Alena & Livio: Tactical Nukes

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Ertai Planeswalker
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Post by Ertai Planeswalker » 3 years ago

Alena & Livio: Tactical Nukes
I've not had a serious partner deck before and so with all the new partners spoiled in Commander Legends I decided to make one myself. At first I was swamped with all the options but after watching the Command Zone's episode about the new Commanders and what Alena could do I immediately in my mind paired her with one of my pet cards that I never got working but find very cool nonethess: Serra Avatar (who got an upgraded new version in Soul of Eternity). That put me in Boros and with my late tendency to try and apply Occam's Razor to every deck and it's colors I needed to find a white partner. Enter Livio, who not only is white but also has the flicker ability to make sure we can use Alena's ability on an avatar every turn. This begs the question though, what do to with lots and lots of red mana.... convert it to damage of course! So this is a Boros deck who's main plan is NOT winning through the red zone (though it definitly can!) but instead aims to blow players up with one or two shots of damage.
Alena & Livio: Tactical Nukes
Approximate Total Cost:

So the main premise of the deck is to get Alena out, play either Serra Avatar, Soul of Eternity or Evra, Halcyon Witness and tap her for a lot of red mana then proceed to use Comet Storm, Jaya's Immolating Inferno or Devil's Play to burn one or more opponents to crisps. The X category also contains Ghitu War Cry and Captive Flame which allow you to increase the power of any creature you control so you can stomp someone for a lot, and then throw them at an opponent with Fling, Kazuul's Fury // Kazuul's Cliffs or Brion Stoutarm. Chandra's Ignition and Rupture can outright win you the game on the spot if you time it right (and have the highest life total in case of Rupture) and Ghitu War Cry/Captive Flame will let any creature be able to do an avatar impression before using these.

But what if you are at low life? Then the Avatar's aren't that big: for that there is some lifegain in the deck. Depending on the boardstate, a well timed Brightflame can easily gain you 100+ life on the spot. True Conviction makes it hard not to gain lots of life and awakens the true Timmy in me when paired with an avatar. Wall of Reverence can help you back up fast combined with an avatar or power pump. Heliod's Intervention is primarily meant as removal but can double up as lifegain if needed and Resolute Archangel will simply put you back at 40 in one go. This lifegain in turn can also be weaponized with the by now classic use of Aetherflux Reservoir (which also gains you some life) and Volcano Hellion.

Volcano Hellion is best used in conjunction with Stuffy Doll, Boros Reckoner or Brash Taunter. If you have a higher life total then an opponent: BANG he's dead. If you have True Conviction out or you soulbond it with Nearheath Pilgrim as it enters the battlefield it will have lifelink so it will not hurt you at all. The other three cards also work wonders as damage doublers to opponents with your Rupture or Chandra's Ignition.

Horizon Stone and Leyline Tyrant open up something that is only very recently available in Boros and that is saving mana. If you can produce a lot of mana but not enough to blow everyone out, then just save it up and do it next turn! The Tyrant will also quickly be a big threat to blow up: whoever points their removal at it will be in for a LOT of pain..

Then the other stuff: there's a few blink cards included, mostly as a backup to Livio and as a cheaper or repeatable way to do it. This will allow for more explosive turns where, if you can give Alena haste, you might be able to tap Alena for mana, blink it, tap her again, blink her, tap her again. Magewright's Stone, Puppet Strings and Thousand-Year Elixir also allow you to untap Alena for extra uses. Boros has little to no way of tutoring for creatures so I included Ring of Three Wishes and Planar Portal. These are expensive to use but it's all we have to work with. Martial Coup is a nice board wipe: wiping and being left with god who knows how many token can also be an easy set up to win the game if your opponents can't answer a horde of 1/1's. Warstorm Surge and Stalking Vengeance double up on the damage equal to power theme and the latter is also a good removal detterent and gives you double use out of your Fling effects. Lastly, Feather, the Redeemed makes an appearance: she will provide you free buyback on the blink spells, is an evasive body to get in for lots of damage and if you pick her as one of the targets of Comet Storm or Jaya's Immolating Inferno you'll get the card back if you need it.

All in all I can't wait to take the deck out for a spin. I know the landbase is a little less then optimal but I only have so much dual lands and they're all in use at this point. Since this is only a 2 color deck it does not matter as much anyway.

So what do you think? My only concern up front at this point is a lack of card draw. Which I know is a common problem for Boros but still. If you would have any tips on what card draw I could put in and what to cut for it that'll be great.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

I too had matched these partners up originally but didn't quite get there in the end with concepts.

Sneak Attack and Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded were going to be some of my trump cards for cheating in higher power creatures and then tucking them away with Livio.
Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded doesn't match up with your creatures but Sneak Attack is a nice one.

There is Staff of Domination, Sword of the Paruns, Umbral Mantle to get infinite untaps of Alena.

Shatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass is another x spell. It only gets creatures so is not a win condition as such but still in a pinch can kill 2 creatures and you can combine it with Boros Reckoner, Brash Taunter, Stuffy Doll to kill an opponent. It just takes a Mountain slot that's why I mention it.

Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter can search for Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Whats good is that if you sacrifice the Serra Avatar then it gets shuffled back into library and you can Livio the Recruiters to get it back as many times as you want really.

As far as card draw this is probably a little janky but fits your theme well with Barbed Shocker and Shocker. The idea is that you use Captive Flame or Ghitu War Cry to pump it up with Alena and then use one of the "Fling" type spells actually on yourself preferably with lifelink obviously. Ok maybe that is a bit of a...shocker but it tickled my fancy.
Knollspine Dragon could potentially draw you a ton of your deck.
Well of Lost Dreams also is an x of sorts but for draw.
Just as a small advantage to draw Wall of Omens is another Livio target and blocking early damage isn't nothing for your deck that is looking to protect your life total.

Firesong and Sunspeaker gives your Red instant and sorcery spells lifelink so this can help with your life total.

I was looking to use Immolating Souleater and Moltensteel Dragon as ways to "cheat" large power. In your deck you can claw that life back with your lifelink style cards and even Wall of Reverence.

The timing of Conjurer's Closet doesn't seem great to me as it's at end of turn and a lot of your finishers are at sorcery speed.

I'd say Feather, the Redeemed with only a few targets is going to feel a bit weak in the deck.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

Hmmmmmm your objective seems perhaps narrow enough in use that I wonder if adding green or black for tutors might make this stronger than the commander selection you have right now. I guess Alena enables some things with a few of the "when it takes dmg" creatures but I am not sure that its stronger than having some tutor consistency.

Seeing Burnished Hart but not Solemn Simulacrum with Livio seems a bit odd to me.

The X damage spells / feather seem like a REALLY bit stretch on a bunch of concepts that already seem like a stretch. I feel like the X damage and the mana doesn't empty concepts could just be replaced with ETB creatures and you would probably pick up more synergy.

I think you need more ramp and draw as it stands. I would probably try to scrap the X mana and feather tactics and push to get more draw and ramp in the list. Livio also feels a little bit like he might be neglected in focus here.
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Post by Wallycaine » 3 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter can search for Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Whats good is that if you sacrifice the Serra Avatar then it gets shuffled back into library and you can Livio the Recruiters to get it back as many times as you want really.
Neither of those cards can search up Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Unless your life total is 2, I suppose. But I think you'll have larger worries at that point.

@ISBPathfinder It feels like you missed that the point of the deck was X spells + Serra Avatar + Alena, Kessig Trapper to let you cast spells with X close to or equal to your life total. Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel is the secondary partner here, not Alena, Kessig Trapper.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 3 years ago

Wallycaine wrote:
3 years ago
@ISBPathfinder It feels like you missed that the point of the deck was X spells + Serra Avatar + Alena, Kessig Trapper to let you cast spells with X close to or equal to your life total. Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel is the secondary partner here, not Alena, Kessig Trapper.
Ahh I did. I thought the red commander was the one that enabled fighting so I had that mixed up in my head.
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Post by Ertai Planeswalker » 3 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Sneak Attack and Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded were going to be some of my trump cards for cheating in higher power creatures and then tucking them away with Livio. Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded doesn't match up with your creatures but Sneak Attack is a nice one.
You're right, it is. And it would also allow for an incidental kill on turn 3 for sh/ts and giggles :)
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
There is Staff of Domination, Sword of the Paruns, Umbral Mantle to get infinite untaps of Alena.
You're absolutely right, but my group and I do not like infinite combo's so that's a no go for me.
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Shatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass is another x spell. It only gets creatures so is not a win condition as such but still in a pinch can kill 2 creatures and you can combine it with Boros Reckoner, Brash Taunter, Stuffy Doll to kill an opponent. It just takes a Mountain slot that's why I mention it.
Good point.
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter can search for Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Whats good is that if you sacrifice the Serra Avatar then it gets shuffled back into library and you can Livio the Recruiters to get it back as many times as you want really.
And now I just feel like an ass. Of course this is the way to go! I see Imperial Recruiter has been reprinted so it's actually affordable now.[/quote]
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
As far as card draw this is probably a little janky but fits your theme well with Barbed Shocker and Shocker. The idea is that you use Captive Flame or Ghitu War Cry to pump it up with Alena and then use one of the "Fling" type spells actually on yourself preferably with lifelink obviously. Ok maybe that is a bit of a...shocker but it tickled my fancy.Knollspine Dragon could potentially draw you a ton of your deck.
It is janky, yes. I give you kudos for coming up with it but I must respectfully decline.[/quote]
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Well of Lost Dreams also is an x of sorts but for draw. Just as a small advantage to draw Wall of Omens is another Livio target and blocking early damage isn't nothing for your deck that is looking to protect your life total.
I'm not sure I will be triggering the Well consistenly enough to warrant it's inclusion. Wall of Omens could be good though.[/quote]
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Firesong and Sunspeaker gives your Red instant and sorcery spells lifelink so this can help with your life total. I was looking to use Immolating Souleater and Moltensteel Dragon as ways to "cheat" large power. In your deck you can claw that life back with your lifelink style cards and even Wall of Reverence.
I like Firesong and Sunspeaker. Not sure about the other ones though. I can see where you're coming from but you need to already have a high life for them to be relevant. Whatever life you pay into it will take you 2 turns to get back.[/quote]
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
The timing of Conjurer's Closet doesn't seem great to me as it's at end of turn and a lot of your finishers are at sorcery speed. I'd say Feather, the Redeemed with only a few targets is going to feel a bit weak in the deck.
Yeah I had not thought of the timing issue, I just went "Oh look, repeatable blinks". Feather can also be cut yes, though an evasive beater is nice to have.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

Ertai Planeswalker wrote:
3 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter can search for Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Whats good is that if you sacrifice the Serra Avatar then it gets shuffled back into library and you can Livio the Recruiters to get it back as many times as you want really.
And now I just feel like an ass. Of course this is the way to go! I see Imperial Recruiter has been re
As Wallycaine pointed out actually apparently the */* type cards do track across zones for wording on the cards so you will not be able to search for Serra Avatar, etc so ignore this suggestion.

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Ertai Planeswalker
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Post by Ertai Planeswalker » 3 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Ertai Planeswalker wrote:
3 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
3 years ago
Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter can search for Serra Avatar and Soul of Eternity. Whats good is that if you sacrifice the Serra Avatar then it gets shuffled back into library and you can Livio the Recruiters to get it back as many times as you want really.
And now I just feel like an ass. Of course this is the way to go! I see Imperial Recruiter has been re
As Wallycaine pointed out actually apparently the */* type cards do track across zones for wording on the cards so you will not be able to search for Serra Avatar, etc so ignore this suggestion.
That's a bummer

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Post by gabrielv » 3 years ago

Great deck! I have tinkered with these partners as well. I'd like to post my list but some bug in Archidekt broke it and I need to retype it.

Interesting take on the life gain. I use Livio more for early value, so I play all the ETB ramp I can get (Kor Cartographer, Solemn Simulacrum...). I'm not sure about Wall of Omens. While Boros really needs card draw, blinking with Livio would be 5 mana total, which seems over costed for a card that doesn't even give you power for Alena. Other good targets for Livio: Luminate Primordial, Leonin Relic Warden and Fiend Hunter.

My list's main wincon is Warstorm Surge in conjunction with Fiery Emancipation and Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. Also the burn spells that you play. As sinks for Alena mana, so I also use Hellkite Charger, Captivating Crew (still haven't drawn them, but seems fun) and Aggravated Assault.

I've refrained from Serra Avatar because Alena just makes red mana. I know I should reconsidered, but as efficient replacements I use Phyrexian Dreadnought and Phyrexian Soulgorger. They are both cheap creatures with high power that work as rituals with Alena and can be blinked with Livio before their downside comes.

I don't love infinite combos, but I do play Staff of Domination, and the Assault and Hellkite and go infinite with Alena. Sometimes you just have to have finisher, specially against decks with overwhelming value (I also play on mid Spelltable, so you get all types of decks, sometimes very controlly or straight up combos).

That said, I'm still tinkering with it and it's been really fun, and I've won my share of games. It always plays differently depending on my hand, and if Alena or Livio should come out first. I'll hopefully post my deck soon. Thanks for a great post!

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