Lord Windgrace

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

Here are my thoughts regarding March of the Machine, March of the Machine: Commander, and March of the Machine: Aftermath. I am also potentially including cards from Warhammer 40k Commander since I got behind a little:

Green Cards

Deeproot Wayfinder - This seems to fit the deck reasonably well. I am not a huge fan of it relying on combat damage since it won't always get through, but it does make it (potentially) repeatable. I have plenty of other things that get lands from the yard en masse but I am not opposed to something like this. I find this to be potentially better than something like Ramunap Excavator as this allows for ramp while Excavator needs other pieces. Of course, requiring combat might be even more difficult. I will think on it and see what I might want to do with it.

Invasion of Shandalar - I am mainly talking about this because I have added cards in the past that dealt with getting cards back from the graveyard. And this gets me at least one more than other options even though it is a bit higher cost. The back side though is pretty powerful. I doubt it comes up too often where it will actually work out well, but there is a high potential and the front side is still pretty good.

Nissa, Resurgent Animist - This is another Lotus Cobra effect but one that can get me a free card in hand. I don't think I have a lot of Elves and Elementals so it is doubtful that part works all that great anyway but another way to keep the ramp going might not be the worst. I will see if there is room in here somewhere.

Vorinclex - This helps get lands in hand which can be useful for a number of things and then should be easy enough to transform where the back side looks very powerful. I like the Reach which puts it in a good spot as I like having some additional creatures that can help block fliers so I might have to see if there is a way I can get this into the deck somewhere.

Multicolor Cards

Rebuild the City - This seems like a card that makes sense for this deck but there aren't many lands I actually want to copy 3 times and being creatures means they are weak to many things. 6 mana ia also a lot for this effect. I supposed if I was playing Field of the Dead (which I probably should be playing) it might make sense to copy that but I am not sure there is a huge need for copying much else.

Kill! Maim! Burn! - I always like flexibility though I think I have been moving as much of this deck to permanent based removal. As much as I can anyway. I might look at this later, but with things like Windgrace's Judgment there might just be better options here.

Kogla and Yidaro - This looks like a great card. An "uncounterable" Artifact/Enchantment destruction spell that also draws a card and (normally) gets shuffled back in is very useful. Then, if wanting to cast it as a creature, it can be a creature destruction spell. It doesn't totally fit the deck but it is versatile and a big body. I think I will try to find some room for it here.


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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

Here are a few changes I want to try out:
Approximate Total Cost:

Invasion is another way to get things back and I think it ultimately ends up being better than Spring-Leaf Avenger in most cases. However, Avenger is repeatable which can come in handy but I like this option a bit more as it gets me everything *right now* and I don't need to try to time anything.

Vorinclex is just another way of getting lands in hand and it can get me duals which is relevant.

Kogla and Yidaro are great for destroying stuff as needed and even the creature on the field is very good. I think the cycling is the most likely to be used since it draws a card and shuffles itself in.

As for the other two cuts, Hydra is one I have gotten close to cutting in the past and I think with Kura here, the time makes sense to cut it now. And Decree is too expensive and I would rather just lean on the other wraths if I need them.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

I played this deck the other night in the LGS I have been going to and it went pretty well. It was against Giada, Font of Hope, Captain N'ghathrod and something else I don't remember. I think it was Roon of the Hidden Realm but I can't say for sure. So I will just refer to them as Roon.

Start of Summary

I started off with a few lands but no real ramp. I ended up getting to Cultivate on turn 3 which helped me get to a few things after that. I did cast Damnation shortly after as the rest of the table had a decent board state I felt that a reset was likely the best option.

I then cast Windgrace after that when there were 3 creatures on board. Doing the math, I realized that Windgrace would survive at 1 even if everyone attacked him. Giada then dropped in a flyer that boosted Giada but, luckily, they didn't swing at Windgrace. They did swing at me though. Nor did N'ghathod swing at Windgrace which was odd as they seemed to be the best at threat assessment among the other three.

Roon attacked Windgrace but that was just for 1. So, I untapped with Windgrace alive and just started digging. I didn't get a lot but I was able to get down some creatures. I started with The Gitrog Monster and had something else as well to just put up some defense.

Captain was building up quite the board state during this time though and arguably was the threat for at least a while. They didn't have a ton of power but they were able to get in with different Horrors and steal different cards from us. They stole a Springbloom Druid from me and a Sun Titan from Roon which were pretty good.

I was trying to figure out who to attack as not all attacks would get through to Captain so I spread things out a bit. I then cast Realms Uncharted to get Bazaar of Baghdad, Diamond Valley, Volrath's Stronghold, and Glacial Chasm. I was lucky enough to be past the point of needing colored mana so I went with utility. Captain gave me Bazaar and Diamond Valley which probably were the right choices there.

The following turn, after discarding a land to Windgrace, I cast Ob Nixilis, the Fallen into Splendid Reclamation which made Ob Nixilis into a 21/21 (I got 6 triggers) and had a couple different people lose life to try to balance out life totals since people were still pretty high. Captain then tried to exile or steal Ob so I sacrificed him to gain 21 life putting me at 51. This gave me a little to work with to pay for Chasm for some turns.

Now that I had Chasm out, I couldn't be damaged. Of course, I almost immediately forgot about that when Captain swung at me so they got a trigger they shouldn't have. We didn't reverse it since it affected too much but no one forgot it again. In fact, Captain thought I had Chasm even after it went away (and I said it went away a couple times).

From here, the others sort of just went after one another for a little bit but I was clearly the threat so they were trying to focus on me. I did get a few more creatures on board, including things like Erinis, Gloom Stalker which helped get lands back. I never got anything really big on board but I was holding onto a Torment of Hailfire that I was holding off on using for the time being.

I ended up casting Eternal Witness to get back Entomb that had been milled to get World Shaper which I then put on top with Volrath's Stronghold. I drew that and played it and attacked and passed the turn. They tried to remove World Shaper and I sacrificed it. I ended up getting 7 or so lands back from that. I did have Lotus Cobra at the time but the mana from this didn't do much.

My next turn, I cast Spike Weaver and passed. Giada attacked me and I fogged. Then Captain attacked me and I fogged. Next turn, I drew Kessig Wolf Run and decided it was probably about time to work on ending the game. I blew up Roon's only blocker when they were at 9 life and attacked them with Gitrog and Erinis to kill them. I then swung a 12 power Eternal Witness thanks to Wolf Run at Giada to get some damage in.

The player playing Giada got up to go do something so the Captain player played their hand (I think they were a grandpa/grandson relationship) and Captain said Giada would have attacked them so they died. On my next turn, I swung at 5 attackers to their 4 blockers and pumped the unblocked one with Wolf Run for 36 to win.

End of Summary

At the end of the game, the Captain player did mention that Giada had an answer for that particular line but I also had Spike Weaver still, a bunch of life, and I would just do it again next turn and trample over when their smallest creature (Giada) blocked so I don't think it mattered. It was also the last game of the night and I think people were fine to just end it there.

All in all a good game. I never did cast Torment because with this group it just didn't feel right to end the game that way. Probably not the best way to think of it but I do prefer a little more back and forth and threats that can only be answered with stack interaction induce a feeling of helplessness and I am hesitant to use them. Not to say I will cut it, but I vastly preferred the way this game ended than to using Torment.

I got to see a couple new cards show up. Mainly Erinis. And I did like the card. Being an attack trigger means I am certain to get the land either way and it helped get a few lands. Captain also got close to milling me out but with Volrath's Stronghold and Underrealm Lich (which was in my yard so Stronghold could get it back for me), it means I wasn't likely to actually lose by being milled out in this game unless those things could be answered.

I thought the other players played well, especially Captain. Roon got a little flooded which didn't help things, but Giada was a decent threat since I have very little in the way of flyers or things with Reach. But it worked out where I didn't really need much this game.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I got to play this deck yesterday but I played a few games so they all sort of meld together. Instead of a real game summary, I will just offer up some of my thoughts from the game.

First, I did have a situation where I should have lost if one of the opponents had timed some of their actions differently. I did talk to them afterwards about it so they know more about how things like Diamond Valley and Miren, the Moaning Well work in terms of life gain.

I was able to get Windgrace down early and protected. It was only a 3 person game so this was a bit easier than normal. I don't think Windgrace was every actually removed from the board. Wrenn and Seven also did a bit for me to get some lands on the field when I needed them.

Vorinclex // The Grand Evolution and Kura, the Boundless Sky were big early on as good blockers against flyers (something this deck tends to be weak against) and when Kura died, I got Bazaar of Baghdad, Diamond Valley, and something else (the third was less relevant). Ob Nixilis, the Fallen was also a big way I was able to not only drain life from opponents, but also get a big enough creature to sac for life which helped save me.

Apex Altisaur plus Heroic Intervention gave me a creature based board wipe to clear the board while leaving behind a 10/10. Apex Devastator also gave me some extra spells though not super powerful. Eternal Witness was probably the best hit. I was able to loop that a couple times to get things back and keep me in the game.

In the end, I was able to win the game simply by attacking with big creatures. I did end up getting down to 1 life at one point and Diamond Valley and Miren saved the day. I also had Torment of Hailfire at the end and, again, chose not to cast it since I didn't really need to. Not really sure where I am with it as I still think it is still a good finisher.

I am getting a little down on on Apex Devastator oddly enough. It is always decent but I have enough smaller stuff that I am not sure I really want it. It is a fun card of course, and I am not sure what else I would like in its place. I just have a feeling that eventually it may end up being cut.

Decree of Pain is another card that I feel is overkill and could end up being something different. I don't think I have ever cast it and I would rather be doing something else for 8 mana. Drawing cards is great, but I have other wraths and those tend to be enough. Especially with Altisaur being here.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 11 months ago

Torment of Hailfire : If I see a card more than once and don't want to cast it, either because it is not helping my game-plan, or not the way I want to play the deck, I am probably looking for something else that is more enjoyable and makes me excited to see. I do have a slight exception for Yosei, the Morning Star in my Karador deck as a pseudo win-con for 1v1 situations, but I generally don't mind running it out on the board as a rattlesnake if I'm not ready for the lock down plan.

It is nice to have an "I win" button sometimes, but if it is not how you want to win, it may be better as a different card. Though I do think land decks need mana sinks for late game. I'm sure there are others that may be more interesting to you.

Also what is your typical use-case for Kamahl's Will? It looks like an interesting card, but I'm not sure how it plays out in practice. Are you firing it off for the removal side more, or the land alpha strike side more? Making the lands 1/1 seems small unless paired with an overrun of some sort. Even if you have 20 lands in play.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

That is my mindset as well. As you pointed out, there needs to be an endgame somewhere, but for some reason I just don't enjoy these as much. Ob Nixilis is much more interesting as he at least plays into the "lands matter" theme. Part of the issue is finding an alternative late game "I win" button. It is odd because I don't like token swarms so I don't want to go the route of things like Rampaging Baloths or Avenger of Zendikar nor so I want to add in Zuran Orb to use with Titania, Protector of Argoth. I guess I like the grindier games where it is more of a slog and tight play rather than just "oh, I drew my haymaker so I guess I win". I realize this means I might lose more games. And it means games might go on longer. The second point is the more important one as I don't want 3 hour games if I can help it.

So, the issue is basically just trying to find the balance somehow. Or, perhaps, just trying to find something in that space that I actually find interesting to play. But I do believe something needs to be there which is why Torment hasn't been cut yet. I will keep on the lookout for something else in that spot that fits that role as a closer reasonably well.

As for Kamahl's Will: I have cast it a grand total of one time. It honestly should be higher on my list of cards to cut because it never worked out as well in practice as I would have liked. Honestly, it comes up so infrequently I actually forgot I even I had it in the deck! So, yeah, whatever my next round of cuts bring, Will is likely one of the cards cut.

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Post by pokken » 11 months ago

You can always just play Genesis Wave -- I've been jamming that again lately and it's fun. It closes games, but it does it in a non-deterministic fashion that's kind of exciting. Newer players I play with are always amused :P

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

That's not a bad idea actually. It plays in the same space as Apex Devastator but does it better. I am not opposed to it as it can do quite a bit to refill the board and, like you said, it is non-deterministic which can be fun.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 11 months ago

I was going to mention G-wave, but I figured that was already on your radar :)
Win conditions are very personal choice. I don't like table-killing X-spells. Single target X-spell I find much more amusing. I don't like Craterhoof Behemoth all that much. Genesis Wave I like since the actual cards are randomized by the library, not predetermined at the time of cast. At least I go out with a show.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I am with you on that. Craterhoof currently sees play in just my Jenara deck (and even there I tend to slow roll it since it isn't my favorite). It is hard to deny their effectiveness of course. I think the single target X spells go too far in the other direction that they start to hit upon the problem that they do not end the game but they do kick one person out of it. But, I do agree they are more amusing and not quite as game breaking since it still lets others interact in some way.

I think I am going to go with Genesis Wave over Kamahl's Will for now and then see where I land on what I want instead of Torment of Hailfire.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I ended up playing this deck last night and it went very well overall. Note that I did not add in Genesis Wave yet since I forgot about it.

The game started off somewhat slow and I just ramped. Titania, Protector of Argoth helped me ramp a little and Last One Standing wrathed the board 3 separate times thanks to Eternal Witness and Skullwinder. In one case, Last One Standing left Gishath, Sun's Avatar on the board and of course they already had Zetalpa, Primal Dawn out so the wrath wasn't as detrimental as I would have liked. This left them with plenty of gas to keep playing but I drew into Constant Mists to pretty much blank them for a while.

Thanks to Windgrace I had lands for days and I was able to draw into things like World Shaper and Splendid Reclamation to keep things going. I also got back Titania thanks to Phyrexian Reclamation (I got back a couple other things as well) and I used her to build an army of Elementals.

Scapeshift into World Shaper got me nearly all my lands out of my deck and I had Tireless Provisioner on the field as well so I got 26 Treasure tokens. So, basically, I had all the mana I could want. From here, I just kept swinging at the Dinosaur player until they died but this did end up getting me down to 3 life at one point. Mostly due to Sheoldred, the Apocalypse from another player. At one point, I had to flash in Kogla and Yidaro to fight Sheoldred before I drew (though I spent 2 life anyway to get them back from the yard). This gave me room to breath as I then had Diamond Valley and Miren, the Moaning Well (which I got off of Kura, the Boundless Sky dying) and I could sac some tokens at first.

I did draw into Apex Altisaur which gave me the ability to get rid of a few creatures and gain 10 life. I did this twice. And I still had most of my tokens to keep swinging in. And, of course, a ton of treasure tokens to fuel everything. Basically, I ended up stabilizing and putting pressure on the remaining two players pretty hard. I even melded Titania, Nature's Force which was pretty cool. In the end, I won the game at 12 life but a virtual 57 since I could have 45 life whenever I wanted.

This was one of the better games, and more fun games, with this deck. It took a while to get going but various elements of the deck kept me alive long enough to stabilize just in time. Even Titania, Nature's Force came in very handy as the 2 life each trigger was very relevant. It actually made me want to keep her in the deck as I had, at one point, thought of cutting her.

The biggest takeaway here is simply the reinforcement of the idea that I want to remove Torment of Hailfire and maybe even Apex Devastator. I like Genesis Wave as that effect but I don't think I want both. I am also pretty sure I want to cut Exploration simply for being an absolutely terrible mid to late game draw. It helps early but I don't think I need it that much. One of these will be cut for Wrenn and Six for sure as I finally picked up a copy and never got around to adding it.

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Post by yeti1069 » 11 months ago

If you're flush with mana, need to remember that Tireless Provisioner can make food in addition to treasure. Can use that to shore up your life.

What's the reasoning on leaning on Last One Standing as a wipe? Just the CMC or the price? I feel like, if you want to be wiping the board, you don't want to run the risk of not hitting the biggest threat (as you had in this last game).

I think I missed why you don't want Torment of Hailfire in the deck. Preference for a hard/more interactive win?

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I honestly had thought about creating Food which might have been the better option considering my life total. I was leaning hard on my sac lands for life and I just went with Treasures because, well, who doesn't like more mana? :) But yeah, the Food option is certainly there and thinking about it afterwards, I could have created 20 Treasures and 6 Food and then gained 18 life that way. And still had plenty of mana left over. Or even went 9 Food, 17 Treasures and just cracked everything for 27 life.

Seeing as how Titania was as relevant as she was, I probably shouldn't overlook the Food tokens as much as I tend to do. That is likely a mistake on my part so while I know the Provisioner can do that, I might want to actually let it help in the life department.

I have Damnation and Toxic Deluge already and I went with Last One Standing based primarily on having another 3 mana wrath. I am not aware of any other good 3 or even 4 mana wraths in these colors (though there might be something obvious I am not thinking of) so I went with Last One Standing to fill in the gap. And it being 3 mana was relevant at least the second time I cast it as I think I did only have 6 mana (3 mana for E Wit and 3 mana for Last One Standing). I could be misremembering on that part of course and it won't be often that I won't have enough mana for a wrath.

Your point is absolutely valid though and even the logistics for deciding the random creature among 20+ creatures is a pain. I am just not sure what the best alternative would be.

And yes Torment is just so non-interactive that it is not fun. Basically, I don't like the idea of grinding out a game, building a board (from everyone, not just me) and then me saying "well, if you don't have a counterspell, you likely lose here". It invalidates the entire board up to that point. Except my lands I guess, which I have spent time and resources building up. But it still isn't the greatest way for a game to end in my opinion.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

That might be the most obvious choice and one that works well in almost every situation. As a comparison to Last One Standing, it will cost 3 mana in almost every case where I want to cast it. I think in all 3 instances I cast Last One Standing the other day, there were 6 creatures, 8 creatures, and 17 creatures so I doubt there are many situations where Act is objectively worse. The only real situation that might come up is if something has Protection from Red but that is relatively few and far between and even then still likely allows one creature to survive just like Last One Standing.

I might give that a try. I don't actually hate Last One Standing but perhaps the possibility of leaving the best creature on the field is too great to leave Last One Standing as my third string wrath.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Lord of the Rings and the LOTR Commander set:

Green Cards

Entish Restoration - This is a slightly better Harrow (even though these enter tapped) and a better Roiling Regrowth. I don't run the latter but there might be a good reason to run this over something like Cultivate or Kodama's Reach

Last March of the Ents - I have been talking about doing something more with Genesis Wave and have commented on the fact that I am sort of down on Apex Devastator but perhaps this is a good swap for the latter to give me another similar effect. This doesn't give me any permanent like Gen Wave does but does allow me to put any creature on the field including ones in my hand or greater than a certain "X". Even the fact that it draws cards is nice since it won't really whiff on anything.

Radagast the Brown - This can really help keep my hand full and ensure that my hand is creatures. I think this is a good enough card to try out in a few decks.

Multicolor Cards

Smeagol, Helpful Guide - I like that this can get me lands from opponents whenever I am tempted by the ring. I am not sure how often that will happen but it seems worth a try.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I am going to try out the following changes:

I am not sure on all the adds (Smeagol and Radagast especially) but I want to try them out and I feel I have enough questionable cards already included that I can afford to test them out. Wrenn and Six is one that I never included due partly to the cost in paper but the reprint helped. Gen Wave has been talked about above and Blasphemous Act might be a better option than Last One Standing in most cases.

Kamahl's Will, Torment of Hailfire, Exploration, and Apex Devastator are ones I have commented on not liking or using much so they seemed easy enough to cut here. Cultivate is a straight swap for Entish Resoration as I think the latter is going to be better in a lot of situations. Elder Gargaroth is probably the only one that is a little out of left field but it also is one of the few creatures that are here specifically for "value" and doesn't actively contribute to the overall theme of the deck. I think I have gotten far enough to the point where it just isn't needed.

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Post by WizardMN » 9 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Wilds of Eldraine and the Wilds of Eldraine Commander set:

Green Cards

Blossoming Tortoise - This could be a good enabler for a few different cards in the deck. As well as a ramp optiom. I don't think either of the second two abilities are going to come up often (except for Volrath's Stronghold, Miren, the Moaning Well, and Winding Canyons for the most part). But the first ability alone is enough to include this card.

Loamcrafter Faun - This is (sort of) Eternal Witness variant that could be decent as it can allow for a few more cards from the graveyard back to hand. Granted, I can't get lands (which is relevant) and I can't get non-permanents but it might be worth trying over some of the Sorcery or Instant based options in the deck.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Lost Caverns of Ixalan, Murder at Karlov Manor, their Commander Decks, and the Doctor Who Commander set. I know I have not been keeping up so hopefully this covers all the sets I have missed:

Green Cards

Aftermath Analyst - Another Splendid Reclamation or World Shaper is definitely welcome. And, contrary to World Shaper, this has a bit more control over when it triggers. Granted, it is a little more mana and doesn't fuel itself as much, but I can see where this would end up being more useful than World Shaper in the end.

Archdruid's Charm - This is probably the biggest "auto-include" card I can find from these sets. Windgrace obviously loves lands so the first mode is the most appealing but the other two being able to remove creatures, artifacts, or enchantments can help out when needed.

Bygone Marvels - This is the only deck I have that I typically use the Eternall Witness type cards that aren't creatures. I think this is one that could be quite good. It isn't an Instant which changes the value but 2 mana to get back any permanent is pretty good. And 2 mana to get back three cards is very good and shouldn't be that hard to turn on. I might look through my deck to see what I can cut as I don't want to add more of this effect but if another "return permanent from graveyard to hand" card is here that i think makes sense to swap, I will likely do it.

Ojer Kaslem, Deepest Growth - I really like this card just for the fun it can bring. It has Trample so hitting someone should be a bit easier and getting a free creature and/or land is pretty good. I generally have a few creatures that sit in the 5-6 mana range that offer a bit of power that aren't necessarily on theme and I think this is another. I might see if there is something worth cutting for this.

On the Trail - This probably makes sense for this deck as I tend to be drawing at least 2 cards per turn once things get going. But, especially with the Analyst above and potentially Undergrowth Recon below, I am not sure how much I really want to be putting lands on the field from my hand. Typically, I would want to be discarding lands and then getting them back from the yard so using this might actually slow the engine down a bit by losing out on cards to discard later. Basically, it offers short-term gains at the expense of long-term effects and I think I would rather gear towards the long-term with getting lands on the field from the yard while using the ones in hand to help draw more cards when possible.

Undergrowth Recon - I should basically always have lands in my graveyard and, contrary to Crucible of Worlds, this offers a form of ramp without needing additional land drops. I think this paired with fetch lands, Gitrog, and the lands discarded to Lord Windgrace allows for a steady pace of ramping until I can get to things like Splendid Reclamation to bring everything back. If I can find the room, I think it is certainly worth trying out. Possibly in place of Erinis, Gloom Stalker.

Multicolor Cards

Worldsoul's Rage - This is another way to get more lands on the field and this works from the hand or graveyard. It also doubles as a burn spell. However, the mana necessary for either option to be all that effective is quite high. Sure, I can spend 4 or 5 mana to get back 2 or 3 lands which isn't bad, but with the other spells I have, I can spend 4 mana to get all my lands back. The main thing I can see is that it gives me a spell late in the game that I can dump all my mana into to try to kill off a single player which might be enough. I am not sure on this one.

Colorless and Land Cards

Escape Tunnel - This is a worse Fabled Passage (as I don't think I am going to use the second ability) but that might still be good enough for this deck. I should be getting lands back often enough and with the addition of Undergrowth Recon, more fetches are certainly welcome. It is slow though so I am not sure it is worth it. I will think on it and see if there is a land that makes sense to cut for this.

New dual typed lands - More fetchable lands is always good and I don' think these are too bad. However, I am wary about the effect entering tapped all the time would have. I will probably pick some up but I am not sure I will ever get to the point of actually playing them considering all the better alternatives.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

Approximate Total Cost:

Ojer is probably the card I am most down on here but I do want to try it out. On the flip side, I don't like cutting Wrenn and Seven but I couldn't think of something else to cut. Radagast isn't all that necessary, Erinis I talked about above with Recon being a better version of it, and Silverback might be on the slow side. It is another I am sort of down on cutting but I needed the room.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 3 months ago

Cut Silverback Gorilla for Ojer Kaslem in both Windgrace and Karador. Should give you multiple opportunities to see that one. Just noticed the overlap in cuts and adds to these two lists :).

How has Wrenn and Seven been for you? I had one on my wish list but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. You can probably get more value out of the +1 than my Titania Lands build. Though the token is quite sizeable for protection.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

PrimevalCommander wrote:
3 months ago
Cut Silverback Gorilla for Ojer Kaslem in both Windgrace and Karador. Should give you multiple opportunities to see that one. Just noticed the overlap in cuts and adds to these two lists :).

How has Wrenn and Seven been for you? I had one on my wish list but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. You can probably get more value out of the +1 than my Titania Lands build. Though the token is quite sizeable for protection.
Yeah, I tend to overcommit to new cards like this so I have more opportunities to see it. I still think it is a pretty good card but it is also in the middle of the curve and needs to hit to trigger which can be tough. I still have not seen it in my Karador or Morska lists. I haven't played Windgrace yet to check it out.

Wrenn and Seven is decent but I started thinking that, similarly to my comments on On the Trail, I don't really want a lot of lands in hand so the -3 isn't all that useful. The main reason for it is the +1 but even then I have a lot of other options to get cards in hand. That is why I decided to cut it for now. I think it makes sense in the deck but I am not sure how great it actually ended up being. Especially at 5 mana. It was the tougher cut so maybe I will get back to adding it but I don't think the deck is necessarily worse off by omitting it.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

Got a game in online. I played against The First Sliver, Etrata, Deadly Fugitive, and Ravos, Soultender & Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist partners.

Start of Summary

I started off with a bit of ramp and turn 3 was Kodama's Reach into a Blasphemous Act. This was a little early the other 3 commanders were out and Partners had Blim out and I didn't want to deal with all of it when I had no blockers.

Then I cast Realms Uncharted into Entish Restoration. Next turn was Tireless Provisioner. This ended up being huge since no one removed it. Two of the lands I got from Uncharted were exiled with the rest of my graveyard to a Bojuka Bog but that worked out fine. I had only grabbed fetches and an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth so a fetch and Urborg, in addition to the land sacrificed to Restoration, were all that was lost.

After that I cast The Gitrog Monster and then Titania, Protector of Argoth. Finally, I cast Korvold, Fae-Cursed King and, man, with him and the treasures things just got out of control. I was sacrificing lands to get tokens and draw cards and I did eventually get into World Shaper and Glacial Chasm. I also drew Diamond Valley which was important as a good way to kill World Shaper when needed.

Chasm though was huge. Blim didn't seem to notice it as they attacked me for no value and the others couldn't get rid of it so they just attacked each other. I basically turtled for a couple turns as I built up my board of tokens. Finally, I decided to sacrifice Glacial Chasm followed by Entomb for Bane of Progress into Invasion of Shandalar // Leyline Surge to pick it, and a couple lands, up. I cast Bane of Progress to get rid of a bunch of the board including Blim since they had brought him back with Animate Dead. The First Sliver lost a bit of ramp and their Lightning Greaves and Etrata didn't lose a lot at all. The biggest thing lost was Partner's Propaganda and Ghostly Prison. Which was sort of the point as I wanted to attack them.

Of course, they scooped before I could attack. Which led to The First Sliver scooping and then Etrata scooped shortly after. I don't blame Etrata for scooping there even though they had a decent board state. I had over 50 power on the field (though only 30 or so could attack that turn) and I could easily get Glacial Chasm back as needed so I don't think they wanted to fight it out. So, basically, Bane of Progress won the game.

End of Summary

Nothing really bad or worth commenting on the game. Other than, I suppose, Entomb. It worked out great here but that was only because I also had Invasion of Shandalar in hand. This deck, by design, doesn't run a ton of recursion for anything other than lands and at that point I really didn't need any lands. I needed Bane of Progress. There might be an argument to cutting it for something like Chord of Calling or Green Sun's Zenith. I don't know. I just don't feel like Entomb works with anything other than lands. Granted, that is what the deck cares about but I have other effects that work to get lands from the library just fine that perhaps Entomb is a little overkill.

Beyond that, the deck is still performing really well and how I want it to. I do notice that I tend to take more time on the clock than others which I suppose is to be expected for a deck like this. Also, I never did cast Lord Windgrace in this game though I might have if I really felt I needed him to get back Glacial Chasm. I also ended up with about 20 cards in hand thanks to Korvold. He is just a stupidly good card.....

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Post by WizardMN » 2 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Outlaws of Thunder Junction and the associated Commander set:

Multicolor Cards

Pillage the Bog - I am mostly commenting on this because it seems I could see a lot of cards with this card. But I do only get one card out of it. I like it for how it plays with the deck but I have so many ways to get cards in hand that I don't think I need this to get one more. Even if it does dig deep.

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride - This fits a lot better but I don't know how often I want to be sacrificing things. I won't often have a ton of lands in hand as it is so it comes down to whether I think I can get some off the card draw. Of course, the card draw is good on its own even if I ignore the part letting me put lands on the field. I might give it a shot to see what it does but I don't have high expectations.

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