Zara, Renegade Recruiter - Polymorphing Scourge of the Skies

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Post by Ruiner » 3 years ago

Zara, Renegade Recruiter - Polymorphing Scourge of the Skies

Zara, Renegade Recruiter
Approximate Total Cost:

About The Deck

The game plan for this deck is pretty simple. You want to get Zara, Renegade Recruiter down as quick as possible and swing on an opponent to temporarily steal a creature from their hand. In your second main phase you will either use some sort of Polymorph effect on the stolen creature to get one of the big flying creatures from your deck while making your opponent lose a creature, or you sacrifice that creature for a Fling effect to double up on the damage dealt. Sacrificing to Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar is also a solid option for powering out some of your stuff. The altars and the artifact ramp present in the deck make it fairly feasible to just hardcast the big creatures in the deck pretty easily as well.

With this deck running Polymorph effects, you want to minimize the number of smaller utility creatures since getting one of those is not particularly impressive. The only actual creatures included in this deck are bigger creatures and most of them are fliers. Fault Line type red mass damage effects do not affect Zara, Renegade Recruiter or most of the creatures in the deck, so these can be useful for clearing the board and doing a bit of damage to everyone.

Bounce effects are super useful with Zara to essentially remove a creature an opponent has and then swing it right back in their face.

If opponent's are running decks light on creatures, or you are having issues with Zara, Renegade Recruiter being removed too often, you have a number of token producing planeswalkers and enchantments to create Thopter and Servo tokens to serve as Polymorph or altar fodder to keep your game plan on track. These token generators are also useful for just creating chump blockers.

Telepathy and Glasses of Urza are very useful tools to know what your opponents have in hand, otherwise you will be swinging in blind with Zara, Renegade Recruiter and hoping your opponents have something worthwhile. If you do not have one of these effects in play, hopefully you have an idea of what kinds of decks your opponents are running so that you can take an educated guess as to who is the best target. Sometimes you will be choosing creatures that are just huge beaters to do a bunch of damage, sometimes you will be choosing useful ETB creatures. Hitting an opponent with their own Craterhoof Behemoth definitely feels good.

Zara, Renegade Recruiter is capable of using cards like Sundial of the Infinite, Conjurer's Closet, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, and a number of phasing effects to permanently steal opponent's creatures that you have put into play with her ability, once the return the creatures to their owner's hand effect is put on the stack in the end step. I believe these to be a bit of a trap for her and that they dilute the plan of using opponent's creatures as a resource. There are also many cases where opponents are not running creatures that you really care too much about keeping around. It might not hurt to include one of these effects just in case but these are generally only useful with Zara, Renegade Recruiter on the field and otherwise don't have much use. I think if you really wanted to go this route you would want to go with a bit of a different game plan or different commander.

Cards like Howling Mine would be useful to increase the odds of your opponents have creatures in their hands for Zara's attack trigger but I am not a fan of giving my opponents more opportunities to have answers so I have not included those effects. In a more relaxed playgroup these might work but I know I'd suffer for it in my own playgroup.

Further Notes

There are a number of directions you could go in with the creatures in this deck. If you were looking to totally optimize things you'd probably be looking at running stuff like Blightsteel Colossus or various annihilator eldrazi since those are pretty typical Polymorph inclusions but I just don't have any interest in that for this particular deck (I've got a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth deck that runs all of this sort of stuff already). At the moment I'm mainly using big dragons since none of my others decks can reasonably run those sorts of things and that is a lot of fun. You could probably go with a number of sphinxes or sea monsters or other big creatures in this color pair, and I'm sure I'll be experimenting with them in the future.

Keiga, the Tide Star is on my short list of creatures to try in the deck since it swings for decent damage and I have a number of ways to sacrifice it when I want to utilize its death trigger.

There are a few more Fling effects and Polymorph effects that I don't have in the deck at the moment. The deck seems to work pretty well with the current balance on these effects but it may end up being adjusted in the future.
Last edited by Ruiner 1 year ago, edited 6 times in total.


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Post by Ruiner » 3 years ago

Played a six player "Kingdom" format game recently and I ended up being The King, which isn't the greatest role to pull for this deck but I felt alright. A number of turns into the game I had Aggravated Assault, Scourge of the Throne and my commander in play. One player is running Edgar Markov and he is clearly one of the three Bandits trying to kill me, his life is over 50 and he's threatening lethal on me if he gets another turn. One of the other players I am fairly certain is the Knight (my ally) or Assassin (my ally at least until the other players die) is running Kozilek, the Great Distortion and says "swing Zara at me, trust me", but I'm lacking either of the cards that actually let me see hands. I take the chance, swing Zara at him and Scourge of the Throne at the Edgar player. Lucky for me, the Kozilek player has Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre in hand which I hit him with. Scourge gives me another attack step and I all out swing at the Edgar player, hitting him for the Annihilator 4 and a bunch of damage including some random vampire he had in hand, then I do it again with Aggravated Assault. I ended up killing the Edgar player in a single turn. Eventually I lost due to a Toralf, God of Fury // Toralf's Hammer deck just burning me out but it was a pretty awesome turn.

This deck has been a lot of fun to play so far. Even in close games I lose I'm throwing down some big damage. The control elements have been working fairly solidly.

Nothing really stood out majorly from Strixhaven for this deck but I'm sure I'll be making some adjustments to the deck sometime soon.

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Post by Ruiner » 3 years ago

Made a number of changes to the deck that I am thinking should work out well.

Removed Cards
-1 Island
-1 Back to Basics - This should in theory be great since I am running so many basics but every single time I have it in hand I have the most non-basics in play and end up facing decks that are also high on basics. Maybe I'll try it again if my playgroup switches back towards some more color intensive stuff. This is just bad luck on my part.
-1 Windfall- Great card but risky. Dropping it for now.
-1 Tidespout Tyrant - It has been good but I needed to make room to try some other big polymorph targets.
-1 Scourge of Fleets - Solid card but needed to try some other stuff so I'm dropping it for now.

Added Cards
+1 Gemstone Caverns - I've never run this in commander but hopefully it'll get the deck going quicker sometimes.
+1 Dragon Tempest - I can't believe I overlooked this originally. It gives Zara haste and I do have some big fliers (some are dragons) and make thopters that can take advantage of this. It is like a cheaper Fervor in this deck.
+1 Mystic Confluence - Replaced Windfall with this. The versatility seems like it should work well.
+1 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames - Seems like a strong source of damage and synergizes with some other dragons.
+1 Magmatic Force - I've wanted to try this in a deck for a while and being able to cheat on the cost by polymorph seems like a reasonable reason to try it here.

No Strixhaven updates yet. I haven't managed to acquire cards from it but there are a few I have my eye on.

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Post by Ruiner » 2 years ago

Another quick update to the deck:

Added Cards
+1 Peek - I think this and other similar effects like Gitaxian Probe and Clairvoyance might do good work in this deck. Trying out one, seeing how it goes and maybe the others will follow. It's tough to find room for seemingly low impact cards like this but we'll see. This has obvious synergy with Zara and the information it gives without her could even be useful.
+1 Mirage Mirror - This card is just great in general and in my deck alone there are plenty of decent targets for it.
+1 Stranglehold - This is a staple red card that I just neglected to include from the beginning.

Removed Cards
-1 Mind Stone - Needed to make room for something.
-1 Elixir of Immortality - I had thought I'd need more graveyard recycling effects but this hasn't been super clutch in a lot of games.
-1 Engulf the Shore - I've had enough games where my lands in play make this pretty ineffective.

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Post by Ruiner » 1 year ago

It's been a little while since I've tinkered with this deck so I made a few updates with some cards released over the past year or so:

Added Cards
+1 Daring Piracy - A steady source of tokens to use Polymorph effects on seems like a solid thing to test.
+1 Chaos Mutation - It's an instant speed polymorph effect and it can potential be used as removal if I feel like gambling. This seems fairly solid.
+1 Blast-Furnace Hellkite - This could lead to some pretty dangerous turns and help other players eliminate my enemies, although obviously I don't expect people to just let me keep it in play. It seems fun to at least test out.
+1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance - Pretty easy include in any red deck, and this makes tokens for polymorph fodder.

Removed Cards
-1 Peek
-1 Mirage Mirror
-1 Magmatic Force
-1 Mountain

I don't think any of the cards removed were necessarily bad, I just needed to make room to try new stuff, any of them could potentially return in future updates.

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Post by Ruiner » 1 year ago

Made some adjustments to this deck, not for any new cards but just some cards I thought would fit well:

Added Cards
+1 Ancient Silver Dragon - I had been meaning to pick up a copy for this deck and finally did. An 8/8 flier is a solid threat to polymorph into and the draw power could be game changing. Pretty sure this will work out well.
+1 Karn's Temporal Sundering - An extra turn is solid and the bounce involved synergizes well with Zara.

Removed Cards
-1 Stranglehold
-1 Blood Moon
Both are useful control cards, just trying something new out with the deck and they aren't always vital.

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