Rograkh & Reyhan

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

When building with Reyhan as a partner I think there is somewhat of a big fork in deckbuilding and that is the decision to go into building with focus on Doubling Season effects or not. If you can get a swarm of creatures and an effect that doubles the +/+ counters applied you can snowball a few counters to be a massive attack force. I get the appeal of this idea. But my concern was more of the complexity in executing it.
  • Reyhan lacks evasion as a commander meaning that either you will need to send more damage than 21 commander through on a creature not your commander, give Reyhan some sort of evasion, or rely on the partner as the delivery system (meaning they need either haste or to have already been in play).
  • A repeatable free sac outlet
  • A +/+ counter double effect
  • Some number of creatures you can freely sacrifice
  • Some counters on some creature you can use to start spinning things up.
That is a LOT of things to get setup. I get that you could potentially partially execute things and maybe it still works out. Also lets assume you start with like three counters on a card it would be 6 starting with doubling season, and take 3 sacrifices to roll that number up to 24 which is still in the range where a block could make it non lethal meaning you probably want 4 sacrifices to really push things through. That is kind of a lot of work.

I felt like if I cut the +/+ counter double effects out it also eliminated the need to sacrifice a swarm of creatures and it also simplifies my sac outlet needs to be able to use High Market and or Phyrexian Tower to move counters in most cases. So, I simplified the list down to my commanders, a means of getting counters, and maybe a land to move counters as needed.

Sure, this is going to be less crazy explosions everywhere but I think it also makes what I am doing a lot less complicated. On top of that I really like effects like Greater Good a lot more when a lot more of my creatures don't suck with it. I felt like my card draw on average is going to feel a lot smoother with some of these largest creature green tactics than I was going to while trying to set up a bunch of things with swarm and double counter tactics.



Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

I feel like you'd want a few indestructible creatures so that if a board wipe happens you get to keep the counters on the board in some way.
Predator Ooze, Bontu the Glorified, Brash Taunter, Hazoret the Fervent, Rhonas the Indomitable are the best options imo.

I don't know if this is a thing but Soulflayer could be combined with Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh. So the idea that Rograkh is killed and you have Soulflayer in hand so you just let him go to the graveyard to use as a delve target to get the abilities.

Rishkar, Peema Renegade is an all star in +1/+1 counter decks.

Sakura-Tribe Elder for the cheap ramp but you can get a bit tricky with Branching Evolution and Reyhan in the later parts of the game where there might be tons of counters on a creature. If it dies then you can put those counters on Steve and then sacrifice to double up again.

It looks like the deck is only 98 cards at the moment.

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Post by Stapler » 3 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
It looks like the deck is only 98 cards at the moment.
Look pal, Rograkh may be smol, but you don't gotta disrespect him by not counting him as part of the 100! :P


Corpsejack Menace seems like a oversight to not include - for one more mana than Branching Evolution you get a 4/4 body that can also be much more easily tutored for and recurred.

Speaking of that, and building on what darren said, my favourite thing to do with Reyhan is to use counter doublers to bounce around counters from creature to creature using sac outlets to make a giant monster, and your deck already has enough sac outlets to make than plan viable, so including more cheap creatures that help the deck out on a separate axis while also enabling that gameplan seems ideal. Birds of Paradise having flying might let you sneak a kill off on someone not expecting the jund deck to come at them with a flier, and Loam Dryad and Saruli Caretaker take advantage of Rograkh costing 0 to make their drawback more negligible while being better manafixers than Llanowar Elves. With a 3-drop commander and multiple creatures that get stronger the earlier they're played (Managorger Hydra, Taurean Mauler, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin) playing as many good 1-mana dorks you can get your hands on is probably a good plan. Deathrite Shaman too I suppose.

Dreadhorde Butcher gets counters, is another outlet for counters from Reyhan, and is both removal and a way to end the game outside of combat. Flesh // Blood is a little more of the same.

Evolutionary Escalation with a 0 mana commander means you can start growing right away, and you should be able to use the counters better than most opponents with Reyhan as your commander.

EDIT: Oh, to add on to darren's point about indestructible creatures, another decent one is Underrealm Lich: card filters, fills the graveyard for Living Death and such, and a good target for +1 counters. Also randomly stops you from getting milled out I guess.

With a 0 mana commander AND having 2 commanders, all the cards that care about having commanders are really powerful. If you do move into a more token route, Loyal Apprentice can start making evasive tokens on turn 2, and Loyal Guardian pumps up those tokens (and itself, and your 2 commanders) with counters Reyhan can move around. Myth Unbound makes recasting Rograkh ridiculously cheap and you get to draw cards off of him dying to boot, and considering how much stronger your deck is with Reyhan in play, making her cost less when she dies less would be ideal. Genesis Storm cheats 3 random nonland permanents into play for 6 mana just for casting your commanders on curve and gets better once you start recasting Rograkh on the cheap. The fact that Rograkh costs 0 and is such a non-threat on its own means that all the various other cards that care about controlling commanders (Thunderfoot Baloth, Tyrant's Familiar etc.) are a lot more reliably good because no one is going to spend premium removal just to get your 0-drop off the table to turn those cards off, though you likely don't have room for most of them with how dedicated you are to the +1 counter theme.
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Post by BeneTleilax » 3 years ago

Reyhan with no The Ozolith ?

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

I am going to start off with saying a few things. I posted the list up at the end of last week and essentially from the point that I posted the list I already knew I needed to make some adjustments. My bigges worry and issue with +/+ counters tends to be the complexity of the setup vs the payoff. Its really fun the theorycraft these crazy huge plays with Doubling Season but my issue is that a lot of times they involve too many cards, are too hard to setup, and get just slammed by sweepers.

Then we add in partners, its a cool mechanic yea but I have often viewed it as also a slow value added (you get an extra body) at the cost of tempo (most of them aren't amazing for their mana and recasting two commanders after being swept tends to be slow).

So.... we are adding two concepts that have issues with being swept together. I think it is a little bit unavoidable that this concept is going to have some issues with being swept. Due to this I have been looking real hard at how much each card does on its own and how viable they seem to be on their own or with very little assistance. Right now, I am looking at two commanders in play, a sac outlet, and some means of getting a bunch of counters. This is already very steep on requirements to get this stuff working. I did look at the whole Doubling Season and friends and I see that there are clearly like 4-5 of them I am not running. I ended up adding The Ozolith given its cost to cast as well as storing counters post wrath. Its not as good at rolling counters up on one target but I think I am willing to try it for now.

So, I looked at my list, the responses, and made a bunch of changes. Lets get to suggestions for now.
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
I feel like you'd want a few indestructible creatures so that if a board wipe happens you get to keep the counters on the board in some way.
Predator Ooze, Bontu the Glorified, Brash Taunter, Hazoret the Fervent, Rhonas the Indomitable are the best options imo.

I don't know if this is a thing but Soulflayer could be combined with Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh. So the idea that Rograkh is killed and you have Soulflayer in hand so you just let him go to the graveyard to use as a delve target to get the abilities.

Rishkar, Peema Renegade is an all star in +1/+1 counter decks.

Sakura-Tribe Elder for the cheap ramp but you can get a bit tricky with Branching Evolution and Reyhan in the later parts of the game where there might be tons of counters on a creature. If it dies then you can put those counters on Steve and then sacrifice to double up again.

It looks like the deck is only 98 cards at the moment.
Indestructible Creatures - I considered it as well. In the end I decided not to do it for a few reasons though but the primary reason was that most of the creature options were terrible. Beyond that though, I think the diversity of sweepers has gone up a lot and indestructible isn't what it used to be. I see far more Cyclonic Rifts than any other sweeper for whatever reason. Beyond this though I did go into several sac outlet creatures that regenerate or go indestructible and I felt like they were a better compromise than adding questionable creatures to the list for the sake of post sweeper recovery when I don't actually see that many traditional Wrath of God effects in my meta.

Soulflayer - That is amusing but I think that probably still isn't that impressive. It doesn't inherit mennace and I just don't think the card is really impressive. A 4/4 for 6 that inherits trample and first strike isn't going to cut it.

Rishkar, Peema Renegade - Its a cool effect but I felt that it got back to a go wide token approach which is part of what I was trying to avoid. The value added of adding a single counter as creatures enter felt like it wouldn't add up enough with how I was hoping for this list to work primarily. I still have three token producers in the list but I felt that each of those three had fairly good standalone use and positive synergy with the commanders without much additional work. For a card like this to work well I would need to go a lot wider than I am currently and probably look into the Doubling Season concept as well which I scratched due to complexity of setup.

Sakura-Tribe Elder - Yea that could work, but I scratched the Doubling Seasons off. I think its a reasonable card but given that I have a good landbase and am not running Doubling Season effects I would prefer to run other ramp.

98 cards - I got lazy on the lands. I intended to have 38 and only had 36 at the time. I filled with two more basics for now but I might have some adjustments to the land in the future. I am not sold on the utility lands that I have are correct but I just tried getting set up with what made sense. I included Hanweir Battlements for instance and I don't know if that really makes sense as I think about it more. This list is going to have enough complexity to set up that giving haste likely seems less useful than maybe having Kessig Wolf Run. I always fight a bit with the lands / utility lands when it comes to three color decks especially having commanders that curve in so early can make my color mana demands a lot higher. I will mess with things later likely but giving my landbase another look over is on my list of things that I probably need to do.
Stapler wrote:
3 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
It looks like the deck is only 98 cards at the moment.
Look pal, Rograkh may be smol, but you don't gotta disrespect him by not counting him as part of the 100! :P


Corpsejack Menace seems like a oversight to not include - for one more mana than Branching Evolution you get a 4/4 body that can also be much more easily tutored for and recurred.

Speaking of that, and building on what darren said, my favourite thing to do with Reyhan is to use counter doublers to bounce around counters from creature to creature using sac outlets to make a giant monster, and your deck already has enough sac outlets to make than plan viable, so including more cheap creatures that help the deck out on a separate axis while also enabling that gameplan seems ideal. Birds of Paradise having flying might let you sneak a kill off on someone not expecting the jund deck to come at them with a flier, and Loam Dryad and Saruli Caretaker take advantage of Rograkh costing 0 to make their drawback more negligible while being better manafixers than Llanowar Elves. With a 3-drop commander and multiple creatures that get stronger the earlier they're played (Managorger Hydra, Taurean Mauler, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin) playing as many good 1-mana dorks you can get your hands on is probably a good plan. Deathrite Shaman too I suppose.

Dreadhorde Butcher gets counters, is another outlet for counters from Reyhan, and is both removal and a way to end the game outside of combat. Flesh // Blood is a little more of the same.

Evolutionary Escalation with a 0 mana commander means you can start growing right away, and you should be able to use the counters better than most opponents with Reyhan as your commander.

EDIT: Oh, to add on to darren's point about indestructible creatures, another decent one is Underrealm Lich: card filters, fills the graveyard for Living Death and such, and a good target for +1 counters. Also randomly stops you from getting milled out I guess.

With a 0 mana commander AND having 2 commanders, all the cards that care about having commanders are really powerful. If you do move into a more token route, Loyal Apprentice can start making evasive tokens on turn 2, and Loyal Guardian pumps up those tokens (and itself, and your 2 commanders) with counters Reyhan can move around. Myth Unbound makes recasting Rograkh ridiculously cheap and you get to draw cards off of him dying to boot, and considering how much stronger your deck is with Reyhan in play, making her cost less when she dies less would be ideal. Genesis Storm cheats 3 random nonland permanents into play for 6 mana just for casting your commanders on curve and gets better once you start recasting Rograkh on the cheap. The fact that Rograkh costs 0 and is such a non-threat on its own means that all the various other cards that care about controlling commanders (Thunderfoot Baloth, Tyrant's Familiar etc.) are a lot more reliably good because no one is going to spend premium removal just to get your 0-drop off the table to turn those cards off, though you likely don't have room for most of them with how dedicated you are to the +1 counter theme.
Corpsejack Menace - I get the idea and hopes of this card. I am not saying it can't or won't work but Doubling Season effects add a lot more overhead to this list. It isn't as if just getting a doubler in play suddenly makes this concept work. Most of the ideas involving a token doubler need:
  • Both commanders as Reyhan lacks evasion. Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh needs haste or to have been played before.
  • A repeatable free sac outlet
  • A Doubling Season effect
  • Multiple bodies to sac probably token based
  • Some counters on some creature to get things started
That is a hell of a list of needs to make a doubling season effect work. I opted to not go into this and due to it, I think that the sac outlet can be simplified to a land that can sac which makes it more robust. The two commanders, and a single source of tokens on a body. It is true that I won't be as explosive but I have simplified the complexity of it a lot meaning even though I maybe get swept I won't have as much time to set up nor will my board require as many cards to get setup which ties into less card disadvantage.

Cheap Drops - it sort of goes back to me going away from Doubling Season rather than towards it. I think it is possible to try to curve in and get setup and not disrupted but I instead am aiming more to simplify my board rather than see how wide I can make it.

Dreadhorde Butcher - I had it in my list of potentials but I ended up cutting it as I viewed it as something that felt like I needed to build towards Doubling Season tactics to make it work. I felt like it wasn't going to really carry its own weight more often than not and if it worked it was probably more so that the deck worked than the butcher doing impressive things.

Evolutionary Escalation - I think that is the type of card that probably gets less impressive the later you draw it. I don't really expect this deck to be super fast so I will probably pass. I tend to like to see cards retain their value when drawn later or even get stronger rather than getting weaker when not playing a fast deck that is going to close things out quickly. I think this deck when it gets good draws could get some fast kills but the likelihood of going through everyone at a table quickly doesn't seem that likely.

Underrealm Lich - Its a reasonable creature. If I was going a lot deeper on reanimation it might be something I would like more. I actually did look into a number of recursion ideas and concepts but in the end I just didn't feel like that many of them other than Living Death made sense. I think I would need to bring up my mass recursion plan more as a first before I could really delve into if I want the Litch or not. Its not a bad card but I think it can be a bit slow to perform in my experience. I usually want to have a lot more graveyard interaction before I would entertain the idea.

Loyal Apprentice / Loyal Guardian - It gets back into the going wide Doubling Season tactics which I decided to go away from.

Myth Unbound - Part of my issue is that this card doesn't do much immediately. Its like, if it sticks around ok value. I have never opted to run the card before though to be honest. If you have it in your opening hand though I just don't see it doing that much. Maybe you then have incentive to turn Reyhan over for counters.... it seems not really like something I am that interested in. Why not just ramp or draw cards instead?

Genesis Storm - Hummmm maybe. That is an interesting thought given how most of my permanents could just be thrown into play at whatever time. It might also get towards me questioning if I shouldn't be also or instead running Lurking Predators which can have a similar idea. Food for thought. I don't know for sure either way but I will keep it in mind.

Thunderfoot Baloth / Tyrant's Familiar - I get what you are saying with these cards its more of just how much they cost and my reluctance to run a bunch of six or more mana cards. I think partners does play towards their strength but I also think that the bar is fairly high for any six plus drop these days. Thunderfoot might be good if I was going wide but with having sort of abandoned that it makes less sense. The dragon is cool but I think there is so much competition for big expensive removal creatures these days that I don't really see this one standing out that much for me.
BeneTleilax wrote:
3 years ago
Reyhan with no The Ozolith ?
I am actually cutting back and or away from Doubling Season effects. That said it only costing one mana I think it will probably make my list for now at least. It has the downside that you can't repeatedly move counters in one turn to turn them from a few to massive but with not focusing much on going wide it probably makes a bit more sense for me.

Ok, now that I have typed up quite the list of responses lets get into deck changes.

  • BloodghastScute Mob I was originally trying to push for a little more value from sac outlets with some recurrable creatures. I think I am cutting some more of my sac outlets as well as the value from them. I think Scute Mob getting 4 counters a turn for one mana is a decent return on investment and as I go a bit deeper on some of the Greater Good tactics I think its something I am ok with booting to a sac for some cards after very little time in play. 4-8 counters is in my mind a plenty good enough return from this card given its low mana to cast.
  • Grakmaw, Skyclave RavagerPolukranos, Unchained I originally thought that Grakmaw was going to get counters more often than it actually will. I didn't read the card close enough is all. Polukranos can serve as some control but I also think that six counters for four mana is reasonable especially given it can be recast from graveyard later. Its a good mix of what I would like access to I think.
  • Pir, Imaginative RascalRakdos Charm after having posted the list I realized that Hardened Scale effects are definitely not good enough. I like the flexible options of Rakdos Charm and thought I could use a little more grave hate.
  • Woe StriderLife's Legacy This retains the sac outlets sort of but I think sacing a big creature with counters and drawing a bunch of cards sounds kind of great. It does move me a bit more towards maybe being a deck with some tempo so I might need to adjust some cards to allow for more ramp.
  • Kresh the BloodbraidedNightshade Harvester I felt like Kresh was probably towards the idea of a go wide Doubling Season idea. Nightshade Harvester should get fairly good sized on its own and while its probably a little weaker than Taurean Mauler as far as getting counters I think its still probably good enough that I want to try it out.
  • EmbercleaveChaos Warp I still kind of love Embercleave but realistically..... it doesn't do much unless my commanders are already doing their thing and while it makes it easier, I would rather simplify the list by removing it. I needed a bit more spot removal so I think this is a swap I am good with.
  • Hardened ScalesThe Ozolith I realized that Hardened Scale effects weren't really going to work with this concept. I did overlook The Ozolith originally so I guess we can give that a shot and see if it helps.
  • Wake the DeadAzusa, Lost but Seeking Originally speaking I was thinking of having more creatures with death triggers and or counters on them by default. I ended up moving more towards things that build counters over time and it started looking like the percentage of good hits with Wake the Dead was becoming a little spotty. I have been adding a bit more for good draw so it felt like making some tempo ramp would pay off with some of those adjustments.
  • Inspiring CallExploration I gave it more thought and while I think Inspiring Call is a cool card, its not good protection or good draw. Lets just shift instead to have some tempo ramp.
  • Branching EvolutionMomentous Fall going away from doubling effects. Momentous Fall is kind of expensive to cast which is my only real hang up with it but other than that, I think the effect is desirable. I guess we can see how it goes for now.
So, the big push with these changes was to:

1) Simplify the complexity of my setup
2) Add more draw
3) Tempo ramp better
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Post by able archer » 3 years ago

No Rhythm of the Wild? Seems nigh-essential in this sort of deck.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

able archer wrote:
3 years ago
No Rhythm of the Wild? Seems nigh-essential in this sort of deck.
This deck needs a bit of setup to the point that haste isn't actually that useful. Lots of the creatures have a bit of a spin up time to them making haste less significant. The counters it can give tend to favor token tactics and Doubling Season / Hardened Scales builds as well. I also don't really fear counterspells on my creatures on average as most of them are not that expensive to cast.

I considered it early on but I felt that it wasn't adding enough impact with the way in which I was building. The stand alone value of it felt like it was going to need to be in play for several turns before it really added up to much and given how this deck works I felt like it was an unnecessary effect that took too long to pay for itself. If I had built more in a direction of tokens and Doubling Season I think it would be a different story but it wasn't the direction I was going with the build.
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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

GSZ but no Dryad Arbor feels like an oversight.

I also think I would just go ahead and play a few mana dorks in this deck. They're good. Elves of Deep Shadow and Birds of Paradise at the minimum. Birds of Paradise are amazing with +1/+1 counters too. I dont' think I'd go deep on them but at least deathrite/elves/birds. I don't think this is a Boreal Druid deck.

I think you'd also benefit from a few manlands in +1/+1 counter heavy decks. An emergency place to store counters like Hissing Quagmire or Raging Ravine or Inkmoth Nexus would be pretty low opportunity cost. Lots of things like Hour of Revelation and Cyclonic Rift that get blown out by that.

Looks really darn fun all in all :)

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

pokken wrote:
3 years ago
GSZ but no Dryad Arbor feels like an oversight.

I also think I would just go ahead and play a few mana dorks in this deck. They're good. Elves of Deep Shadow and Birds of Paradise at the minimum. Birds of Paradise are amazing with +1/+1 counters too. I dont' think I'd go deep on them but at least deathrite/elves/birds. I don't think this is a Boreal Druid deck.

I think you'd also benefit from a few manlands in +1/+1 counter heavy decks. An emergency place to store counters like Hissing Quagmire or Raging Ravine or Inkmoth Nexus would be pretty low opportunity cost. Lots of things like Hour of Revelation and Cyclonic Rift that get blown out by that.

Looks really darn fun all in all :)
I think that mana dorks / Dryad Arbor are all tactics that generally benefit the most when in fast combo metas (they tend to play more spot removal / counter and less wraths), MLD metas, and or when trying to push for fast wins. Mana dorks tend to get worse when planning for a longer game and or when playing against wraths. Fear of wrath impact is part of why I am building the way I am and part of why I don't plan to run mana dorks. I think they play better towards the idea of Doubling Season tactics (which I cut) as well as strong burst card draw (which I still don't really know if I have sufficient).

I am no judge but I am about 95% sure that they have to be animated before another creature dies. This would mean that they could be used against something like Oblivion Stone but not Wrath of God. The issue is that when something dies they have to immediately choose the target before you get an opportunity to activate a manland.
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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

Yeah it would not work on wrath, but it would work on anything that says non-land which is a high percentage of sweepers. And you could also do it proactively, e.g. sac reyhan on your turn and store counters on a manland that de-animates at the end of your turn. Solid move if you're confident of a wrath.

Works on o-stone, hour, planar cleansing, cyclonic rift, devastation tide, etc. Also works decently against edicts.

I think you're missing the opportunity to split on manadorks - when I play midrange decks like this I play just the dorks that fix my mana as opposed to jamming 10 of them. But YMMV of course :)

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