Winota, Joiner of Forces is "Norinota, Joiner of Waries"

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Post by NestordeSinope » 5 months ago

Norinota, Joiner of Waries

Artist : Heather Hudson
"I have a bad feeling about this"
—Norin the Wary



Norin the Wary is my favorite card of all-time. When Time Spiral was revealed, I was 13. I just started to understand how the game works, how deep was the lore and I felt in love with MtG for few years. I even got the Time Spiral trilogy books, wich were fantastic.
So, I have some kindness for this little special guy, with his weird ability. He's mysterious, he got quotes in a lot of cards all around the Multiverse (Jade Statue (Alpha version), Sabretooth Tiger (5th edition), Goblin Shrine, Animate Wall, Viscid Lemures) and a lot of people make fun of him. So, when I came back on Magic few years ago - thanks to EDH - I wanted to make a deck for him.

"When you have been bitten with fangs of granite, you start to long for the ivory sabers of tigers."
—Norin the Wary

As you'll see, Norin is not the commander of this deck. But it's because he's hiding. Obviously.


Deck History

Nor-in : When I started playing EDH in 2020, I decided very fast to create something around Norin - as commander. It was ok, not good, not bad, but a bit boring. Pretty funny when my opponents saw the card in the Command Zone, but after this moment, meeh.
The main difficulty was the mono-color, and the poor pool of red cards who can feet with ETB. Some enchants work with Norin, but most of these permanents were very bad (Vigilante Justice...). Above that, it was just a chaos deck. The job was done, but I was the table nemesis every game, doing the same thing every game (and losing every game without fun).
So, I tried to find something else. What will Norin do in that kind of situation ? And, of course, the answer was "hiding".

Nor-out : Norin as a secret commander. The idea is here, but now ? I had to find the perfect color combinaison. Gruul and Izzet weren't options. Rakdos could be, I liked the idea of "Opponents can't get life", but Boros was awesome. A good synergy with ETB and tiny creatures, a lot of human tutors to find Norin in the deck, lifegain, board protection.
After that, the commander was quite easy to find. Winota, Joiner of Forces was perfect for the job : her ability can help us to find Norin. That totally blew up my mind. And if Winota wasn't created for cEDH, but only to find Norin in a deck ? Maybe not, but imagine.

I'm not the first one who get the idea. During my research, I even seen it on MTGNexus. @ISBPathfinder did an absolute fantastic work on that topic. However, the lists are very different (30+ nonland cards aren't the same, so far). While ISBPathfinder's decklist is about triggering Winota and Norin, our is just for our little cutty archeologist/warrior/coward. Pretty sure ISBPathfinder one's is better, or at least faster, because Winota can do absolutely everything. But we didn't want a deck who can win without a cowardly Indiana Jones on board.

"Some of the other guys dared me to touch it, but I knew it weren't no ordinary hunk o' rock."
—Norin the Wary


Why Winota ?

As we said before, the deck doesn't revolved around Winota. We don't run the main staples that every Winota decks run : no Blade Historian (please no), no easy triggers (Legion Warboss, Loyal Apprentice, Goblin Rabblemaster), no Combat Celebrant, etc.
I used to play these creatures when I built the deck for the first time, but it's definitely not the spirit of what we want here. Our real commander is Norin the Wary damnit ! We don't want to win on board, we want to hide and throw some stones from behind a huge rock !

So, there is three main reasons to put Winota on the command zone :
1. Obviously, the colors : is an incredible add for Norin. We can play a lot of ETB (and most of them are Human creatures which work well with our Winota, Joiner of Forces), we can protect our board (even though Norin can protect himself because he's perfect), we have access to a lot a nice tutors to help finding our false Lara Croft, we can gain life (which is very important because people around usually do not like watching their health points down fall : making us THE target) and we can use some reanimation and resilience spells if Norin or other precious creatures get countered or killed.
2. Finding our secret commander : Something I didn't mention yet, in addition to being a (fantastic) warrior, Norin is also a human. Just a human. Maybe he's not so special, but for Winota (and me), he is. Because Winota ability's will help us to put Norin on board faster - and she can also find a messenger who knows where Norin's hiding (Imperial Recruiter, Ranger of Eos, Ranger-Captain of Eos, Recruiter of the Guard, Thalia's Lancers).
3. Make them fear : Winota is famous (top 70 most played commander on EDHREC) and she is one of the most oppressive commander in EDH (easy A-Tier in cEDH). That will help us A LOT. If our opponents don't know the deck, even if you tell them that the real commander is Norin, their eyes will focus Winota. The thing is : we prefer by far losing Winota three times in a row, than once Purphoros, God of the Forge. If we can find Norin fast enough, we don't even need Winota on the battlefield.

Don't make me say something I didn't : Winota is incredible in this deck and can do A LOT of things other than finding Norin. We are always happy to keep her on the board because she gives us so much value. But we don't expect to win thank to her.


Alternative commanders

I will not spend too much time on this, because it's quite hard to find a commander for a secret commander decklist, and after playing Norinota, I didn't want to try another general.

Last edited by NestordeSinope 4 months ago, edited 7 times in total.
Decklists :

Winota, Joiner of Forces
Phelddagrif (DirkGently rocks!)
Phage, the Untouchable


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Post by ISBPathfinder » 5 months ago

I feel like you might want a few more cheap non humans to trigger winota but you seem to be pushing a bit more for the utility for Norin guys rather than triggers for winota offhand. Its probably fine but you will notice a slower opener due to it. I found that a number of vehicles were actually quite useful because then Winota can come in and crew the vehicles giving me triggers of attacking creatures that didn't get swept up in some of the wraths.
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Post by NestordeSinope » 5 months ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
5 months ago
I feel like you might want a few more cheap non humans to trigger winota but you seem to be pushing a bit more for the utility for Norin guys rather than triggers for winota offhand. Its probably fine but you will notice a slower opener due to it. I found that a number of vehicles were actually quite useful because then Winota can come in and crew the vehicles giving me triggers of attacking creatures that didn't get swept up in some of the wraths.
Thanks for your answer!
You're right, my decklist is clearly slower than yours. We still have few cheap permanents that we can cast early, before Winota (especially Genesis Chamber, Smuggler's Copter, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Gimli of the Glittering Caves, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun, Selfless Savior, Selfless Spirit) and some utility lands (Blinkmoth Nexus, Kher Keep and Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance), and for me it's quite enough, but it could be frustrating for other people.
As I said, in early game, we just want to find Norin in the deck : Mulligan, tutors and Winota are fine. Winota's ability is a very good bonus, but I don't know if I really want to cut good Norin-synergic cards to make some space for Winota enablers, especially if they don't fit with our game plan.

However, I do like the idea of vehicles in a Winota deck (to create a Winota Ryder deck, of course). But, except the fantastic Smuggler's Copter (draw + can be piloted by Norin or the Soul Sisters), I don't see any of them who can fit nicely with the Norin strategy (maybe Aerial Surveyor for the ramp, it could be a nice add instead of Keeper of the Accord for example). What do you think ?
Decklists :

Winota, Joiner of Forces
Phelddagrif (DirkGently rocks!)
Phage, the Untouchable

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Post by NestordeSinope » 4 months ago

Hi all,

Quick update(s) on the list.
I just added a changelog to the topic because I cut/added some cards few weeks ago, and we get 2 new staples with MKM reveal.
It's my first topic ever so if you have any recommandation about Norinota or the topic itself, feel free to say it.

Here the changes :

First of all, I added two more fetchlands. I just need Bloodstained Mire for the whole cycle but I'll wait for the reprint.

Aerial Surveyor (in) → Keeper of the Accord (out) : I listened @ISBPathfinder on this and it was a good choice. I never liked Keeper because in my book it's too much "Winota oriented". Surveyor gives us what we want : ramp, a way to trigger Winota once or twice and he does not get destroyed by creature wraths.

Burn Down the House (in) → By Invitation Only (out) : Back to the basis. BDtH is the best choice here, because it's quite versatile. If we don't need a board wipe, it can trigger our pingers, Winota or both.

Swords to Plowshares (in) → Chaos Warp (out) : Chaos Warp is a really good card, but we already have Generous Gift and I felt like we needed an one mana removal.

Tocasia's Welcome (in) → Mentor of the Meek (out) : Mentor was my first choice because he's a Human who can be found with Winota, but Tocasia's Welcome is definitely much much better. Harder to remove, trigger even when Norin is 3/2 because of Warleader's Call and we don't need to pay to draw.

Skrelv, Defector Mite (in) → Loran of the Third Path (out) : Loran can do a lot of things but he was on the watching list because I felt that he doesn't fit very well with the deck. I noticed that creatures like Selfless Savior or Mother of Runes gave us a lot of protection just because of their presence on the board. Skrelv gives us something similar and I like it.

Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (in) → Plains (out) : I just get Eiganjo few weeks ago. Removal on a land is pretty sweet.

And with Murders at Karlov Manor, we get some good cards that I'll try for sure :

Warleader's Call (in) → Mirror March (out) : Not so good than Impact Tremors because it's 3 manas, but we can't miss it. We like to get more cards like Purphoros, God of the Forge or Impact. The +1/+1 isn't so good for us because it doesn't synergize with Welcoming Vampire, but anyway.
Sadly, the funniest card of the deck goes off. Mirror March is to expensive and sometimes it doesn't work at all. I do prefer Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, Gandalf the White or Panharmonicon, but Mirror March will always have some space in my heart.

Trouble in Pairs (in) → Angel of Glory's Rise (out) : Exactly for the same reason than Mirror March, I cut Angel of Glory's Rise : too expensive. I feel like we have enough tools to protect our board, and I almost never used Angel anymore.
Trouble in Pairs is a fantastic card. Mangara is incredible, and Trouble is even better. We had to add it.

Elegant Parlor (in) → Mountain (out) : Boros land, fetchable and who can help to find Norin faster : easy include.

I didn't try the 3 last cards yet, but I'm sure that I'll be happy of them.
Decklists :

Winota, Joiner of Forces
Phelddagrif (DirkGently rocks!)
Phage, the Untouchable

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