TnT, It's Dynamite!

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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

The Wonderful Story of TnT Oracle

TnT, the Rightfully Hated Partners?

Table of Contents


Hello! My name is, well I'm the UnNamed1. I have had a lot of fun with this deck and it seems to have been fairly competitive. You are primarily looking to win by turn two or three, but fear not if the heart of the cards does not allow that! This deck is a grindy mid-range deck with multiple paths to victory.

Commander Analysis/Why Play TnT

Tymna the Weaver and Thrasios, Triton Hero are both incredible cards on their own. Together these two push the boundary of "should partner be allowed". Let's talk about them.

Early game Tymna can use aggro advantage against other decks who are not able to get creatures out as fast to your advantage. Tymna gives you lifelink, with the insane ability to pay life equal to the number of players who were dealt combat damage. In most cases you will be gaining 1 life and drawing 1 card. This generates card advantage from very early in the game, especially as you can tutor during combat to ensure your draws are value. At no point during the game will she not provide value in some way or another.

Thrasios is typically only played if you are behind and you need the value off his ability or you are prepared to go infinite. Thrasios can also be played in combination with an early Seedborn Muse to generate massive value, ensuring you will be getting ahead of your opponents. There are also multiple cheap ways to reduce the cost of Thrasios's activated ability. Thrasios himself is also only a 2 CMC commander!

Together this pairing provides incredible pairing. If you like simic ramp with the control of white and the tutoring of black you will love this deck. You can always find answers and value out of every card included in the deck. You will love this deck if you love fast wins while being to answer your opponents' threats with threats of your own.

Some down sides to having two commanders is sometimes deciding which will provide the value you need at any given time. This particular pair of commanders also brings a certain amount of hate towards you at the table, as this deck is most known for its Sushi Hulk combo. An early Tymna will almost always throw attention in your direction, and it also informs your opponents that you do not quite have your combo yet, or you are looking for a piece of protection. This may be vital information to your opponents as they may see the opportunity to combo off themselves.

Finally, this deck is not for everyone. It's a grindy combo deck that seeks to outvalue your opponents and eventually go for the win. In a more casually competitive setting, you will be seen as an arch enemy, please do not bring this to casual tables unless previously discussed. There is a control aspect to this deck as you should almost always have answers. The walkers add in pseudo stax, and after all the deck evolved from a super-friends build.

Deck History

This deck has had quite a history for sure. Going back to the decks beginnings, this was a Golos, Tireless Pilgram super-friends deck. I was never much of a red player however, and quickly dropped most of the red cards from the deck. This left me thinking "Is there a better commander option than Golos, that can still provide me with the same or more advantage that he does?" After doing some research and looking for commanders suitable under Witch-Maw, I decided on TnT. At this point I had dropped all red from the deck and was looking to add in some new cards. Enter Thassa's Oracle. I pulled this card at a pre-release and instantly fell in love, thinking of ways to turn this card into a win-con. That night I spent hours looking for ways to reduce my library to 0 at instant speed. It was at this point my deck made a drastic shift.

I went through and cut the majority of planeswalker's, taking everyone of them CMC 4+ out of the deck. I added in counterspell's, especially adding in cards that allow for me to combo off after as they do not allow responses. I added in tutor's, making the deck streamlined and focused on winning in one specific way. I was ready for the big leagues.

This deck has evolved to become faster and more resilient the more you play it. At the time of writing this article I think I am fairly happy with the state of the deck. Obviously I can make it more competitive, but for my current meta it sits nicely as a high power threat.

Current Decklist

Here is a link to the current decklist as built:

I like concise ordering by type, so that is how this is entered. Specific combo's and synergies will be posted below.
Your Super Awesome Decklist



Approximate Total Cost:

Card Choice Discussion

You might look at this list and think to yourself, "wait, this is a TnT deck without Flash Hulk lines? What is he thinking?" Well, I lost to Flash Hulk a lot when I started playing cEDH and I wasn't a fan. (Note: at the time of writing Flash was legal, at the time of posting it's been banned) It wasn't a goal of mine to go all in on one singular strategy that can fall on its face if one card gets countered. Plus I really wasn't interested in running flash period, I wanted to be control that built up advantage over its opponents, then went for the win. So, lets break down the sections by card type and discuss.

First up, planeswalkers. Most people either love them or hate them.

  • Karn, the Great Creator – This is easily the most meta dependent walker. If artifacts are a big deal you can very easily ramp into Karn and shut artifact ramp down. Collector Ouphe does the same thing, but the fact that walkers are harder to remove in my meta lead me to leaving Karn in, alongside Collector. A fun interaction to note, if you turn Aetherflux Reservoir into a creature and give it lifelink, you can effectively kill the table.
  • Ashiok, Dream Render – Stops searching and exiles graveyards. General goodstuff. This will become a target, searching is crucial to commander constancy, and you being able to while your opponents can't is a strong advantage to have.
  • Teferi, Time Raveler – This card is actually on the fence to be cut. I would suggest only playing it to bait out counters or if you expect to win that turn. Not does it protect you, Teferi also protects your opponents from each other's responses. If you play this, you have to be ahead enough to control 3 other players at once.

Next up, let's talk about some enchantments. My choices for enchantments generate me immediate value or advantage on opponents turns.

  • Freed from the Real – Generates infinite mana with both Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder. Use this mana to pump into Thrasios and draw your entire deck, winning with Thassa's Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries.
  • Concordant Crossroads – This card allows for you to generate and go infinite the turn your cards hit the field. These are powerful mana dorks and may take notice leading to removal. You want to be able to use them fast. Downside is everyone gets advantage off this card.
  • Rest in Piece – I do not run this enchantment, but this is a completely meta dependent choice. Barring one player, no one in my group plays graveyard interaction so RIP is not needed. Make the decision based on your personal meta.

Moving along to creatures, the selection ties into ramping fast and providing advantage.

  • Biomancer's Familiar – I selected this card for reduction to Thrasios's ability. Unfortunately, that is all this card does in this deck. I have considered cutting the Familiar but do not have any replacement selected yet.
  • Thassa's Oracle – Well this card says "I win!"
  • Noble Hierarch – I simply do not believe this card is worth the cost. Yes, it taps for 3 of the 4 of your mana, however I have never been in a situation that I felt I NEEDED Noble Hierarch. If you have a copy, there aren't any downsides to run it, but I personally don't feel it should take up a part of the decks budget.
  • Drannith Magistrate – I really like this card. I have no testing yet, but I have a feeling it will be an auto include for a lot of decks running white. Shuts off graveyard, commanders and companions. Get one.

From here we move along to our final selection, instants and sorceries. I'm not giving sorceries their own selection as I only have two of them. I run a standard suite of counter spells and removal as well as tutors, so I won't worry about covering those. Instead I will talk about some more fringe choices I made.

  • Crop Rotation – Mostly used to turn a basic into Command Tower. Great for color fixing since this is a 4C deck.
  • Angel's Grace – It's a stop sign for those who try to win with Thassa's Oracle. Cannot be countered, and stops you from losing.
  • Murderous Rider//Swift End – Definitely meta dependent. I mostly use it to take care of a problematic walker like Lili, or Ashiok, then can be used as an attacker/blocker that you aren't afraid to lose.

Deck Strategy

The main goal of this deck is to commit to winning with Thassa's Oracle. You will grind your opponents out, generating value at every turn, and you should be able to win any counter wars. This deck is built for the mid-game, get there and you will be golden.

Thassa's Oracle and Jace, Wielder of Mystery are the two options to win. If you lose these, you will want to get them back as soon as possible with something like Eternal Witness or Reap. There are multiple lines to with these two, including Demonic Consultation and any form of infinite mana into Thrasios.
Early Game Strategy

In the early game, you want to ramp and ramp hard. Hold up mana for counter wars and do not over-extend. The deck is fast, and has a potential to win as early as turn 2, but typically this is risky. Keep in mind, this is a mid-range deck. Your best plan of attack is getting some sort advantage early with a Smothering Tithe or a Rhystic Study. Generating card advantage and mana advantage are key to succeeding.

Mid-Game Strategy

Mid-late game. I consider the mid-game turn 4-6. Anything after is most definitely late-game. You are looking to win in this time frame, but if the cards are not there, you can still generate value. Now that flash is gone, this is where a lot of decks will be looking to win. Ask yourself, does the blue player have mana up? Did an opponent ramp enough to commit to a 3/4 card win? Are you facing a combat deck with little to no blockers on board?

At this point you should hopefully have enough mana and card advantage to go for the win. Thassa's Oracle with Demonic Consultation is an instant win, as most people already know. Bloom Tender or Faeburrow Elder go infinite with Freed from the Real. Dump that infinite mana into Thrasios and draw your deck, winning with Jace or Oracle.

If you do not have the advantage or resources to go for a win, it is ok to wait. I purposefully made this deck with the intention of becoming stronger the later into the game. There are enough counters and removal that you can hold up mana without fear.

Note: I did not get much play time with this deck post flash ban. This deck should be resilient to survive against most meta's.

Credit & Thanks

Playing With Power MTG – their episode with medium green gave me a large amount of inspiration, however, one build does not fit all.
Friend Chris – he was the sushi hulk player and a big nemesis and the reason behind me trying to become the best I could. Without him, this deck would not be nearly as refined.

Change Log

As of posting, I personally have taken the deck apart. Yes, I won a lot of games but that got stale, the deck played the same way for the most part, with only a few variations.

If I ever put the deck back together, I will update with any changes made at that time.
Changelog Date
I'm changing here….Don't Look!

5/20/20 - Temple cycle is out for ABU Dual lands - Make this change if you have the budget.

5/20/20 - Non-fetchable dual's have been dropped for Mana Confluence and Prismatic Vista.
Last edited by UnNamed1 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.


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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

@benjameenbear I know you had wanted to look over this list at some point. I finally got time to post it. Hope you enjoy!

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

This looks beautiful, honestly. The only thing I would think of adding is an Eldritch Evolution so that you can Evolutionize Tymna into Seedborn Muse with Thrasios in play. I personally would cut Teferi, Time Raveler so that you aren't the only one with Countermagic availability.

Well done.

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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
This looks beautiful, honestly. The only thing I would think of adding is an Eldritch Evolution so that you can Evolutionize Tymna into Seedborn Muse with Thrasios in play. I personally would cut Teferi, Time Raveler so that you aren't the only one with Countermagic availability.

Well done.
First off, thank you sir.

Secondly, I never actually thought about Eldritch Evolution. Would definitely work, but I would personally test it for awhile first. I actually agree with cutting Teferi. He is nice, but the longer he stays on board, the more of a hindrance he is. Grand Abolisher does the job better IMO. Teferi is out of my newer builds, but still an include on lower power tables.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

You're welcome. It's a good deck and it's well thought out for sure. I'd hate to play against it.

I remember seeing a similar TnT decklist for Seedborn Muse and the Muse, with an active Thrasios, is almost an unbeatable machine of card advantage and resource advantage. I can't remember which Youtube group I saw playing it (PlayingWithPower probably) and no one had an answer to the resolved Muse. It was game over by the time the turn cycle came back around.

I agree about the Abolisher vs. Teferi argument. Teferi, while decently protected with TnT at the helm, just limits a multi-player game so much. Even Silence would be better, since Teferi functionally acts as a 3 mana Silence most of the time for your combo turn.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

What do you think of Path of Ancestry in place of one of the temples? I was just thinking that the value to fix any color is probably a little stronger than scry one. Its also possible that the new fetchable cycle tri lands might be worth consideration in place of the temples as well but I think it would also maybe push to get a few more fetches for those to really pay off but I have never valued temples all that much myself.

I don't really play combo myself but do you find it problematic to have so much focus on Thassa's Oracle? I am just thinking if it gets countered, thoughtsiezed + grave hated, or extracted. I assume not given it seems to be the focus wincon but I was just thinking like maybe a backup wincon (assuming there isn't something I missed) might be nice.
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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think of Path of Ancestry in place of one of the temples? I was just thinking that the value to fix any color is probably a little stronger than scry one. Its also possible that the new fetchable cycle tri lands might be worth consideration in place of the temples as well but I think it would also maybe push to get a few more fetches for those to really pay off but I have never valued temples all that much myself.

I don't really play combo myself but do you find it problematic to have so much focus on Thassa's Oracle? I am just thinking if it gets countered, thoughtsiezed + grave hated, or extracted. I assume not given it seems to be the focus wincon but I was just thinking like maybe a backup wincon (assuming there isn't something I missed) might be nice.
I think Path of Ancestry would be decent. If you have the option, obviously get rid of all the Temple for fetch lands. They will always be superior. In this deck I would not recommend the Tri-Lands, as they will always enter tapped. The mana base as is spreads the colors well, it's not worth it to slow down for a tap land with no immediate value. I would honestly run the lands that say "come in tapped unless you have 2+ opponents" over the temples.

Oracle has a reputation now, that is for sure. The biggest issue is Stifle effects. There is a little bit of backup in the form of Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. Typically you want to have Silence when you go for a win, or have plenty of counterspell backup yourself. You could always add Laboratory Maniac but you would need a way to force that final draw, so it is not as good.

The more I think about it, I may just update the land list to something a little stronger, I kind of forgot the temples were in here. Mana Confluence or Prismatic Vista would both be good alternatives as well.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

I think there is some value in fixing over a scry one. I personally haven't ever used temples but I have had ABU dual lands since long before temples were printed. I think if you had a few more fetches it might make more sense to have even like one of the tri fetchable lands but obviously having better fetchable lands with more fetchlands is probably the more ideal way to go. I assumed that was a budget restraint which is why it wasn't my suggestion. Confluence would probably be nice.

Ohhhh yea Jace. Man..... I hate that they made him. It was just eclipsed by them then making Oracle a thing....
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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
4 years ago
I think there is some value in fixing over a scry one. I personally haven't ever used temples but I have had ABU dual lands since long before temples were printed. I think if you had a few more fetches it might make more sense to have even like one of the tri fetchable lands but obviously having better fetchable lands with more fetchlands is probably the more ideal way to go. I assumed that was a budget restraint which is why it wasn't my suggestion. Confluence would probably be nice.

Ohhhh yea Jace. Man..... I hate that they made him. It was just eclipsed by them then making Oracle a thing....
I am working towards owning all 10 ABU duals, however; I only just bought my first 3. My only worry with the Tri - fetch lands, is they come in tapped. I am testing one in my Elsha of the Infinite cEDH build to see if it is worth it. So far I haven't pulled it or wanted to fetch for it, as the majority of the time I will have all 3 color's already. Temple's are nice on a budget, after all, Thrasios brings in lands tapped, and you have a decent amount of ways to filter your top card in the deck.

While being budget friendly, the mana base served well enough to keep up with players who had ABU duals. Very rarely did I run into any issues. If I had a temple to play, I knew I would need to keep counters up instead of playing more aggro.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

There are plenty of times where I can find a turn where I don't need every single mana I have access to where I will fetch a shockland in tapped instead of an ABU dual. I think that the opportunity cost of having even just a single tri fetchable dual could be nice for situations like that. You might not NEED those colors but anytime you have a fetchland and aren't using every bit of mana it becomes a nice move as it makes your plays that are more color intense easier when you have those kind of lands.

I think a lot of the value of fetchable duals comes from having sufficient fetchlands that can get them though. With just a few of them you will see less situations where you can mix fetchland plays into your early turns or juggle them into turns where you don't need every bit of mana you have access to.
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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

Mana base has been updated. Removed the Temple Cycle for ABU duals and dropped some of the non-fetchable dual lands for Mana Confluence and Prismatic Vista.

Still considering cutting Teferi, Time Raveler from the list. Possible replacement might be one of my favorite new cards Hushbringer.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

Looks good. I'll actually second @ISBPathfinder's comment about having opportunities to fetch a tapped land with minimal opportunity cost, so I think the new tapped tri-lands (as a 1-of) are fine.

I too have been more and more impressed with Hushbringer-like effects. Because Oracle is so prevalent now as a win condition for optimized decks, being able to proactively shut that off AND have a body for Tymna seems fantastic. Not to mention the random ability to screw Yarok decks lol.

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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I too have been more and more impressed with Hushbringer-like effects. Because Oracle is so prevalent now as a win condition for optimized decks, being able to proactively shut that off AND have a body for Tymna seems fantastic. Not to mention the random ability to screw Yarok decks lol.
A turn 1 Hushbringer can shut down a lot of strategies. Edgar Markov is shut off. Yarok is shut off. Oracle is shut off. Sun Titan is shut off (until he attacks). It actually shuts off a decent section of the format. Not to mention, with the evasion and lifelink, you just net a card off Tymna. Maybe cut Aetherflux and Teferi, add Hushbringer and Eldritch Evolution?

Edit: Edgar Markov is on cast, not resolution. My apologies.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

Aetherflux does seem redundant, but I like that it helps to recoup life loss from Tymna as well as any Combat damage that gets through.

Looking at your list, I think cutting out the Reservoir is a decent choice since it has little utility outside of the Sensei's Citadel combo. If you still want Lazer Beams of Doom as a win condition, then the only other card I could think to cut is Karn, the Great Creator since it's redundant to Ouphe and isn't a creature for Tymna's ability. I think having the same Stax effect that synergizes with Tymna is worth the squishiness of creatures.

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Post by UnNamed1 » 4 years ago

Core 2021 Possible Includes:

So far the only interesting cards for this deck that I have seen have been Grim Tutor and Containment Priest.

Grim Tutor, adds another tutor to the deck, allowing you to find your combo that much faster. Not sure if it worth double B in the mana cost though. Might be a slot in if you have you or can get your hands on one.

Containment Priest, another hatebear! I love these pseudo control creatures, especially ones that stop combos. Couple people in my meta play tokens, this will shut that down and prevent them while not effecting us at all. Definitely a direct hate to Najeela, the Blade-Blossom on cEDH sided games. .....that I misread. Probably not going to be included now.

Will continue updating as more spoilers come out, so far these are my only considerations.

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