[Deck] Amulet Titan

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Post by ktkenshinx » 5 years ago

This is a placeholder thread. If you are interested in taking over the thread and/or writing a primer, PM the moderator team.
This is the thread to discuss the Amulet Titan archetype in Modern. Amulet Titan, formerly Amulet Bloom, came to prominence in 2015 after a string of MTGO Daily wins and a breakout performance at Pro Tour Fate Reforged. Using the synergy between Amulet of Vigor, Karoo lands (e.g. Simic Growth Chamber), Primeval Titan, and the ultimately banned Summer Bloom, the ramp deck was able to power out 6+ mana as early as Turn 2 for fast Titan kills or Hive Mind/Summoner's Pact combo kills. Critics thought the deck would die after Wizards banned Bloom in early 2016, but the deck endured in its new Amulet Titan form relying on Sakura-Tribe Scout and Azusa, Lost But Seeking as its primary land ramp engines.

Amulet Titan is widely regarded as one of Modern's most complicated, intricate, and nuanced decks, with dozens of hidden lines available to players at any point of the game. Whether bouncing Tolaria Wests with bouncelands to Transmute, stacking triggers, tutoring for the right lands at the right time, knowing what to Transmute for, and knowing when to go all-in for the call, the puzzle-solving style of Amulet Titan is sure to appeal to Spikes and Johnnies alike. Here is a representative list of contemporary Amulet Titan:

Amulet Titan looks like it will remain a Modern mainstay for years to come. Discuss one of Modern's most complicated and powerful decks here.
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Post by motleyslayer » 5 years ago

forgive my lack of knowledge of the deck, but I see some lists running walking ballista and the Karn, the great creator package. what matchups do those options change?

hive mind in this deck always made sense, since you run pacts

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

I've been trying Amulet Titan for the first time since the printing of Once Upon a Time. 3 tournaments.

15 players - 5 rounds for Staples/Store Invitational

Round 1 vs. UR Thing. Disheartening loss. Won the first game easily after landing a Prime Time. Then he played Blood Moon, so I got out 2 Forests. He showed Cryptic Command before he lost, which surprised me. I assumed it was UR Phoenix, but it wasn't. In the next game, he got out Blood Moon and Once Upon a Time and Ancient Stirrings, along with draw steps could not find a single Forest. I had Pact, which I could try Reclamation Sage, but honestly it probably would have been countered and I couldn't pay Pact. In the next game, it was fairly grindy, but it took me a long time to find Pact, then he flipped a Thing, bringing back Snap, then Bolt, Snap Bolt, and the Thing swing killed me. 1-2.

Round 2 vs. Jund Shadow. He made me discard once, but I was able to get Prime Time to outsize 2 Goys and the Zombies went the distance. In the next game, he mulled to 4 while I mulled to 6. I was able to find the bounceland and I went off on turn 3. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Grixis Shadow. I ended up getting a game loss for being 3 minutes late. I didn't realize that they were that strict, especially since my friends and I were discussing the Judge allowing someone to draw a card before resolving an upkeep Search for Tomorrow. In the game, I peel land after land. I already had a land heavy hand. I transmute 2 Tolaria Wests and then draw another Summoner's Pact, but he had 3 Stubborn Denial. No, not Snap/Denial. Three Stubborn Denial. I heard that card was as good against Summoner's Pact as it is BAD against Prime Time. 0-1.

Round 4 vs. UGb Polymorph. In the first game, I'm pretty sure he has turn 3 Polymorph, but I already have Titan out and am getting value. In the next game, I wait until he turn 3 Polymorphs into Emrakul, the Aeon's Torn. Then I cast Oko, Thief of Crowns and turn it into Elk, the Aeon's Torn. But he Polymorphs again 3 turns later after killing Oko. I'm thinking...does he have another freaking Emrakul? Nope, he has Iona, Shield of Emeria and it stops the only play I was going to have this game - Tireless Tracker. In the final game, I mull to 4 and don't get off 3 lands. Multiple Azusas punish me for not siding out more than 2. 1-2.

Round 5 vs. Grixis Shadow. His hands had turn 1 discard, but then weren't the blazingly quickest. The problem? My hands were terrible. I don't see mulling past 5 winning the first game and I kind of wish I kept the 2 land 7 card hand in game 2 - it had 2 non-bouncelands. 0-2.


16 players - 4 rounds for a win-a-box of Modern Horizons.

Round 1 vs. Tron. Walked him with the Prime Time chain twice. 2-0.

Round 2 vs. E Tron. Really tough round for me. Dismember my Sakura-Tribe Scout into Thought-Knot Seer into Thought-Knot Seer. I don't draw anything after that. In the next game, he mulls to 6 and his hand is a bit slower. Prime Times get it done. In the final game, I punted badly. He cast Karn, the Great Creator after I created 2 Clues with Tireless Tracker. I didn't have the correct Clues and I forgot to crack them! Stupid. It turns out it was just 2 more lands and he protected Karn with Endbringer and swung for the win. 1-2.

Round 3 vs. Jund. Suuuuper tough round. I sound like a broken record. I walk him with Prime Time in the first game. I was scared because I was unable to get any Zombies to protect from Lily, but he didn't have it and that's that. In the next game, he just had too much gas. I get stuck on lands. In the last game, he draws the Dark Confidant into Fulminator Mage into more and K Command more. I get stuck on 3 land and lose as Bob gets sooooo much value. 1-2.

Round 4 vs. Tron. In the first game, I mull and come off slowly. He is able to lock me with his 3rd copy of Karn, the Great Creator, although he Ancient Stirrings for 1 on turn 1.. In the next game, he does a similar thing, but he gets Torpor Orb. I don't care much about that. I get Prime Times and get to work. In the last game, I get the Ramunap Excavator/Ghost Quarter combo and things are great for me. He gets Crucible of Worlds, but Reclamation Sage that. 2-1.


11 players - MNM.

Round 1 vs. Bye. 2-0.

Round 2 vs. E Tron. Not much to see. He mulled low and drew poorly. We both had a poor first game, but I turn 6 Prime Time and that's that. This match was a video of inefficacy. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Tron. I was just a bit above the curve on him. He was at 12 and had Wurmcoil Engine. I had Sunhome in my hand, so he has to block and take 6. Double strike is strooonk! In the next game, he doesn't get Tron quickly enough. I keep trying to assemble the Ramunap Excavator combo, but I can't. So I chain Prime Times instead. 2-0.

Round 4 vs. E Tron. Her hand is a bit slower and I am able to play around a little stuff, including Radiant Fountain casting an Engineered Explosives for 1 to destroy Chalice of the Void in response to a Karn, the Great Creator. Then I get Prime Time the next turn and it's hard to beat Prime Time(s) and his horde of Zomberinos. 2-0.


So, 7-6 overall. Trying to get better at playing this again. Every time I stop, I feel like I lose it and it's tough to play with Once Upon a Time.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Played in a 15 person FNM for $25 to win a foil Wrenn and Six. Yes, I know it's banned in Legacy, but it's still alluring.

Round 1 vs. Grixis Shadow. In the first game, he could only resolve a turn 4 Gurmag Angler. I got out Prime Time and I just tried to play around Dismember as much as I could. Got there as he didn't even have it OR Stubborn Denial. In the next game, I tried to play around Disdainful Stroke with Summoner's Pact for Tireless Tracker. I got 2 clues from a land drop and Sakura-Tribe Scout, but it got Dismembered. I should have gone for Titan. I was trying to play around Disdainful Stroke, but maybe I can't beat that anyway since I have to go for Titans some time. He played a bunch of Drown in the Loch and when he was at 2, he used a Snapcaster Mage to stay alive and kill my Tribe Scout. Then he got Death's Shadow and killed me the next turn. The last game went to time and he killed my Prime Time with a Gurmag Angler and Temur Battle Rage, but it was anybody's game, although I did have Field of the Dead in play and needed 2 more different lands to get Zomberinos. 1-1-1.

Round 2 vs. UB Mill. In the first game, he milled the crap out of me and Surgical Extraction multiple things, but Sakura-Tribe Scout and Azusa did the last few points of damage to him (he took 10 himself) with 2 cards left in my library. I sided in all 15 cards. He doesn't have the answer for Titan and it gets out of hand. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Burn. I keep a 2 land hand with Once Upon a Time. I do it and only have 1 target - a Ghost Quarter, not the best. I miss land drops and Goblin Guide reveals 3 straight Sakura-Tribe Scouts. I don't win this one. In the next game, my opener is Radiant Fountain, Amulet, Simic Growth Chamber, Azusa, Prime Time. I go off on turn 3 and gain a bunch of life. In the last game, he starts off quickly, but gets to his 4th land and possibly a 5th land in hand. My Ancient Stirrings find bouncelands and it is good with my Sakura-Tribe Scout and Summoner's Pact. Got there! 2-1.

Round 4 vs. Tron. I win the die roll. We both mull to 6. I get Amulet, Azusa, and Prime Time. He doesn't have Tron on turn 3, but gets crack map to have it on turn 4. But I win on turn 4 by getting double strike after the 8/6 attacked him with haste last turn. I mull to 5 in the next one, but find a risky triple Amulet as I find 2 more. I go off on turn 3 again, but can't kill him because I naturally had Slayer's Stronghold in my opening hand. Got there though as he misses land #3. 2-0.

Top 4 vs. GB Heartless Summoning Gitrog Monster. I keep on a solid hand and do an early Transmute Tolaria West for Summoner's Pact. In this game, I got to 5 mana and drew a 2nd and 3rd Summoner's Pact and 2 Prime Times. He eventually got the Ramunap Excavator/Azusa/Ghost Quarter lock and I never recovered. In the next game, I got an early Prime Time and he doesn't have much interaction. A pair of Thoughtseize would have taken my 2 Summoner's Pact, but he didn't even have one and I drew another Prime Time on that turn. Got there after grinding through some cards with Oko, Thief of Crowns. I had no business winning this one, but Oko made 2 Ramunap Excavator, 2 Azusa, and 1 Gitrog Monster ALL into Elk. Stupid broken card! In the final game, it is similar to this one, but I get Tireless Tracker to slow his attacks, bouncelands and Bojuka Bog to exile his lands in graveyard, and then Prime Time and Field of the Dead with Tireless Tracker clues. Fairly easy win, but just scary at points. 2-1.

Finals vs. UW Control. Basically I have the good hands that grind through him with Prime Times and Field of the Dead. Obstinate Baloth and Tireless Trackers make it tougher for him and I grind through a bunch of Cryptic Commands and Supreme Verdict. Bojuka Bog made it easier in the 2nd game. 2-0.

I won the card! Finally … I had been in such a slump and punted Game 2 of Match 1. Before you try to trade me for the card, I took $170 cash for it instead.
Last edited by FoodChainGoblins 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by The Fluff » 4 years ago

congrats on winning. You're richer by one foil w6. :)

don't have an amulet titan deck, but always read here as I'm curious on how the deck works.
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

10 person Sunday tournament.

Round 1 vs. Eldrazi Taxes. He got me with Leonin Arbiter and Ghost Quarter, but I found Engineered Explosives to blow that up and a Tidehollow Sculler that had Azusa. I traded 2 Sakura-Tribe Scout with Slayer's Stronghold for 2 more Leonin Arbiter and then I got Prime Time later on. In the next game, it was really ugly. He got stuck on 1 land and some Giver of Runes, but I just kept drawing lands. I got Field of the Dead early, but it got Ghost Quartered. I played it so if I drew Titan, I can play untapped land from hand, but I never drew anything but lands and a late Dismember. He drew out of it eventually near turn 15 or so and beat me. In the final game, I had a nut hand that got Titan on turn 3. Azusa, Amulet, land, bounceland, and Amulet. Got there against a seemingly tough matchup. 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Queller/BBE Zoo. I got Prime Time out and he missed on 2 draws, so it was fairly easy. He Spell Quellered an important spell and I couldn't gain any traction. My only win-con was Field of the Dead and it was dead to Ass Trophy. In the next game, he made a mistake, which he realized later, of Assassin's Trophy on Field of the Dead. I got some value and was able to finally get out Titan to keep utilizing Radiant Fountain and Vesuva on Radiant Fountain to only be dead to a 3rd Queller. He didn't have it with his final card and then needed Lightning Bolt on the final turn for exact lethal. Didn't find it. Whew! 2-1.

Round 3 vs. E Tron. He won the die roll. Chalice of the Void on 0. Turn 2, Chalice of the Void on 1. Turn 4, Chalice of the Void on 2 after turn 3 Matter Reshaper. I don't care about the Reshaper, but I can't make plays. Get stuck with Pact, 2 Ancient Stirrings, and I accidentally cast a Once Upon a Time. Wishing for Rec Sage so I could then play Titan after Summoner's Pact. In the next game, I get Titan out early, but I don't have Amulet, so it takes a while to get there. In the final game, I just literally have the answer to whatever he has. I use Prime Time to find Ghost Quarter and have Ramunap Excavator and Azusa in hand. But the Prime Time and Force of Vigor on Sorcerous Spyglass on my Oko and Ensnaring Bridge took precedence and he scooped before I could get the "Ghost Quarter you 3 times per turn" online. 2-1.

Round 4 vs. Martyr Proc. In the first game, I have the nuts. Turn 3 with bounceland, land, Amulet, Sakura-Tribe Scout, and Prime Time. I draw another Amulet and kill on turn 3. In the next 2 games, I literally drew no Prime Times. I made a big mistake of not EoT Engineered Explosives when he had Ranger-Captain of Eos on the field. He used it and I couldn't do it next turn. Still, 3 Thraben Inspectors and the 3/3 took me from 24 to lethal. The final game was the most painful. I had 2 Tolaria West actually in play, but they were my only Blue sources, so I needed bounceland to be able to transmute one. He destroyed my Field of the Dead and I kept drawing Forests, in fact all of them. After this match, the Zoo player, who also played Amulet before for a while, said that he wouldn't have sided out 2 Azusa and 4 Once Upon a Time. He said that Oko and Dismember were unneeded, which I agree with the Dismember. It was a HUGE mistake. Once Upon a Time could have found a bounceland or Prime Time, which was all I needed to go off. If I'm not siding in too many non creatures like 2 Oko and 2 Dismember, then I have 4 spots for 4 Once Upon a Time. Probably should have gone with that. What do you think? 1-2.

Got 3-1 with the deck, so 15-7-1 so far. Getting better at it. The deck is insane and I have not faced a Sultai Urza deck yet.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by The Fluff » 4 years ago

after this match, the Zoo player, who also played Amulet before for a while, said that he wouldn't have sided out 2 Azusa and 4 Once Upon a Time. He said that Oko and Dismember were unneeded, which I agree with the Dismember. It was a HUGE mistake. Once Upon a Time could have found a bounceland or Prime Time, which was all I needed to go off. If I'm not siding in too many non creatures like 2 Oko and 2 Dismember, then I have 4 spots for 4 Once Upon a Time. Probably should have gone with that. What do you think? 1-2.
ok, honestly I have no experience playing amulet titan and also have not played against a martyr proc deck. However, I completely agree that siding out Ouat is a mistake. Because it's a "search" card of your deck, even more important since you are piloting a combo deck. I say this because... if I have cantrips, card draw, or search spells in a deck, I never side them out no matter who the opponent is. For example, when using Azorius Titan.. I never side out wall of omens and court hussar, why not? Because they're for finding sideboard cards game two! Also the same reason I never side out opt, hieroglyphic illumination or any other cantrip when using my Esper Delve deck, cantrips and search cards help keep the deck fluid - things start to get rusty without them. :)
AnimEVO 2020 - EFZ Tournament (english commentary) // Clearing 4 domain with Qiqi
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

My reasoning for it was that Amulet was fine at finding Titan (4 Prime Time, 4 Summoner's Pact, 3 Tolaria West) before Once Upon a Time, so I felt like I wasn't losing much by taking it out. I felt that Oko can run away with the game because I can Engineered Explosives little dudes and then Elkify the bigger dudes, while having my own Elk clock. I also felt like he would have SB Damping Sphere and it was my only SB answer to that, outside of Force of Vigor. I do believe that I was most likely wrong siding those out, as that card has made Amulet more consistent and I shouldn't give up that increase. By not siding in Oko and Dismember, I don't have an early answer to a creature or Damping Sphere, but I increase the consistency of the deck.

With Azusa, I feel like I can shave 1 Azusa in most matchups unless the card is just super powerful there. Since I've been drawing Azusa in multiples quite a bit recently, I feel okay shaving 2, lol. I do have Summoner's Pact and if I keep Once Upon a Time, I have that as well. I think I'm going to apply these changes to my SB plan.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

12 person WNM.

Round 1 vs. RG Breach. I played against a friend. I had a strong feeling he was on Titanshift or Breach. In the first game, he mulled to 5 and ramped, but didn't get anything going. It didn't matter. I got Titan into Tolaria West for Pact of Negation. So I had backup. In the next game, he didn't find hate and I got Zombies going. I cast Disdainful Stroke on his Through the Breach, but 2 turns later, he had Prime Time and Veil of Summer, forcing it through. The problem is that I had too many Zombies and I had Sunhome to swing for much more than lethal. 2-0.

Round 2 vs. RG Breach. New guy to our store. I assumed he was playing Infect. Thank God he wasn't. I have a good combo hand in game 1 and then draw a 2nd Amulet. Easy peezy. In the next game, he did turn 3 Beast Within on a Simic Growth Chamber, but I had Sakura-Tribe Scout again and it made it easy with Castle Garenbrig to get to Titan mana again. From there, it's over and he has no pressure after I Pact of Negation a Through the Breach. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. E Tron. He Thought-Knot Seers me on turn 3, but I already have 2 Amulet in play. He takes Prime Time, but I do Simic Growth Chamber, then using the Azusa I just drew and the Sakura-Tribe Scout to get a big Prime Time into play and end it soon thereafter. In the next game, I take a hit from a Matter Reshaper and a Reality Smasher, but I come back with Zombies and Prime Time. Pretty easy game with Sakura-Tribe Scout and an early Titan again. No Amulet, but other than that, pretty easy. 2-0.

Round 4 vs. Sultai Urza. Long drawn out game, but I get there with a chain of Prime Times after Oko "Elks" a few, but I get Zombies going. The next game is similar, but I had way more Zombies with Azusa, double Field of the Dead, and bounceland. 2-0.

I finish 4-0.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by The Fluff » 4 years ago

who, you're getting better and better with the deck. Practice makes perfect I guess. :)
AnimEVO 2020 - EFZ Tournament (english commentary) // Clearing 4 domain with Qiqi
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

The Fluff wrote:
4 years ago
who, you're getting better and better with the deck. Practice makes perfect I guess. :)
Honestly I see how it could seem like that and I could be wrong, but...

When I first restarted playing it, I had quite some variance. I would never have a Green mana source to play the Sakura-Tribe Scout that I had in my hand from the beginning. But I would keep and it would be slightly too slow. I would just draw terrible mana, making me have to wait extra turns. That spelled doom in Modern. After the first 3 times playing the deck, I started to wonder what happened to those Amulet draws. What happened to those explosive draws? (now I know where they were, lol)

Also admittedly, I hedged the main deck more against E Tron - putting in 1 copy of Blast Zone over Cavern of Souls. My SB has improved and my SB skills have improved as well. No longer do I put in stuff that can be a factor in winning over a super long game over Once Upon a Time. Once Upon a Time is so much more than just Primeval Titan #12-15!

So overall I think it's just better variance with the deck. Many players know those double Amulet draws where the opponent couldn't have done anything with ANY 7 their deck can produce, lol. And my sideboard has become better, along with my actual sideboarding. Thank you for noticing though. I hadn't had a 4-0 (8-0) in so long. I literally don't remember the last time. :grin: :grin:

23-6-1 since I came back. 8-0 vs. Tron, 7-2 vs. E Tron, 2-3-1 vs. Shadow, and 6-1 vs. the rest. :)
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Been playing a lot of Elementals recently. I needed some practice for a Team Event this weekend, so …

MNM - 9 players

Round 1 vs. Pioneer Grixis. A player wouldn't play if there wasn't 9 (don't ask me), so this guy decided to play with the only deck he brought. I land Titan in Game 1 and win. In game 2 after a few mulls, he gets my important cards and lands Nicol Bolas on 4 into Nicol Bolas PW on turn 5. I can't recover without a strong draw. In the last game, he has some removal for Scout again and some discard, but I have too many Prime Times and resolve one. He scoops on the spot, so I'm assuming he didn't have anything else in his last 2 cards and that there wasn't a draw that saves him. 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Devoted Druid Combo. He had just beaten Amulet in the first round. In the first game, he gets turn 2 Devoted Druid and Duskwatch Recruiter, but he can't find Vizier. In 4 more (long) turns, he doesn't find Vizier and then I have Blast Zone and Engineered Explosives also coming up. He said that he found Vizier, but didn't have 2 spells to flip the Duskwatch Recruiter back. Pretty unlucky. In the next game, I have Amulet and Azusa, but he wins on turn 3 after I Dismember a Giver of Runes. In the final game, I just need to draw a land off a pair of Once Upon a Time. The first one hits, but the 2nd one hits only a bounceland and I can't Titan on turn 3 to get Tolaria West for Pact of Negation. He kills me on turn 4. Tough matchup and not one played much. He came out to play Magic for the first time in a while, so he really didn't know the meta. Worked for him though. 1-2.

Round 3 vs. Crab Vine. In the first game, I have 3 non bouncelands, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Azusa, Summoner's Pact, and Amulet. I'm missing some lands. I find another Amulet and consider not playing it, but there's literally nothing he has that kills it in Game 1 and he's not going to hold back attackers for a potential double Amulet draw (20+ damage). I am down to 4 life, safe from a single potential Creeping Chill, which I didn't see. I draw a Simic Growth Chamber and attack with 2 Titans with Haste and double Strike one for 24 damage, of which 2 Merfolk Secretkeeper and 2 Narcomoebas blocked 10 of it (he was at 11 by this point). In the final game, he mulled to 6 and I had Bojuka Bog in my hand. I Once Upon a Time and find Sakura-Tribe Scout. I'm pretty sure I can win fairly easily if I draw a single bounceland to make it 2 total. I do and it's very easy to win with Zombies after he Assassin's Trophy on a Titan. I don't have Amulet, but I feel like Zombies is a safe bet instead of the Tolaria West chain. It is because I have Azusa and a bounceland in hand. 2-0.

Round 4 vs. Jund Gitrog Monster. Turn 1 Raven's Crime (bet he doesn't draw that in games 2 or 3), Life from the Loam for 2 lands, Seismic Assault, Ramunap Excavator, Gitrog Monster, and Loam X 3 on turn 6. My hand was fairly slow and I didn't draw much else. In the next game, after he had many answers to stuff I had, I land Prime Time and then Zombies take over the board. In the final game, I have a terrible hand and draws again, so turn 4 Titan. He draws Slaughter Games on turn 4 and says, "wow, what a good draw!" Then he draws Huntmaster of the Fells next turn and I literally only draw 1 good thing from there (Field of the Dead), which he kills soon thereafter. I don't draw spells or other Fields, so he keeps flipping the Huntmaster as he had gas in hand and draws a spell for the next 4 turns, utilizing his mana to the fullest to get there. He gets there on turns. I could have possibly stalled him, although I'm positive he draws Seismic Assault on the final turn to do the last 2. But there is not point, as we are both 2-1. 1-2.

I finish a miserable 2-2. Round 2 felt all right, but it just is a tough matchup. Even if I have Engineered Explosives, I can't crack it before their turn 3 combo without Amulet also. Round 4 was super frustrating because my hands AND draws were pretty terrible, but he literally had the answer for every single thing I had (in exact numbers, no more, no less) the turn before I could do them.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

15 person FNM.

Round 1 vs. Tron. I play against the guy I always carpool with, but we hitched a ride with another guy half way this time. I have Sakura-Tribe Scout, 2 lands, Azusa, Amulet, Titan, and OUaT. I find the bounceland and go off. He is going to have turn 4 Tron, so I play around Ugin by getting Pact of Negation. In the next game, he mulligans deep and finds Tron on turn 3, but no payoff. I Ghost Quarter a Tron land and he shows me when he's shuffling that it was also on top, so if I did it in the draw step, he still has Tron. Instead he draws a redundant other Tron piece and can't get back into the game. 2-0.

Round 2 vs. Titanshift. I play against the other guy in our carpool, playing my round 1 opponent's deck. I have a hand similar to my round 1, game 1 hand, but draw a 2nd Amulet. I Summoner's Pact for Titan, play it, transmute Tolaria West, Summoner's Pact for another Titan, get Boros Garrison and Slayer's Stronghold, then attack and get the double strike land for both Titans. 32 damage! In the next game, I Summoner's Pact for Azusa with Sakura-Tribe Scout in play, but he has turn 3 Beast Within. During my upkeep, I only have 3 mana and 2 bouncelands (DAMN!) for putting in with Scout to pay the Pact. I played around Damping Sphere, but not through the Beast Within. In the final game, he destroys an Amulet and has a Damping Sphere. He makes a big mistake of Scapeshifting for 5 mountains and 2 Valakut. No damage, but the clock is there. I lose to the clock because I can't draw untapped lands to get Prime Time down. I draw another Prime Time. Interesting game here. I had leaned on OUaT for a Green source or Sakura-Tribe Scout and it let me down, going past 3 Prime Times to the bottom of the deck. Then I drew 3 more OUaT in row after casting a few. A few land drops and I lose. 1-2.

Round 3 vs. Jeskai Stoneblade. I get Prime Time through and start the train. Two of them are Pathed and then he puts Batterskull, but I have Reclamation Sage and the last 2 parts of the Prime Time train. In the next game, he has the hate and Ashiok. I make a HUGE mistake of taking Tolaria West instead of Field of the Dead with it in play. I transmute and get … nothing. I end up not drawing anything of relevance and he gets some creatures to get me dead. In the last game, I am able to resolve a Titan and the Field of the Dead train starts rolling. 2-1.

Round 4 vs. Dredge. He keeps a 1 lander and dredges instead of trying to draw a land. Then he misses a land on a draw and it's over after that. Titan and STS make sure Bojuka Bog is played multiple times. In the next game, I keep missing on untapped lands, so Titan takes a while. I think I make a mistake of not doing Summoner's Pact for Azusa, then playing my extra land for a Zombie. Therefore, I have 1 more blocker and don't lose to a hard cast 3rd Creeping Chill. My thought was that I needed that for a Titan the next turn to kill and gain some life. Not sure what was right, but that would have had me last 1 more turn at least. In the final game, he has some hate again for Amulet, but only Creeping Chill on turn 4 and even a fairly slow hand beats that as I Titan and get Bog and a million Zombies. 2-1.

I finish 3-1 and 4th place. I didn't play my best, especially the potential punt in round 4, but the deck carried.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Modern attendance is pretty low right now. 6 player Sunday afternoon, as several players that usually come couldn't today.

Round 1 vs. Red Prison. I'm on the play. He turn 0 Gemstone Caverns, exiling Blood Moon. I'm thinking, "that can't be a good sign." I do turn 1 Amulet. He does turn 1 Simian Spirit Guide and Magus of the Moon. Then Desperate Ritual and Hazoret with no cards in hand. Swing and crush me. I don't play anything other than an Amulet. I probably shouldn't have cast that, as Once Upon a Time cannot be cast for free anymore. I can't search to find a Forest. In the next game, I have the ramp dudes into turn 3 Titan. His 6 card hand was slow and relied on Karn, the Great Creator too much. I search for Tolaria West, then Rec Sage on Ensnaring Bridge. In the last game, I get out Prime Time early with Summoner's Pact, then haste and get a 2nd Forest to pay Pact in case of Bloon Moon. Fairly easy wins in the SBed games, although I simply can't beat his game 1 hand. 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Mono Black Infect. He makes me discard a bunch. I don't draw anything and on a draw step with Funeral Charm, I have to discard Field of the Dead. Sad times. In the next game, he triple Wrench Minds me and the final one gets Chameleon Colossus. But I find Titan in time before some stuff was going to get me. In the final game, he gets a bunch of creatures, but I land Prime Time with STS in play and start getting Zombies. These win it easily. I went heeeeella wide. 2-1.

Round 3 vs. Crabvine. I keep a 1 Amulet, 6 land hand, but it has Bojuka Bog. I Bog a few times, but he mills a million cards in between those (no Azusa or STS to do Bog per turn). I lose to a bunch of stuff. I keep on Boros Garrison in game 2, but I have OUaT that I need to hit an untapped land and then more with. I don't hit much and his 4 card mulligan is pretty strong. I land a turn 5 Prime Time and I can't get enough Zombies to stabilize. Lost to my Crabs! 0-2.

I go 2-1 and lose to my friend, who I loaned Glimpse and Hedron Crabs. Very fitting.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

So I'm officially an Amulet player now. I watched a lot of fpawlus's streams (on youtube), and built the deck over the winter. I've gone 3-0, 2-1, 2-1 in the 3 FNMs I've played in with it since I got it together. I like to do a ton of research before going all in on a deck, so I knew the play patterns and sideboarding pretty well going in. My most recent loss was to Simic Whirza (he combo'd me G1 the turn before my Titan turn, and I bricked on lands for a while in G2). I wanted to talk about Dryad+Valakut for a second. First, here's my current list:

I'm not sure how worth it the Valakut plan is. I've seen it do some amazing things on stream, like kill an infect player's board or killing an Urza player the turn before they combo'd off, but I really don't like cutting Azusa. I also think that 6 is the max number of 3 mana ramp creatures I want to play, but playing less than 3 Dryads seems wrong if you're bothering with Valakut at all. Does anyone feel that the 2nd Valakut is necessary, or is 1 is fine?

I dislike how Scout usually dies before you get to activate it (or gets Pithing Needled) , so I'm thinking about moving to Arboreal Grazer instead. I just want that T1/2 ramp. As I mentioned, Explore has actually been excellent for this. It just helps dig you out of those 4 land hands you get sometimes. I'm also interested in playing a Crumbling Vestige to get around Damping Sphere every once in a while while also opening up alternative Titan haste routes, anyone have experience with that card?

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Welcome to the dark side. It's great to have another Amulet player commenting here. 7-2 to start? That's damn good. I personally was too unsure of the Valakut plan, even though I also play Valakut in other decks, in this deck. I also hate cutting Azusa. Sakura-Tribe Scout could definitely be replaced or cut in certain metas - metas where Amulet would thrive (removal heavy). The downside of Tribe-Scout is big because it is super easy to kill. If I saw a lot of Lava Darts, I'd probably cut some too. But being able to "Vial" in Bojuka Bog or other lands is just SOOO powerful. Being able to do that at instant speed is amazing and just having him ready to go can instill fear in the opponent. I like that. As for me, I'm just going to keep jamming the non-Valakut version.

I feel like at my local non Comp REL level, Amulet is just okay. There is Skred, Mono Red Prison, and other stuff that can compete. Honestly I don't see much Infect, Storm, or Devoted Druid, but there are other things that are tough to compete with, so I've been jamming Elementals to huge success. But at the Comp REL level, Amulet has been it for me.

Crumbling Vestige is okay, but I never felt much of a need to play it over something else honestly. I don't play any and would discourage anyone from trying it unless they have some other card that is deemed worse.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
Welcome to the dark side. It's great to have another Amulet player commenting here. 7-2 to start? That's damn good. I personally was too unsure of the Valakut plan, even though I also play Valakut in other decks, in this deck. I also hate cutting Azusa. Sakura-Tribe Scout could definitely be replaced or cut in certain metas - metas where Amulet would thrive (removal heavy). The downside of Tribe-Scout is big because it is super easy to kill. If I saw a lot of Lava Darts, I'd probably cut some too. But being able to "Vial" in Bojuka Bog or other lands is just SOOO powerful. Being able to do that at instant speed is amazing and just having him ready to go can instill fear in the opponent. I like that. As for me, I'm just going to keep jamming the non-Valakut version.

I feel like at my local non Comp REL level, Amulet is just okay. There is Skred, Mono Red Prison, and other stuff that can compete. Honestly I don't see much Infect, Storm, or Devoted Druid, but there are other things that are tough to compete with, so I've been jamming Elementals to huge success. But at the Comp REL level, Amulet has been it for me.

Crumbling Vestige is okay, but I never felt much of a need to play it over something else honestly. I don't play any and would discourage anyone from trying it unless they have some other card that is deemed worse.
My meta (local noncomp FNM) is generally a smattering of midrange and control decks. More recently there's an uptick in Urza, but it's common to see UBx control, Goyf decks, etc. I see a lot of Fatal Push, so I've been down on Scout lately. There's a resident Ponza player, but he's inexperienced, so I've been able to steal matches so far. No storm players, and I'm the only one who's ever played Infect or Druid decks — again, the grind fest isn't really the place for decks that die to interaction haha.

My wins: 2 Ponza (his inexperience + luck), Bant Urza, Jund, Elementals, Esper Goryos, and something else
Losses: RUG Delver (close one), UGb Urza

I'm only interested in Valakut because it gives Titan an additional mode — creature/planeswalker interaction. It also acts as a plan B for Bridge, but I try not to consider it as a wincon. It adds an angle Titan never really had before, so I think it's worth consideration. Now you can shoot the Cliques/Borrowers/Flickerwisps/Stoneforges down instead of let them do their thing. I may not stick with it tho tbh.

Scout has the draw of adding fun tricky layers, but it that's only if it sticks. It gets hit by Push/Searing Blaze, etc. and you feel like you mulliganed. The 2 redeeming qualities it has are that in the matchups where it stays in play it's insane and it speeds up the clock a lot. Grazer is my alternative because it always puts a land in play no matter what, and in the fast creature matchups it blocks.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

TheAnnihilator wrote:
4 years ago
FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
Welcome to the dark side. It's great to have another Amulet player commenting here. 7-2 to start? That's damn good. I personally was too unsure of the Valakut plan, even though I also play Valakut in other decks, in this deck. I also hate cutting Azusa. Sakura-Tribe Scout could definitely be replaced or cut in certain metas - metas where Amulet would thrive (removal heavy). The downside of Tribe-Scout is big because it is super easy to kill. If I saw a lot of Lava Darts, I'd probably cut some too. But being able to "Vial" in Bojuka Bog or other lands is just SOOO powerful. Being able to do that at instant speed is amazing and just having him ready to go can instill fear in the opponent. I like that. As for me, I'm just going to keep jamming the non-Valakut version.

I feel like at my local non Comp REL level, Amulet is just okay. There is Skred, Mono Red Prison, and other stuff that can compete. Honestly I don't see much Infect, Storm, or Devoted Druid, but there are other things that are tough to compete with, so I've been jamming Elementals to huge success. But at the Comp REL level, Amulet has been it for me.

Crumbling Vestige is okay, but I never felt much of a need to play it over something else honestly. I don't play any and would discourage anyone from trying it unless they have some other card that is deemed worse.
My meta (local noncomp FNM) is generally a smattering of midrange and control decks. More recently there's an uptick in Urza, but it's common to see UBx control, Goyf decks, etc. I see a lot of Fatal Push, so I've been down on Scout lately. There's a resident Ponza player, but he's inexperienced, so I've been able to steal matches so far. No storm players, and I'm the only one who's ever played Infect or Druid decks — again, the grind fest isn't really the place for decks that die to interaction haha.

My wins: 2 Ponza (his inexperience + luck), Bant Urza, Jund, Elementals, Esper Goryos, and something else
Losses: RUG Delver (close one), UGb Urza

I'm only interested in Valakut because it gives Titan an additional mode — creature/planeswalker interaction. It also acts as a plan B for Bridge, but I try not to consider it as a wincon. It adds an angle Titan never really had before, so I think it's worth consideration. Now you can shoot the Cliques/Borrowers/Flickerwisps/Stoneforges down instead of let them do their thing. I may not stick with it tho tbh.

Scout has the draw of adding fun tricky layers, but it that's only if it sticks. It gets hit by Push/Searing Blaze, etc. and you feel like you mulliganed. The 2 redeeming qualities it has are that in the matchups where it stays in play it's insane and it speeds up the clock a lot. Grazer is my alternative because it always puts a land in play no matter what, and in the fast creature matchups it blocks.
That's awesome. I've been doing Elementals quite a bit as well. I'm 42-16 with it so far. I think I remember you from the Abzan Little Kid deck - one of my favorite decks of all times in Modern.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
That's awesome. I've been doing Elementals quite a bit as well. I'm 42-16 with it so far. I think I remember you from the Abzan Little Kid deck - one of my favorite decks of all times in Modern.
Yeah, I've played my fair share of Kitchen Finks, though I've usually paired it with Viscera Seer. My main thing has been UWx control, however, as I started Modern in like 2012/13 with UWR Control (think Shaun McLaren's PT Born of the Gods list) and I've played Esper Draw-Go for around 6 years. I'm actually the mod at the Esper forum here, finally taking the gauntlet from amalek0, haha. I also post every once in a while in the State of Modern thread, mainly suggesting unbans like Twin, SFM (yay), Pod, Twin, GSZ, and, of course, Twin (I played it for about a year before it got axed, loved going undefeated only to immediately get wrecked by Jund and end up X-1). So you might recognize me from any of those places. :)

Been loving Amulet, not sure if it will hurt me or my LGS's health if I play it for the 4th time in a row in a 6 person metagame tho (hopefully to another top4, I placed 1st twice and 3rd so far). But it really does win -- people are talking about how Titan might need a banning now. I did just get my Dryads/Valakut and Beast Withins, though, so maybe they'll just have to stomach another Amulet run. xD

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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

[mention]FoodChainGoblins[/mention] What is your current list and expected meta? What would you play in my meta? I'm playing in another FNM-style event tonight and I'm interested in your thoughts.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

TheAnnihilator wrote: @FoodChainGoblins What is your current list and expected meta? What would you play in my meta? I'm playing in another FNM-style event tonight and I'm interested in your thoughts.
I'm not the best one to ask. I haven't been keeping it updated. I personally would just run the good old pre-Theros list. After WNM, I'll post a list here (but I'm likely playing Yawgmoth Chord again.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

8 person FNM. I ran old Amulet with no Valakut or Dryad of Ilysian Grove. No Hanweir Garrison, lol.

Round 1 vs. Esper Blade. I get there fairly easily with a Prime Time into another after Path to Exile. There wasn't too much pressure. In the next game on the draw, he goes Thoughtseize, Stoneforge Mystic, Snapcaster Mage/Thoughtseize, Batterskull into play, and finally Spell Queller. He got me in this one as I didn't get a Titan. In the next one, he gets Stoneforge Mystic and B Skull, but I get Titan into play and it gets some Zombies. He Path to Exiles it, but I get another one. He said he had Queller for the Summoner's Pact, but knew I had Engineered Explosives. Still, I think he gets in 1 swing and potentially draws a 2nd Queller. I think you still play to your outs even though he said that I wouldn't misplay that. He doesn't know me well, lol. :crazy: 2-1.

Round 2 vs. BR Elementals. He gets some Inquisition of Kozilek that don't hit and I resolve a Prime Time. I made a mistake of going in on double strike instead of Vigilance, so it left the door for double Lightning Skelemental to knock me to 1 life. He didn't have it though. I got off 3 Amulet this game, but Slayer's Stronghold was in hand, so no kill once it came into play. In the next one, I keep on double Obstinate Baloth. He does Kroxa, Baloth into play. Turn 3 Lightning Skelemental, Baloth into play and Tolaria West in yard. This game is elementary from here, although he said he could beat 1 Baloth. I did also get Bojuka Bog off Ancient Stirrings to exile his yard with Skelly in it. Lucky game that lined up well for me. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. UB Whirza. He is sitting on countermagic, but stuck on 4. I Tolaria West up Pact of Negation and force a Prime Time through. He scoops, as he can't beat the Zombies or Titan from there. The next game goes long. I have 3 Prime Times early, but with Tolaria West in play and Vesuva in hand, I am waiting to get Cavern of Souls. It takes a while and I Dismember an Urza and Force of Vigor a Talisman and Thopter Foundry. I finally get Titans and it snowballs. 2-0.

I go 3-0 fairly easily. The deck is gas and despite many misplays again, I got there (mostly leaving the door open to possible topdecks losing me the game).
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
I did also get Bojuka Bog off Ancient Stirrings
You're still playing Stirrings, eh?

But yeah, I've found Baloth to be very good at the local level, since most people won't expect it. From the other side of the matchup, as a control player, I usually leave in extra removal spells for the odd Tracker or Baloth from the board, but some people just get blindsided.
FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
The deck is gas and despite many misplays again, I got there (mostly leaving the door open to possible topdecks losing me the game).
I've heard it said that playing Amulet correctly is more about closing doors until your opponent has no outs or has the fewest possible outs you can leave them with, so this makes a lot of sense.

I'm going to drop my current list below so you can see what I'm working with. Again, I'm not convinced Valakut is worth the effect, as it often feels like overkill, but alas I am playing it:

I cut the Sunhome for the 2nd Valakut, since both are usually used simply for damage output. Yes, I know that you can use Sunhome to prevent Titan from trading in combat, however, the lethal part of the Titan is usually the lands I grab in the matchups I tend to play, not the 6/6 boi himself. I also put the Pact of Negation into the board for the time being because I don't play against many combo decks like Storm and instead play against grindy decks like BGx (both Shadow and Jund). Pact would have some usage against Urza and control, but I'm choosing to lean on the mainboard Cavern a bit. I'd play a 2nd Cavern in the board if I could, honestly, but I don't have one yet.

I'm choosing to play Grazer over Scout, maxing out on Explore, and playing the 2nd Field of the Dead main because I expect a grindy removal-and-discard-based meta. Scout usually immediately eats a Push, while Grazer .

I'd like to fit a 2nd Azusa, a 3rd TWest, and potentially that Sunhome in the 60, but there just isn't room. I'm particularly interested in the 3rd TWest, since Dryad fixes for the transmute and I'm pretty reliant on Cavern in control matchups. Plus, additional Titan topdecks never hurt against discard spells.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

TheAnnihilator wrote:
4 years ago
I've heard it said that playing Amulet correctly is more about closing doors until your opponent has no outs or has the fewest possible outs you can leave them with, so this makes a lot of sense.

I'm going to drop my current list below so you can see what I'm working with. Again, I'm not convinced Valakut is worth the effect, as it often feels like overkill, but alas I am playing it:

I cut the Sunhome for the 2nd Valakut, since both are usually used simply for damage output. Yes, I know that you can use Sunhome to prevent Titan from trading in combat, however, the lethal part of the Titan is usually the lands I grab in the matchups I tend to play, not the 6/6 boi himself. I also put the Pact of Negation into the board for the time being because I don't play against many combo decks like Storm and instead play against grindy decks like BGx (both Shadow and Jund). Pact would have some usage against Urza and control, but I'm choosing to lean on the mainboard Cavern a bit. I'd play a 2nd Cavern in the board if I could, honestly, but I don't have one yet.

I'm choosing to play Grazer over Scout, maxing out on Explore, and playing the 2nd Field of the Dead main because I expect a grindy removal-and-discard-based meta. Scout usually immediately eats a Push, while Grazer .

I'd like to fit a 2nd Azusa, a 3rd TWest, and potentially that Sunhome in the 60, but there just isn't room. I'm particularly interested in the 3rd TWest, since Dryad fixes for the transmute and I'm pretty reliant on Cavern in control matchups. Plus, additional Titan topdecks never hurt against discard spells.
The lists I've seen recently don't have Arboreal Grazer OR Sakura-Tribe Scout. They play 4 Dryad of Ilysian Grove and 3 Azusa, although I wanted to switch the numbers on those (maybe not a good idea?). They also play Hanweir Battlements instead of Slayer's Stronghold, which I recently bought. I can actually try the new version. I'm just kind of unsure because I don't trust the strength of Dryad of Ilysian Grove.

Yeah, I was not very careful. It happened again. I played suboptimally, but got there at 3-1 today. I'm pretty sure if I played perfectly, I could have eked out that last win.

10 player MNM.

Round 1 vs. UR Breach. The first game was super long. We both didn't draw much, but I got Field of the Dead going, so he tapped out to Cryptic Command, at which point I played Prime Time and searched up Pact of Negation. Got there in the end with too many Zombies. In the next game, I did Force of Vigor on Blood Moon after getting some bouncelands into play for the land drop for the turn since he was on 2 Island. Then I did Force of Vigor with Prime Time and 2nd Forest in my hand. He let it die. I start going off a bit, but unfortunately in my haste to try to play around a 2nd Blood Moon (which I couldn't), I lost to Cryptic Command on a bounceland, so I don't pay for Pact of Negation. In the last game, I get there with a Titan after I Beast Within on 2 lands so he couldn't get to 5 land (to Breach Emrakul). I end up getting Cavern of Souls and landing Titan and getting the Zombie train. Got there, sooo close! 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Burn. He burns me out in the first game after I make a dumb block on Goblin Guide instead of Monastery Swiftspear. Still, I didn't have much going on anyway, so Helix would have ended it anyway. In the next game, I withstand Path to Exile, and Deflecting Palm on a Titan, but the Radiant Fountain train and him not having much other burn to finish me off gets me there. The next game is similar, but it's less walking a tight rope. He has me at 7 life and he's at 4, due to 2 Sunbaked Canyon. These lands got me there, as he couldn't double spell after I don't block Eidolon of the Great Revel and it knocks me to 5. It looks like he had at least 2 Lightning Bolt in hand, so he may have had me. 2-1.

Round 3 vs. Heliod Company. Tough matchup. He turn 3s me. In the next game, I get a key Beast Within with my very last card in response to him trying to go off with Walking Ballista/Heliod. I survive at 6 life (since Ranger-Captains pummeled me early) and then my last card (Summoner's Pact) beats his next 2 draws. In the final game, I Dismember stuff, but he finds Spike Feeder and then gains infinite life. I have double Prime Time in hand. I needed a single land drop to play one and possibly set up to get there, but I found only 1 land in the top. 1-2.

Round 4 vs. Kiki Chord. I try to go off and have double Amulet, but end up 1 short of Engineered Explosives after Transmute and then crack on 1 counter. I end up a SINGLE MANA short. Pretty sure I f'd up here and he does his 2nd Chord of Calling for Kiki Jiki after the first got Resto Angel and Path slowed my Titans. If he had double Path and not double Chord, I would have gotten there. In the next game, I get the Prime Time chain and his BoP on turn 4 is killed by Blast Zone. He scoops as I guess he didn't have much gas. I mull again (mulled a lot this tournament, including 4 in Round 2 to a nut hand), but he only finds Scavenging Ooze and I control his board with Blast Zone and Engineered Explosives. I set up with Pact of Negation as well and Titan and Zombies get there. 2-1.

I go 3-1.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by TheAnnihilator » 4 years ago

FoodChainGoblins wrote:
4 years ago
They play 4 Dryad of Ilysian Grove and 3 Azusa, although I wanted to switch the numbers on those (maybe not a good idea?).
Before I played with Dryad and saw it on stream, I was a firm believer in 4 Azusa. In practice, though, the two cards are really similar. Dryad is just more versatile. There's exactly one case I've seen so far that Azusa can T3 a Titan when Dryad can't (tapped T1 land, T2 Amulet+Garenbrig, T3 bounce>azusa (leaving up Garenbrig)>bouncex2>activate Garenbrig>Titan), but otherwise there's just so much upside to Dryad: 1) setting up Valakut triggers for things like Devoted Druid, Storm guys, Urza, Stoneforge, etc), 2) fixing mana for TWest/EE and Negate/Dispute/Dismember/whatever post board, 3) not dying to Bolt, Warping Wail, blocks, etc. 4) not being Legndary, 5) letting you win through Bridge, ... These are just the few I could come up with off the top of my head. Dryad's upsides are pretty significant, honestly. You end up pacting for it fairly often too, which isn't really true for Azusa. I think the 4/2 Dryad/Azusa split is ideal, you definitely favor Dryad tho.

I also played a bit with a 4/4 split and no ones, but the deck just feels so slow. You end up casting T4 titans on the play a lot more than I really care to, tho maybe I wasn't mulling aggressively enough. I just want some of that speed back. I am playing a ton of Explores that most people aren't, so maybe my experience doesn't really line up with everyone else's.

For the record, I've heard that a T2 kill is possible in the Hanweir+Valakut builds with a hand of 2 Amulet, Dryad, Azusa, Titan, untapped land, Bounce. Not sure how tho.
Last edited by TheAnnihilator 4 years ago, edited 7 times in total.

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