns loops with Mystic in the deck. It's kind of a copout wincon imo, as strong as it can be.
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Post by Gorillajay » 11 months ago

Seem's like a similar overall strategy to your Tasigur deck. Was he drawing too much hate as a control deck?

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Post by DizzCompleat » 11 months ago

Just want to say I really like the deck idea, and might have to try a build for myself.

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Post by illakunsaa » 11 months ago

I've been playing various Turbofog lists for a year now and Tangle kinda sucks. It is very common for opponents to attack and then cast more creatures in second main. You rarely get value out of the extra text. There are better fogs like Deep Wood, Obscuring Haze, Blunt the Assault etc. Blessed Respite can also be a wincon as you can just keep shuffling your gy back with it and regrowth effect.

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Post by kirkusjones » 11 months ago

I run my own version of this. Originally it sported your Bee Sting combo, but my group was not impressed. I swapped Bee Sting and Turnabout for Koma, Cosmos Serpent and Nezahal, Primal Tide for top end threats as a plan B to the 'make a gate a creature, copy it with Sakashima the Impostor and win via Maze's End plan A.

I'll post the list later today.

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Post by toctheyounger » 11 months ago

kirkusjones wrote:
11 months ago
I run my own version of this. Originally it sported your Bee Sting combo, but my group was not impressed. I swapped Bee Sting and Turnabout for Koma, Cosmos Serpent and Nezahal, Primal Tide for top end threats as a plan B to the 'make a gate a creature, copy it with Sakashima the Impostor and win via Maze's End plan A.

I'll post the list later today.
Aside from the gate thing I did similar stuff with mine. Koma is gross, so is Nezahal, and they're both grabbable off Natural Order. You never really mind Gurk dying either, given he loams when you do.
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Post by duducrash » 11 months ago

Goose built a lands deck, then a sultai control deck and now a sultai lands control deck. This is the culmination of last few months of nexus storylines

Edit: This is not sultai and I'm in shambles.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 11 months ago

toctheyounger wrote:
11 months ago
Ooooo, I love the Gurk. This deck is actually wildly fun to play, and it makes me a little sad this guy doesn't see more attention.

I ran a cycling version with like Escape Protocol and the usual Routes etc for some great times. It's remarkably easy to make an enormous ooze and do stupid %$#%$#% with it quite quickly.

From memory, World Shaper was quite a good inclusion, and they're kinda curve toppers these days but so were Nissa, Vital Force and Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait. Landfall cantrip is kinda gross. And if you're on those, Manabond is kinda nice too if you stack the triggers the right way.

It's also worth considering Ashaya, Soul of the Wild for any sort of board presence you might have. Not only does it protect your stuff from Rift, it means any other spot removal or combat loss grows the ooze.

Realms Uncharted seems like a Green Intuition of sorts too, I'd look to get that in.

I will also say that it's nice not to see turns loops with Mystic in the deck. It's kind of a copout wincon imo, as strong as it can be.
My favorite Slogurk nonsense (besides the silly combo): returning it to your hand isn't part of the cost, so you can return any number of lands in multiples of three.

Leaning more into cycling isn't an awful idea, though I think there isn't enough support in those colors.

World Shaper/Splendid Reclamation were in originally but there are two issues with them: a) returning cycling lands to play sucks and b) while the combo requires a lot of lands, we can get there naturally and easily without having to play around the previous issue. As for the landfall cantrip cards, they are of course very good, but I think they're a little too good. This deck, despite running a lot of ways to punish attackers, doesn't want to be the target of table aggression so it doesn't have to expend resources.

Realms Uncharted is one of my favorite cards and considering Slogurk is Life from the Loam in the command zone, it's incredibly powerful. This was a grievous oversight on my part, and thank you for reminding me.
Gorillajay wrote:
11 months ago
Seem's like a similar overall strategy to your Tasigur deck. Was he drawing too much hate as a control deck?
Correct and correct. Not only is Tasigur a known entity among experienced players, but the deck itself also tried to exert too much control over the game. Also, Slogurk is immortal, Tasigur isn't, even with delve. While you can run Volrath's Stronghold as a way to recur him, it's easier to do so with Slogurk as its protection is baked in.

There are also style considerations.
illakunsaa wrote:
11 months ago
I've been playing various Turbofog lists for a year now and Tangle kinda sucks. It is very common for opponents to attack and then cast more creatures in second main. You rarely get value out of the extra text. There are better fogs like Deep Wood, Obscuring Haze, Blunt the Assault etc. Blessed Respite can also be a wincon as you can just keep shuffling your gy back with it and regrowth effect.
Thanks for the insight. I get your point about Tangle. I think that will be the cut for Cryptic Command instead.
kirkusjones wrote:
11 months ago
I run my own version of this. Originally it sported your Bee Sting combo, but my group was not impressed. I swapped Bee Sting and Turnabout for Koma, Cosmos Serpent and Nezahal, Primal Tide for top end threats as a plan B to the 'make a gate a creature, copy it with Sakashima the Impostor and win via Maze's End plan A.

I'll post the list later today.
Oh god, not the bees!

I 100% respect anyone for not including a combo in a deck.

Looking forward to the list.
duducrash wrote:
11 months ago
Goose built a lands deck, then a sultai control deck and now a sultai lands control deck. This is the culmination of last few months of nexus storylines

Edit: This is not sultai and I'm in shambles.
This is my finest work yet. It really is the apotheosis of years of tinkering with the concept of a blue-based lands control deck and I'm quite proud of it.

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Post by toctheyounger » 11 months ago

TheGildedGoose wrote:
11 months ago
Realms Uncharted is one of my favorite cards and considering Slogurk is Life from the Loam in the command zone, it's incredibly powerful. This was a grievous oversight on my part, and thank you for reminding me.
Good card is good. I'd also say that given you're on Glacial Chasm you might like to consider Squall Line or Squallmonger. It's a super easy not quite combo that will get you there easy if you have the mana to sink into it.
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Post by TheGildedGoose » 10 months ago

This deck is uh, pretty uh, pretty good. I played several games over the past couple of weeks, and I have to say that I am very pleased. While the infinite combos are there as a backup, most of my games came from beating people to death with a giant ooze while fogging their attacks. There's a wonderful synergy between presenting a big Slogurk and the fogs that makes opponents less inclined to attack at all, creating a dilemma; do you try to kill me, or do you try to stop me from killing you? All the while Slogurk grows and I inch towards my combo.

I'm using the original deck list and haven't been able to put Cryptic Command, Disallow, Realms Uncharted in yet. I also think @pokken was onto something with Nylea's Intervention. I'm not 100% sure the answer is to cut Fabricate, but we'll see.

I was unimpressed by Tangle, Arcane Denial, and Reality Shift. Additionally, I found myself struggling with colors surprisingly, so I'm cutting some basics for Tangled Islet and Rimewood Falls, even if they come into play tapped. Reliquary Tower is in, too, because my grip can never be too big.

Anyway, thanks y'all for the feedback.

- 2 Island
- Forest
- Arcane Denial
- Tangle
- Reality Shift

+ Tangled Islet
+ Rimewood Falls
+ Reliquary Tower
+ Cryptic Command
+ Disallow
+ Realms Uncharted

EDIT: Oops, my manabase needs fixing since I changed some slots around. More blue pips means more Islands.

- Forest
+ Island

EDIT: Well, I got bored and did some more experimental tweaking. Quite a lot, actually. The first change was to cut two lands, an Island and a Forest; the difference between 38 and 40 is negligible, and since I can recur lands in a number of ways, I can start reusing my fetches to hit my land drops. With those two slots, I put in Fact or Fiction and Mystic Confluence. Fact is one of my favorite cards and feeds the graveyard, and the Confluence is just a powerful all-rounder in the late game. I removed the hard mass removal spells in Oblivion Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk in favor of more bounce spells like Aetherspouts and Evacuation. I want the deck to feel less restricting and more defensive for my opponents so I hit them unexpectantly with a big ooze or my combo. Spore Frog made its way in since it can combo with Conduit of Worlds, like Spike Weaver, with Fabricate getting the axe. Finally, I cut Disallow again for readding Tangle, since 10 counterspells, even modal ones, is too many, and I need more fogs in my life and Tangle is just the best of the worst at two and less mana.

- Island
- Forest
- Disallow
- Fabricate
- Oblivion Stone
- Nevinyrral's Disk

+ Spore Frog
+ Tangle
+ Fact or Fiction
+ Aetherspouts
+ Evacuation
+ Mystic Confluence

PS: Check the mana curve. I weep in awe of its beauty.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 8 months ago

Updated my decklist.

The deck is rather strong for mid to high level tables (somewhere on the higher end of the spectrum between precons or extremely casual decks and cEDH), and even though we don't run many creatures the deck's threat profile tends to be such that we don't attract a lot of attention. The online meta tends to be more optimized and faster than FLGS games so it's very easy to just fade into the background and hit land drops while everyone else is landing a haymaker on someone who isn't me.

It's nice.

Arachnogenesis is cheapish again, and a 3 mana Fog that leaves you with a potentially huge board to deter attackers is pretty good. They even have reach! Hilarious. Plus, it fits into the horror vibe of the deck. Try to kill me and I explode into spiders. On the other hand, Spike Weaver is a little too telegraphed and awkward to play with. I also upped the counterspell count by one, though I may need more to find them in the early game more often.

Unfortunately, despite handling duress reasonably well, the deck still needs some ways to wipe the board, so in come All Is Dust and Oblivion Stone again. Tutors help me find these cards, from Mystical and Personal tutors to the newly added Crop Rotation into Academy Ruins to recur it (and present another soft lock). Sometimes you need a firm grip on the table. Speaking of Crop Rotation I feel silly for not having included it earlier, as well as Splendid Reclamation.

Overall, I'm very happy with the way the deck performs. It's fun to navigate the game with finesse and a light touch most of the time, and since you can't (and shouldn't) just blow everything up all the time you can guide the flow of the game and remain in control behind the scenes.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 8 months ago

Big shout out to @TheAmericanSpirit for reminding me that Attunement exists. It's exactly the kind of card this deck wants. A big part of the deck is dodging removal with Slogurk, the Overslime by removing the counters and returning the lands to hopefully cycle some of them again. Trade Routes and Compulsion make this process easier by turning all of your lands into cycling lands, but this janky Urza's Saga nonsense?

For three mana you can convert the three lands you return with Slogurk into gas and the counters you need on Slogurk to return the lands to start the process all over again. Trade Routes has the initial casting cost and can only loot with lands, Compulsion costs two per loot, and Excavation has some obvious drawbacks. Did I mention that Attunement is, like its cousin from Exodus, virtually impossible to interact with outside of countermagic? Absolute slam dunk for this deck and leads to the amazingly fun pattern of bouncing Slogurk and generating all the value.

I'm strongly thinking about taking the combos out. They seem out of place, and while they're cool they just don't vibe with what the deck is doing. Slogurk is an elegant and effective finisher in its own right.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 7 months ago

New list.
It Came from the Mists


Approximate Total Cost:

The biggest changes are that I removed the infinite combos and completely revamped the ramp package. The infinite combos felt somewhat out of place as the deck evolved. Slogurk is truly such an elegant finisher that the combo is unnecessary. As for the ramp package, well, this deck is very, very mana hungry when you're cycling Slogurk in and out of play and pitching lands to draw cards, so I added in Burgeoning and Sakura-Tribe Scout, Skyshroud Ranger, Llanowar Scout, and Scaled Herbalist. This deck tends to get a glut of lands in hand and these are great ways to get them into play. Otherwise, there's just a bit more fine-tuning.

I love this deck so much. Once you get rolling, Slogurk is incredibly difficult to remove, and really plays out like Life from the Loam on legs.

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Post by Warped » 7 months ago

On night shift, had to make an account to reply to this lovely deck building process. I'm just finishing up a double shift, so please excuse me if I seem a little rambly, I'm pretty tired.

Snag is a wonderful fog to use for this turboslime. Also I'm a sucker for Sunstone, however I understand not everyone is willing to run snow support. Repeatable fogs are really wonderful though. I think Blessed Respite deserves another thought as well. The GY shuffle is targeted, so it makes for great GY hosing in a pinch, and can be used as another avenue to save your own yard from a nuke.

I understand not wanting to run Splendid Reclamation and World Shaper, but this is typically where my love for bounce lands, blue land enchantments, Zuran Orb, and lotus lands pop up. Running Glacial Chasm also helps with getting the cyclelands back in the bin. Shaper has the added benefit of being a bit of a rattlesnake as well.

Another note on bounce and lotus lands. Having "ramp" built into the land base let's you expand your card selection to include the blue "free" land untapper spells for counters and card selection (Unwind, Frantic Search, Snap, etc) These ramp you further at instant speed to be able to get even more cycles in addition to whatever else you're doing. Bouncing back a cycleland and using it's own mana to activate cycling has always been super satisfying also 😁

Love everything else you're doing, and I agree that in terms of wincons, the gurk is elegant enough to get the job done. Other random card ideas: Tolaria West for repeated land tutor, Emergence Zone is a pet card of mine, instant speed play feels great. Alchemist's Refuge is nice too but a little expensive for the effect. Nostalgic Dreams feels great with all the extra lands floating in hand. Finally, Drake Haven might be a nice engine in the deck, chumping fliers and getting some chip damage in here and there.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 6 months ago

Warped wrote:
7 months ago
Snag is a wonderful fog to use for this turboslime. Also I'm a sucker for Sunstone, however I understand not everyone is willing to run snow support. Repeatable fogs are really wonderful though. I think Blessed Respite deserves another thought as well. The GY shuffle is targeted, so it makes for great GY hosing in a pinch, and can be used as another avenue to save your own yard from a nuke.
Oh, Snag looks great on paper, I'm just not sure the alternate cost has a high enough uptime compared to the mana value. Four mana isn't terrible for a fog in the late game I suppose. Sunstone and snow lands are perfectly acceptable choices, though I think I prefer Spike Weaver in that regard. I had a game where Conduit of Worlds recurred it and effectively locked the two remaining opponents out of being able to do anything meaningful to me. I really like Blessed Respite but I just can't find room for it. It's the weakest fog I want to play.
I understand not wanting to run Splendid Reclamation and World Shaper, but this is typically where my love for bounce lands, blue land enchantments, Zuran Orb, and lotus lands pop up. Running Glacial Chasm also helps with getting the cyclelands back in the bin. Shaper has the added benefit of being a bit of a rattlesnake as well.

Another note on bounce and lotus lands. Having "ramp" built into the land base let's you expand your card selection to include the blue "free" land untapper spells for counters and card selection (Unwind, Frantic Search, Snap, etc) These ramp you further at instant speed to be able to get even more cycles in addition to whatever else you're doing. Bouncing back a cycleland and using it's own mana to activate cycling has always been super satisfying also 😁
Reclamation is back in, though it can be awkward at times. Still, the massive ramp is worth it, I think. As for World Shaper, I've always found it awkward in lands decks. The self-mill is okay for growing The Slime and fuels its own recursion but by and large I prefer to be able to both control and surprise with my mass recursion. You can do much worse, as far as rattlesnakes go, though.

I've refitted the mana base to accommodate some of the other changes I've made in large part due to this feedback. Thanks!
Love everything else you're doing, and I agree that in terms of wincons, the gurk is elegant enough to get the job done. Other random card ideas: Tolaria West for repeated land tutor, Emergence Zone is a pet card of mine, instant speed play feels great. Alchemist's Refuge is nice too but a little expensive for the effect. Nostalgic Dreams feels great with all the extra lands floating in hand. Finally, Drake Haven might be a nice engine in the deck, chumping fliers and getting some chip damage in here and there.
Emergence Zone is a card I like quite a bit, but we're already playing a lot of instant speed spells so I think its effectiveness dips in comparison to, say, mono-black control.

Nostalgic Dreams! Wow, what a suggestion, and what a card I haven't thought of in over a decade. This is the spice this deck wants.

If only all first posts could be this nice.

Let's get to that decklist.

It Came from the Mists


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The mana base has been retooled quite a bit to use both utility lands and Lotus Vale/Lotus Field. Wasteland is in as an additional way to get rid of problematic lands (or help lock an opponent out of the game in 1v1), everyone's favorite land Field of the Dead is here to help create blockers. Other than that, the major changes are the reintroduction of Spike Weaver, the inclusion of the dangerously spicy Nostalgic Dreams, and another removal spell in Curse of the Swine.

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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 6 months ago

If you like Nostalgic Dreams, Turbulent Dreams might also be up your alley.
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Post by TheGildedGoose » 6 months ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
6 months ago
If you like Nostalgic Dreams, Turbulent Dreams might also be up your alley.
I'm less hot on this one. With Nostalgic you can easily turn Slogurk into several cards in your graveyard for only two mana. Turbulent seems best when I'm pressing the advantage and trying to get damage through, in which case I think having the cards in hand to make it shine isn't a guarantee. It's more likely that I would have plenty of mana to dump into an X spell like Curse of the Swine or Distorting Wake.

Still, what a sweet card. They can't all be Sickening Dreams, though. Speaking of, it sure does combo with Glacial Chasm...

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 6 months ago

Updated the original post with the current decklist and analysis. I love this deck so much.

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Post by Warped » 6 months ago

The playlines you can abuse with Devastation Tide, Mystic Sanctuary, and a cycler seem pretty nice. Instant speed land play also seems great, so I'm not really impressed with Skyshroud Ranger. There are a few other 2 mana dorks you can use without the sorcery speed caveat, as well as cards like Growth Spiral and Joint Exploration. Being able to pull Maze of Ith , Glacial Chasm, and Pit of Offerings out as a gotcha feels great.

Edit :Actually, sanctuary is a dirty card and I am disgusted with the loops you can pull with it given proper setup with cards that can recur it multiple times a turn. I'm trying to very specifically not run infinites in my decks nowadays and this is getting pretty close

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Post by Dunadain » 4 months ago

would Oversimplify be a good board wipe? the tokens it leaves behind might be unfortunate, but it's the cheapest "real" board wipe in these colors
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Post by TheGildedGoose » 4 months ago

Dunadain wrote:
4 months ago
would Oversimplify be a good board wipe? the tokens it leaves behind might be unfortunate, but it's the cheapest "real" board wipe in these colors
I had completely forgotten about this card.

Definitely worth testing. Exile is great, and while the token is problematic and doesn't at all save us from combat damage it does save us from other bad stuff.

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