Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

kraus911 wrote:
1 year ago
I appreciate your thread as I'm on a similar journey with what has been a Kelsien, the Plague deck for a couple of years. The main problem is that Kelsien is seen as a major threat from the CZ and so I've added other experience counters legends to the deck to give it other ways to up the count. All of a sudden I have 20 legendary creatures and I'm realizing it's turned into a legends matters deck, maybe I should switch to Shanid, Sleeper's Scourge or Dihada, Binder of Wills.

I tried that, added some more legendary cards, and all of a sudden the deck feels directionless. With Shanid or Dihada in the CZ I have card advantage, but no clear pattern of play unless I work hard to tutor one of the experience counter cards.

I think Shanid is the way to go, but I need to shift the strategy of the deck to something... something. I guess attacking. Anyway, keep up the updates and I'll let post a link to my decklist when I get something stable.
I guess my main "like" of Shanid is that he gives the deck direction (in that I focus on "legendary matters") without it dictating the entire deck. I can still do whatever I want as long as the includes are legendary or care about legendary stuff. I think Kelsien pigeonholes you a little or, as you seem to indicate, just makes it seem like he is almost irrelevant.
yeti1069 wrote:
1 year ago
You're running a legendary-themed deck without Primevals' Glorious Rebirth?

How does this deck play out? Is it basically just combat with some minor synergies between some of the creatures, and value from Shanid?
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth is probably a significant oversight on my part. I will see what I can do to correct that.

As stated above, there isn't a ton of synergy beyond Shanid triggering. In reality, it basically plays out as "play the best legendary creatures you can and see what happens". I sort of wanted a deck that would just get played without worrying about trying to set things up or trying to work together. I know it sounds odd but it sort of lets me just throw big things together and try to win that way without having to worry about how much everything actually works together. They don't have to work together. They basically just need to work on their own and try to overwhelm the table with power.

It isn't the most optimal idea but I don't necessarily want optimization. I just want something fun and something that plays out differently each time. I think it delivers on that but, almost by design, it then isn't static or consistent. It does what it can each time and that's it.

So, yeah, what you said :)


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Post by yeti1069 » 1 year ago

I had wanted to build a humans tribal deck under Queen Marchesa, but built that as aikido.

Then i wanted to build an Orzhov legendaries deck, but never got around to it. This runs along those lines, kind of. Don't know if I'll get around to it, though.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Lord of the Rings and the LOTR Commander set. By the very nature of this set and this deck, there are a ridiculous number of options so there is likely no way I am going to be able to try all of them out.:

White Cards

Boromir, Warden of the Tower - Another legendary creature is always welcome and one that can protect my board is good too. I don't know how relevant the Ring tempting me would be but it offers a little utility even if I only get tempted once.

Flowering of the White Tree - I am not sure how much I care about Anthem effects but this seems like a pretty good one and fits in the deck pretty well. I don't think I want to add it but it is an option if I decide to try it out later.

Frodo, Sauron's Bane - This is another good one drop for this deck and has the potential to actually kill a player (though I doubt that actually happens all that often). Just being a 1 drop with relevant abilities is probably good enough for me to find room for it.

Gandalf the White - His only real relevant ability is granting Flash to the rest of the deck which may or may not be good enough. I don't think there are enough cards with ETBs that matter here and I don't think granting Flash to everything is quite useful enough.

Gilraen, Dunedain Protector - Another way to protect creatures though this would be one at a time. Adding a lifelink counter is pretty good though so I think I will want to try her out.

Samwise, the Stouthearted - He works on quite a few levels and can keep me going after a board wipe or other destruction. I think he is worth slotting in somewhere.

War of the Last Alliance - I think this ends up often being a better Search for Glory. Granted, it is limited in what it can find but most often I am going for creatures anyway and this gets me two. Plus, if it sticks around, it allows me to all out attack and try to deal a bunch of damage.

Black Cards

Gollum, Scheming Guide - I am not sure how much I like the mini-game it adds but even re-organizing the cards on top can be useful. Drawing a card is best but he isn't awful without it. And sometimes removing Gollum is better just so he is around next turn to set up my draws again.

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins - I think she ends up making reasonable sense in this deck as a form of ramp. I am not sure I can find room for her with all the other good cards to add, but I don't think she is terrible.

One Ring to Rule them All - This is decent but due to it being slow on the wrath mode (which is the one I would care most about) I don't think it is worth having in the deck.

Shelob, Dread Weaver - This just looks like a fun card. I don't know how perful it would end up being but it might be alright. I likely won't find the room for it now, but maybe in the future.

Red Cards

Eomer, Marshal of Rohan - This creates a bit of a Catch-22 for opponents since they need to either make sure they kill enough creatures on the first block or just simply not block at all. I like this as a more aggressive option especially in the late game.

Gimli of the Glittering Caves - He can grow quite large, has Double Strike which is relevant, and can get me up to 2 Treasures a turn which is also good. I think I want to slot this in and give it a try.

Gloin, Dwarf Emissary - Another token producer which can help fuel even more casts. This can also help fuel the deck into being more aggressive than it currently is.

There and Back Again - Seems pretty decent and can be found off of Search For Glory if I really want it. I like that it ramps on Chapter 2 and then potentially ramps again later on.

Multicolor Cards

Eowyn, Fearless Knight - This looks like a fantastic card. Removal on a creature is already something I like but then granting protection means it can really help get in some damage. This is certainly going to find a spot in the deck.

Merry, Esquire of Rohan - I like this mostly because it should nearly always trigger to draw a card in this deck. And a 2 mana Legendary (with Haste no less) is nothing to scoff at either.

Colorless and Land Cards

Mirror of Galadriel - I don't really think I need more card draw but this seems like one that should nearly always be 2 mana or less. Shanid keeps my hand full as it is so perhaps this ends up being overkill. But, if I ever feel like I need more card draw, hopefully I remember this card exists.

The One Ring - Though, with that being said, it is possible this is just better in a lot of different ways. The life loss is tough but that is a lot of cards it can draw.

Minas Tirith, The Black Gate, Mines of Moria, Barad-dur - Another set of Legendary lands (that should enter untapped) is pretty good. This are pretty easy includes.

Mount Doom - I doubt I would ever use the last ability but a Legendary Dual is right in line with what this deck wants.

The Grey Havens - I need to watch out with things like this since it is later on when it can actually tap for colored mana. I doubt I can find the room for this even though it is something I think I would want to try.

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

There are so many good cards for this deck to come out of the LOTR sets that I can't try them all. And even some that I do want to try ends up pushing out some other good cards. But, I am going to try them anyway so here is what I am thinking:

First, with the new Legendary Lands, I decided that I am willing to go the risk of running no Basics in the deck. These gave me the 5 slots (1 of each basic and two fetches) to include the new lands I wanted. I don't know what this means overall but this deck is already pretty weak to Back to Basics and Blood Moon so I guess I am just fine with losing those games. Until I can get to Chaos Warp anyway.

The rest are just cuts that feel right. Or, at least, feel the least wrong. I can't say I am certain about any of these cuts over others but I am fine with them. Most were based on mana cost whereas some were just the weakest cards I could think of. I am sure some will make their way back in eventually.

Notably, this round of changes is when I am finally adding in Primevals' Glorious Rebirth which I should have had before now anyway.

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Post by WizardMN » 9 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Wilds of Eldraine and the Wilds of Eldraine Commander set:

Red Cards

Goddric, Cloaked Reveler - A cheap-ish Legendary that can be a big beater is a decent option. But, that is really all he is is just a big beater and I am not sure it is that great here. Once I hit the 3+ mana value mark, I want something with a bit more utility. So I would probably pass on this for now.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Lost Caverns of Ixalan, Murder at Karlov Manor, their Commander Decks, and the Doctor Who Commander set. I know I have not been keeping up so hopefully this covers all the sets I have missed:

White Cards

Delney, Streetwise Lookout - This is Legendary which is relevant and it also allows Shanid to trigger twice. In addition to a bunch of other creatures that will trigger more. I think this potentially ends up being a good fit for this deck.

Sarah Jane Smith - This is a maybe. It should trigger fairly often to give me some Clues to draw cards. 2 mana is a good spot to be in but I am also not sure how much more card draw I need. It mioght be worthwhile so I will have to keep it in mind but I am not entirely sold on it yet.

Tegan Jovanka - This might be a good way to give Shanid Indestructible and a bit more power to try to close out the game with Commander Damage. 3 mana might be too high and the effect might not be relevant all tha time. Still might be worth it if I can find a spot for it.

Unexplained Absence - 4 mana instant to exile up to 3 permanents (most likely wouldn't exile anything I control in most cases) seems like a pretty good rate. I realize they get a 2/2 back, and possibly bigger depending on what is face down, but I still like the versatility of dealing with multiple threats at once. I think I might give this a try in a couple decks.

Black Cards

Bitter Triumph - This is a pretty good removal spell. The mana cost is right and it is versatile. 3 life is sort of a lot but could be worth it. I will probably pick some up and then see where they fit.

Red Cards

Breeches, Eager Pillager - I like this primarily for the ramp aspect but the "card draw" is pretty good too. I am going to give this a try and see how it works.

Colorless and Land Cards

Bessie, the Doctor's Roadster - It is a cheap Legendary which is good and allows other legendaries to get in unblocked with is also good. I like the idea of it but I am not sure on the value of letting legendaries get in unblocked too often. But it probably makes sense to give it a try.

New dual typed lands - More fetchable lands is always good and I don' think these are too bad. However, I am wary about the effect entering tapped all the time would have. I will probably pick some up but I am not sure I will ever get to the point of actually playing them considering all the better alternatives.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 months ago

Approximate Total Cost:

Kroxa and Plargg are being cut primarily to lower the overall curve of the deck. Gollum is just being cut because I couldn't think of anything else to cut. I do like cheap legends in the deck but it might be alright to cut for now.

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Post by WizardMN » 2 months ago

Here are my thoughts regarding Outlaws of Thunder Junction and the associated Commander set:

Black Cards

Tinybones, the Pickpocket - The ability on this isn't all that great but it could come in handy. Mostly though, it is a cheap legendary that can trigger Shanid and give me some board presence as needed. It might be worth trying to slot this in.

Red Cards

Magda, the Hoardmaster - This works well with the other Magda and there are a few other Treasure creators in the deck. I don't know how often I will be committing crimes in this deck, but it can be something. Mostly though, it is a cheap legendary with a decent ability. I like her.

Multicolor Cards

Rakdos Joins Up - This seems pretty good. Reanimation, though slightly expensive here, is welcome. Mostly though, it sort of gives me a way to weaponize wraths or make others think about wrathing the board.

Olivia, Opulent Outlaw - 4 mana for a Flying Lifelinker is nice. She also helps ramp, though it will mostly be herself triggering her own ability. But she does allow for buffing the team as well. I might try to find a spot for her if I can.

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