Niv-Mizzet, Parun

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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

This is ported over from MTGSalvation. That thread will no longer be updated, but I don't want to lose the great discussion over there so here is the link to that thread.

At some point, I will revamp this into more of a "Primer" layout (even if it ends up not being an actual Primer) and I will update this first post at that time. For now, here is the same "intro post", including decklist, as I made before:

I had a Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest deck built a while back that I ended up taking apart. It was a bit too focused on combat which is an odd thing for a spellslinger deck. Specifically, it had a lot of token producers as the payoff for the spells and Shu Yun as a payoff also required combat. It ended up requiring a number of spells that made my creatures unblockable or gave them protection and I always felt it made the deck worse since those cards were very narrow.

After Niv-Mizzet, Parun was released, I started to revisit the idea of a spellslinger deck since I really didn't have one. And Niv-Mizzet does not require combat, but he can get in for damage if needed. Or, he can be a blocker to help keep me alive as needed. I have played a few games with it and so far it seems to be functioning pretty well. There are also a couple cards I know I want to cut but I am waiting to see if there are any decent blue spells in Ravnica Allegiance before trying to find replacements for them.

Here is my current list:

To start with, the two cards I know I want to cut are Chandra, Flamecaller and Chandra, Torch of Defiance. Flamecaller is good to draw cards for Niv and as a wrath if needed, but she is expensive. ToD just doesn't do a lot with the deck. It was just a way to deal some incidental damage, but I don't think it is really necessary. Hour of Devastation is also in an odd place for the deck since it kills Niv-Mizzet. I like that it can deal with Indestructible creatures and planeswalkers (that are not Bolas) but it still feels bad when I draw it. I think I would rather have a wrath that doesn't hit flyers. Magmaquake is the one I have been gravitating towards since it also doesn't hit me.

I have thought about adding something like Dive Down but I am not sure if it is necessary.
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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

With the release of Modern Horizons, we get a new Twister effect in Echo of Eons. While I believe I am getting close to exceeding the number of Twister/Wheel effects I want, I figured I would try this one out to see how well it does.

To make room, I decided to get rid of Burnished Hart for now. I like the mana fixing it provides but 6 mana over 2 turns means it is really slow and I think I would rather just draw into my lands with other spells than trying to take a turn off to cast the Elk.

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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

I played this last night against Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire, and Prime Speaker Vannifar.

I actually started off really well, though I don't think I gave the Elesh Norn player enough credit. They ramped into a few things and I ended up casting Cyclonic Rift into Timetwister to reset things but everyone was still able to rebuild without me really doing a whole lot. I did have Niv down for this play so I did get to deal some damage, but it wasn't a lot.

Once Niv got removed the first time, I started playing a little slower and I think I should have been more aggressive. Elesh Norn did have a Grand Abolisher I could never get rid of and it did affect my plays and prevented me from answering any of their threats. I probably should have been more aggressive towards that. In the end, they just beat down with Odric, Lunarch Marshal and a few other things and I could never get to another mass bounce spell.

My one big misplay was trying to Pongify Vaevictus after they had just cast a Glaring Spotlight. I totally forgot it gave their creature Hexproof and I think this was enough of a misplay that it might have cost me the game since they got rid of the only thing I had on board. I think it was Niv that I cast for the second time and then after that, I never cast him again which prevented me from doing a lot of things I wanted to do.

In the end, Elesh Norn was able to run away with the game and they actually caused Vannifar to scoop because of an Angel of Jubilation.

I don't think there were any cards I really didn't want to see or anything else I feel I need. I think the game just happened to work out in Elesh Norn's favor and I just couldn't dig enough to get an answer (or, I spent my answers too soon).

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