Bladewing - Dracolich Reanimator

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Post by Ulka » 4 years ago

Bladewing the Risen


Approximate Total Cost:

Mostly Putting this out there for record keeping but any thoughts are welcome. The main idea of the deck is to play a classic reanimator style deck with a solid Dragon Tribal theme.
Modern: Goryo's Gifts | Heartless Architect | Soul Sisters | MonoGreen Devotion
Pauper: Blackened Eggs | Zombies | Domain Zoo | Sultai Teachings | Jund Gardens


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Post by Ulka » 2 years ago

Well its been a while since I've done any updates but I wanted to start musing out loud for some changes

Im looking at Ebondeath, Dracolich as another grave based dragon to utilize however I don't often have dragons dying so it may not make the cut but I plan to atleast test ebondeath.

Immersturm Predator is one dragon I love and Really want to slot in as the gravehate is relevant and the low curve allows me to actually cast them early.

Obsidian Charmaw is in the sameboat as Immersturm as a lower costed hate peice which I feel is worth slotting into the deck as they provide another body to play early but also can be used to help deal with problem lands.

Thnakfully I picked up both Terror of the Peaks and Goldspan Dragon before their massive price spikes. Both of which I'm very interested in running in this deck. ( i already have Terror of the Peaks in the list but Goldspan seemed like one I should be slotting in also.

The last Dragon I'm wanting to slot in is Hellkite Courser because it turns out Bladewing the Risen is a high cmc card the first time I cast him let alone the second or god forbid the third.

Temple of the Dragon Queen is the first of the non dragon cards Im looking to add into the list. The fact that This gives me excellent fixing and comes into play untapped 80% of the time is something that I think is extremely valuable for this deck and its mana efficency and fixing.

Orb of Dragonkind is a card that is kinda too good to be true for this deck. Providing a source of digging for a dragon to create a kill with or being a secondary signet for the deck is amazing and I'm super hyped about it.

Haunted Ridge - Another solid Fixing land for the deck. I won't ever turn down solid fixing.

Cathartic Pyre Is one card Im not sure if it will make the cut for me. While it is oddly useful as a hybrid dig or burn spell I think I don't have space for it currently but its on my radar to look into when i sit down and make the next massive overhaul to the deck later this week.

Unmarked Grave and Persist Are our 'poor man's' Entomb and Reanimate but what they lack in mana efficiency, they make up for in redundancy and so I fully expect to place these in my deck this week.

Bone Shards is an interesting piece of removal. I think I will be adding it as a way to enable early discard while also being super solid removal late game ( and is another way to kill off Anger when needed which came up in the last time i played the deck. )

overall the deck has received a lot of cards that I think make the deck better and more efficient which is something I love to see and I have my hands full when it comes to the deck edit later this week.
Modern: Goryo's Gifts | Heartless Architect | Soul Sisters | MonoGreen Devotion
Pauper: Blackened Eggs | Zombies | Domain Zoo | Sultai Teachings | Jund Gardens

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Post by Dragonlover » 2 years ago

If you're looking for cuts, given that you're talking about lowering the curve, may I suggest Bogardan Hellkite? For starters, it's 8 mana, and that 5 damage can be a bit meh for the cost. I'm running it in Lathliss, but it's definitely edging towards the top of the cut list.

Sweet deck btw. I've often said that if I was going to expand Lathliss to BR, I'd use Bladewing. I bet it's super satisfying to cast Patriarch's Bidding in this.

All my decks are here

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