Hazezon, Shaper of Sand - Traversing the Desert

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

WizardMN wrote:
2 months ago
But the triggers from Shared Animosity (which was about 25 triggers) crashed the Client and we never actually got to see the end of the game.
loooool championship coding
WizardMN wrote:
2 months ago
Vorinclex transformed
yuss :D
WizardMN wrote:
2 months ago
This worked out very well. Vorinclex did get me cyclers and Realms Uncharted also got me cyclers which turned into valuable cards later on. Mondrak was nice to double the tokens as well. There might be an argument to be made that I should have grabbed Purphoros with Chord but I wanted to see what Jetmir could do. And I did only have 1 land drop to make per turn which would have meant that Purphoros could do 8 damage to each player. Vorinclex getting me more creatures to get land drops would have let me win but it wasn't a guarantee. Actually, Sun Titan for Shared Animosity might have been more reliable but Jetmir ensured things couldn't be chump blocked quite as easily.

Anyway, MTGO crashing was a bit unfortunate but getting to that point showed things are certainly coming together a bit better. I still wouldn't mind trying to find one more source of card draw that can help me out. Faithless Looting actually did help a bit here as it got me Hour of Revelation and Ignite the Future gave me some good options as well.
Sounds like a solid all around game and that the deck is starting to click.


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Post by WizardMN » 2 months ago

I have been running a few more games as tests and things are looking up. I did end up losing one game but that was primarily because I didn't do my math right with Jetmir, Nexus of Revels on the field (and I forgot he provided Vigilance) and I left the person with 3 life left. And then they cast Cyclonic Rift next turn....

They did die eventually but I was set too far back at that point.

The next game was a bit interesting. It was against Etali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal Sickness and they went off on turn 4. Of course, we were playing against a Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis deck which was going hard into Group Hug. To the point where they had things like Tempting Wurm (which I could barely utilize) and another card that let us all tutor for a card. I wasn't thinking about Etali being able to go off so I didn't get anything to interact with them. Luckily, another player cast Farewell which reset things. And then Etali came back out and transformed and attacked a player. That player scooped but another player cast a fog. Which unfortunately meant the fog was a bit wasted but it would have been nice to let things play out as we could have used that player.

Anyway, a little later Etali tried to cast Blasphemous Act but Kynaios countered it. Etali then cast Eternal Witness but I had Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines on the field which stopped the trigger. I then cast Path to Exile to remove Etali at the end of their turn.

During this, I did have Felidar Retreat which ended up getting me 8 or 10 tokens. I had 2 when I started my turn so I tutored out Jetmir, Nexus of Revels with Chord of Calling (the other tokens helping to pay for the X cost anyway) and I was able to attack Etali to kill them.

Kynaios didn't have any way to deal with my massive token army so they ended up dying to the First Strike damage. Which meant even if their life was higher, I could have still won with the additional damage from normal damage.

Jetmir was very instrumental in both games (even if I messed up in the first) which I think justifies his inclusion here. I am still debating on things like Glacial Chasm and Spike Weaver as silver bullets that can help save me in different scenarios. I don't want to get into the habit of sitting back and turtling which is why I have avoided Chasm, but Weaver lets me still go on the offensive.

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

I think Constant Mists is probably the fog if you want a fog, given the synergy with letting you sac deserts.

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Post by WizardMN » 2 months ago

The main reason I didn't look to Constant MIsts as an option was because I have no real way to get to it, other than drawing a bunch of cards. Spike Weaver and Chasm can be tutored out with other cards. I do agree that it has more synergy with the deck but that becomes less relevant if it takes me more effort to get to it.

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

WizardMN wrote:
2 months ago
The main reason I didn't look to Constant MIsts as an option was because I have no real way to get to it, other than drawing a bunch of cards. Spike Weaver and Chasm can be tutored out with other cards. I do agree that it has more synergy with the deck but that becomes less relevant if it takes me more effort to get to it.
Gamble time! :D that said, milling a bunch and then Eternal Witness'ing it is another viable way if you wind up a little higher.

I think that, in general, tutoring for and casting Spike Weaver is not where this deck wants to be. you'd almost surely want to just try to win I'd think if you're tutoring for a creature.

I don't *hate* Glacial Chasm but man how often do you want to draw that card.

YMMV, but I think I'd save your tutors for your proactive gameplan and just have a couple outs in your deck and if you draw them you're happy because they're good cards.

this *might* be more of a Selfless Squire or Windshaper Planetar deck although tutoring for it is a bit of a tell :D


Serra's Emissary may be a creature option that is more proactive, since it lets you swing out and plays defense (as long as it survives, which, let's be honest, Spike Weaver has the same issue but doesn't have an offensive gameplan.

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Post by WizardMN » 2 months ago

Gamble might need to find its way in either way. Along with Life from the Loam just to give some additional options.

I will say that my primary thought is being able to get something off Chord of Calling, Elvish Reclaimer, or Knight of the Reliquary that can help stall the game. Selfless Squire ends up being a good option as well though is one time use (more or less) whereas Weaver is up to 3. Squire of course allows me to cast it on the turn I am about to die whereas Weaver needs to be out and is vulnerable to removal if I am not getting it off Chord.

Though, Weaver is better off Vorinclex if I feel I end up needing it...

I do agree on Chasm that I really don't like drawing it. I play it in Windgrace where it does great but that is built so much around lands that it tends to work out a bit better.

I don't think there is a great option either way. You hit the nail on the head that this deck really wants to be proactive as much as possible and tutoring for Spike Weaver over Jetmir or Purphoros means I am not in a great spot either way. Gamble and Constant Mists might be the right combination. Nothing I am going to rely on necessarily but Gamble gives me a lot of outs (like Hour of Revelation or Farewell if I ever add it) and it can be far more generic depending on the needs at the time.

I might have to look more into that and trying to see what cards are becoming superfluous in the deck. Warleader's Call is probably the first cut but there may be some other reasonable cuts. Bane of Progress might be something worth slotting out eventually as well.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 month ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Outlaws of Thunder Junction and the associated Commander set:

White Cards

Final Showdown - I like the idea of an Instant Timing wrath and especially one that can help keep Hazezon alive. This allows me to get Hazezon on the field without worrying about potentially needing to wipe the board later and lose Hazezon. I still lose out on my tokens and anything else of course, but it is something.

Sand Scout - This seems like the best deck for this card. I am not sure how often I will get a land from the first trigger, but the second ability seems like something that should be able to trigger at least once per turn cycle with some of my cyclers and a few other ways to get lands in the yard.

Red Cards

Cataclysmic Prospecting - THis seems like it could make sense in the deck but I don't think so. First, I don't often have a ton of Deserts to really get the Treasures. And Second, if I need to wrath the board, I want to be sure things are gone.

Embrace the Unknown - There have been some recent discussions around different options for card advantage and this seems like a perfect card to fill in that slot. If I discard a Desert there is basically no cards lost but even then, discarding a land is worth digging a little deeper.

Great Train Heist - This seems like a pretty good finisher for the deck and also allows for some mid game functionality to try to get some ramp if I need it.

Highway Robbery - Another way to look at more cards and I think I like the sac a land option the most. This allows me to replay my Deserts when I need to. And I do like Plot on this card to let me store it p for later.

Pyretic Charge - This seems like a pretty good option to refill my hand and/or buff the team. And if I have any Deserts in hand (not likely, to be fair) I can get around some of the downside. I think it seems like a pretty decent way to try to one shot one or more people.

Green Cards

Colossal Rattlewurm - I really wish this had Reach instead of Trample, but Trample makes sense. But this is a great rate for this spell and I can normally cast it with Flash. However, the ability I care about most is the Exile from Graveyard ability. 2 mana ramp that gets me a Desert seems great for the deck. I do need to get it into the yard which is a bit tougher but I think this card makes sense overall for this deck.

Dance of the Tumbleweeds - Another Desert tutor is awesome. Adding 3 mana to get a (hopefully) big token is even better. I doubt I use the added mode for the token too often but having the option is really nice. But anything that can get me Deserts definitely moves to the top of the list of includes.

Dune Chanter - I mean, this has to be an auto-include. I cannot see playing this deck without including Dune Chanter as this just powers up Hazezon immensely. Every land drop is a Desert, every ramp spell gets me a Desert, every land in the yard can be replayed with Hazezon.

Map the Frontier - This isn't that bad of a rate for a ramp spell in general. But being able to get Deserts off it makes it that much better. I am certainly going to have to redo my ramp package to fit a lot of this stuff in but hopefully I can figure it out as I think getting Deserts onto the field from the library is exactly what I want my ramp to be doing. Maybe Realms Uncharted is becoming less necessary?

Outcaster Greenblade - If this was the first card I saw for this set, I would think it would make perfect sense as not much gets Deserts. But, looking above, that is no longer the case and I don't think getting a land to hand is as useful. I will still see if I can find room for it as it is still allowing me to get Deserts, but it might not be needed as much anymore.

Spinewoods Armadillo - I think I actually like this more than the Outcaster above. It is a mana cheaper and, while I don't get the body and the land, it does have a bigger body for later. And it has Reach which is relevant. I don't see myself casting it for the creature very often, but who knows. Still not great or an auto-include but I can see its uses for sure.

Voracious Varmint - I don't have a lot of spot removal in this deck. Far less than I usually go in these colors against things like Artifacts and Enchantments. I doubt I change that, but this is an interesting card for sure. I just like that they are continuing to give us cards like this.

Multicolor Cards

Annie Flash, the Veteran - I am not sure I have the room for a 6 drop, but I like her ability. Recursion is nice but the ability to give me some more cards to play is also nice. It is only this turn but it is a "free" way to see more cards which I think is relevant. I will see where I land on her as I make all the changes I want to make above.

Annie Joins Up - This is mostly for Hazezon though it would affect others in the list as well. The main question then is whether it is enough to double up on Hazezon's trigger. And I am not sure that it is. I will look through the rest of the list, especially after changes, and see if there is anything else worthwhile to double up on but my initial thought is that no, there is not.

Yuma, Proud Protector - Now, I really like this card but I am not sure how much of a discount I will often get. He plays into the theme of the deck really well but if he is always going to cost 6+ mana, it might be harder to make him work. I am going to try him out but I will be watching how much I am often spending on him.

Colorless and Land Cards

Abraded Bluffs, Bristling Backwoods, Creosote Heath - These are auto includes. Duals that are Deserts seem pretty good for the deck and, most importantly, it increases the density of Deserts which is huge. I will likely just cut basics for these.

Arid Archway - A bounce land that is a Desert seems alright. It gives me the ability to replay Deserts (even itself in a pinch) to trigger Hazezon. It does only tap for colorless which could be a problem but probably not too much. The Surveil, if I bounce another Desert, is also useful though not really why I would play it.

Cactus Preserve - Another Desert that helps with fixing. It doesn't do it on its own so I can't expect it to be the third color for casting Hazezon necessarily, but it does seem like a good card. Turning into a creature is not likely to happen too often but it is a nice option.

Conduit Pylons - I don't like that it naturally produces colorless and it only filters into colored mana, but it does enter untapped and Surveiling is nice. I think this is an include based on not entering tapped mostly with Surveil pushing it over the edge.

Mirage Mesa - Now, this goes the other direction. It lets me produce any color but on that color. Probably still worth it although I am getting a bit higher on the tapped lands than I would like. I might have to worry about that at some point. No point in increasing Desert count but also making the deck too slow overall.

Sandstorm Verge - This enters untapped which is nice but is stuck as colorless mana which is less nice. I might have to see how many I end up with total but I might have to leave this out just because I need my colors.

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