30+ Creature Type Changeling Tribal

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Life's been busy. Here's my brief thoughts on the Jump Start cards.

Kibo, Uktabi Prince - Seems pretty great. Has incidental lifegain (which I'm a fan of). It's ramp. It's artifact / enchantment removal. I'll probably slot this in over Altar of the Pantheon. I dislike cutting rocks for ramp that die to wrath spells but this has enough upside and flexibility that it definitely seems worth.

Preston, the Vanisher - Probably not good enough, but this does work well with Didgeridoo and that alone makes it worth mentioning. There's actually a surprising amount of synergy hiding around including Moggcatcher cycle, Changeling Titan cycle, The Ur-Dragon, Cryptic Gateway, Magda, Brazen Outlaw, Emiel the Blessed, and Patriarch's Bidding. Unfortunately, if you have those going you're probably in a good state making this a bit of a winmore. Hilarious, though.

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - Pretty big fan of this guy at a glance. Mainly because I read the last portion of the card as "end step: draw 2". If there's a consistent enough sacrifice theme going he's probably worth a glance. The fact that he does a Mirror Entity impression is just upside on top of that.

Deadly Plot - On theme removal and reanimation. Can get Morophon, the Boundless back, which is pretty nice. I can see this getting run in some more budgety lists.

Zask, Skittering Swarmlord - 5 mana seems like a lot, and I don't have any ways to abuse his land recursion. Note: he does loop Crib Swap and Nameless Inversion like Haakon, Stromgald Scourge does. Giving insects deathtouch is really solid with Dragon Tempest and Be'lakor, the Dark Master.

Personally, I'm only going to slot in Kibo, Uktabi Prince. Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm is close but I don't see anything I'd want to cut for him. I think he's competing against Liliana, Untouched by Death and he just doesn't have the same flexibility. I also don't really want to lean into graveyard abuse. I have plenty of other decks that do that and I want to keep mine distinct from each other.

I'm also going to keep an eye on Preston, the Vanisher. I doubt he's good enough right now, but with a couple more synergy cards I could maybe see him getting there. He's just the kind of stupid cute I like.


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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Who wants to be Mana Flare on a stick? Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch does!

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Post by Tribbles » 1 year ago

I was disappointed by the previews so far until that got spoiled. Urtet + Haakon + Universal Automaton + a sac outlet = major fun. Trying to think of a way to then alter them with Wings of Velis Vel. Lots of possibilities, exciting card!
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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

I went through and tweaked my list a bit. The only one of the new legends I'm trying is Kibo, Uktabi Prince. Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch is cute but I don't think I'd get a whole lot of value out of his token generation and +3/+3. I mostly was excited for his untap but I'm already testing Ohabi Caleria and I think it's untapping is better.

I haven't gotten any games in recently really. Does anyone else have any recent experiences with their lists?

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 year ago

materpillar wrote:
1 year ago
I haven't gotten any games in recently really. Does anyone else have any recent experiences with their lists?
One of the main game plans I rock is using a Goblin Recruiter in conjunction with Realmwalker/Conspicuous Snoop. You can stack a ton of Changelings and cast them out real quick. I also run Dockside Extortionist so often I'll be able to cast Morophon, the Boundless and just cast out everything within a turn or two.
This has been by far my best success with the deck when I get to pull this off.

I run 25 Changelings, all lower end costing. I had a look through your change log and my configuration of pay off creatures is different to yours in a few ways, and I wanted to see what you had run in the past. I think the only ones that I have that you might not have tried in the past are Cryptbreaker, Undead Augur, Vodalian Hexcatcher, Mindblade Render.
The Vodalian Hexcatcher has been surprisingly good. You can use it as a combat trick and the additional countering can really work to stifle big plans in tight games. I'm also playing Rivaz of the Claw which you seemed to have tried, which makes my Undead Augur and Vodalian Hexcatcher better.

I also run Pyre of Heroes and Birthing Pod. My payoff creatures are all around the 2-5 mana range, so I'm able to search for a premium target each activation. If I'm sacrificing a 2 mana creature then often it makes sense to grab Rivaz of the Claw to claw back the sacrifice (could resist the pun).

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Just got a game in versus Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider/Elsha of the Infinite/Daxos of Meletis. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider popped out of the gate with early ramp into Doubling Season into immediate Garruk, Unleashed ultimate. He misread his Garruk and missed his first search (no one else noticed either). I got off early with Harabaz Druid + Universal Automaton into Liliana's Contract. My Gaea's Cradle ate an immediate Imprisoned in the Moon. The Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider player hit me down to 25 on turn 5 with an 11/11 Defiler of Vigor and then wiped a lot of the board with Bane of Progress but this also freed my Gaea's Cradle (he was worried about Liliana's Contract and forgot about the Imprisoned in the Moon). The extra mana allowed me to drop Morophon, the Boundless into a free Reaper King into Mirror Entity + Irregular Cohort to basically wipe out all his major threats.

Turn 6 Daxos of Meletis played Evacuation because I was threatening lethal with a huge board. Turn 7 I replayed a Harabaz Druid and several other cheap creatures. Turn 8 I got the infinite Changeling Hero o-ring loop with Be'lakor, the Dark Master as lethal.

TLDR: Gaea's Cradle is brokey. Mirror Entity + Harabaz Druid is a huge huge pile of mana. Maskwood Nexus + Wirewood Savage is a ton of card draw. Be'lakor, the Dark Master was great, allowing me to heavily commit to the board without worrying too much about a wrath.

In other news The Ur-Dragon getting bounced is a massive pain in the rear. I'm very spoiled in expecting his 1 discount for all my Changelings. He got bounced twice. I cast him 3 times in 8 turns.

This deck continues to feel stupidly strong in my meta. As long as it doesn't eat multiple wrath spells, it's engines are just insane amounts of value and mana. It has a ton of interaction options and recursion. It's crazy how consistently I can present table wide lethal by turn 7. I was helped a lot by the Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider player jumping out of the gate even faster than me, his deck wasn't built to really really take advantage of the planeswalker he ultimated either. He was pulling stuff like Bane of Progress/Vigor not eldrazi since his deck is a token synergy deck and he got dog piled which kept the heat off me for a turn or two.

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Post by Elywood » 1 year ago

How has Kibo, Uktabi Prince been working out for people? I've only played him once and he felt meh

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Elywood wrote:
1 year ago
How has Kibo, Uktabi Prince been working out for people? I've only played him once and he felt meh
I haven't drawn him yet. I only get to play this deck once every other month or so. I imagine he'll be worse than most of our 2 drop ramp cards like Priest of Titania. I think he'll be good for me because I try to pack a fair amount of interaction.

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Post by pokken » 1 year ago

Oh lord, the knights get horsemanship guy seems hilarious :)

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

pokken wrote:
1 year ago
Oh lord, the knights get horsemanship guy seems hilarious :)
That was my first thought. Shifting Sliver already exists if you want that effect though.

I don't know how good a 7drop has to be for this deck but darksteel splicer seems like it might make that hurdle. 3 3/3 golems per Changeling cast and all Golems are Indestructible. Seeeeeeems good.

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Post by Tribbles » 1 year ago

If you think about the 7mv as not being for just one but 4 creatures, three of which are indestructible, it's incredible value! On ETB too, not cast.
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Post by Falkenbach » 1 year ago

Would it be a replacement for the indestructable sliver since it also pops out 3/3 bodies?

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Post by manugl84 » 1 year ago

What do you think about Invasion of Tarkir? Cheap removal and later on could be a nice finisher/pinger.

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Got a game in recently. I was playing against Henzie "Toolbox" Torre/Lathril, Blade of the Elves/Merieke Ri Berit. The Scarab God did work. My opponent tried to kill it and I reanimated Etali, Primal Conqueror which hit Changeling Hero to protect itself. It also reanimated a Cityscape Leveler later. My opponent cast Eyeblight Massacre which killed basically nothing of mine and a ton of everyone else's stuff. That was pretty funny. The game was a massive slugfest that ended when the Lathril player got bored and alpha struck Merieke out of the game in a way that left him open to on board lethal from a pile of Scarab God related zombies and misc Changelings.

manugl84 wrote:
1 year ago
What do you think about Invasion of Tarkir? Cheap removal and later on could be a nice finisher/pinger.
It seems decent but not top tier. I'm currently running Spit Flame and Dragon Tempest as my dragon cards. I have a more self-bounce oriented list so tend to not attack very much myself unless I'm swinging lethal with Mirror Entity or poking with 1/1s to get The Ur-Dragon triggers. It'd be pretty hard for me to flip and then I still wouldn't get a ton of value out of it.

As such compared to my current cards I like Spit Flame better because it's an instant and you can recur it to lock people off of truly obnoxious value generals like Chulane, Teller of Tales. I really really value instants over sorceries.

Dragon Tempest has a worse floor but a way way higher ceiling. It can kinda be a blank if you're get housed. If you're in a moderate position with some bounce engines online this bad boy does a ton of damage pretty easily. It also gives The Ur-Dragon haste which is pretty relevant.
Falkenbach wrote:
1 year ago
Would it be a replacement for the indestructable sliver since it also pops out 3/3 bodies?
I'll probably play both. I like the indestructible sliver better off hand because it protects itself but I'll have to give this boy a test.

[edit]: Just saw Conjurer's Mantle. I wonder if that's worth a slot.

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Double post... ho!

+1 Darksteel Splicer
-1 Psionic Ritual
Psionic ritual is a little too expensive and too meta dependant. Darksteel Splicer just seems busted.

+1 Conjurer's Mantle
-1 Liliana, Untouched by Death
Liliana seems great in theory... I've just literally never drawn her in over a year. Maybe she is good. Cuts gotta happen.

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Post by Falkenbach » 1 year ago

materpillar wrote:
1 year ago
Double post... ho!

+1 Darksteel Splicer
-1 Psionic Ritual
Psionic ritual is a little too expensive and too meta dependant. Darksteel Splicer just seems busted.

+1 Conjurer's Mantle
-1 Liliana, Untouched by Death
Liliana seems great in theory... I've just literally never drawn her in over a year. Maybe she is good. Cuts gotta happen.
I also made some alot of changes, since most of the time i had to few carddraw cards and to much try out cards.
Also i wanted to do to much of everything, I had atk triggers, bounce/etb triggers, tap and untap stuff and graveyard shenanigans with Haakon, Stromgald Scourge.
I tried to focus on tap/untap stuff and a bit of ETB, and removed the graveyard package completly.

Really curious how Conjurer's Mantle performs,

feel free to check my list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ODaIDF_JwkiGS-4ebd1pAA

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Falkenbach wrote:
1 year ago
materpillar wrote:
1 year ago
Double post... ho!

+1 Darksteel Splicer
-1 Psionic Ritual
Psionic ritual is a little too expensive and too meta dependant. Darksteel Splicer just seems busted.

+1 Conjurer's Mantle
-1 Liliana, Untouched by Death
Liliana seems great in theory... I've just literally never drawn her in over a year. Maybe she is good. Cuts gotta happen.
I also made some alot of changes, since most of the time i had to few carddraw cards and to much try out cards.
Also i wanted to do to much of everything, I had atk triggers, bounce/etb triggers, tap and untap stuff and graveyard shenanigans with Haakon, Stromgald Scourge.
I tried to focus on tap/untap stuff and a bit of ETB, and removed the graveyard package completly.

Really curious how Conjurer's Mantle performs,

feel free to check my list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ODaIDF_JwkiGS-4ebd1pAA
Oh you're going really hard into the tap/untap stuff. Neat. You're definitely going to want Merrow Commerce and maybe Seahunter to find it. Myr Galvanizer might also be worth.

Other considerations include Faces of the Past, Godo, Bandit Warlord, and Najeela, the Blade-Blossom.

If you want more ramp there's also Katilda, Dawnhart Prime and Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro.

I'm guessing that you're going to find the combat synergy cards to be underwhelming. You don't have a lot enabling them. I'm also guessing the tap 3+ Changelings for value cards to be really hard to pull off. That's fairly meta dependent though. My meta is pretty hostile to wide boards.

Psionic Sliver looks like it could be stupidly hilarious here if you can find a way to pump toughness / blanket indestructible your team.

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Post by Falkenbach » 1 year ago

materpillar wrote:
1 year ago

Oh you're going really hard into the tap/untap stuff. Neat. You're definitely going to want Merrow Commerce and maybe Seahunter to find it. Myr Galvanizer might also be worth.

Other considerations include Faces of the Past, Godo, Bandit Warlord, and Najeela, the Blade-Blossom.

If you want more ramp there's also Katilda, Dawnhart Prime and Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro.

I'm guessing that you're going to find the combat synergy cards to be underwhelming. You don't have a lot enabling them. I'm also guessing the tap 3+ Changelings for value cards to be really hard to pull off. That's fairly meta dependent though. My meta is pretty hostile to wide boards.

Psionic Sliver looks like it could be stupidly hilarious here if you can find a way to pump toughness / blanket indestructible your team.
Well I had to take out some cards Switched Seahunter for the Poacher version and Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch for Merrow Commerce.
It might actually be worth it to try add back in Merrow Commerce and find a spot for the Myr galvanizer.

I do need to make sure i have enough changelings to tap, so some tutors like the seahunter and the card that finds mercenarys might need to be re added.
Giving my board indestructable is also important. damn i have to find a way to get that Psionic Sliver to work that card is indeed hilarious and never heard of it.

What would be the more weaker synergy cards in my list?

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Falkenbach wrote:
1 year ago
materpillar wrote:
1 year ago

Oh you're going really hard into the tap/untap stuff. Neat. You're definitely going to want Merrow Commerce and maybe Seahunter to find it. Myr Galvanizer might also be worth.

Other considerations include Faces of the Past, Godo, Bandit Warlord, and Najeela, the Blade-Blossom.

If you want more ramp there's also Katilda, Dawnhart Prime and Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro.

I'm guessing that you're going to find the combat synergy cards to be underwhelming. You don't have a lot enabling them. I'm also guessing the tap 3+ Changelings for value cards to be really hard to pull off. That's fairly meta dependent though. My meta is pretty hostile to wide boards.

Psionic Sliver looks like it could be stupidly hilarious here if you can find a way to pump toughness / blanket indestructible your team.
Well I had to take out some cards Switched Seahunter for the Poacher version and Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch for Merrow Commerce.
It might actually be worth it to try add back in Merrow Commerce and find a spot for the Myr galvanizer.

I do need to make sure i have enough changelings to tap, so some tutors like the seahunter and the card that finds mercenarys might need to be re added.
Giving my board indestructable is also important. damn i have to find a way to get that Psionic Sliver to work that card is indeed hilarious and never heard of it.

What would be the more weaker synergy cards in my list?
I personally had a ton of trouble connecting with Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow and Tovolar, Dire Overlord // Tovolar, the Midnight Scourge. I guess you have Cloudshredder Sliver and Mari, the Killing Quill to help. I guess you'll just need to see how they run.

Devout Chaplain is almost certainly going to struggle to be better than Harmonic Sliver or Qasali Slingers.

If you want to be super cute there is also Gallows at Willow Hill although it probably isn't super strong.

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Post by Falkenbach » 1 year ago

materpillar wrote:
1 year ago
Falkenbach wrote:
1 year ago
materpillar wrote:
1 year ago

Oh you're going really hard into the tap/untap stuff. Neat. You're definitely going to want Merrow Commerce and maybe Seahunter to find it. Myr Galvanizer might also be worth.

Other considerations include Faces of the Past, Godo, Bandit Warlord, and Najeela, the Blade-Blossom.

If you want more ramp there's also Katilda, Dawnhart Prime and Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro.

I'm guessing that you're going to find the combat synergy cards to be underwhelming. You don't have a lot enabling them. I'm also guessing the tap 3+ Changelings for value cards to be really hard to pull off. That's fairly meta dependent though. My meta is pretty hostile to wide boards.

Psionic Sliver looks like it could be stupidly hilarious here if you can find a way to pump toughness / blanket indestructible your team.
Well I had to take out some cards Switched Seahunter for the Poacher version and Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch for Merrow Commerce.
It might actually be worth it to try add back in Merrow Commerce and find a spot for the Myr galvanizer.

I do need to make sure i have enough changelings to tap, so some tutors like the seahunter and the card that finds mercenarys might need to be re added.
Giving my board indestructable is also important. damn i have to find a way to get that Psionic Sliver to work that card is indeed hilarious and never heard of it.

What would be the more weaker synergy cards in my list?
I personally had a ton of trouble connecting with Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow and Tovolar, Dire Overlord // Tovolar, the Midnight Scourge. I guess you have Cloudshredder Sliver and Mari, the Killing Quill to help. I guess you'll just need to see how they run.

Devout Chaplain is almost certainly going to struggle to be better than Harmonic Sliver or Qasali Slingers.

If you want to be super cute there is also Gallows at Willow Hill although it probably isn't super strong.
Yuriko has actually performed pretty good but makes you the threath of the table pretty fast. Tovolar usually just draws 1-2 cards and then there is no longer a viable target. Might swap him out for Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca who also can draw cards (but is not really that great either.

Devout Chaplain is really terribly slow. Both cards you mentioned takes me again the ETB way (they both stronger than chaplain). Qasali Slingers seems the best option to not become a full sliver deck. Galecaster Colossus might also be an option as he stays in theme with tap/untapping. Wish he was cheaper tho.. its really hard cutting down the list ;)

I think Mirror Entity is high priority tutor tho as he can make everything same creature type and gives alot of playground.

Gallows at Willow Hill: probably gonna pass on this its struggles with same thing as chaplain in being slow

Thank you for the feedback. I cant find much input anywhere else about the tap/ untap way of changeling deck (i think its because its the weakest strategy tho ;) )

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Post by Falkenbach » 1 year ago

At the moment i Transformed the commander in Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch
See how it plays upcoming weekend and if it doesnt work well I might try out a bounce theme back with the Ur Dragon.

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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Sigarda, Font of Blessings seems really good.

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Post by Tribbles » 1 year ago

Jirina, Dauntless General is a nice Bojuka Bog effect and could replace/double up a Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate. I think this is a cool card! Love having a graveyard hate effect on my builds.
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Post by materpillar » 1 year ago

Sliver Gravemother is super interesting. Play her and then immediately encore a Changeling for 1/2 mana seems like insane value possibilities.

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Post by offspring » 1 year ago

materpillar wrote:
1 year ago
Sigarda, Font of Blessings seems really good.
The generic hexproof on her is wild. I tend to overestimate the play-from-top effect a little though. With 26 humans in my list, it currently "draws" you a card every four turns or so (yes, I know the math is off there). But protecting key pieces is important enough to seriously consider her. Imma try and find a spot for her for sure.

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