Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero a blast from the past

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Post by Zahrim » 4 years ago

Flashing back to my original EDH deck still massaging things a bit the removal suite needs work for certain.

Primary win is just attacking. It has an option to gain infinite life but cannot tutor for one of the pieces.

I'm not interested in playing mana doublers despite snowlands making extraplanar lens attractive.


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Post by ISBPathfinder » 4 years ago

I played Lin Sivvi for years back a few years. I had a primer at one point which is a bit out of date on salvation but I will link it anyways.
  • I think you have too many rebels. Its true that having more of them gives you a wider toolbox but I found that in a lot of cases there were just rebels that I never ended up using because there were better versions of them. Ballista Squad for instance is one I never really used because I could stop attackers with Bound in Silence, Whipcorder, or Defiant Vanguard. My suggestion is to watch for the rebels you really find being redundant or being several strings into tutoring and cut them. You want diversity in tutor targets rather than heavy redundancy generally speaking.
  • Equipment - I found that rebels have some great evasive options. Zealot il-Vec is essentially unblockable and is great at carrying equipment. With equipment you can get ramp and card draw which are great pickups for white. Things like Sword of the Animist, Dowsing Dagger, Mask of Memory. Once you have a few good equipment you can pick up some equipment tutors as well.
  • You might trade Wipe Clean or Revoke Existence for Forsake the Worldly. I think Forsake is mostly an improvement on those two given targeting and speed.
  • Utility Lands - you can probably go deeper in having utility lands. I usually aim for 10 or so utility lands in a mono colored deck to get started.
  • Infinite Life - If you want to go deeper into this don't forget to get your hands on Animal Boneyard, Miren, the Moaning Well, and assuming you aren't on a budget Diamond Valley. I never really liked the infinite life option but if you are going to run it you should probably add a few more outlets for the lifegain portion. Given that the rebels are tutorable it means more ways to sac to gain life on toughness.
  • Path to Exile - Honestly when it comes to mono white I have a hard time justifying a ton of cheap one for one spot removal. I would encourage you to possibly move to more versatile removal like say Generous Gift which is a great card. Path to Exile is more of a card that you want if you are playing against a lot of combo decks but even then it really tends to shine more if you are not a draw go style of deck which rebels tends to sort of play as. I would say I try to keep my 1 for 1 spot removal to being versatile when possible and not going overboard with it. Keep drawing cards and generally you will be in a better spot. Its possible you might want to cut some more of the cheap removal and add more draw into the deck. Something like Endless Atlas could go a long ways for card draw in a deck like this. Mono white just has a really hard time with keeping up with card draw tactics which is part of why one for one spot removal can really bog you down in multiplayer commander. Its good to have some of it but if you draw too much of it you will run out of gas.
It looks like a good start and budget wise it looks fairly affordable. My own list leaned kind of heavily on Mirror Entity pumping a swarm of creatures so I had a bit more token support in my list as well.
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