Brewing Vraska, Golgari Queen

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 4 years ago

With Brawl coming to Arena soon, my interest in the format has increased dramatically, and as in every format, I'm looking to build a grindy, value-based mid-range deck. Since I don't play a lot of Standard, my familiarity with the card pool is limited. Vraska, Golgari Queen caught my eye, as she is simultaneously a card draw engine, removal, and a win condition in one card. A cursory glance over Standard legal green, black, and colorless cards reveals a few things:

1) Golgari has tons of removal, from Assassin's Trophy to Casualties of War to Status // Statue. Being able to control the board and protect Vraska means you can keep ticking her up, drawing cards in the process, until you get to her ultimate.

2) There's a few proliferate cards available, which makes sense given the recent focus on planeswalkers. Even a single proliferate makes Vraska ultimate a turn earlier, and since some of them are creatures they stick around to be sacrifice fodder, protect our Queen, or get through combat damage for the win.

3) A token subtheme is possible with all of the token generating creatures or, with TED, food tokens. More fodder for Vraska to chew up and turn into card advantage seems good.

4) Lots of two-for-ones. Gravedigger and Golgari Findbroker contribute to a grindy approach.

I'm at work or else I'd make a rough draft decklist, but I wanted to get some people who are more familiar with Standard to give some feedback on the concept before I invested the energy. Am I onto something? Will anyone even check this board? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


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