Budget Emrakul deck

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Post by EsKlavier » 2 months ago

Hello, i am a new player and my friends have been some weeks playing casual mtg. i have explored a little and i have this idea of deck.

25 mountain
25 plains
4 creative tecnique
4 gathering throne
1 emrakul, the aeons torn
1 angelfire ignition

the idea is to get in your inicial hand 1 creative tecnique and 1 gathering throne. in turn 3 you play your gathering throne and search for the others so in the rest of the deck there is only the emrakul and the angelfire ignition. Then at turn 5 you play creative tecnique and play (hopefully in that orden but if not it is okay)emrakul and angelfire ignition. by that you can atack first one opponent in the first turn, a second oponnent in the second turn, and it will be able to defend in the next opponent turn. my friends dont use decks very aggresive so i hope i can still be alive at turn 5. sorry for my english and let me know if it is a %$#% idea or not. thank you :)


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Post by Boros_Blendo » 2 months ago

The problem is it's a one-trick pony. 1 sweeper and you are top-decking the rest of the game because you played your limited hand. Most hands you'll hit nothing but land, as you have twice as much as even conservative people play. It's…risky and will not reliably pop the combo.

Most people's decks I've seen run about 16-24 creatures, 16-24 spells/artifacts/enchantments/etc, and about 20-24 lands. Yes, that's more than 60, and the ratio depends all on what the deck does. There are many decks that don't even remotely hold to those numbers, but they have a game plan that usually allows them to handle that weird distribution of card types. The problem I mainly see is that you have no plan if you don't get Emrakul into play. Four 3/1 creatures will not carry the day, and I find a lot of games/decks where the order I want something to happen is sadly not playable in that order. I've had many decks break apart literally for that reason. Somehow it doesn't always (or even often) work how you envision it in your head. So, it's really vulnerable to not getting your Gathering Throng in first before you can cast Creative Technique. If it works how you planned, great, have fun, but if you don't then you are screwed.

And, while you are waiting, and your opponents are building board position, you have no way to slow them. Emrakul fixes a lot of board position problems once he starts attacking, but only one player at a time, and not all at once. So, even if you can survive to turn 5, what do you do when it's turn 7, 8, 9 before he/she/it can come out? So, a lot of stuff to consider if you want to stick to Emrakul. The last thing is that your friends after they see what it does, will add stuff that allows their colors to handle the shenanigans, and there are a LOT of answers to Emrakul. You can google or reddit those, and so will your friends. I hope this helps you think about some stuff...good luck!

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Post by EsKlavier » 2 months ago

Thank you so much :)

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Post by Diz » 2 months ago

A better engine for an Emrakul deck would probably include:

4x Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
4x Djeru and Hazoret
4x Sneak Attack
4x Through the Breach
4x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

I also personally run 4x Griselbrand and 4x Atraxa, Grand Unifier with a playset of Seething Song and other fast mana cards, such as Chrome Mox and sol lands.

For the full list, check out my latest comment in my Sneak & Breach thread over in the Legacy subforum!

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