Patron of the Orochi - The Cockroach Tron

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Boseiju, Who Endures is a card. It's a card I probably should run. However, I've spent all these years being wildly paranoid about my forests, why should I stop now :P That said, Boseiju is an auto-include in just about every mono-green deck there is. And there's nothing else to note for NEO.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Another set, another bunch of nothing. Patron is my only deck that is not affected by SNC and its commander product in some capacity, which I guess is encouraging. Still, a bit too many includes in other places for my liking. Funny how back in the day I was happy when WAR put cards in all my decks and now if too many includes happen I treat it as a warning sign. What a year 2019 was for Magic, eh? Anyway, SNC - the closest to a consideration would be Bootleggers' Stash, but it's not that good a consideration really. If Patron is around and capable of untapping, you should have something better to do.

I really should put Boseiju, Who Endures in here. I accidentally stumbled upon some cEDH tournament report and apparently the thing is played in just about every Gx deck in existence, so the card is actually good. I also played a few Patron games lately and got watchdogged by one guy in one of them. He pointed multiple pieces of interaction at mana multipliers and stalled me out enough to kill me. That is a very Patron way to go, get your mana doubler blown up while you're still soft to it. Maybe I should try to combat that? Add Heroic Intervention or something?
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

CLB Changes

Time to clear out some cobwebs.

CLB Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

Neither of the new CLB includes is particularly stunning. Majestic Genesis reads like it was tailor made for Patron - dump eight cards deep onto the field for eight mana! Thing is, it lacks the non-permanent option retaining of the conventional tall draws, and the crazy reach of Genesis Wave. Still makes for a fine maximum overkill value play, and Patron-compatible draw remains a finite category. Meanwhile, Jaheira's Respite is the swingiest card I have ever ran anywhere, but it actually works very well with what Patron is doing. The deck is super soft in the early game, no board, no nothing, and it always threatens a kill out of nowhere once a certain critical mass of stuff is acquired. I have often honestly disclosed to my foes I have no way of killing them as I passed turn into them, lived to untap, and suddenly become capable of a stun kill via a single draw off the top. Experienced foes will know that, and will slam into Patron hard and fast early while they still can. Respite covers that weakness, buying some time and simultaneously nudging you along the ramp track. I did two test games with it, which were a bit awkward as the opposition was aware I had it, but it nevertheless did serious work in both games. In one of them I actually picked it up via Regrowth - that's a good sign that the card is useful.

The cuts are taking out some dead slots that got streamlined out of relevance. Our group's newest member, who joined in 2018, did not even know I ran Hoof in here as I never once cast it across our shared tenure. If the combo mode has become so reliable that I barely, if ever, cast Hoof in four years, then the slot can go. Meanwhile, Exarch was mainly in here for the combo mode. Thing is, the combo mode does not ultimately need him. Most of the time it's perfectly fine to just spam Beast Withins, or even just do the Kamahl stun kill without any board destruction at all. There are some deeply hypothetical scenarios where Exarch's presence would still be relevant, but it's a similar level of what-if to what kept Ulvenwald Tracker out of the list. The Exarch's presence will remain as a bullet point in a refreshed Sabertooth abuse box. Kudos to another playgroup friend for getting me to ponder this during one of the Respite test games.

I was considering taking out Ant Queen as well in the name of streamlining, but as per recent'ish musings in the thread she's having a second youth as a dedicated Earthcraft combo piece, in no small part thanks to Nyxbloom Ancient. To be fair, it is actually easier to make a land tap for three than the four Nemata needs to function. Heroic Intervention is joined in the putative juke waiting room by Tamiyo's Safekeeping, a card I somehow missed in NEO that a Xenagod primer update reminded me of. Boseiju is also a possibility, but I'm a little less keen on it since there was recently a game where I exactsies'd the mana to squeak in some big play. Forests are useful!
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

DMU is back to our regular scheduled inactivity show. Plaza of Heroes could technically protect Patron, but is not a forest. We lack the creature density to make good use of Silverback Elder, but I'm sure the card will find many a home anyway. Threats Undetected lacks precision, and Patron lacks the redundancy to force whatever he actually needs through.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

40K/UNF continue the inactivity show. Sporocyst is kinda cute, a Wildest Dreams for ramp, spend eleven mana and get a cantrip. Cool, I guess.

I had a game recently where the CLB includes really shined. Chased out a pretty quick hasted Patron, ripped Majestic Genesis, flipped Ring of Three Wishes into play. Lacked the mana to use it immediately, but felt safe passing into the table, as if anybody got silly on the board I acquired the power to tutor Ramp Fog and live. Spoiler, nobody had anything and they died once it got back to me :P
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

BRO has an above average number of cards worth thinking about. Awaken the Woods is neat with its ramp scaling, but the fact it makes summoning sick guys is not that great for both resilience and sequencing in the late game. Haywire Mite is a very respectable piece of goodstuff, with the upsides outweighing the downsides for most use. Titania's Command feels balanced around getting things that aren't just basic forests, but it's another one of those high end modal ramp spells.

Caged Sun, Staff of Domination and Swiftfoot Boots are now coming to old border; I'll probably splurge on the fancy sketch versions. I think I have every possible card in old border here.
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Post by BlackbirdPlaysMTG » 1 year ago

Just wanted to hop in and say hi, since I have been lurking this list for a while! For some reason I really like the decks you are creating. I have been playing a mono green Nissa storm deck myself for a few years. It did very similar things compared to this deck: 1) ramp a lot, 2) draw a lot, usually go through a ridiculous storm turn with doublers and all that, and then make a lot of big (hasty) tokens, or cast a very large Hurricane or Squall Line.

What would you throw in for the Mana Crypt? Another ramp spell? Perhaps a Mind's Eye?

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

Hello again ;) It's not uncommon for people to be wired similarly when it comes to commander choices. I remember reacting to Sythis with a nod of approval, but as I already had two enchantress decks on the go at the time I sat that one out :P You got a list for that Nissa somewhere? Maybe there's some cool tech that would be transferable.

I took no notes for this deck when looking at the various ONE spoilers. Not the first time, not the last. As always, this is a good thing.

I remember noticing at some point that Patron is quite heavy on old cards, and recently caught wind of a thing dubbed prEDH - only cards prior to C11 are legal. Of all my lists, this one would have the easiest time transitioning... in no small part because this is the only legal commander :P A prEDH form of this deck would lose the grease of the tall draws and some key combo cards. It would still be possible to go infinite, but I foresee that version being quite a bit closer to the deck's original incarnation, making loads of ants in a less explosive fashion.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

Whoa, new card type!

From Patron's perspective, sieges only have a front side. Flipping one isn't going to happen until that one combat where everybody dies. Invasion of Ikoria is a two mana overhead tutor, so seems like an auto shoe-in.

Here's the thing though. MOM previews brought Surrak and Goreclaw, and I was very excited by the perspective of a haste outlet that I could easily tutor. Finally, self-contained infinite mana off creature fetchers! I got to goldfishing, and quickly found out that I was actually not practically enticed by Surrak's existence in the 99. Rather than try to tutor for a 6 drop haste granter, there were other preferable targets during the setup, and later on I'd just do the tall draws and piece together something from what came up. This is consistent with prior experience and swaps over the past few years.

In the end, neither of the two are going in, though the battle is in active consideration. It is a very mana-efficient way to plug a creature hole in a combo setup, so if the desire to up creature tutors arises, this is the go-to one.
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Post by BlackbirdPlaysMTG » 1 year ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
1 year ago
Hello again ;) It's not uncommon for people to be wired similarly when it comes to commander choices. I remember reacting to Sythis with a nod of approval, but as I already had two enchantress decks on the go at the time I sat that one out :P You got a list for that Nissa somewhere? Maybe there's some cool tech that would be transferable.
Sure, here you go: ... ramp_combo. It was originally a deck created by someone else (for some reason I remembered he was German)... I think it was posted on the MTGSalvation forums (built like 8 years ago I think?). I cannot find the thread anymore though. I rebuilt it from my mind just today and added some new cards. Will need to do some tweaking though.

I saw a neat new card by the way! How about Open the Way instead of Hunting Wilds? The card is just as good for X=2 (four mana) and you can get 3 or 4 lands with it if you have more mana available. It is a small upgrade, but hey, everything counts :) .

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 1 year ago

MAT Change

Thanks for the post, I somehow managed to largely blank on MAT, and missed this card! The suggestion is spot on, all I've got to do is execute it :P

MAT Change
Approximate Total Cost:

It's kind of funny how low on Explosive Vegetations I've gotten over the years. Hunting Wilds was the last surviving one, on the basis of the fact that once upon a time I used the kicker to create hasty creatures and kill people in a weird infinite mana but no draw game state. Open the Way is just better due to the flexibility. I can see myself using it for X=3 quite often, as it curves out of an early Selvala and bridges the gap straight to Patron.

While picking up this new ramp spell, I finally bought the relevant BRO old frame sketch cards. This is my bling deck after all.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 11 months ago

LTR Changes

I feel I need to see The One Ring in a real game - the deck wants to ramp early and massively draw late, and this does not sequence amazingly with that. In a goldfish scenario, the card felt like a contingency plan for things not coming together. It did fine when I ended up needing to cast it early, but I never wanted to. I should be over the moon with it as a piece of reliable, Patron-independent card advantage, but the fact it takes a while to rev up ended up unimpressive in a vacuum.

I like the direction Radagast the Brown is hinting at, rewarding creatures with creatures, but that's not going to lead to exciting Patron includes. This is not a bad thing, as usual. They simultaneously printed a tall draw though, so in the tall draw goes.

LTR Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

The deck is quite creature light, so there's a very real chance that the promise of dumping in free stuff will actually yield little to nothing. Still, just paying eight mana for seven cards is perfectly acceptable. If ripping multiple tall draws in one turn, try to sequence this one toward the end in the event some of the 12 creatures make it to hand - popping in a free Nyxbloom Ancient feels pretty good :P Taking out the long earmarked Diviner's Wand, which takes ten mana to get you your first card. Yeah yeah, MTGS me, Wand is better once you're swimming in mana like crazy. But March is better at getting you to that point.

I took the chance to re-read my various Patron musings, both the old MTGS thread and this one, to remind myself of the deck's evolution, known weak points and include considerations. Dear reader, dropping update posts with such ramblings in your own deck threads is likely going to be useful to future you at some point, I do recommend it. It's interesting to see changes in perspective - when I built Daxos, I was brainstorming what toolbox answers to include in here. Now I'm looking at the list in horror, seeing 10 tutors and 33 lands, and see freshly-on-Nexus me addressing the tutor thing. The comments continue to hold, as the combos and swarm both depend on a narrow set of complementary cards and having efficient or versatile tutors on tap tends to bridge the gameplay gap. The land thing never really came up in various games and goldfishes as the deck tends to power out Patron just fine. Doing some dedicated goldfishes confirmed this fact - the list reliably hits enough land drops and ramp to make it to Patron, and once on Patron the real fun begins.

It was interesting to read the update posts around the time of the mulligan change, with the list starting to depend less on sculpting a hand out of weird what-if cards and instead running a bit more land and the bits of unconditional draw green can reach. Kind of similar to what I ended up doing in Ghired over the course of a few rounds of swaps, stripping the deck down to a few core modules and aggressively streamlining its ramp to help get there. There's not a ton of ramp to streamline within this deck, as I'm missing a single Rampant Growth variant that's actually runnable... wait, I'm missing a Rampant Growth variant in here?! Taking a leaf out of Ghired's book, I now no longer am. Cheap ramp is very useful, and if I'm aiming for maximum explosiveness then Into the North is actually more potent than Grow from the Ashes, even if old me has a point about the latter's long game utility. Can't have been that amazing since it promptly got cut for Nyxbloom Ancient though :P Adding yet another piece of ramp on top of the colossal mountain already in place is not a terrible idea either - a big part of the deck's resilience is its ability to pay its way through disruption and still ultimately do the thing. Patron is largely a stay-in-your-lane sort of deck, not really interacting with the opposition beyond what is absolutely mandatory. Reclamation Sage doesn't get used a lot, and as such can make room. Bit of a pity as I coughed up for the pretty old border one not too long ago, but this will slightly improve the deck's performance given current gameplay patterns. All other interaction is involved in combo lines in some fashion.

I considered potential weak spots and includes, to no further action. Jaheira's Respite looks absolutely atrocious on paper, but it covers a known weak point in the deck's deployment and plays fine. It's hard to capture this sort of card's utility when goldfishing, and the actual game reports in the thread where it comes up are positive toward it. Rings of Brighthearth got mentioned as situational at some point, and that's not an incorrect assessment. However, it still incidentally helps out with stuff en route to becoming a Patron mana doubler, e.g. copying Khalni Heart Expedition or Steve. After that, pickings become rather hypothetical. Earlier in the post, I mentioned that tutors are either efficient or versatile. I could whack Green Sun's Zenith or Worldly Tutor as they don't allow for an Eternal Witness-mediated chain. I could whack the Planar Portal variants as they cost an arm and a leg. Thing is, all these are battle-tested, and the Portal variants got a bit of second wind with the introduction of flip-into-play cards (and Respite to a lesser extent) into the list. Reducing the tutor density would mean a necessary increase in business spell density, and there are no business spells calling out for inclusion at this point. Or maybe go for the reverse angle and take out some business stuff? Ant Queen would be the one to go in that case, but as mentioned a few posts back the Earthcraft combos end up a lot easier with her. Regrowth could be argued to be a disposable piece of utility not part of any of the combo chains, but the list is very sorcery dense and happy to recur spells. If anything, maybe more recursion should be considered?

I tried goldfishing Skullwinder as an Eternal Witness that can also chase out Patron via snake offering, but unsurprisingly found myself with very few options for recurring spells early, and treating him as a three-mana one-shot Patron accelerant just did not feel worth it in goldfishing. I also goldfished Emerald Medallion, as after all this is a mono-coloured deck. I rarely played enough spells in the lead-up to Patron for the discount to matter, and sometimes the Medallion was inferior to a basic two-cost accelerant when artifacts became involved. And there are still putative two-cost accelerants that could be ran - there exist two-drop land auras like Fertile Ground. Land aura wise, the most tempting includes would be the ones that ramp two due to Earthcraft implications. However, these would compete with four drop land ramp spells in the deck, which are both more resilient and responsive in the ramp they offer. Maybe the cuts for these would be elsewhere, increasing the four-drop density, but I am quite happy with my ramp package as is and the deck does need some non-ramp cards in it too. Maybe go for some more tall draw? Stuff like Life's Legacy and Momentous Fall is destructive without being repeatable like Greater Good, so it would be more narrow in application. Is it still worth it to pay an effective 12 and make Patron summoning sick to see seven cards? I did a few goldfishes, though fewer than in earlier scenarios, and outside of pairing Patron with haste the answer was mostly no - part of the appeal of the current deck setup is I still have the power to do Patron untap stuff in other people's turns if a combo fails to come together, and this removes that power. Maybe I dismissed Shared Summons too easily - after all, it enables a tutor chain by landing in the bin, and its 2.5 mana per creature overhead is technically not that horrible compared to the current high-end of two. Yeah yeah, Chord of Calling has three, but if you start chaining then it's two for subsequent ones in practice. Plus taking out Chord would be crazy.

In the end, the viable putative includes largely remain the things that have been rattled off in thread many a time before. Boringclex is a doubler, albeit one that does not accelerate out Patron, which is keeping him out of the list. Reactive spells like Heroic Intervention and Tamiyo's Safekeeping are hard to evaluate in goldfishing, I'd have to get some proper playtest games in to see them in action, and Patron tends to stomp all over the playgroup as is. As such, I can't imagine being able to collect enough data without making the guys miserable, and the games would also likely be skewed by the knowledge I'm starting out with a reactive spell in hand. Skullwinder does technically join the fray, while his performance as a Blood Pet in goldfishing wasn't admirable it is still an interesting option to keep in mind. Yet nothing in the list feels inferior to these.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 9 months ago

WOE Change

Triplers are in a bit of a weird place right now. They only debuted two kinds, took a couple years off hinting at the general idea being abandoned, but are now returning to the same two effects they previously explored. There are other things that they could technically try multiplying - tokens, counters (though probably just +1/+1 to avoid planeswalker snafus), card draw, life gain, ETBs even? Yet here we are, with two red damage triplers about to be joined by a third one in sorcery form in the new LTR panoramas, and a new mana tripler.

Virtue of Strength is actually a rather elegant design. It calls back to the original Eldraine's mono-colour sub-theme, and even then mono-colour decks tend to run a whole bunch of non-basic lands for utility. Meanwhile Patron, with his gigantic mana focus and extremely Forest mana base tailored for the commander and a couple pre-existing cards in the 99:


The Virtue is not quite as busted as Nyxbloom Ancient, who responds better to tutoring and gains extra mana from rocks/chickens, leading to increased Staff of Domination combo potential. However, it does still result in a crazy burst of mana, and the adventure might even come in handy to pick up a Steve, a prematurely fallen Selvala or something. There's no question that it needs to go in. I picked at some weak points in the deck the last time around, and figured I'd put in some goldfishes explicitly focusing on how they function within the list...
  • ...well, for the most part. Jaheira's Respite is rather hard to goldfish, so I just based on my notes from when it got added. Spending a Regrowth to get it back is nontrivial praise. It's actually had a lasting impact on how the deck is received in the group, and I've seen people actively debate if I have Respite when I leave five mana up and pass into the table.
  • Rings of Brighthearth was singled out as a conditional card, predominantly shining with Patron. Early on, I pitted them in a card 1v1 with the Virtue and unsurprisingly the Rings lost, but there was one early goldfish where they would copy a Planar Bridge activation and lead to a win because of that. This inspired the dedicated goldfishes that ensued. Thing is, most wins still go through Patron, as he fuels the tall draws and gives crazy mana, and Rings are great then. I even landed one super old-school goldfish where Rings were the only meaningful mana acceleration, and I gunked up the table with Nemata. 2014 style, baby! The card was also useful with Steve and Khalni Heart Expedition, as mentioned last time, and copying various other things like artifact tutors and Garruk, Primal Hunter was also handy later. Definitely stronger than Illusionist's Bracers used to be.
  • Planar Bridge is the worst of the artifact tutors, funnily enough. The other ones can win if activated twice by piecing together Tooth and Nail and Earthcraft (Nyxbloom and Eternal Witness, into Ant Queen and Temur Sabertooth). Bridge only reaches permanents, so this line is not available. The other artifact tutors also offer a good backup line by passing into the table with a live Patron, getting Jaheira's Respite if necessary. This also cannot do that. However, in goldfishes, Bridge still proved itself worthy. The combos rely on non-creature pieces, and Bridge gets whatever you're missing. If stuck in a gas-less scenario where nothing is going on, picking up Garruk for a draw seven turned out to be perfectly acceptable.
  • Worldly Tutor may not enable Eternal Witness-mediated chains, but it can get a quick Keeper of Progenitus. The cheap doublers are great early acceleration.
Ultimately, I found the cut elsewhere.

WOE Change
Approximate Total Cost:

The deck runs 11 non-Tracker creatures, and Patron is pretty much the only meaningful body to slam into things. In its current incarnation, the deck tends to win pretty quickly once Patron is out. Tracker's utility is severely limited as a result. I don't remember the last time I actually used the fight, more often than not if he does something it's acting as Earthcraft fodder. It's actually probably a more sensible cut than the Reclamation Sage was.

Other WOE considerations are less impactful. Up the Beanstalk promises trickle draw once playing big spells, which Patron has 20 of. Once the big spells come out to play, the deck is near deploying tall draws, which go a lot deeper a lot quicker. I gave it some goldfishes and found it rather uninspiring in practice. If I were to introduce more non-tall draw, I'd probably go for The One Ring due to its standalone good nature. I still need to actually test that out in an actual game at some point, as part of its benefits are not easily captured in goldfishing. Thunderous Debut is nontrivial to bargain at the time when it matters, and doesn't even go through the whole deck.

Some notes from various recent games and the goldfishes:
  • Open the Way is obscenely good, getting to cast it for 3 or 4 is a fantastic feeling. I'm kind of considering Awaken the Woods as a result now, as it would allow for similar bridging. However, the outstanding issues from the BRO update still stand, on top of the guys not responding to Extraplanar Lens and Virtue.
  • The "produces" mana doublers/triplers stacking multiplicatively lead to absolutely insane mana pools. I've had lands capable of tapping for 10+. It's important to keep tabs on what is happening on the board, as it's becoming increasingly easy to pull off the nonstandard Earthcraft/Staff combos. I've had the Kamahl variants come together multiple times in goldfishing. Even sans combos, the resulting crazy yet finite mana situations lead to pretty fun game states. In one scenario I had Virtue out with no draw outlook or combo pieces, but both Tooth and Nail and Finale of Devastation available. Tooth and Nail got Ant Queen plus Nyxbloom, a crazy swarm of ants was made, and a "kicked" Finale got Kamahl with enough mana left over for a single overrun activation for trample. Swarm win out of nowhere!
  • Finale of Devastation granting haste is actually rather relevant, as it turns out. One time I caught myself using a big artifact tutor to get it just to power out a surprise hasted Selvala for a Staff combo.
  • I'm considering taking out Regrowth for Skullwinder. The loss of efficiency would be unfortunate, but having a redundant body-based piece of recursion could prove to be relevant.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 months ago

We're living in interesting EDH times. On one hand R&D has declared that it's moving away from two-drop rocks, except The Irencrag still squeaked out apparently. On the other we're seeing an influx of colour-specific two-drop ramp, presumably as a result of understanding two-drop rocks exist and ceasing manufacturing new ones will not stop people playing the existing ones. After Emergent Sequence (essentially crafting a dork) and Thunderherd Migration (dino tribal or bust), mono green gets its first proper Rampant Growth since Into the North with Into the Core. Redundancy creep is moving past endless Explosive Vegetation riffs, and there's a new Cultivate on the horizon too. I'm sure there's a way to math out an optimal ramp suite composition as the option pool keeps growing. For now I'm quite happy with the performance of the deck, with recent swaps upping the already insane ramp density further.

Now that this extremely overdue LCI update is out of the way, time for other similarly minuscule acknowledgments of more recent releases. MKM brings us Archdruid's Charm, which offers a three mana overhead creature tutor in tandem with a bunch of utility functionality that I've been irresponsibly stripping out of the list with time. Heck, it can even be ramp, or super slow double ramp via Blighted Woodland. Of note, the tutor does hit the bin unlike Invasion of Ikoria, allowing for chaining combo setup, an important tutor feature. Time of Need sticks out as the least efficient and flexible of the creature tutors, but being able to rip it turn two into turn three Selvala is a great setup play. Speaking of Selvala actually, we now get a second one, albeit at five mana. Fallout brings Bighorner Rancher, and the original has been impactful enough that this is a decent consideration. Paying five mana for a standalone ramp of two is not the end of the world, Selvala is three mana for standalone one. However, he doesn't come with the card draw potential, which has been known to be relevant in combo applications by bouncing Patron to find something to do with the mana, and in a further very minor drawback he can't easily be the one to be looped via Temur Sabertooth with haste as you'd need an eight-powered creature to go off. The last of those in particular is splitting hairs though, but I guess for now the Rancher joins Cloudstone Curio in theoretical redundant piece land.
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Post by Artaud » 2 months ago

Hi Rumpy. I wonder if you could commit to land combo used in Zacama, Primal Calamity. I'm talking about Sanctum of Eternity combined with Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth and haste outlet you need for Temur combo anyway. Cards like Crop Rotation and Archdruid's Charm could get you there easily and you'll be up one non-basic only.

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