Erebos Aristocrats

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

I have been toying with this a little bit. I like aristocrats but I hate most of the commander options. I like that I have a card advantage engine with Erebos and while it does hurt paying two per card, several aristocrats give me life back on creature deaths. I wanted to avoid feeling all in on the mass resurect effects so while I have a healthy bit of graveyard shinanigans I tried building the deck in a way that it wasn't the only thing its doing which usually doesn't feel accurate for aristocrat decks I have seen.

I tried pushing the curve low. I did a bit of testing early on with a bit more token making in it but the problem was the tokens seemed to be the worst thing I was doing so I cut some of the worse token makers.





Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

Small update, I assembled most of the list and am ordering the last few things which..... maybe I have somewhere but can't offhand find. I keep meaning to make it in to play some games and then things just don't work out. This last week we got a bunch of snow and the week before I just didn't have things ready to go. I am hoping for this deck to be one of the ones I get some game time in for when I make it in next, which hopefully will be next week.

  • VesuvaCrypt of Agadeem I didn't want to lower my basic count anymore so it came down to what nonbasic I was going to cut. Both of these lands enter tapped and Vesuva has in my opinion more requirements to work than the Crypt will for this list. Crypt looks really nice for this deck so I want to see how it goes.
Other than that, I can't really come up with much else without playing it more. The few games of testing I got in previously in some 1v1 I noticed that I was reliant on sac outlets. I did bring up my sac outlets since then though as my testing games were before I posted this list.
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Post by Outcryqq » 4 years ago

If you find yourself wanting more lifegain, maybe Shadowspear to keep it low to the ground.

Also, for low to the ground and also to provide inevitability, you might consider Bloodchief Ascension.

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

Outcryqq wrote:
4 years ago
If you find yourself wanting more lifegain, maybe Shadowspear to keep it low to the ground.

Also, for low to the ground and also to provide inevitability, you might consider Bloodchief Ascension.
Shadowspear - It could work but I think its a bit off theme from where I want to be at right now. Its likely that Batterskull might be more on theme even with it costing more coming with a body for a few more mana might be better. I will probably wait to see if its an issue or not before I worry about it. I think the Blood Artist effects just make more sense for me at this point in time.

Bloodchief Ascension - I like what it does but I have always found the time to activate it and the way it needs to be activated to be hard to achieve. Its also a noncreature so its hard to really have synergy with it.

I played a few games last night. I think I need to shuffle more and play more games though because my findings felt a lot like maybe the deck wasn't shuffled enough. The first game I bricked on my 4th land and someone drew / played their entire deck on T5 going before me so that one was just out the window immediately. The second game it felt like I drew all my four drop creatures in deck and then proceeded to choke on them. I did manage to win said game after many turns and resolving a Living Death into 2x Gary triggers.

Overall, I need to test the dang thing a lot more before I can really know where and how I need to shift things.

  • Thrilling EncoreBuried Alive I felt like Encore was too focused on being a one turn Mikaeus that hits opponents creatures too. I felt like it was too shoed in as being a game ender and if I don't have crazy things going on or a wrath happening it just wasn't what I was looking for. In the few games I had though I was looking for some recursive creatures to draw from though so that would have been really nice to have set up. I figure both cards use the graveyard but I feel like one of them will help me smooth the deck out better where as Encore feels like a finisher only here.
  • Fleshbag MarauderSkirsdag High Priest Oddly enough, there were a lot of trash creatures running about and single edicts didn't really look that interesting or appealing to me. I want to keep a few in though for a little more testing and I guess we will see how relivant they end up being yet. If I see too much chaff creatures / ETB I might have to cut them further though or add better token hate or something to the list. I like that Skirsdag High Priest is cheap but also sort of concerning if he is left to do his thing. He is cheap enough that I don't really care if he gets killed but if he stays he can maybe make me some sweet spooky tokens.
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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

I played another game with this deck this week. I was doing ok but suddenly I got attacked by two people in a row for a ton of damage in the air which sucked. When I went to Gravepact it ate a counterspell. I ended up having to yolo for a win on like turn 7 or 8 due to being pushed down to like 7hp after taking something like 20-25 damage the turn before.

I managed to Demonic Tutor for Deathrender. I played out Ashnod's Altar using it on several of my remaining non key creatures to fuel the Deathrender and equip it to one of my few remaining creatures. I still had a Skullclamp so I started sacrificing my creatures to make mana and use Skullclamp to turn my hand over repeatedly. I finally made enough mana from this to cast Phyrexian Altar which I had drawn and start making a little colored mana so I could cast more creatures from hand. I slowly got a second aristocrat in play letting me draw from Erebos as well. As time went on I got Sifter of Skulls which insulated me allowing heavier draws and or mana generation. I kept chugging until I could play Mikaeus, the Unhallowed from hand. At this point I hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and called it a game doming the remaining players for 21 each (with the sac). Really though, they were already dead from my board I just found it faster to gary them out.

So, that was my non infinite but largely play my deck play of the night. It was kind of gross given that it seemed to be more or less play my deck.

  • Dimir House GuardSword of the Animist I think I need to just push for having more resources. Attacking creatures into their death isn't really a big deal for this deck and the option of Sword making Bloodghast come back twice in a turn sounds kind of great.
  • Merciless ExecutionerBoompile I haven't been impressed by the single sacs lately. It seems like people have had a lot of tokens so far. I also have had some issues with opponents just playing a bunch of artifact / enchantments and not having interaction for those. I considered if I wanted Oblivion Stone instead but I think in this case I would rather it be cheaper even if it isn't guaranteed to go off.
Moving forward, I guess maybe I should look at more anti token things, maybe Mindslicer, and maybe more ways to interact with artifacts and enchantments.
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Post by lyonhaert » 4 years ago

Sword of Rampant Growth is very nice if nobody blows it up. And yeah, the single-sacrifice stuff like Merciless Executioner is pretty meta-dependent -- if everybody has tokens easily then it doesn't do much, at which point I'd be building around wipes and spot removal.

For anti-token, Massacre Wurm is one of my favorites (but my deck is reanimator). Some anti-token things would mess with your board as well (Night of Souls' Betrayal), are basically just wipes (Toxic Deluge), or only mess with one player. Aether Snap or Consume the Meek or Decree of Pain perhaps?

Mindslicer is great for decreasing the likelihood of answers. Mana Web can hinder that, too.
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r Lathliss
bw Breena
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rb Obosh Burn
gw Dromoka

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