"Quirks That Define Your EDH Style"

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Post by materpillar » 4 years ago

A while ago my friends all figured out which card most completely exemplifies each of us and our playstyle. All my friends in my original metagame were Venser's Journal, Repercussion and Maelstrom Wanderer.

Lab-man is my card and it fits me perfectly.
1) It's from Innistrad, my favorite set. It oozes flavor and I love cards that do that.
2) I was the man in my playgroup who most heavily leaned on graveyard interactions and recursion
3) If I could start every game with a Laboratory Maniac Emblem, my win rate would go up dramatically. If there's a way to draw/mill my deck I will find it. Even with loaner decks. Hand me your mono-white aggro Isamaru, Hound of Konda. There's no possible way to deck yourself there you say! I'll find the Puresteel Paladin + Bloodforged Battle-Axe combo and threaten to deck myself on accident.
4) "His mind whirled with grand plans, never thinking of what might happen if he were to succeed." perfectly describes how I go about deck-building. I'm working on a skip all my turns deck. Is it actually going to be fun to pilot or play against? Who knows! All I know is I have an insatiable desire to build it!

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Post by onering » 4 years ago

I build lots of decks. I primarily play online so I have dozens od decks there, but even in paper I have around 10. In paper they are lower powered because of card access and generally don't want to share cards, and theres a few I'd put as my top decks, but online they range greatly in power level, theme, color, etc. I like testing out concepts and seeing if I can make things work, and then seeing how good I can make an oddball theme. Many of my decks are on the weird side, either because they have an odd theme (Kasimir thr Lone Wolf is a lone wolf so hes the only creature in the UW enchantress deck, Horobi, Grixis group hug, mono red blink and etbs, Kalemne 5cmc tribal, numerous tribal decks, Munda "this Boros tribal deck is a card advantage machine", etc. Even the more popular commanders I play tend to promote more against the grain styles, like sygg aggro is the norm for sygg but still dimir aggro is not what the color combo usually does, and my Ephara deck is oops all creatures aggro. I keep them for a long time and don't play the same deck a bunch of times in a row.

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Post by Maluko » 4 years ago

I think four things describe my playstyle in Commander: the lack of mana acceleration in my decks, the restrictions I apply when deckbuilding, my ability to build decks with alternative win-cons, and my love for epic plays.

The first one is simple: I keep track using a points system of the impact that the cards I draw and/or play have during the game. Without going into detail into this system, if a card scores sufficiently low, it's replaced by another card. I have been using this system for about three years now, and, surprisingly, it has caused me to replace almost all the mana accelerators from my decks. It has led me to see how people vastly overestimate the power of mana rocks and Rampant Growth effects. The truth is, more often than not, everytime I draw one of these cards, I'd rather have drawn a land. Mana rocks are only useful if you can cast them early in the game and have cards on curve in your hand to cast. The probability of this happening is actually low when compared to the amount of times you draw a Sol Ring late in the game and it does nothing for you. Not to mention the amount of times they get blown up during a game. Moral of the story, if you're using mana accelerators with the exclusive purpose of getting you ahead of mana (for example, if you're playing an artifact-based deck, then mana rocks can be useful in other ways), trust me, you'd rather be playing something else most of the time.

The second one is about building a casual deck that my opponents enjoy playing against. Casual decks are all about restricting your deckbuilding, be it certain cards or an entire strategy, in order to manifest a part of your own identity during deckbuilding as well as gameplay. My best example is with my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Ninja Tribal deck. My main focus is on the Ninjas and Ninjutsu. Therefore, to avoid dealing a ton of damage to my opponents when they least expect it, I run almost no library manipulation, no tutors, and all the high-CMC cards in the deck must have a purpose other than just to trigger Yuriko. Of course, I can still do it accidentaly, but the amount of times that happens is incredibly low.

The third one is about avoiding my entire strategy to fall prey to a single card or opposing strategy. I hate being stuck without interaction, so if the game reaches that point, I like to know that somewhere in the deck there is a combo ready to break draw-go scenarios. My The Ur-Dragon deck, for example, can break a stalemate by comboing Scourge of Valkas with Dragon Broodmother or Utvara Hellkite to deal direct damage to my opponents. My Dinosaur Tribal deck has the all-mighty Zacama, Primal Calamity that brings inevitability and can deal with pretty much everything on board, for example.

The last one is easy. I'm a Timmy and I absolutely love to see epic creatures fighting each other and spells completely reversing the gameplay situation. It doesn't matter if I win or lose that game: as long as there was at least one interesting play that made me go :o , then the game was entirely worth it!

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Post by schweinefett » 4 years ago

I seem to be red-heavy. My fav decks are:

- zedruu voltron
- rakdos the defiler suicide aggro
- lord of tresserhorn 'leaves the battlefield' tribal

And one deck i have that i dont like much...
- Some BUG general who leads persistent petitioners 'combo' (bloodbond march into overrun and concordant crossroads or some form of mill)

I also had a, at some point, zo-zu the punisher mana denial/land destruction aggro deck that was pretty good fun. Shook things up a bit!

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Post by tstorm823 » 4 years ago

schweinefett wrote:
4 years ago
I seem to be red-heavy. My fav decks are:

- zedruu voltron
- rakdos the defiler suicide aggro
- lord of tresserhorn 'leaves the battlefield' tribal
I got like a deck carrier that holds 7 decks, so for a year or two I've kept myself down to 7 decks at a time, and I've never had less than 5 with red in them.

But red isn't the primary color in any of them currently. Zedruu is mostly blue, Mathas is mostly white, Rosheen Meanderer is mostly green, Olivia is mostly black, and my 5-color deck is 5-colors. Which is to say, my favorite color in magic is a splash of red.
Zedruu: "This deck is not only able to go crazy - it also needs to do so."

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Post by Airi » 4 years ago

I have probably two primary traits that go in to my own playstyle:
  • Aggression: And not just aggro decks, though I also enjoy playing aggro. I am a very active player. I prefer to make plays rather than to react to them. Whether I mean to or not in a particular game, I enjoy playing things that make me The Threat(TM). I get pretty easily bored if I sit back and wait for things to happen, which is why when I play control, I prefer styles like Marath where I can both be active and reactive.
  • Synergy: The greatest sin a deck I build could have is to not feel like there is a flow and a harmony to the way it plays. This is probably the number one thing I think defines me as a player, j get more joy out of how a deck performs over things like uniqueness or being off the wall. It means I tend to play things that are often more "generically" good rather than trying to build up my own niche ideas, but I do still try to give all of my decks their own identities. However, just because I might come up with something uncommon that people think is a neat idea, I cant keep it long term if it doesnt have the kind of play flow that I expect from my lists.

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Post by Runnin » 4 years ago

My style is very much to work in the shadows yet being very much in the spotlight. Like I tend to talk and joke a lot while building up my board slowly but surerly. Throwing out and early Xantcha, Sleeper Agent so she can wreck some havoc is always fun. She's quite worth the mana investment. But my this style is very much more prominent with my Nekusar deck, where I can sit back, help others in the mean time and wait for my turn to strike.
Then I got my Kozilek, the Great Distortion deck, where people almost always tend to target me first. It can be quite explosive, staxy and resillient with Kozilek out so its understandable.

After time I've gotten quite the reputation, so even if I try and stay back or if I'm really behind, people tend to gun for me even if I'm not a threat at all. They know that I can come from nowhere and lockdown the game or go for a huge unnecessarily risky play with Nekusar (Final Fortune is one of my favourite cards).

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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

In building a deck:
  • I aim for synergy over staples.
  • I prefer building commanders that aren't 'solved', or if they are, taking them in a direction that's off the beaten track.
  • I generally build 'commander-centric', so top down rather than bottom up. There's exceptions, but few.
  • I prefer not to combo; or, if the pieces that make the combo both earn a place on their own merits, I will generally go out of the way not to assemble the combo unless the game has to end.
In piloting a deck:
  • I play very midrangey, apparently. I hold my pieces and removal back until I know they resolve or have their intended purpose, and try not to overcommit or always have a contingency plan.
  • The previous point makes me somewhat of a reactive player, but I do try to sit on the fence of reactive/proactive.
  • Given the choice of losing a heavy arm wrestle or winning a pubstomp, I choose the former every time. It doesn't mean I'll go easy, it means I will always pick a deck that scales well and the table will (hopefully) enjoy.
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Post by cheonice » 4 years ago

I'm a sucker for mono-coloured decks, especially W and R ones, and quirky interpretations of common archetypes.
Elfball? Get your bottles of rum and parley with Selvala, Explorer Returned!
Sac'n'Recur? Toss the tokens away and get all the shiny things with Gonti, Lord of Luxury!
Your kitchentable despises LD? Destroy just a few lands with Wildfire and Lord Windgrace!

I've played Kemba, Kha Regent Equipments, 99 Mountains Ashling the Pilgrim, Daretti, Scrap Savant Artifact Reaniomator, Kumano, Master Yamabushi Damage Doubler, Seton, Krosan Protector Druidball, Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient Artifact Shenanigans.

And there is a whole evolution of decks that show my friutless attempts to make Aggro/Voltron viable:
Kemba, Kha Regent --> Mayael the Anima --> Rhada, Heir to Keld --> Sigarda, Host of Herons --> Samut, Voice of Dissent --> Marisi, Breaker of the Coil

Typically I try to have no more than five or six decks with different strategies to keep things interesting. If a new idea sprouts, an old deck has to go. But each and every deck tries to play the best and funniest card of all times, Sun Titan! And I have an unhealthy obsession of making Emeria, the Sky Ruin work in Wx-Decks.
I prefer small synergies and winnig by combat to big combos. Most of my decks have a decent amount of ramp and try to focus on the strengths of the colours. I liked my decks tuned, but not solved. You could describe my meta as 80-85% (no combos, no LD, few expensive cards, but otherwise pretty decent). Main goal: Meet friends and have fun. Winnig is optional.

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Post by Sanity_Eclipse » 4 years ago

Things about me and my decks:
- I do build around the Commander a good bit. Probably an obvious point and true for many, but we are playing Commander. Ya know, the format based around Legendary creatures. Most of my decks are Top-Down inspired things, 'cause I've gone through the list of Legendary creatures many, many, many times and if I haven't built something that exists I'm generally not interested by it.
- My decks have to be thematic, and tell a story (usually a combination of the actual character's story and some real world tropes I like), while not being complete piles of jank. Like, Eldrazi are probably some of the strongest creatures you could throw into a deck but I could personally only throw them into a deck like Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim or one of the actual Titans.
- Could I throw the absolute strongest cards I can into a deck purely for mechanical efficiency? Yes, but then it's just a pile of strong cards that work together well and that's boring to me. There's not usually a story or set of tropes behind a pile of cards that simply work well together.
- I can be pretty basic in that the theme or trope ends up being just a tribal deck half the time.
- Similar to toctheyounger, I'm pretty sure I play kinda midrange-y, and end up trying to straddle the reactive/proactive fence.
- I like to include at least a few answers for most things, or at least for things I foresee being an issue for any particular deck of mine.
More Decks
- Lyra - Naru Meha - Chandra - Lovisa - Nissa -
- Lavinia X - Yuriko - Jhoira - Saheeli - Glissa - Lathril - Meren - Koma -
- Anafenza - Alela - Sen Triplets - Inalla - Sidisi -
- Breya -

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Post by FoxOfWar » 4 years ago

Hmm. In no particular order as I think of them.

1.) I'm rather Tammy/Jenny player at heart. I objectively suck at playing control. Why play counterspells when I can create 22 22/22 hydras and watch people squirm? (Did that last week with Hydra Broodmaster, heh.)
2.) Incremental advantage synergistic snowballs is the name of the game.
2b.) I rarely have much of a plan B. I'm fine with my decks having their achilles' heels.
3.) Commander relates to the theme as much as possible, or is the reason I build the deck in the first place. This varies. Estrid the Masked is my Bant commander because she's the current best for land-animator in the colors. On the other hand, Polukranos, Unchained exists because That Hydra Is Cool and creates a very different approach to your typical grave-Golgari.
4.) Having enough removal is usually the category I fail at the most as I focus on my own gameplan and while deckbuilding forget that other people have plans too...
5.) I enjoy my randomness, generally avoid topdeck manipulation-needing decks and just preferring to draw more cards.
5b.) I need a very good reason to play tutors and generally only play narrow ones that can get to specific few cards, if I play any at all.
6.) If a card doesn't in some way relate to the deck's goal (say, as many Omnath, Locus of the Roil etb triggers as possible), I question its' necessity a lot faster. Card's relative strenght has nothing on it's usability to improve whatever odd plan I have.
7.) At least in theory, the deck can both win without commander, and win in different ways depending what I draw. Varies by deck and idea, but that's the goal.
8.) I don't infinite combo except by accident.
9.) I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
10.) Trying to find new ways to build stuff excites me. Themes in colors they don't get an abundance of (monowhite etb blink/resurrection, Boros enchantress, monored pillowfort...) makes me find all kinds of cool and obscure stuff.
11.) I am physically unable to make a goodstuff deck. I need my theme and synergy to locate and build around.
12.) Azorius is the bane of my (chromatic challenge) deckbuilding existence. Somehow that's the one color combo where nothing I try sticks enough to be fun to play.
13.) Possibility Storm is a pet card of mine, which is pretty telling of how I build my decks. I don't know what I'm getting, but it's probably good anyway.


1.) I swear by playing as fast as I reasonably can. I loathe people taking forever with their turns, and I'd rather do mistakes quickly than play 'correctly' and waste time. I only have so many hours in a week I'm at the game store.
1b.) I don't allow any take-backsies for myself. If I make a stupid mistake or walk into an onboard trick, I grumble, learn from it and continue.
2.) I'm more often the threat for people to react to, than anything else. I don't mind ending the archenemy after I've gotten to 'do my thing'. My quest for making aggro approaches viable continues.
3.) I play creature-centric enough almost regardless of deck that boardwipes make me grumble.
36 decks or so...
Hope of Ghirapur Swordpile - Ghosty Blinky Anafenza - Nezahal - Big, Blue and HERE! - Gonti Can Afford It - Kazuul, Tyrant of Chandras - Polukranos, More Mana - Azor Takes Flight - A3OS System - Vona Life Pain - Angel With a Whip and Her Pet Fox - Tolsimir Wolf Crusade - Dragonlord Steal & Copy - Arjun, the Mad Flame - Tatyova's Mad Lands - Zegana's Simic - Chainer Does the Value Dance - Polukranos, Unchained - Running Thromok - Sydri's Loco-Inspiraion - Zedruu the Furyhearted - Estrid Land Animation - A Case of Tariel's Persistent F*ckery - Tail of the AristoCat Humanitarian - Karador, Tomb Operator - Tayam Re-Curses - Jeleva... does... things - Sidisi, Death is Served - Omnath, Blink and You're Missing - The Negatiweaver - Breya, Eggs, Breya'd Eggs - Ishai and Reyhan Dicepile - Kynaios and Tiro Landfall Impersonations - Tana and Ravos' Regal Gatekeeping - Yidris of the Chi-Ting Corporation - General Tazri's Utterly Amazing Allies

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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

FoxOfWar wrote:
4 years ago
I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
I thought it was just me!
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

FoxOfWar wrote: Hmm. In no particular order as I think of them.

1.) I'm rather Tammy/Jenny player at heart. I objectively suck at playing control. Why play counterspells when I can create 22 22/22 hydras and watch people squirm? (Did that last week with Hydra Broodmaster, heh.)
2.) Incremental advantage synergistic snowballs is the name of the game.
2b.) I rarely have much of a plan B. I'm fine with my decks having their achilles' heels.
3.) Commander relates to the theme as much as possible, or is the reason I build the deck in the first place. This varies. Estrid the Masked is my Bant commander because she's the current best for land-animator in the colors. On the other hand, Polukranos, Unchained exists because That Hydra Is Cool and creates a very different approach to your typical grave-Golgari.
4.) Having enough removal is usually the category I fail at the most as I focus on my own gameplan and while deckbuilding forget that other people have plans too...
5.) I enjoy my randomness, generally avoid topdeck manipulation-needing decks and just preferring to draw more cards.
5b.) I need a very good reason to play tutors and generally only play narrow ones that can get to specific few cards, if I play any at all.
6.) If a card doesn't in some way relate to the deck's goal (say, as many Omnath, Locus of the Roil etb triggers as possible), I question its' necessity a lot faster. Card's relative strenght has nothing on it's usability to improve whatever odd plan I have.
7.) At least in theory, the deck can both win without commander, and win in different ways depending what I draw. Varies by deck and idea, but that's the goal.
8.) I don't infinite combo except by accident.
9.) I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
10.) Trying to find new ways to build stuff excites me. Themes in colors they don't get an abundance of (monowhite etb blink/resurrection, Boros enchantress, monored pillowfort...) makes me find all kinds of cool and obscure stuff.
11.) I am physically unable to make a goodstuff deck. I need my theme and synergy to locate and build around.
12.) Azorius is the bane of my (chromatic challenge) deckbuilding existence. Somehow that's the one color combo where nothing I try sticks enough to be fun to play.
13.) Possibility Storm is a pet card of mine, which is pretty telling of how I build my decks. I don't know what I'm getting, but it's probably good anyway.


1.) I swear by playing as fast as I reasonably can. I loathe people taking forever with their turns, and I'd rather do mistakes quickly than play 'correctly' and waste time. I only have so many hours in a week I'm at the game store.
1b.) I don't allow any take-backsies for myself. If I make a stupid mistake or walk into an onboard trick, I grumble, learn from it and continue.
2.) I'm more often the threat for people to react to, than anything else. I don't mind ending the archenemy after I've gotten to 'do my thing'. My quest for making aggro approaches viable continues.
3.) I play creature-centric enough almost regardless of deck that boardwipes make me grumble.
This comes close to describing me to a T as well. Main difference is that I'm a consummate control player. I make good control decks, but I almost hate playing them in edh. Any deck I make that leans heavily into control makes me archenemy Numero Uno for games to come. Back in the day with 1v1 60 card decks I rocked control ALL DAY. One of my best decks was further tuned by a friend and got him into a pro tour. It was a 4 color seismic assault deck. Back when that card came out in Exodus. But now that I'm an edh player I feel more responsible for an entire groups fun, and control can suck that fun out faster than someone's eyeball in total recall when they enter Mars's atmosphere. I should point out that my main group is a bunch of Timmy's who want to battlecruise, when I head to the lgs for some games my control decks are more appreciated... And still quite withdrawn from their full potential. Oddly enough, azorious is still my bane, I finally built a noyan dar deck I can get behind... But noyan is the only creature other than 2 archaeomancer variants that I polymorph into to get back my mass bounce spells. The most evil card is humility and I've still never dropped it despite having it in hand. This adventure into commander the last couple years has been sure interesting as far as this social aspect of magic is concerned. Love my tokens. I make it if I don't got it. I hate take backs, bump up a notch in salt when others do it but never disallow it except for myself. Go possibility
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Post by motleyslayer » 4 years ago

in 60 card formats, I tend to play midrange, grindfest decks. In EDH I love playing combo decks that can kill the table at once. I don't know exact;y why but I think it's because I hate when games go on forever so I love being able to kill the whole table at once

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Post by Toshi » 4 years ago

FoxOfWar wrote:
4 years ago
2.) Incremental advantage synergistic snowballs is the name of the game.
5b.) I need a very good reason to play tutors and generally only play narrow ones that can get to specific few cards, if I play any at all.
9.) I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
13.) Possibility Storm is a pet card of mine, which is pretty telling of how I build my decks. I don't know what I'm getting, but it's probably good anyway.
So. Many. Truths. Girl.
toctheyounger wrote:
4 years ago
FoxOfWar wrote:
4 years ago
I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
I thought it was just me!
Certainly not!
I've been pushing my playgroup since forever for everyone to have their tokens ready and it made the game so much more easy on the eye. Too bad, that Spawning Pit, one of my pet cards, doesn't have an official token to go with. (Don't suggest unofficial ones pls, not into those at all)

On top of that, everyone should have matching dices in several colors ready, too. I don't want to spend extra time to find out whether something indicates quantity of duplicates or counters and what type of counter i'm looking at!
Myself, i use a 3 color system. Green D6s for +/+ and "positive" counters, red D6s for -/- and "negative" counters and blue D6s for quantity of Tokens, Loyalty and other "neutral" stuff.

Few things in my life are as neat and organized as my MTG related things...

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

NoNeedToBragoBoutIt wrote: I've been pushing my playgroup since forever for everyone to have their tokens ready and it made the game so much more easy on the eye. Too bad, that Spawning Pit, one of my pet cards, doesn't have an official token to go with. (Don't suggest un

On top of that, everyone should have matching dices in several colors ready, too. I don't want to spend extra time to find out whether something indicates quantity of duplicates or counters and what type of counter i'm looking at!
Myself, i use a 3 color system. Green D6s for +/+ and "positive" counters, red D6s for -/- and "negative" counters and blue D6s for quantity of Tokens, Loyalty and other "neutral" stuff.

Few things in my life are as neat and organized as my MTG related things...
I like your dice system, might have to go for something similar. I tend to go for official tokens too but I will make them if I have to. As much as I adore the whole alter thing, it's much easier to look at a table I can visually register easily
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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

NoNeedToBragoBoutIt wrote:
4 years ago
Certainly not!
I've been pushing my playgroup since forever for everyone to have their tokens ready and it made the game so much more easy on the eye. Too bad, that Spawning Pit, one of my pet cards, doesn't have an official token to go with. (Don't suggest unofficial ones pls, not into those at all)

On top of that, everyone should have matching dices in several colors ready, too. I don't want to spend extra time to find out whether something indicates quantity of duplicates or counters and what type of counter i'm looking at!
Myself, i use a 3 color system. Green D6s for +/+ and "positive" counters, red D6s for -/- and "negative" counters and blue D6s for quantity of Tokens, Loyalty and other "neutral" stuff.

Few things in my life are as neat and organized as my MTG related things...
I do the same for walker emblems, too. I'm not as organised at you sound, but I do aspire to be. I try to have my tokens on point and keep them with my decks so I don't have to dig for em either. Sadly, my dice are what they are. My wife pores through all of the dice we pick up for the colours she wants, I get the dross :grin: Happy wife, happy life though.
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Post by Myllior » 4 years ago

If there's a card that best represents my approach to EDH, it's Archon of Valor's Reach; my deck-building and gameplay style is characterised best by disruption. That's not to say that my decks are built exclusively to do this - they all have predetermined game plans that they try to pursue - but they all run a decent number of pieces that disrupt my opponents' gameplans beyond normal removal and counterspells. This can be hatebears, mass bounce that asymmetrically favours my deck, in-game theft and clones, discard, etc. I tend to draw the line at hard locks or mana denial, since it would be way over the top for my playgroup, although I'll admit that Kefnet is beginning to toe over the line.

Quirk-wise, I always run 17 sources of ramp in my decks. Not sure how I got to this number, but any more and I worry I'll flood, while any less makes me feel like I'm going to be bottle-necked and end up durdling hard.

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Post by Gashnaw » 4 years ago

37 lands, even in 5 color. Unless it is mono, then i run 33. I also ran 29 in arcum and 35 in yuriko.

I dunno my decks vary in strategy and power level, so my quirks vary as well. I don't have any true quirk (Unless you want to include spending money i do not have an a deck, but that is more financial instability and not a quirk.

I use to be a combo player, but i prefer the feeling of old school magic these days, the "Turn sideways" approach, and surprisingly enough, my decks after decently in my meta (Sure there are guys who win more often, but My dragon deck can hold its own actually my dragon deck is one of those "Once it starts rolling..." decks. And "Once it starts rolling" can be very early on.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Just wanted to say I love this thread :)

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
Just wanted to say I love this thread :)
Kykar primer and other active decks (click!)

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

So, I'm a Johnny-Spike for sure. I play as optimally as I can every turn but will sometimes walk into tricks I foolishly overlooked. Some brews I play would be so much better if i opened myself to more colours (astral slide in abzan instead of zenith kaalia).
FoxOfWar wrote:
4 years ago

9.) I have to have all the tokens my deck makes (excepting copy tokens and really obscure/rarely occurring things that lack a card printed for it), and it makes me frown a bit when you don't have saproling/soldier/goblin tokens for your deck.
Omg this so much this. I'm so sad Ophiomancer doesn't have a token. At least using a Pharika's Chosen works pretty close.

Still waiting for a Kaldra token, Urami, and my Serpent Generator one.
Steel Sabotage'ng Orbs of Mellowness since 2011.

I collect Kaalia of the Vast normal-size cards. Do you have any extra taking up space in your binder? Help me grow my collection! :)


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Post by shandiris » 4 years ago

1. I don't like being at the mercy of the table when I pass my turn and I typically run a lot of instants and interaction. I'm usually the person someone at the table looks at when they ask if anyone has a response.
2. I prefer utility over efficiency usually. I rather run Utter End than Swords to Plowshares, but even rather run something like Hide // Seek or a Charm.
3. I tend to dislike staples and prefer running cards that only work in very specific decks or obscure cards. This is somewhat due to budget, but I also hate it when the deck is basicly an EDHREC list.
4. I have a couple of decks built around specific cards instead of the commander. My Sunforger (Bruse Tarl/Silas) is truly a Sunforger decks first then a Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder deck. My Zacama, Primal Calamity deck is similar to a lesser extent with Wild Pair, which would be a better deck without the Wild Pair restrictions.
5. I dislike infinite combos since it's typically feels anti-climatic and have cut them from decks. For instance my Mairsil, the Pretender plays none by design and I recently cut my Helm of the Host from Sunforger due to the interaction with Godo.

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Post by stubb » 4 years ago

1. I have a strong preference for 2 color decks with lots of basics. I like elegant manabases, and after playing Thrasios+Vial Smasher for a few months, I got sick of looking at a mess where my Islands should've been and took it apart.
2. Lots of interaction.
3. A real-deal kill condition so I can end the game when necessary.
4. I tend to not like managing tokens or counters on creatures.
5. Low curve, fewer lands. This is new. I used to be of the 36-38 land mindset, but I've found I have much more fun when I have lots of stuff to do early on and have card advantage engines to make up for it.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 4 years ago

When it comes to deckbuilding I prefer focusing on Commanders that appear interesting to me. I've tried building Atraxa, Praetors' Voice three times, each build different (+1/+1-counters, Infect, Superfriends), but each time it felt like the deck almost built itself and played like an autopilot. That's when I realized, I had to take a look to Commanders that were more challenging to build around.
This is just a general rule. When it came to the Brawl Precons, everyone was on the Chulane, Teller of Tales train and I had way more fun with Alela, Artful Provocateur, so I built an EDH deck out of her instead of the way more powerful deemed Chulane.
Another example for this would be Thromok the Insatiable as my Gruul Commander instead of just another Xenagod deck out there. Also, because I love the German translation of "Hellion" which is "Teufelsbraten".
This concludes to:
#1 Personal favorites over power level.

Then again I also have the quirk to build around weird or unusual rules or interactions of these. For example, my Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger deck makes use of the rule that players aren't allowed to rearrange cards in their or others' graveyards. My Reaper King deck uses Changeling Berserker, Changeling Hero and Changeling Titan to create a loop similar to three Oblivion Rings that target each other. In general, playing Reaper King with Changelings and Lord effects, is pretty quirky on its own, I think. And another example would be my Tuvasa the Sunlit deck which has the purpose of forcing a draw for the whole table, with interactions between Enchanted Evening + Ajani's Chosen/Archon of Sun's Grace.
Those interactions can be as little as Mystic Forge's interaction with Morph creatures in my Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer deck, which is just an upgraded precon, hasn't won any games yet, and still is fun.
This concludes to:
#2 Rules and interactions that make your opponents go " :o "

Even my cEDH decks make use of both rules.
Fblthp, the Lost has a weird enough interaction for me with Proteus Staff and is seen as not really competitive. But he is.
Same goes for God-Eternal Kefnet for granting all my Instants and Sorceries a better version of the Miracle ability. Both decks are cEDH underdogs, but are strong enough to compete.

At the moment I only have one deck that doesn't fit into either category really well: Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons. I'd call this deck a flex slot as it is possible that I don't want to play it anymore in the near future and then disassemble it for something I think is cooler then. At the moment, Hapatra is fun, but it is the only real flex slot I have right now, soo... who knows what deck idea might replace her?
This would be a minor rule:
#3 Always have 1-2 flex slots with decks that can be disassembled, if I want to test a new deck idea.

And that's all I can think of right now.

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