Kykar, Wind's Fury - Spellslinger Tokens

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Post by OCPunisher » 4 years ago

Hmm, even more careful reading of Underworld Breach indicates that it gets sacrificed at the end of each it kinda is just a Past in Flames that exiles other stuff instead of the spell you cast. Plus, Breach doesn't flash itself back. Think I'm back off it for now...
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

OCPunisher wrote:
4 years ago
Hmm, even more careful reading of Underworld Breach indicates that it gets sacrificed at the end of each it kinda is just a Past in Flames that exiles other stuff instead of the spell you cast. Plus, Breach doesn't flash itself back. Think I'm back off it for now...
Oh, for sure it's only situationally better than PiF, and sometimes worse. But the way I see it, the floor is I use it to recur my monastery mentor or Talrand or whatever, and the ceiling is I go infinite with kykar, breach, and Burning Inquiry/Tome Scour.
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Post by Nimbaway » 4 years ago

Been reading up on this thread since I decided to start building a Kykar list as well to combat some changes in my meta. The new lines look interesting and I feel that with the Underworld Breach and Burning Inquiry lines you're missing out on one new card: Thassa's Oracle. It helps you win should you not be able to get your opponent's library down enough to mill them first. Plus Breach helps avoiding Oracle getting countered, as you can attempt to escape.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Nimbaway wrote:
4 years ago
Been reading up on this thread since I decided to start building a Kykar list as well to combat some changes in my meta.
Awesome! I hope the read has been inspirational, funny, educational, or all three! Welcome to the society of bird wizard fire spirit enthusiasts!
Nimbaway wrote:
4 years ago
The new lines look interesting and I feel that with the Underworld Breach and Burning Inquiry lines you're missing out on one new card: Thassa's Oracle. It helps you win should you not be able to get your opponent's library down enough to mill them first. Plus Breach helps avoiding Oracle getting countered, as you can attempt to escape.
WARNING: Wall of theorycrafting text. Proceed with caution and a couple of Advil.

I'm glad you bring this up, because it gives me a reason to go deep and explain why I'm considering the new package and the exact configuration of cards I plan to include in it (not to you personally as if you "don't get it", but to anyone who may be reading and not see the lines I do). I will say that, at first, I thought essentially the same as what you're saying , except with Laboratory Maniac instead of Thassa's Oracle, which I hadn't seen spoilers for yet. For the sake of this discussion, they are functionally similar enough to be the same effect.

Also, I want to emphasize that I'm not trying to make this deck all about the mill combo. It can certainly be built around, as I will show below, but I am treating it as a source of incidental value and a secondary or tertiary win con. Good ol' spellslinger token swarm is still the name of the game for me.

First, let's look at exactly what the core of the combo we're looking at is and everything it does:

It's a three card combo consisting of Kykar, Wind's Fury, Underworld Breach, and Burning Inquiry. (Sevinne's Reclamation isn't part of the combo, but I will be including it expressly for the purpose of allowing up to 3 uses of Underworld Breach in a game: up to twice for value and once for the combo. Furthermore, it's the only way to get Breach back from the graveyard if I or someone else mills it, and the great thing is Reclamation can do so even if it was milled too!) For the combo itself to go infinite, Kykar must be on the battlefield or I must have some other way of replenishing red mana. Since big bird is already my commander, I'll just stick with it as the essential mana piece in the combo. With Kykar in play, I resolve Underworld Breach and get a spirit token from the cast trigger. This is just the setup, now the actual combo begins when I sacrifice the spirit for with Kykar's ability, and use the mana to cast/escape Burning Inquiry (Note: I must have three cards other than inquiry in the yard to begin the combo if I'm escpaing it for the first cast). This 1) creates a cast trigger from a sorcery, so Kykar 2) makes a spirit enter the battlefield, and when inquiry resolves everyone will 3) draw three cards and discard three cards at random. Now, with inquiry + the three randomly discarded cards just put in my graveyard, I 4) sacrifice the newly created spirit, which dies/goes to the graveyard, to generate and exile three cards from my graveyard to pay for inquiry's escape cost. Once again, this gives a cast trigger from a sorcery, making a new spirit enter the battlefield, and everyone draw three cards and discard three cards at random.

This three card combo does nothing in particular on it's own other than durdle until I want it to stop or someone draws a counter and doesn't end up discarding it (in which case I may be able to just escape inquiry after it's countered and start all over again) or, more likely, removal for Kykar (Silence and Render Silent will help here). After comboing, I have netted 0 creatures, 0 damage dealt to my opponents, and 0 cards. However, I won't be doing this in a vacuum and there's plenty in the deck that will benefit from the loop. Basically every token engine loves it and will make a ton of new creatures (Young Pyromancer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer), or make creatures already in play really big (Jeskai Ascendancy, Cathars' Crusade), or both (Monastery Mentor). (NOTE Divine Visitation is a token engine non-bo here as it will prevent the combo from being infinite!) The Locust God in particular loves the combo loop and gives me a hasty, evasive army to win with. Impact Tremors, or Goblin Bombardment + token producer(s), is probably even better.

Context of the current decklist aside, with the combo everyone churns through their decks and, eventually, someone is going to have fewer than three cards in their library to draw from and will lose the game. The problem is, I am the player casting a bunch of cheap cantrips and, unless there is a dedicated self mill deck at the table, I'm probably going to have the fewest cards in my library when I start the combo loop. That means I'll be the first to mill out if I don't have something else to win with first. Enter Laboratory Maniac and/or Thassa's Oracle, right? I will argue that one of these two aren't the best options to supplement the 3 card core of the combo.

Why? Well, for starters they require that I continue the loop until my library is down to < 0 cards, which opens me up to the possibility of opponents drawing into interaction (although I do have some built in protection from that just because of what escape does by definition). So, what 4th+ card(s) could I add to the 3 card core of the combo to make it win faster than via self mill? How about something that takes advantage of some of the stuff that happens during the loop?

1.) cast trigger from a sorcery
2.) spirit enters the battlefield
3.) draw three cards then discard three cards
4.) dies/goes to the graveyard
Well, that's a LOT of options, some better than others and some already in the deck. In fact, I think you can build a pretty sweet Kykar deck around the combo and these themes specifically. However, I'm not looking to completely rebuild or transform my current deck to go all in on a combo. I'm really only interested in the ones that only add 1 card to the combo and are good in the deck even without the combo. Given that criteria, here are the cards that I feel stand out:
I've recently cut Reservoir due to fun factor, and I'm going to try to avoid putting it back in. Guttersnipe and Psychosis Crawler are creatures, and the deck apart from the combo is trying to keep a low creature count. Lastly, while Sentinel Tower and Psychic Corrosion are non-creatures, they aren't instants/sorceries which are what the deck really wants to keep a high count of.

Because of all this (a lot, I know) I settled on Tome Scour. In a way it shares the problem that Laboratory Maniac and Thassa's Oracle have by not *always* speeding up the win via the combo, although it certainly can and will often enough to be an upgrade. Plus, it has some other advantages over those two:

-Secures the win by adding only one card to the combo? Yes, with a bit of setup cost. As long as I can cast/escape this 3-4 times targeting any opponents with more cards in their libraries, I should be good to proceed with the loop and win the game. High synergy with Bonus Round and Mission Briefing in preparation for the loop, and it's even got me considering Expansion // Explosion which is already on the short list of cards to test. Keep in mind that sometimes scour won't even be necessary. If I have enough escape fodder in the yard, and I discard The Locust God early enough during the loop, I will be escaping him ASAP every time and will have no need to loop until my library is completely gone. Buzz buzz.

-Serviceable in the deck apart from the combo? Not amazing, but it's a cheap cast trigger that sets up value from Past in Flames and Sevinne's Reclamation, and it can really be abused with Bonus Round + Underworld Breach if I haven't gotten access to Burning Inquiry yet. It also fuels breach for as long as I have blue mana if I just need to target myself to get more cards or a specific card in the yard.

-Instant/Sorcery? Check.

Whew, so that's a lot of rambling for a fairly simple conclusion. . . BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!

I got to thinking, "What about including something like Clear the Mind to prevent losing to self mill?" I concluded it wasn't really a great idea since it dries up escape fodder, shuffles inquiry away, and cuts off the loop. . . but there are variants like Stream of Consciousness and Perpetual Timepiece that could keep me from milling out while not interrupting the loop. Sweet!

Then I saw Stream of Thought, a card I never even knew existed. It's absolutely perfect for what I'm trying to do here. It's dirt cheap like Tome Scour, and what it loses in terms of milling power it makes up for in flexibility. I can use it to fill my yard with escape fodder and relevant combo pieces/enablers, then use it to jam some of the chaff back in my library while also milling my opponents. The key clause "shuffle up to four cards" will allow me to maintain the necessary balance. I have to confess that I'm not sure how often I'll really need it though.

I like thinking about this sort of thing, as it's a valuable thought experiment and keeps me sharp about what the deck can do. To be honest though, I think most times I start the main three card loop I won't need anything beyond some of what's already in the deck. I'll keep looping until I can cast/escape The Locust God, Impact Tremors, or even Goblin Bombardment if I have an engine apart from Kykar in play, then resume the loop and win one of those ways before milling out a good portion of the time.

Sometimes, I'll just accept the fact that somewhere during the course of the loop, somebody is going to find their Swords to Plowshares and I won't have countermagic available. BooHoo. I'll just have to be satisfied with whatever value I got out of the 15 cast triggers I got from + .

I want to see how consistent the loop plays out first, but I can see myself taking Stream of Thought back out not long after including it if I find it's just not necessary.

In sum :crazy:, I will only need to add Underworld Breach and Burning Inquiry after the Theros release in order to put the combo into the deck. I am choosing to also add Idyllic Tutor, Stream of Thought, and Leyline of Anticipation to the deck to further support the combo, but also other things the deck wants to do.
Everything else I include will be a direct swap that orients the deck more towards the graveyard and breach, but replaces something functionally similar (ie: Mystic RetrievalSevinne's Reclamation, Treasure CruiseFact or Fiction.)
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

kirkusjones wrote:
4 years ago
Brain Freeze and Grapeshot are real cool with Breach.
Indeed! Inquiry/Breach loop for an arbitrarily high storm count and then pulling the trigger on one of these bad boys is certainly a way to win. Aetherflux Reservoir and/or Sentinel Tower are stronger imo since they are good even without the combo.

I'm glad you brought up Brain Freeze because it reminded me of something I meant to mention in my last book err... post. The other reason I don't want to go all in on the combo is simply because Blightsteel Colossus, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth exist and are popular enough in EDH to ruin a mill combo's day. Brain Freeze runs into the same brick wall.
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Post by kirkusjones » 4 years ago

You continually Brain Freeze yourself to fuel Breach. It creates a huge storm count/essentially draws your deck. Even more fun with Lotus Petal and Lion's Eye Diamond. You can then win with Thassa's Oracle or Grapeshot or a bunch of huge friggin' monks.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

kirkusjones wrote:
4 years ago
You continually brain freeze yourself to fuel Breach. It creates a huge storm count/essentially draws your deck. Even more fun with Lotus Petal and Lion's Eye Diamond
Freeze as breach fuel would get you the storm count, but only for as long as you can pony up . If you're looking to grapeshot 3 opponents down from, let's say 30 life apiece (90 total), and you have 7 available for freeze, you'd still need to cast grapeshot once and escape it 7 times (8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=92), and that means exiling 21 cards from your graveyard. If escaping freeze got you ahead on cards in the yard that would be consistently doable, but it's neutral on cards in the yard. Chromatic Lantern changes things because it will let you keep chaining freeze for longer, but aside from that I don't see a lot of games going long enough to give you a huge amount of blue mana unless you build in some other combo like Grand Architect and Pili-Pala.

I confess I think I'm missing something with Lotus Petal. It nets you from a spirit and another mana of any color from sacrificing it, but again you have to have cards in the yard to exile to keep escaping it. Freeze is neutral on cards milled vs. its escape cost. What am I not seeing?

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a colossal idiot. Brain Freeze has storm and isn't neutral on cards milled from the second cast on. Innnnnnnnnnnnnteresting. I'll have to mull this one over quite a bit then.
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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

Milling wincons have ways to deal with Eldrazi effects. You already run Honor the Fallen, and are in white so you can run Remorseful Cleric. It's difficult to find more good grave hate that doesn't exile your own grave, like Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus. But they are still strong options.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
Milling wincons have ways to deal with Eldrazi effects. You already run Honor the Fallen, and are in white so you can run Remorseful Cleric. It's difficult to find more good grave hate that doesn't exile your own grave, like Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus. But they are still strong options.
This is true, but in the case of something like Blightsteel Colossus which never hits the yard I could only exile what they've already milled, which makes getting their library down to 0 almost impossible without something more.

As I said though, most times that I combo with breach I won't be looking to win via mill. Instead I'll be using it as a massive source of card advantage to set up and utilize other win cons already in the deck. As cute an idea as tome scour and stream of thought was, I'll just use brain freeze to fill my yard, or attempt to win via mill as a last resort. Thanks [mention]kirkusjones[/mention] for pointing it out. I'm really embarrassed I didn't think of it. It's not like I didn't know brain freeze existed :crazy:

I don't think I'll add grapeshot or lotus petal though. I've already got redundancy with multiple win cons which freeze/breach/inquiry can set up and I would rather not cut more than I have to.
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Post by kirkusjones » 4 years ago

Well, I'm converted. Ordered a Kykar today. I'll post a list here (if that's cool with you, Meow) once I finalize things.

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Post by Nimbaway » 4 years ago

I've started on my own Kykar list as well, using the discussions in this thread as inspiration for the first draft. Obviously I am making some tweaks to deal with my personal meta. I am definitely going to need a few more counter spells in the deck, for which I'm going to add in the least Pyroblast / Red Elemental Blast since Kykar's sac ability can pay for these and most of my targets will be blue cards.

I'm intending to run Thassa's Oracle in my list as it might be challenging for me to get there through damage and mill. Though at the same time I don't want to be too depending on it either, since it's a card that could face a potential ban.

The only real downside for me right now is that I don't own a copy of Monastery Mentor. Which is certainly a finisher for the deck but at the same time a costly card to acquire as well. Plus, one player in our group is a Niv steals deck player and I see this being a prime target for him. So not sure yet if I should cave and acquire a copy.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

kirkusjones wrote:
4 years ago
Well, I'm converted. Ordered a Kykar today. I'll post a list here (if that's cool with you, Meow) once I finalize things.
Absolutely! I'm excited to see it!
Nimbaway wrote:
4 years ago
I've started on my own Kykar list as well, using the discussions in this thread as inspiration for the first draft. Obviously I am making some tweaks to deal with my personal meta. I am definitely going to need a few more counter spells in the deck, for which I'm going to add in the least Pyroblast / Red Elemental Blast since Kykar's sac ability can pay for these and most of my targets will be blue cards.

I'm intending to run Thassa's Oracle in my list as it might be challenging for me to get there through damage and mill. Though at the same time I don't want to be too depending on it either, since it's a card that could face a potential ban.

The only real downside for me right now is that I don't own a copy of Monastery Mentor. Which is certainly a finisher for the deck but at the same time a costly card to acquire as well. Plus, one player in our group is a Niv steals deck player and I see this being a prime target for him. So not sure yet if I should cave and acquire a copy.
There isn't copious amounts of blue in my meta to hit with the hosers, but they certainly go great with Kykar. As for the niv theft player: you could run Cultural Exchange and Role Reversal to give them a dose of their own medicine and gods willing effects to keep kykar firmly in your control.
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Post by Ardeyn » 4 years ago

So, I built my version of Kykar over the Christmas holidays and have played it half a dozen times since. It's midway between token swarm and combo, so kind of a hybrid which gives it quite some flexibility.
Regarding tokens, this thread has been a great resource.

Cards I found very effektive with the token strategy:
- Haze of Rage, especially in conjunction with Mana Echoes which goes infinite with enough tokens and Kykar.
- Martyr's Bond for some board control that is even better with Smothering Tithe

I'm also really looking forward to Underworld Breach and its implications for this deck. Wouldn't the best card to go with Breach and Inquiry be Angel's Grace? This way you would only need one additional white mana and three additional cards in the graveyard to draw everybody out and could protect yourself from losing the game. This would also circumvent any cards that shuffle themselves back into the library if they (would) hit the graveyard as people would simply draw from an empty library with Inquiry once there'd only be the returning card left in the library. Or am I missing something here?

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Ardeyn wrote:
4 years ago
So, I built my version of Kykar over the Christmas holidays and have played it half a dozen times since. It's midway between token swarm and combo, so kind of a hybrid which gives it quite some flexibility.
Regarding tokens, this thread has been a great resource.

Cards I found very effektive with the token strategy:
- Haze of Rage, especially in conjunction with Mana Echoes which goes infinite with enough tokens and Kykar.
- Martyr's Bond for some board control that is even better with Smothering Tithe

I'm also really looking forward to Underworld Breach and its implications for this deck. Wouldn't the best card to go with Breach and Inquiry be Angel's Grace? This way you would only need one additional white mana and three additional cards in the graveyard to draw everybody out and could protect yourself from losing the game. This would also circumvent any cards that shuffle themselves back into the library if they (would) hit the graveyard as people would simply draw from an empty library with Inquiry once there'd only be the returning card left in the library. Or am I missing something here?

I'm loving all the new kykar players joining the discussion!

Haze/echoes is a sweet little combo. Mana Echoes is probably the single best kykar card out there, but I don't have one for budget reasons and maybe a little for "not always fun to play against" reasons. Still, I can't fault anyone for running it. It is bonkers.

Martyr's Bond is a little too grave pactesque for my tastes, but it's certainly powerful. I think OCPunisher runs it too.

Angel's Grace only gets around losing to self mill. It's confusing, but I think a gy shuffler that never hits the yard like Blightsteel just full on stops an inquiry/grace win without something like Leveler getting involved. The exception would be if it was one of the last 2 cards in the library, in which case the shuffle trigger is too late. Otherwise, they'll get their yard back every time and you'll run out of cards to exile and keep the loop going. The beautiful thing here is we don't *need* mill to win off the loop. There are plenty of pieces already good with Kykar apart from the loop that suddenly become win cons.
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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

So I've slotted in Sword of Feast and Famine, because that card is busted. I also remember that there's Aggravated Assault to combo with it for the win, and I have both. Can we make anything happen with AA?

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

I personally like going wide and winning with a single combat, which is attainable easily enough with a significant storm count and stuff like The Locust God, Cathars' Crusade, Jeskai Ascendancy, or Monastery Mentor and monk tokens.

That said, SoFF is an auto-include for a voltron, artifact, or goodstuff Kykar build imo. I don't include it since I'm all in on spellslinger/tokens. Same with Aggravated Assault, although if you are going to run one you should probably run the other. Honestly, I'm not sure if AA gets any better than it does with SoFF. Maybe add in some redundant evasion to get around flying blockers? Kykar + SoFF + AA + Whispersilk Cloak or Artful Dodge or even Rogue's Passage - once you have it and 9 other lands or enough spirit fodder to pay for it and AA - are all ways to close a game out.

I think an enchantress build which includes Aggravated Assault could be seriously powerful. Jeskai is a great wedge for enchantments and I don't think that gets recognized enough. Here's a starter list for anyone interested in brewing Kykar enchantress: Literally more good cards than one could fit in a deck. There's so many directions to choose from with Kykar enchantments: huge combats, anthems, prison, storm/nonsense, burn, etb triggers, aura voltron, combo, etc.

Anyhow, I went on a bit of a tangent there. . . another approach to Aggravated Assault/Sword of Feast and Famine I can think of in the deck is to build in an extra combats package. Hellkite Charger as a second, slightly more expensive AA. Gamble, Idyllic Tutor/Enlightened Tutor, Sarkhan's Triumph to go get them. Whir of Invention, Trophy Mage, and Fabricate to tutor up SoFF, and Godo, Bandit Warlord to fetch SoFF AND get an extra combat. Aurelia, the Warleader, Scourge of the Throne, and Combat Celebrant give one shot creature based extra combat effects, but I'd be more intrigued by Bonus Round/Increasing Vengeance copy effects + any of the following which would stack extra combats:
The only issue is that the untap effects wouldn't stack, but you can also run stuff like Jeskai Ascendancy, Intangible Virtue, Brave the Sands, Heliod, God of the Sun, and Serra's Blessing to get around that.
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Post by kirkusjones » 4 years ago

As I'm brainstorming my list (which is more wombo combo focused) I've found myself at an impasse. I'm definitely running the Underworld Breach + Brain Freeze combo to generate huge storm for Grapeshot or Haze of Rage for super buffed tokens or Thassa's Oracle after I've dumped my library into the grave.

I was contemplating running Rest in Peace and Energy Field as well as an alternate win with Oracle. I'm running Paradigm Shift as a way to loop my graveyard, but Shift + RiP sets up Oracle for a win that doesn't care about the graveyard and hoses graveyard dependent decks.

What are people's thoughts on non-bos in the same deck?

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

kirkusjones wrote:
4 years ago
What are people's thoughts on non-bos in the same deck?
I think they are fine in limited quantities. The reality of EDH is you usually don't see every card in every game, so the issue of a dead draw or whatever due to a non-interaction isn't going to come up that often. If you've done your due diligence as a deckbuilder (looks like you have), you will have enough going on with the other 95+ cards in your deck that you can just take another line if it does come up.

As an example, even though I'm definitely adding the Underworld Breach/Burning Inquiry/Brain Freeze combo to the deck, I'm not going to take Divine Visitation out even though it is a non-bo with the other three as it cuts off access to spirit mana. Visitation will still be great in games where the combo doesn't show up, and if the combo does become available, I can always Chaos Warp or Generous Gift the Visitation away if I must.

On a semi-related note: if you are going to make your build combo-tastic and you have an Enchanted Evening or the funds to get one, it goes infinite with the new Archon of Sun's Grace. Just keep in mind that you need a way to stop the loop (they are not "may" abilities), and you will probably want a haste enabler like Mass Hysteria/Fervor.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

It occurred to me just a moment ago that Fists of Flame is yet another great finisher to go with Underworld Breach/Burning Inquiry. It's probably fine without going infinite/near infinite and just settling for Breach + Faithless Looting/Frantic Search if I haven't gotten to inquiry yet. Honestly, it's still servicable even if all I've done that turn is cast a couple of cantrips.

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Post by Nimbaway » 4 years ago

Fist of Flame looks interesting at first, but the fact that it only targets one of your creatures keeps me from putting it on my maybe list for now. You would need to escape it at least twice to get to every opponent, which is assuming they don't have any answers to it. To me it takes away fuel for escaping other cards, much like delve and escape are non-bos as well. I'd consider running the aforementioned Haze of Rage before adding Fist, going wide instead of over the top.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

All of that is certainly true, and FoF is best in a voltron/extra combat build, but I wouldn't count it out. As you mentioned, you can escape it 2-3 times for a huge swing at everyone. There's also Bonus Round shenanigans. Lastly, even if you only cast it after several cantrips, it gives pump, great evasion, and card advantage (edit: when escaped or copied that is) at a low low cost. Basically, it's great in a lot of different situations. I'm not sure if I'll include it in the upcoming update or not, but it's definitely on my radar.
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Post by Nimbaway » 4 years ago

I'm working on a slightly more control heavy version of the deck, like mentioned in one of my previous posts. Finding slots for it right now is just tough, as am still trying to decide on like the final five cards for my initial build. Deciding cuts is challenging when you haven't played the deck yet.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Nimbaway wrote:
4 years ago
Deciding cuts is challenging when you haven't played the deck yet.
You misspelled "always". Cuts are hard. :fuming:

Welp, I didn't go to a pre-release, but a buddy did. He got 2x underworld breach and gave me a good trade for one. I need to order a few more cards for this and other decks before officially making changes, but I should have them within the next 2 weeks and be ready to go!
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Post by Nimbaway » 4 years ago

True XD

I have Breach and several other cards on pre-order, so with some luck I should have all cards to sleeve up the deck on Saturday.

I won't be running Divine Visitation in my list due to needing some cuts. And am somewhat on the fence on including Leyline of Anticipation, having flash for Breach is nice but from experience in my meta I don't think it will stick around long enough for that.

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