Epic & Hilarious Plays Thread

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Post by Morganelefay » 4 years ago

This is for those plays that will bring a smile to everyone's face, that time where you completely blindsided someone, or just when your deck clicked so well together that amazing things happened. Preferably not cookie-cutter plays like Kaalia → Avacyn → Armageddon, but rather plays that are actually great and fun.

I'll start with two recent ones:

Playing Golos, Eternal Pilgrim, I had played an early Massacre Wurm to clear the board a bit. I had to Stonecloaker it back to my hand later on, and the game progressed.
Late game, the Yawgmoth player drops Rise of the Dark Realms and gets a pile of creatures. To defend against it, the Yarok player dropped Avenger of Zendikar. (He couldn't play Yarok as well due to having a 10 mana tax at that point) So I just ask the Yawg player his life total - 14 - and count 9 creatures with toughness of 2 or less, so the Wurm comes down for game and he's just looking at me like "I seriously forgot that huh?"

The second one was more fun - playing Chandra Tribal, one other guy was playing Kykar, Wind's Fury wombocombo on a casual table (great going...) Anyway, he gets off Divergent Transformations, hits Niv-Mizzet, Parun and Tandem Lookout and says GG. But we (other opponent and me) ask him to count the cards in his library, and he's 3 cards short, so he decides to leave 1 in deck, KO the other player and tries to attack me for the win, but the other guy plays Constant Mists, buying me one turn.
My board was looking bad though, having 5 lands, Chandra, Novice Pyromancer and Chandra's Regulator. He has 75 cards on hand among which a vast amount of counterspells, so no way I can win, right?
Except I -1 Chandra, use the Regulator to pitch Runehorn Hellkite and win.
EDH Decks:

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis - Arise, Lord Hogaak.
Grumgully, the Generous - The wonderful world of Ferngully.
Prime Speaker Zegana - Draw Cards Tribal.
Pir, Imaginative Rascal & Toothy, Imaginary Friend - Imaginary Superfriends.
Selvala, Explorer Returned - Taxes, Denial and Fatties.
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Dinos and Eldrazis, oh my.
Ayara, First of Locthwain - March of the Black Queen.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh - Chandra Tribal.
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Curious Contraptions

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Post by 75chan » 4 years ago

A few years ago my LGS was a bit of a wild west where commander pods could occasionally have jank rare decks up against cEDH decks. I owned only two decks at the time anyways, a boros pillowfort deck and a Jeleva storm cEDH deck... now, it wasn't a big deal when me and my friend wanted to play a game but has no deck, so he gets to borrow my boros deck as we make a pod with two unknown decks. A couple turns later, I confidently tap out into a Notion Thief into a Windfall confidently looking at the lack of untapped blue mana at the table, thinking I got this in the back as long as I hit any free mana (which is extremely likely in ~28 cards). My friend thinks for a secords, then smiles and cast a Fork, copying my windfall. Since I don't hit my Force of Will on the first windfall, I just laugh as lose to drawing from an empty library & get what I deserve for not borrowing him the storm deck. There's been other blowouts of cEDH decks from casual tables, such as casting Telemin Performance on a Narset deck, milling it in it's entirety (this time I was the casual, thankfully), but this is the one I remember the most.

Another time, me and the same friend didn't have time to draft, so we just wanted to play a quick commander game instead. I, being the idiot I am, grab my boros deck. Five hours later, when the draft ended a while ago, he draws from an empty library as both of us apparently ran way too much interaction and way too few ways to close out the game. Lesson learnt, no pillowforting when you want a quick game.
I swap decks a lot
wr Avacyn with defensive blinking
ur OG Jhoira spellslinger without MLD or eldrazi
and some other stuff that are more or less messy

Best card

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Post by Toshi » 4 years ago

So, today i was playing my Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle deck and had a really akward start.

The only creature i drew during my initial turns was Knight of the White Orchid... i was the one going first and the only deck (Ayula, Queen Among Bears) at the table chose creature based ramp over land ramp.
The Purphoros, God of the Forge player obviously put a lot of pressure on our life totals, while Bladewing the Risen was trying to set up a Dragon combo from the graveyard.

About 5-6 turns in, it looked like the game was about to end without me participating significantly - just until i drew into Mirror Entity and realized it has all creature types. So, i was able to Skullclamp it and Myr Retriever to loop Scroll of Avacyn. Within short time i was able to rake in enormous amounts of life and (dis)cards, have Remorseful Cleric deal with the dragonish graveyard, with Kami of False Hope and Selfless Spirit keeping the aggro decks in check and finish everything off by drawing into Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, splashing all my creatures back on the board, then dump all my devotion mana into Mirror Entity for high three digit numbers of damage.

I just love these games where an aweful card like Scroll of Avacyn becomes a game-winning champ under the right circumstances!
Said game was one of the major reasons why today's EDH night was one of the best ones in a long time.

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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Had an entertaining (for me) end to a game recently. I'm on Sharuum (combo). Don't recall the exact commanders of my opponents, but I believe they were The First Sliver (slivers), Azusa, Lost but Seeking (ramp), and Zur the Enchanter (Astral Slide).

While we're shuffling up, the Zur player warns the rest of the table about my deck - he's played against it before, and it's probably a higher power level than the rest of the table. I banter back, saying that I'm not really looking to win the game - I just want to durdle and draw some cards. As long as people don't mess with my card draw, I'll just keep focusing on my sweet, sweet card advantage. And if I somehow manage to draw my entire deck, I'll just lose to decking.

Somewhat late in the game, the board is at parity. I have a Salvaging Station, Voltaic Key, and Trading Post out that I'm using to draw cards, with Sharuum and a goat token as my only creatures. Slivers has some large sliver-y threats, but has been somewhat kept in check by Zur's removal. Azusa hasn't had a ton going on - I had previously used Executioner's Capsule to kill their Courser of Kruphix, while Zur had stolen their Platinum Emperion with Lay Claim. Zur player has an Astral Slide and a Venser, the Sojourner at 5 loyalty.

Azusa's turn. They're annoyed by the stolen Platinum Emperion, so they cast Emrakul, the Promised End and target Zur with it, with the intent of flickering the Emperion with Zur so they can regain control of it (this doesn't actually work). They have one or two creatures out, but pass turn with no attacks.

Zur's (stolen) turn next. Azusa player is informed that their plans to flicker the Emperion and return it won't work, so they instead plus Venser on the Lay Claim. I respond by using Salvaging Station to recur Executioner's Capsule and kill the Emperion. Azusa player is sad, since they were so close to finally getting their creature back. They play a Stonehorn Dignitary from Zur's hand to skip Sliver's next combat, but otherwise don't take any actions of note (not even pinging Zur with their Caves of Koilos! So disappointing). Slivers and I call out Azusa for not doing anything about the Venser, but as long as either Azusa or I can attack, one of us can knock Venser down a bit.

Zur's extra turn next. They plus Venser on Stonehorn Dignitary to skip Azusa's next combat, then follow up by flickering it with Astral Slide to also skip my next combat (this line shouldn't surprise anyone). I'm concerned by the ultimate being threatened, and it seems unlikely that anyone will have any interaction to stop it, given that all of the combats are being skipped.

So, over to my turn. I really dislike playing in games with active emblems, so I feel like smokebombing my way out. Unfortunately, Teferi's Protection isn't enough, and not in my deck. So I need to get creative.

Draw for turn is Krark-Clan Ironworks. Cast it. Use it, Voltaic Key, and Salvaging Station to generate an arbitrarily large amount of mana. Cast a Thopter Foundry I have in hand, and use it to produce an arbitrarily large amount of Thopters with summoning sickness, but those don't do anything if my combat is just going to be skipped indefinitely. So, start sacrificing Thopters to Trading Post to draw cards and try to dig to an answer.

Keep digging.... and digging.... and digging... and then dig too deep, and lose due to drawing from an empty library.... but win the moral victory, because I got to draw all the cards, exactly like I set out to do at the start of the game.

...the game ended up going for another hour or so - Zur player became archenemy due to the Venser emblem and exiled all of Sliver's and Azusa's threats, but didn't have any way to actually close out the game. So I feel pretty justified in my decision to smokebomb my way out while I still could. Also got to assemble a new 5-card combo, which is always fun.

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Post by Toshi » 4 years ago

Today i was playing Lazav, the Multifarious in a 75% pod against Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Yarok, the Desecrated and Elsha of the Infinite with the trigger-happy deck going before me.

Elsha of the Infinite was punched to death by fast Goblins, which then kept Yarok, the Desecrated pretty busy, but were two-punched by a Feared Lazav, the Multifarious - thanks Shizo, Death's Storehouse - and it was down to the two of us.

After taking the Goblin player out of the game, my graveyard was well fed but without anything to close out the game on my next turn. Going next my opponent had an absurd turn, with Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Lotus Cobra and Rampaging Baloths into Demonlord Belzenlok.

End of his turn i had 5 mana open, because i had kept Notion Thief mana open. I decided that my best gamble would be to use Brain Freeze with 5 copies on myself. I wiffed on most of them, but Maralen of the Mornsong ended up in my graveyard. So, i turned my commander into her and proceeded to my turn. I spent 3 of my last remaining 12 life on fetching Entomb, which dug for Consuming Aberration, then swung at him as Invisible Stalker and turned into the tutored fatty before dealing 23 commander damage.

Man, i love this deck.

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Post by Skello496 » 4 years ago

At SCGCon, Gavin Verhey borrowed my Nylea, Hydra Counters deck. He at one point used Mosswort Bridge to hideaway Shaman of Forgotten Ways. Several turns later, everyone was way ahead of him in board state. End of the last player's turn, he flipped shaman, untapped for turn, activated it, changed life totals to 12, 6, 1, and 3. Trampled over the players at 6 and 12 with two hydras, then passed turn to the player with 1... who lost to his own Phyrexian Arena type effect. It was beautiful.
Krenko, Goblin Stampeder
Nylea, God of Hydra Counters G
Mahadi, Emporium Master rb
Feather, Catrips Redeemed wr
Ghired, The Tokened gwr
Hakbal, Merfolk Massacre UG
Ten and Clara, Suspended uwr

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Post by UnfulfilledDesires » 4 years ago

I finally got to play again. The tournament pod I ended up in proved very grindy after the other Breya, Etherium Shaper player used two counters to stop my Ad Nauseam. A Narset, Enlightened Master deck that definitely wasn't cEDH ended up winning.

With only thirty minutes left before the store close, a few of us who lost in the tournament & another player sat down for a quick "casual" game. I chose Niv-Mizzet Reborn. The Karador, Ghost Chieftain player attempt to combo out with Academy Rector on turn three. The Atla Palani, Nest Tender player stopped that with Return to Nature. The Karador player attempted Journey to Eternity on their Viscera Seer as a followup. The RIku of Two Reflections player removed the Seer in response.

The Palani player cast Demonmail Hauberk & started executing their combo, which I hadn't see before. They sacrificed a nontoken Egg & found a Reveillark. They sacrificed it to return the Egg, which then found Boonweaver Giant. The Riku player removed Giant, but the Palani player just used their commander to make an Egg & go again, flipping Karmic Guide to return the Boonweaver. Folks thought the game was over, but I used Rakdos Charm to exile the Giant.

Following suite, the Riku player attempted to win on their turn with Rude Awakening plus Nizzix Guildmage, but I disrupted the combo via Abrupt Decay.. The Riku player used Time Warp as a double Explore & passed. While a few important pieces exiled, the Palani player tried again, & soon flipped Protean Hulk, which turned into a Purphoros, God of the Forge & a random Egg. They continued going through their deck with Palani triggers. We scooped to Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero, which made it deterministic.

I'd hoped for more of a causal experience, but I enjoyed the fast-&-furious action & seeing a new combo. I've learned how much of a threat Palani is.

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Post by Dragonlover » 4 years ago

Just died to a Genesis Wave for 34 getting Roil Elemental, Gilt-Leaf Archdruid+6 other druids and enough land to steal all my creatures. My board state once that had all resolved was an Obscuring Aether and a Druids' Repository with 1 counter on it. I had him down to 1 life as well...

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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Resolved six Blatant Thieverys in a game today.

I'm on Kess, Dissident Mage (villainous nonsense), with two opponents on Rayami, First of the Fallen (keywords) and Karlov of the Ghost Council (lifegain).

On my turn, I have Kess out, along with Mind's Dilation. I draw Blatant Thievery. At this time, I've taken a couple hits from Rayami, who has been suited up with Lightning Greaves, plus a couple of keywords, but I haven't really been able to deal with it. I cast Thievery, targeting the Greaves and Karlov's Dawn of Hope. Karlov responds with Lapse of Certainty. I respond back with Increasing Vengeance, copying Thievery (same targets). Copy resolves, I steal the things, then Lapse resolves and puts Thievery back on top.

Pass turn to Rayami, who attacks me for five, bringing me up to 15 commander damage. They've been using Scroll of Fate to play out creatures without triggering Mind's Dilation, so they pass.

Over to Karlov. They cast a card draw spell to find an answer to me - both the incoming Thievery (which they sort of regret throwing back on top) and the Mind's Dilation. Flip the top card to Dilation. It's Bolas's Citadel. This is fine.

Over to me. I redraw Blatant Thievery. Take a look at the top of my deck and pay some life to cast Swarm Intelligence. Then I cast the Blatant Thievery. Gets copied by Swarm Intelligence, followed by me flashing back Increasing Vengeance to copy it two more times, plus the Vengeance gets copied by Swarm Intelligence to give me another copy, for a total of five Blatant Thieverys on the stack. Resolve them all, stealing a bunch of things, including my opponents' will to live - they conceded to a copied and kicked Sadistic Sacrament on my next turn.

Set a new personal best for number of villainous spells resolved in a game - my previous best was four Cruel Ultimatums.

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Post by Myllior » 4 years ago

I got to live the dream with my Marisi deck tonight in a 5-player game, although Marisi himself had nothing to do with it. My opponents were playing Saheeli, the Gifted (precon), Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain (big artifacts), Scion of the Ur-Dragon (dragon tribal) and Zur the Enchanter (reanimator).

After a lot of back-and-forth and a large Living Death from Zur (who was subsequently knocked out by Scion's reanimated dragons), the Scion player is sitting pretty with his commander, Frontier Siege naming Dragons, Hellkite Charger, Scourge of Valkas and Utvara Hellkite on the field. My field consists of Greater Good, Samut, Voice of Dissent, Selvala, Explorer Returned, Skyline Despot and Voice of Many. The Scion player is threatening to kill the rest of the table, but I blank his turn with Master Warcraft. The two key cards I have in my hand at this stage are Austere Command and Praetor's Counsel.

On my next turn I gain a 5/5 Dragon token in my upkeep. In my main phase, I use Samut to activate Selvala twice, gaining a bunch of green mana, which I use to drop a Rhythm of the Wild followed by a Regal Behemoth, giving it a counter from the Rhythm. I then float a bunch of mana and, holding priority, cast Austere Command and sac all my creatures other than Selvala to Greater Good, drawing 22 cards and discarding 15. In the 22 cards I draw, I find what I'm looking for: Myojin of Life's Web. However, I don't have the mana to cast both it and Praetor's Counsel, so I cast the Counsel and close the turn with Authority of the Consuls and Shalai, Voice of Plenty to try and make sure I can get to my next turn. I have 51 cards in hand but am tapped out.

After me the Jhoira player plays Mycosynth Lattice, but fortunately doesn't have enough for Vandalblast, so instead runs out Mox Amber, Mycosynth Golem, Blightsteel Colossus, Metalwork Colossus and Wurmcoil Engine, all coming in tapped due to the Authority. The Scion player replays his commander, taking out Shalai with the fight trigger, but Scion comes in tapped and so he's unable to find a dragon in his deck that will give him the win. The Saheeli player is largely resource-starved at this point, so bounces my Rhythm with Into the Roil, but that's it.

Come my turn, I replay the Rhythm then play the Myojin of Life's Web. I activate the Myojin and drop about 20 creatures onto the field, amongst which are the trio of Avatar of Slaughter, Pathbreaker Ibex and Samut, Voice of Dissent (allowing me to give everything a +1/+1 counter from the Rhythm). I then play Marisi for good measure and swing with my hasty army of trampling double-strikers that all have +10/+10 between Rhythm of the Wild and Pathbreaker Ibex for the win. Couldn't be happier.

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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Had an entertaining play today.

I'm on Thada Adel, Acquisitor. Opponents are on Chromium, the Mutable, Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer, and Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer.

Molimo's turn. They cast Tempt with Discovery. Fetch up Urza's Mine. Brudiclad isn't tempted, and neither am I. Chromium has been missing land drops, so they fetch something up. Molimo fetches up Urza's Tower, then taps out to cast Expedition Map.

Brudiclad takes their turn and passes to me. I cast Oblivion Sower. Chromium and Brudiclad both share a color with me, but the odds of hitting blue mana specifically seem low, while Molimo has played a bunch of utility lands, so I target them.

Fourth card from the top? Urza's Power Plant. I do a fist pump while the rest of the table bursts out in laughter.

(Molimo player got me back later with their own Oblivion Sower, processing two lands from my deck and the Island I imprinted on Strata Scythe. Alas!)

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

Good thread. Need to post in here a bunch going forward, as all too often I encounter games that end with me proclaiming "This was amazing! I'll never forget this!"... and I promptly forget it :P

Yesterday, a guy in my group debuted a new deck. I groaned a bit after seeing Golos at the helm, but he started doing weird stuff. Estrid, the Masked, Magus of the Candelabra, and a generous helping of land auras. Soon he was churning out beasts aplenty, and somehow managed to gib the Morophon elemental tribal deck that started going off via the sheer power of Caustic Tar. The whole table went down soon thereafter, as he set up a ridiculous engine that allowed him to gain tons of mana and keep churning Golos flips while untapping his aura lands for extra activations. Most of my life went away to Hostile Realm putting all five of my blockers out of commission, allowing the beast wall to ride in for massive pain. After the game, he got self conscious about how time intensive his winning turn was, but everybody appreciated the awesomeness of the deck. I really hope he papers it out.

I don't have too many amazing stories of my own right now. However, one particular Daxos game stuck in my mind - I was up against Mayael and Jhoira, and had a pretty good open. I set down Bolas Rock, mowed through a bunch of my deck, and got nuked to the stone age with the expected response wipe. As such, I went from heading the pack to trailing in the distance, but experience is forever. The rest of the table got distracted by Mayael's Avacyn + Archetype of Endurance + Platinum Emperion setup, which the Jhoira found quite tasty and copied with Clone Legion. Meanwhile, poor last place Daxos sets up some spirits, a True Conviction, and punches someone. Seeing how the spirits are pretty chunky, in no small part thanks to the early explosion, they gain a three digit amount of life in the process. I promptly draw all but one card in my deck with Necropotence, sculpting the perfect grip to unclog the ridiculously gummed up board and steal the game out of nowhere. It's just the weirdly powerful all around board states coupled with the surprise comeback (of a play magnitude that is far past what the deck usually operates at) that just stuck with me.
EDH Primers (click me!)
Deck is Kill Club

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Post by Guardman » 4 years ago

A little while ago I was playing my Etali, Primal Storm Chaos EDH deck against Ezuri, Renegade Leader Elf EDH deck, Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer EDH deck and a Muldrotha, the Gravetide. It was a pretty uneventful game at first with me ramping with some artifacts and Solemn Simulacrum, the Brudiclad deck spinning their wheels a bit but mostly doing nothing due to not drawing enough mana, the Muldrotha deck milling themselves, and the Elf deck playing a lot Elves as Elf decks do.

The turn I was going to play Etali I drew my Dire Fleet Daredevil so I asked to see everyone's graveyards just in case there was something good I missed. The Elf and Brudiclad deck had nothing relevant. The Muldrotha deck though had a bunch of interesting cards, including an old worn out copy of Demonic Consultation. It was hard to read so I was taking a while reading it when my opponent said basically its in the deck to name Hurly-Burly and exile every card in their deck. I was like okay, I don't want to cast this since it does nothing with my deck, so I moved on and played Etali.

A few turns later and the Elf deck is on the verge of winning and the other players are all tapped out due to digging for answers. In desperation one of them let me attack freely with my Etali to hopefully get an answer off of her trigger. I didn't, but I did get a Laboratory Maniac from the Muldrotha deck. It took me a moment to remember Demonic Consultation from before. I looked in my hand and I had Dire Fleet Daredevil and a Violent Eruption. Double checking that all my opponents were tapped out, I played the Dire Fleet Daredevil, exiled my entire deck with Demonic Consultation (naming Borborygmos since I can't pronounce it), and Violent Eruption my Solemn Simulacrum to draw a card and win the game.

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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

Had a fun saucy three way today between my Nissa build, OG Omnath and Maelstrom Wanderer. Had a pretty awful start for lands, mulling to 5.

Spent about the first 5 turns scraping together plays (picked up a Lotus Cobra to help with ramping, then hit Shaman of Forgotten Ways to help too). Omnath and Maelstrom are swinging every turn and I take a pounding, losing an early Nissa and a whole lot of life before dropping Acidic Slime to take out Omath's Swiftfoot Boots and give me a rattlesnake. My turn crops up and I cast Fierce Empath to fetch Woodland Bellower. My next turn I drop Bellower, fetch Ramunap Excavator and spam Terramoprhic Expanse from the yard for 2 landfall to keep me casting things.

Maelstrom cascades into Vigor and newest Omnath, then casts Ruric Thar, the Unbowed, and starts swinging all out, mostly at Omnath. I'm pretty happy about that. Omnath doesn't quite get the idea of how many counters go on Maelstrom's stuff, and all of a sudden Maelstrom has a 24/24 Ruric and a 26/26 Wanderer. That pretty much knocks out Omnath, my next turn I draw Concordant Crossroads and play Hornet Queen to stall out heavy swings, so Maelstrom doesn't do much with his next turn, as I've pretty much got a wall of deathtouch now.

My next turn I draw into Pathbreaker Ibex, drop Crossroads, cast the Ibex, swing with the hornets, Ibex and Bellower for 37 in the air and 21 on the ground. The Ibex and Bellower die to enormous Wanderer and Temur Omnath, but Maelstrom has no flying cover, so the game ends.

Not my craziest game state ever, but it was nice to get a full game in for the first time in a while. Also nice to claw one back from a bad start, and proof proper that Pathbreaker Ibex and Concordant Crossroads are both crazy, on their own and in tandem.
Malazan Decks of the Fallen
| Shadowthrone/Lazav | Raest/Yidris | T'iam / The Ur-Dragon |

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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

Had a pretty solid reanimation loop with my Bruna build today. They're relatively common, but they sound pretty cool so here it is.

Down to 1v1 versus Muldrotha, the Gravetide. Bruna is in my graveyard, as is Sun Titan, Bastion Protector, and a Plains. In play Staff of Nin, Hedron Archive, Serra Ascendant.

Draw my two for the turn - Generous Gift and Plains. I cast Emeria Shepherd, drop the plains returning Sun Titan, which returns Plains, which returns Bruna, the Fading Light - I don't get the cast trigger, so I Generous Gift my Flagstone of Trokair, fetching a Plains and returning Bastion Protector.

The response from my opponent was 'jesus'. I won a couple turns later.
Malazan Decks of the Fallen
| Shadowthrone/Lazav | Raest/Yidris | T'iam / The Ur-Dragon |

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Post by lyonhaert » 4 years ago

This one was only during testing Chainer in Cockatrice with a local game (me vs me), but I got to live the dream of Reanimate on Vilis, Broker of Blood to draw 8 cards for 8 life, then after sacking him in response to attempted theft I got to do it again.
Chainer bbb
(rebuild after Geth)
r Lathliss
bw Breena
To-Build Pool
rb Obosh Burn
gw Dromoka

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Post by Guardman » 4 years ago

Not so much an epic play as much as showing how ridiculous Syr Konrad, the Grim can be, especially in larger EDH games. I was playing my new Korvold, Fae-Cursed King EDH deck in a five person EDH game. I had a bunch of tokens thanks to a Tendershoot Dryad and a Field of the Dead that had been allowed to do their thing. The Kenrith, the Returned King EDH deck reanimated the Group-Hug's EDH deck Hunted Wumpus which let me put Syr Konrad into play and allowed the Rhys the Redeemed EDH deck to put into play an Avenger of Zendikar and makes 16 tokens thanks to Doubling Season. I untap and play Find // Finality which kills 41 creatures, dealing 41 to all of my opponents, and also nets me seventeen treasures thanks to Pitiless Plunderer. That took out the Rhys and Group Hug deck, leaving only Kenrith and the Brion Stoutarm EDH deck. I used my two remaining lands and two treasures to play Golgari Findbroker to get back my Marionette Master, play the Master and sac some treasures to kill the Kenrith player. After that it was some easy mop up of the Brion player who had lost almost their entire board to Finality.

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Post by Skello496 » 4 years ago

Okay... so I was playing Feather, The Redeemed and had killed two opponents. My last remaining opponent was playing Torbran, Thane of Redfell he had Chandra, The Firebrand and Chandra's Regulator. He cast Doublecast, using Pyromancer's Goggles,did Chandra's -2, copied it with the Regulator, then cast Repeated Reverberation. So now he's got 10 copies of the next spell he casts. Enter Fiery Confluence choosing 2 damage three times each. Fiery Confluence resolves 11 times dealing 66 damage to me. He would have lost the next turn, but pulled out the clutch win.
Krenko, Goblin Stampeder
Nylea, God of Hydra Counters G
Mahadi, Emporium Master rb
Feather, Catrips Redeemed wr
Ghired, The Tokened gwr
Hakbal, Merfolk Massacre UG
Ten and Clara, Suspended uwr

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Post by Dusk » 4 years ago

Playing Maren against naya tokens, mono white something, and rainbow elementals. Tokens player overloaded a Mizzium Mortars with enough tokens to kill everyone and smug look on his face. I get priority, flash in Dictate of Erebos with Massacre Wurm on the field. The other two players are fighting to not laugh while the tokens player did the fastest smug to outraged disbelief I've ever seen.
That shadowy wisp at the edge of your vision, there and gone before you notice.
Formerly Dusk707 on MtGSalvation

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Post by plushpenguin » 4 years ago

Winning the game by defeating a player while having no lands out or other mana sources because he had Blinkmoth Urn + Mycosynth Lattice and he burned his mana on lattice, original Karn, and nuking all my lands. He expected me to scoop but was surprised when I didn't.

I had 4 permanents, one of which was God Xenagos... and a 30 card hand. That was all I needed to take him from 40 to 0. All I did was show him Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion and all of the extra combats in my hand.

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Post by Morganelefay » 4 years ago

First time playing Grumgully, the Generous which is just a pile of aggro jank and some cute synergies I pulled together, one of the opponents was The Ur-Dragon. Early game I had Grumgully and Aerie Ouphes out, and he drops a Atarka, World Render, which promptly gets shot down because the Ouphes had that +1/+1 counter. He chuckles, reminding himself to read the cards next time, and we go on...while the Ouphes persist and return to the field.

So play goes on and he gets a few more dragons out two turns later after one turn of setup, courtesy of Bladewing the Risen...and Aerie Ouphes promptly swoop in to nuke each of them as well, at which point he realized just how well persists and Grumgully work.
EDH Decks:

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis - Arise, Lord Hogaak.
Grumgully, the Generous - The wonderful world of Ferngully.
Prime Speaker Zegana - Draw Cards Tribal.
Pir, Imaginative Rascal & Toothy, Imaginary Friend - Imaginary Superfriends.
Selvala, Explorer Returned - Taxes, Denial and Fatties.
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Dinos and Eldrazis, oh my.
Ayara, First of Locthwain - March of the Black Queen.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh - Chandra Tribal.
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Curious Contraptions

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

Turn seven. Things haven't been going great - I managed to strike up a deal with Grand Warlord Radha to let my Ghired bounce off safely, but unfortunately that cannot be said about the Rhinos that come out. Everybody at the table has beefslabs which are 6/6 or bigger, so some good that Anointed Procession is doing me if the Rhinos come out to die immediately. The board's looking sad, the tapped Ghired's joined by a solitary untapped Rhino that's serving as a copy bank, a Selesnya Eulogist and a Selfless Spirit protecting this big old pile of nothing. I set down Sylvan Library and pass. By no objective measure am I the threat.

End step before my turn, I Chord in Kalonian Hydra. Untap, get the eighth land into play, chase out Kiki. Copy the Hydra, populate the token that comes out, handily with haste embedded. Go to combat, swing, populate again. Go from zero to seven 128/128 tramply hydras out of nowhere. This is the deck operating as designed, so these sort of scenarios will fade to normality with time, but for now they feel very exciting :P
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Post by materpillar » 4 years ago

Playing my Progenitus (dredge) versus Atla Palani, Nest Tender (big stuffs) and Oona, Queen of the Fae (mill).

Turn 1: Shelldock Isle
Turn very late game: Oona, Queen of the Fae cast Mesmeric Orb.
I untap, mill the last 8 cards from my library. Upkeep Shelldock Isle putting Laboratory Maniac into play. My mill opponent's face was priceless.

He recovered his composure and countered it. I cast Memory's Journey from my hand to not die, putting only the Maniac onto of my library. Cast Maniac again and cracked Mind Stone. Atla Palani, Nest Tender casts Restoration Angel targeting his Eternal Witness (with Generous Gift in his graveyard). I respond by sacrificing Barbarian Ring to shock it. He responds with Heroic Intervention. I respond to that by using Grove of the Burnwillows to get back Punishing Fire to shock his witness.

Usually Laboratory Maniac wins feel really lackluster. However, this one felt pretty earned. Seriously though, flashing it in with Shelldock Isle that I'd played about an hour before resulted in one of the best O_o faces I've ever seen in magic.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 4 years ago

I was playing Daretti against Ghired and Emmara. I was behind for most of the game due to missing a few land drops, playing zero mana rocks to weld, and not being able to successfully get the Daretti engine going due to the plethora of creatures running around. I'm ignored for a while because of my low threat profile, and eventually Emmara plays Fumigate to wipe the board. Sensing that Daretti's time has come, I cast him and start the engine, discarding Squee and some artifacts to start digging. Ghired's board gets filled up again, and he takes out Emmara. I'm facing lethal damage next turn and top deck Inventors' Fair and sacrifice it to go grab Oblivion Stone, wiping the board again, including the few artifacts I had managed to stick. The very next turn, with great skill, I top deck Scrap Mastery and windmill slam it, only to have my opponent cast Dualcaster Mage to copy it, effectively nullifying the Mastery outside of ETBs. Unfortunately for my opponent, Oblivion Stone came back as well as Thran Dynamo, which gave me just enough mana to wipe my board in response to my own Mastery, thus still being able to get my stacked graveyard back. He was less than thrilled, and the Steel Hellkite, Mirage Mirror, and Sculpting Steel were enough to force the scoop.

Moral of the story: fly under the radar and draw well. It is better to be lucky than good.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

A friend built his tenth or so Golos deck since the card went public. This time around, we're apparently talking Golos hug. Sure. He wanted to test it out, so I booted up Cockatrice and soon realised that a multiplayer jank deck like that has to face a similar multiplayer jank heap. Cue Golos hug versus Xantcha, the battle of the century.

My Xantcha is a deck that is notoriously garbage at doing anything. The way to make Xantcha good is force discard, make infinite mana or repeatedly wipe the board. The deck does none of those, instead opting for a remote voltron shell. You pump her up, and make her shadowy or otherwise evasive, and come in hot. This is a funny thing to do in multiplayer, but the deck was even more dead than the Golos hug thing in a 1v1. My main weapon was paying three mana to do two damage to him.

Much to my surprise, he did not seem to realise that. Out comes Role Reversal, and he takes my Suspicious Bookcase, gifting me the Xantcha back. Suddenly I go from paying three mana to do two damage to having a five-power voltron the deck is designed to support and enable. He was dead three turns later thanks to a sneakily held Rogue's Passage (fine, not sneakily, I just had other lands that made colours that came out first) and Errantry. Not so much epic, but in firm contention for the most hilarious throw I have ever seen.

He did get his revenge, taking me down with Enslaved Horror beats and being wise enough to not try to give me the Xantcha back next game. EDH at its most powerful :P
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