Kalamax Midrange/Tempo

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 7 months ago

Kalamax Tempo focuses on getting Kalamax out and in combat, grants evasion with combat tricks that cantrip, turning them into card draw. I think the list speaks for itself. Low creature count, mainly creatures that generate value and block when needed. Kalamax is the main wincon, either with commander damage, or combat damage. Electrodominance for a big double burn spell in the late game. I always look for the open attack route before looking for alternate ways to tap Kalamax.

I only play 3 other ways to tap him outside of combat. Cultivator's Caravan came out for Entish Restoration recently, but having Crop Rotation + Survivors' Encampment helps a lot. High density of instant (obviously) draw spells, and a splash of modal spells for flexibility. I did not go hard on modal spells because you cannot change modes for the copy, so flexibility is somewhat lessened, and I like the efficiency of primary draw. The flashback draw spells do fabulous at keeping my card velocity up without over-drawing into discarding to hand size.

Creatures are mainly early value generators with top end threats to pull some aggro away from Kalamax. Doesn't always work, but drop a Consecrated Sphinx and everyone forgets Kalamax exists. Same with Etali, Primal Storm most of the time.

Super efficient removal in Pongify and Rapid Hybridization, coupled with a Kalamax copy and some Snapcaster Mage help keep the big creatures at bay while Delayed Blast Fireball wipes the little guys.

Counter spell count is low. I don't want to get the attention of countering 4 spells a game. Usually 1-2 well timed counters is enough to keep my game progressing. Though I have to be wary as my late game is usually weaker than stronger aggro or control decks. I want to keep the pressure on, attack life totals, draw cards, and answer threats as they arise. My low creature count, accompanied by the lack of on-board draw engines keeps my threat profile low while Kalamax gets in for chip damage until Kessig Wolf Run or a flashback Fists of Flame seals the deal.

Main Focus: Card Velocity
  • Combat tricks that cantrip
  • Draw spells with Flashback/Jumpstart that draw 2+ cards each cast.
  • Modal spells that draw cards
  • High efficiency instant draw at 4mv or less
Kalamax Tempo

Enchantment (2)

Approximate Total Cost:

Favorite Cards
Wilderness Reclamation 4 mana doubler. Cast my blockers main phase, untap for instants on my opponent's turn.
Backdraft Hellkite I just like this Dragon. It is not powerful, or impressive, but it has done very well for me so far. Just like this card.
Fists of Flame best cantrip combat trick in the deck. +5/+0, Trample, Draw 2 for :grin:
Delayed Blast Fireball supper efficient mini-wipe in Kalamax that keeps all the go-wide decks off my back
Mystic Confluence all modes super relevant, and copying it makes the 5 mana look like a bargain. Note do NOT choose the Counter mode once and draw mode twice. The second copy will fizzle due to lack of legal targets. You must choose Counter, Bounce, and Draw so that even when the spell is countered the second copy has a legal bounce target so you still get 2 cards. Minor gripe since you cannot counter and draw 4, but Counter, Draw 2, Bounce 2 is a bargain for .
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Post by PrimevalCommander » 7 months ago

Recent cuts
Return of the Wildspeaker drew more cards than needed. Usually discard 3+ cards to this and get a lot of attention for it.
Thrill of Possibility
Cultivator's Caravan
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath I don't usually get to escape this, and turn 3 the value is actually quite small for what I want at 3 mana. Quandrix Apprentice stands to draw me a slew of lands in just 1-2 casts with Kalamax out.
Kairi, the Swirling Sky. Kairi was included for the showcase art, but generally doesn't do enough for the 6 mana in this deck. She becomes a blocker, but doesn't take enough threat off Kalamax to be worth casting most times. The death trigger is difficult to trigger in this deck with no sac outlets or

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Entish Restoration Ramps +4 lands for 3 mana with Kalamax
Eureka Moment draw 4 with potential ramp 2
Flame of Anor superior flexibility with all relevant modes
Quandrix Apprentice turbo land selection. Never miss a land drop.
Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch Having a 4 drop that adds value to my game plan with or without Kalamax is more useful to me than a 6 drop who has to wait around to die to get value.

Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch replacing Kairi, the Swirling Sky. Done
Nothing else really on my wish list for this deck besides a couple foils that I'm being lazy ordering.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 4 months ago

Looking for some discussion on a couple topics as I ponder ways to boost my instant count and increase synergy within the deck.

1. Kylox's Voltstrider : This looks like an interesting card, but my creature count is low, so the primary method of crewing with either by collecting evidence or tapping Kalamax when there are no profitable attacks, or for extra copies. Being an attack trigger means I want it in combat without dying, and that is hard enough to do with my (also 4/4) commander who self pumps. The draw is that it gives me some graveyard recursion in the early game so I can double-dip on early draw spells and combat tricks to increase card velocity. I filter through cards pretty quick when I hit a decent draw spell in the early turns. Bit of a non-bo with Underworld Breach, which in itself might be better as Noxious Revival. I'm sort of thinking NO, but it looked very promising on the first read. Overall I'm torn and I don't know where this would even go.

2. Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots : These are my primary means of commander protection, and giving haste to Kalamax or one of the Titans is relevant. But the deck leans on casting instants, so I'm wondering if these would be better of as Slip Out the Back and Heroic Intervention which both protect against spot removal and board wipes. Boots/Greaves protect only so long as my opponents cannot answer them, but is continuous until that point. One-shot protection counters the first instance of targeting/destruction/exile, but only once. My recursion package is much more robust around instants, so a second use is not out of the question. And I can tutor them with Spellseeker. I'd like to get at least 1 phasing spell in here since I usually don't care about a board wipe if I can protect Kalamax. I'm wondering of Boots and Greaves are on the way out after being in the deck since its creation :thinking:

3. Sakura-Tribe Elder : Has zero synergy in the deck, but I want the creature count at 24. I just added in Quandrix Apprentice as a "ramp" creature at 2, so I'm wondering if I can move Steve to another low-cost creature perhaps with a little more synergy. I really like the 2 cost ramp to cast Kalamax on turn 3, but I don't want to drop below 24 creatures (I just don't :) ). Sakura doesn't actually do anything as a creature for me besides have the card type "creature", and doesn't even block early game because I need the ramp. What might be a better card here?

4. Archdruid's Charm : no discussion needed, I want this. I did start looking closer at Archmage's Charm because of the extreme flexibility. What kept me away from Archmage's Charm is two-fold. First, the counter mode is not useful when copied, minor grievance. Second, the cost is crippling when trying to multi-spell in a single turn cycle because so many of my other draw spells and creatures are blue. I already have a very hard time finding to cast Archmage Emeritus and have protection with Counterspell. Adding more blue pips is out of the question. Now having is slightly more attainable due to the amount of fixing lands I'm running. Time will tell because I'm trying it out anyway.

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Post by TheMrBigShot96 » 3 months ago

Deck looks really sweet. I pulled the LCI promo art for Kalamax and have been looking how to build him. At lot of lists are CDH but this looks promising. I think you deffinately run swiftfoot boots as an extra layer of protection but I wouldn't run Greaves. It gives equipped creature shroud so you could target kalamax with your card effects. Steve I think is worth keeping because you can actually block with him and before damage tribute him to get your land.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 2 months ago

Well no other discussion on my requested topics, so I'll just make a quick deck update and add some mental notes.

IN Rampant Growth >> OUT Sakura-Tribe Elder. Steve has zero synergy with the deck and was in for the sole purpose of increasing my creature count to 24. I may be signing my death warrant, but I'm dropping to 22 creatures in favor of spell ramp that has several advantages in this deck over creatures. Steve hardly ever counted as a creature anyway instantly getting sacrificed for lands.

IN Archdruid's Charm >> OUT Wood Elves. See above. Though Archdruid's Charm being much harder to cast on turn 3 might become a liability, it's late game flexibility is so far and away more superior to Wood Elves to be worth the risk. It doesn't allow me to cast Kalamax on turn 3, so might as well make it worth including. I was originally thinking about taking out another type of card for the Charm, since it is not very castable for me on turn 3 like elves, but the Wood Elves seemed like the natural spot.

IN Otawara, Soaring City >> OUT Mirrorpool. Only activated this once in all it's years in the deck. Otawara comes in untapped, taps for colored mana, and can be activated without costing a land drop, and has more useful ability. Win-Win-Win

Watch List: Sensei's Divining Top , Lightning Greaves , and Swiftfoot Boots. I'm almost thinking surprise protection is better than continuous protection in this deck due to the draw-go nature of the deck and strong preference for instant cards. Boots and Greaves are never long for this world when I see them, but they do require double-removal and are useful after boardwipes to get creatures in the red zone. :thinking:

Blasphemous Act vs. Starstorm, I'm leaning heavily to Starstorm now since it is a flexible wipe that can leave Kalamax (and anything of equal or larger size, but oh well) on the battlefield and can control the game pace without completely resetting. I don't find myself staring down a bunch of 10/10's, but a bunch of 5/5's is not terribly hard to wipe even without Kalamax in play. And it works great with flashback!

Noxious Revival has been on my mind for years here, but I can't find a good spot for it. So easy to cast and can set up a nice top-deck with draw + action spell at pretty much any point in the game. Underworld Breach only working on my turn is less than ideal, I don't find myself casting more than 2-3 spells off Breach anyway. One poor showing with Breach and I'll make the jump.

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

(just a random pile of thoughts)

I am not sure I understand (the 2 CMC sorcery ramp package in this deck. You don't really want to cast Kalamax as 4 on 3 with shields down do you? Seems more like, if you really want sorcery ramp (and I don't think you do) you want Cultivate or Birds of Paradise, or even Ilysian Caryatid / Bloom Tender.

Growth Spiral? Frantic Search maybe?

Teferi's Time Twist is an interesting one that functionally untaps a land and pumps kalamax...but its special use is Spellseeker looks in which you get spellseeker, blink it and something else, then spellseeker again, which is gross. there're a few of those but teferi's is the cool one I think since it can do a land :D

The creature count seems in general very high to me so I wouldn't sweat losing steve, and I think you could probly come down 5-10 creatures :D

Is Chord of Calling going too hard? and Brainstorm feels like a slam dunk to me (though maybe too obvious)

I think I'd be in for some ramp spells more like Baral, Chief of Compliance and Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspring type stuff, and maybe Turnabout / Ghostly Flicker effects?

I had a draft in the works for Xyris that was kinda similar to this, and had a few really neat cards like Keep Safe and the ever hilarious Become Immense

remnants of that list: https://deckbox.org/sets/2639084


Anyway really cool stuff hope some of that is useful :) I think my favorite card in here is Electrodominance -- super neat!

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 2 months ago

@pokken thanks for the comment, great stuff. Deck exposition incoming...

I'm really trying to walk a fine line between full spell slinger and more mundane tempo-control deck, which is why I'm trying to keep the creature count up to ~20. Dropping to 10 creatures means I have to replace at least 5-8 with more hard control options (more counter, more removal, more wipes) to keep the midrange decks off my back. Midrange and various aggro decks are about 1/2 my meta right now, so I need a plan for those, but I don't really want to go heavy draw-go control.

I actually do want to cast Kalamax turn 3 unprotected. He will be unprotected much of the time anyway since I'm only running 4 counter spells under 4 mana and zero instant speed protection for him. So may as well get him out there and into the red zone before a defense can present. I know I'm not playing enough 2 drop ramp for consistent turn 3 play, but the other 3 mana ramps are either super-ramp, or Relic of Legends for extra tap outlet for Kalamax. With few counters, and no protection, casting Kalamax on turn 3 and attack on 4 is better than waiting to cast on turn 4 with open, no haste, and no protection to save him anyway. Hence the mention of removing the boots and slapping some Slip out the Back, Essence Flux, and Heroic Intervention type stuff. Flux would go well with Spellseeker, as you mentioned.

The above statements are probably what is creating the identity crisis within the deck, where I want a couple creatures to put up an illusion of defense, but I want more spells to start building on all the synergies of the commander. I may yet drop to 20 creatures so I can sneak in Starstorm and either Noxious Revival or Slip out the Back, which are three cards I want in the deck for a long time. But I will have to rethink the identity of the deck to cut all the 5 and 6 drop creatures and adjust my perspective wincons. I just don't know if I'll have fun winning with storm, and with 10 creatures, Kalamax will have an uphill battle staying alive long enough to commander kill the table.

Many of my spells are quite color heavy, so I'm not yet turned on by Goblin Electromancer and friends. Not to say they are bad, but they don't help ramp into Kalamax either, so it's a no-go right now. I tried Growth Spiral, and after 2 instances of not finding the land I need to hit my land drop (once copied and once not) I decided I'd either rather draw more cards Demand Answers/Eureka Moment , or use hard ramp Rampant Growth/Entish Restoration. Growth Spiral was just too small potatoes. Thrill of Possibility was great as a filter card or draw 4 when copied. Probably better than a couple of the 4-drop draw spells for overall velocity.

Frantic Search is very interesting due to the land untaps, as is Turnabout. If I go full spells, this definitely gets a spot. Getting slightly closer to this would be to cut both Titans at 6 mana, both boots, and Top. Freeing up 5 deck slots to Starstorm, Noxious Revival, Heroic Intervention, Slip out the Back, and maybe a Fierce Guardianship (don't own) or Force of Negation. This would give me +1 wipe, +1 counter, +1 recusion, and +2 instant protection by sacrificing 2 late game beaters and 2 continuous protection pieces. I might do this in anticipation for a weekend in April where I could get some reps in with the deck.

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

I wonder if maybe this is a Chandra's Ignition deck in the spell heavier version? it's a sorcery, doh.

I have had similar experiences to you with Growth Spiral effects; I even whiffed on Explore in 47 land Thrasios, Triton Hero once which made me really mad. :D On paper it seems really good though.


I think, ultimately, your idea around having board presence vs. having to control the board constantly is a really good thing to be thinking about because it impacts the texture of gameplay so much. I wonder if you might be able to walk that line with some more pinpoint type stuff like Reins of Power (which is hilarious because you can stack it so you get your dudes back and it's just a fog if you want :D) for dealing with attacks.

But I wonder if you could get more spells *and* more board presence without having to constantly spam one sided sweepers. I'll noodle on that a little more.

I really like the Murmuring Mystic plan but it doesn't benefit much from the copies like Archmage Emeritus does.


The ramp package is really interesting to think bout in that vein as well. Do you think that it might be worth thinking about lines like... 1 CMC → 3 CMC ramp?

Because all your "bomb" ramp spells with kalamax (Harrow variants) line up on 3, you could run a fleet of 1 mana dorks (Birds of Paradise et. al. ) and then some blink lines with Dockside Extortionist (Ghostly Flicker, Essence Flux, Teferi's Time Twist)

You could fill in the edges with Cultivate / Kodama's Reach, and only play the untapped Three Visits effects.


A really interesting and possibly funny combo with Chord of Calling would be to grab something like Vigor and Crater Hellion or something. Which, interestingly, I think Vigor might be a really strong fatty for this deck because of so many lines with instants that sweep the board could turn into winconditions.

Like if you double a Volcanic Fallout or something and it pumps your creatures +4 that's kinda cool.

interestingly, chord for vigor +Spellseeker also does that with Mystical Tutor for Blasphemous Act :D which is funny.


Oh, one thing I think you should 100% slot in is Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge -- that card is...bananas with kalamax.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 2 months ago

I think I'm going to do a small shake up on this deck to see how far I can push the tempo aspect without dying to midrange decks all the time. My creature base is designed as a plan-B so when Kalamax cost 8 I can drop a 6-drop instead and get some work done. The primary issue is when Kalamax is in play, I don't want to be casting another bomb and would rather cast instants and things that make better blockers.

First, I'm moving all my protection pieces to one-shot instants. This allows me to dig for answers more effectively instead of relying on sorcery speed equip costs. This also allows my protection to work better against wipes. I'm now all but immune to artifact hate at this point.

Second, I'm putting in another scalable wipe and an instant speed recursion to again help again boost my ability to react at instant speed. I'm taking out 5 non-instants for instants that provide maximum synergy with both Kalamax and all his accompanied support pieces.

I won't update the deck list in the first post until I can vet the changes and determine if I like this change.

Sensei's Divining Top
Lightning Greaves
Swiftfoot Boots
Underworld Breach
Frost Titan
Inferno Titan

Slip out the Back
Tyvar's Stand
Legolas's Quick Reflexes
Noxious Revival
Starstorm (tutorable by Spellseeker)
Leap: placeholder for Trash the Town, which I'll talk about more when I get one.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

I updated the previous post with the changes I ended up making and will give my thoughts on the cards and the changes it made to how the deck played. The main focus of this list of changes was to make it easier for me to dig for answers with my draw spells. Many times I'm casting Fact or Fiction looking for some protection and I'll dig into Boots or Greaves, which don't help me. Also having them in play just cause my opponents to dig for extra removal or coordinate to deal with me. Also I removed two 6-drop creatures because generally I didn't want to cast them if Kalamax was already in play. It just made my board look too threatening and drew too many eyes.

Noxious Revival: Can double up on top-deck to chain draw+interaction or pump to close our the game or keep Kalamax alive.
Starstorm: tutorable by Spellseeker as a scaleable wipe that can leave Kalamax alive. Even if not a hard wipe, should get the job done and provide better flexibility.
Leap: I wanted another combat trick because many times I'm staring down a few blockers and only need 1 more hit to get the commander damage kill. Placeholder for Trash the Town, which is everything I could want in a combat trick.
Slip out the Back phasing is excellent protection and this is the cheapest way to get it.
Tyvar's Stand Hexproof + Indestructible along with a pump option for commander damage kill. Super efficient with added flexibility.

Legolas's Quick Reflexes I tested this slot with Tamiyo's Safekeeping, but traded for Reflexes by the end of the weekend. Tamiyo's has indestructible, which is highly relevant, but Legolas's Quick Reflexes has a couple advantages that, while requiring hoops to unlock, can lead to some interesting plays. One pro is it untaps Kalmax and gives it reach + hexproof for a surprise blocker. With split-second, no one can respond with spot removal, so the block is going to happen. This untaps Kalamax and turns off his copy ability for the rest of the turn cycle, but if I need it, then I'll have to make that trade off. I play 3 ways outside of combat to tap Kalamax, 2 being lands, which are tutored up by 2 other cards. Second cool thing is the removal portion. I can play pre-combat to punch a blocker and get some damage through, or I can tap Kalmax with one of the other tappers, then cast Reflexes pre-combat to untap him for a double punch on combat + hexproof. This allows me to clear 1 or 2 blockers in my way before blocks. There are just many ways the various abilities can be used. Having a tapper can allow me to double punch a creature on opponent's turns if Kalamax was already tapped as well. So versatile for a single mana, and split second guarantees protection against targeted spells/abilities.

The larger creatures were originally meant to be backup plans for when Kalamax was answered, but generally they are small potatoes since I cannot capitalize on them much and generally just used them as blockers. So they came out for more protection for Kalamax and another wipe to keep the field clear. Now my draw spells can dig for a much larger variety of answers, and can be deployed at any time when digging with draw spells. The instant speed nature of the protection makes it harder for opponent's to play around it, and I previously had no anti-wipe tech outside of counters. With the counter spells still providing protection, these new cards really help build out my suite and turn Kalamax beats into the primary win condition.

I got 2 games in this weekend with these cards and they did everything I could hope for and more. I am making these changes permanent, but now will have to pay close attention that the deck doesn't completely fold without Kalamax. Now I am extremely reliant on him being in play, even more than before. But when he is in play, gosh the amount of cards and permission I can pump out is impressive. Having instant speed protection to removal, instant speed recursion for those + draw spells, and doubling everything while turning Kalamax into a legitimate clock is turning into a very strong combination. To no surprise to the draw-go control players out there. But the amount of modal spells I am getting right now will turn this deck into a Swiss-army-knife of value.

Having few on-board engines for card draw means we have to pick our points to cast draw spells and try to maximize card velocity to avoid flaming out. This is the main weakness of the deck, that and when Kalmax gets answered quickly before getting some value out of our spells. But these 6 cards sort of help both of these by protecting Kalamax, but also reducing my back up bombs makes the deck more reliant on him to actually win the game. I will watch to see how this plays out in practice, but 2 games has shown these to be very impactful changes. I lost one, won one, but the game I lost was a 3 player and I was dominating the board until my opponents were able to throw all their removal the wipes at me in tandem to get through my wall of protection.

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Post by pokken » 1 month ago

I have largely developed the same feeling about greaves effects and have been eliminating them in favor of instant effects in most decks. Few exceptions ofc but definitely agree in Kalamax

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

Agreed, it already seems to work wonders for my ability to react and keeps opponents on their toes. I still want to get Tamiyo's Safekeeping back in to add another piece of Indestructible protection in. I only have 2 ways outside countering to defend against wraths. We will see if Legolas's Quick Reflexes lives up to the hype.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

Quick swap from a last minute trade with a buddy a couple weeks ago.

IN Ledger Shredder >> OUT Errant, Street Artist

I may regret this since Errant is a pretty cool little creature, and is one of the cheapest ways for me to get extra copies out of spells, but I only get the copies when Kalamax is active, which is a bit win-more since I'm not storming off. Second, the additional mana has been more difficult to commit than I even realized. Third, I think Kalamax is the only way I have to make spells that I didn't cast. Etali, Primal Storm casts, Rashmi, Eternities Crafter casts, Snapcaster Mage and Backdraft Hellkite flashback casts, and Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch // Temple of Cyclical Time rebound casts. So I think that makes this card too narrow for me and I really like that Ledger Shredder just sits there and gets big while filtering my hand into gas.

Also, my friend had to take over a game that I started so I could trade in some cards for a Finale of Devastation, he did some great work with all the new instant protections and Noxious Revival keeping his foot on the gas. But the play of the game was Rite of Replication kicked on an opponents Karmic Guide bringing back Dockside Extortionist + other utility guys, getting back the Rite and Rite-ing Dockside for 20 treasures. I think the last 2 players scooped at this point. Fun to see Rite of Replication do work. It has won me multiple games copying Frost Titan and Inferno Titan, but with those two cards now gone, it's relevance was in question. I think I'll leave it in a bit longer just because of the memorable games it creates.
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Post by pokken » 1 month ago

PrimevalCommander wrote:
1 month ago
Quick swap from a last minute trade with a buddy a couple weeks ago.

IN Ledger Shredder >> OUT Errant, Street Artist

I may regret this since Errant is a pretty cool little creature, and is one of the cheapest ways for me to get extra copies out of spells, but I only get the copies when Kalamax is active, which is a bit win-more since I'm not storming off. Second, the additional mana has been more difficult to commit than I even realized. Third, I think Kalamax is the only way I have to make spells that I didn't cast. Etali, Primal Storm casts, Rashmi, Eternities Crafter casts, Snapcaster Mage and Backdraft Hellkite flashback casts, and Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch // Temple of Cyclical Time rebound casts. So I think that makes this card too narrow for me and I really like that Ledger Shredder just sits there and gets big while filtering my hand into gas.

Also, my friend had to take over a game that I started so I could trade in some cards for a Finale of Devastation, he did some great work with all the new instant protections and Noxious Revival keeping his foot on the gas. But the play of the game was Rite of Replication and an opponents Karmic Guide bringing back Dockside Extortionist + other utility guys, getting back the Rite and Rite-ing Dockside for 20 treasures. I think the last 2 players scooped at this point. Fun to see Rite of Replication do work. It has won me multiple games copying Frost Titan and Inferno Titan, but with those two cards now gone, it's relevance was in question. I think I'll leave it in a bit longer just because of the memorable games it creates.

I'm still pretty happy with Rite of Replication most of the time. One of those old school bombs you don't seee as much, maybe because there're more legendary creatures proportionally or maybe just more weird synergy. kinda reminds me of Bribery in that way. But I still wind up happy with either usually.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

@pokken yes getting 5 of something even generally mundane like a Frost Titan can become a powerful win condition. I do enjoy casting it. I was also looking at cutting Phantasmal Image, but a 2 mana clone can be so useful at times that I am almost never unhappy to see it.

I need to get Bribery in a deck again, I just don't have any blue deck that wants it right now. I don't play a ton of blue as it is. Green is my color.

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 month ago

Quickly chiming in here: I think one of my favorite cards for this deck is Eureka Moment. Being able to add tempo out of turn order has been super useful for taking the lead in mana development for my own deck and at its base it draws you 4 when copied with Kalamax. But if you can get it put the lands into play both times, it refunds you half your mana. A very strong card I've been super pleased with in my own list.

I strongly, STRONGLY urge you to put Dig Through Time in this deck. Almost 100% of the time, it's my first tutor target once Kalamax has survived a turn cycle. Being able to dig 14 deep and grab the best 4 cards is absolutely massive in terms of card quality and card advantage. And since it has Delve, it almost always ever costs 2 mana most of the time. This is secretly the most powerful card in the deck as far as I'm concerned because of how dig it deeps and the relative mana cost. An easy cut you could make would be Electric Revelation. You already have a flashback card in Chemister's Insight if that's the effect you're looking for.

Lastly, Volcanic Offering is absolutely BUSTED when copied with Kalamax. It's practically a 1-sided board wipe that also destroys resources to tighten your opponent's resources. You can even politick the modes so you're not doing huge 1-sided mana destruction waves. But it's a nice way to equalize the resources of that one Simic ramp player and clear the way for Kalamax to apply combat pressure. Another strong recommendation based on my experience.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

@benjameenbear thank you for commenting. I will strongly consider Dig Through Time here. Originally it was left out because I wanted to keep my graveyard around, and the foil copy was expensive, so I played other cards. Without Underworld Breach, I have more cards in my graveyard like creatures and lands that won't do anything for me later in the game. Digging 14 cards will all but guarantee I find what I need for any situation, unless I already cast them all :grin: . With Harrow, Entish Restoration and the various discard-to-draw effects, my graveyard typically has a few lands in it with a couple early utility guys that died.

I will keep an eye on Volcanic Offering, the land destruction portion is what is turning me off since it will create way too much collateral damage when copied. If I could get just the creature portion for I would be all in, but I just don't want that much ire on me for casting it and hitting that many lands. I guess technically I could target the same land twice to reduce my personal impact on the table, but even still, at 5 mana I usually want my removal to be a little less mana.

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Post by pokken » 1 month ago

The old bordered foil promo dig through time is frigging sweeeeeeet

https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fi ... 245172.jpg

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 month ago

pokken wrote:
1 month ago
The old bordered foil promo dig through time is frigging sweeeeeeet
https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fi ... 245172.jpg
I ended up going with the Ultimate Masters foil to match the original border style :smirk: Not sure where it's going since I do really like having the two flashback draw spells in the deck. They are very helpful in preventing late game stalls, so I will have to look for an under performer.

I also picked up a few Thunder Junction cards, notably for this deck is Trash the Town. I wanted to break down this card by mode and mention that this might turn into the best combat trick in the deck.

Mode #1 : put two +1/+1 counter on target creature = Not impressive and below rate. Counters stay on Kalamax and can get +4/+4 when copied is a good pump, but not exciting. This is the mode used the least, but definitely relevant in the late game.
Mode #2 : target creature gains trample = below rate again, not useful when copied, but evasion is something I want to see and need often. It is an important part of the card.
Mode #3 : when target creature connects with a player, draw 2 cards. This is the mode that gets it in the deck. When copied it will add an additional trigger, so I can draw 4 cards after knowing what blockers are doing. This will be the base-mode of the spell and even at :draw 2 on connect with a flyer or something is fine.

The spree function starts to bring this card into it's own since is acts like a Confluence type card that can be discounted for individual modes, which is great. For I can get the Trample + Draw to get Kalamax through on blockers and draw up to 4 cards. This is the most expensive of my combat tricks, since the others are either 1 or 2 mana value, but it draws twice as many cards for the low price of extra. It also draws the same number of cards as most of my dedicated draw spells while adding evasion to Kalamax. Soft to spot removal in response though, but that is why it is in the combat trick slot, not the draw spell slot.

Full Send turns this into a combat oriented Mystic Confluence for four +1/+1 counters (5 with Kalamax trigger), trample and draw 4 cards on connect. This is the later game version that has high likelihood to kill a player, or just do some great work mid-game to put some pressure on. I am probably not firing this off on turn 5 or 6 unless my hand is pretty dead since making Kalamax a 9/9 on turn 5 makes quite the statement after dealing that much commander damage and drawing 4 cards. If I don't have protection in hand I will most definitely loose Kalamax after something like that.

Yes, all these combat tricks are not that great with my low creature count, but the whole strategy is keeping Kalamax on board, this one being the most risky requiring combat damage to trigger, but it provides the evasion and pump to get it done even if I don't have a large creature in play. Either way I am excited to see what this card can do.

Small edit to shout out Tyvar's Stand as a protection spell that doubles as a big pump which could make it pretty easy to commander damage someone. This gives me another bonus combat trick in the protection slot. It is sort of modal without requiring the choice between protection or pump. queue the "Why not both" gif :grin:

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