Kels, Fight Fixer: Suffer for Fashion ($1DH)

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 1 year ago

Well, inspired by the RCOTD 6/28/22 card, Robe of the Archmagi, I made this decklist. It's not completely focused on the Robe, though it is in fact a pretty decent draw engine when attached to a 4 power creature with evasion. Also, while I'm at it, I decided to make it extremely budget; as in, under $1 per card. Sol Ring is kind of a cheat, but technically it can be had for under a dollar at $0.99, but uh, I don't expect that to last long.

Let's dive in.

Suffer for Fashion


Approximate Total Cost:

Well, the deck's main theme is sacrificing stuff for fun and profit and wins via slow beat down with my little creatures or, more likely, via commander damage from our evasive, semi-indestructible, card drawin' lady of the fight.


The manabase isn't great, but such is the case on such a budget. It's more or less balanced, but the volume of tapped lands is a problem I don't know how to solve. Are regular basics fine?

11 pieces of ramp because math.

I might be running too much countermagic, removal, and card draw. Obviously, all the Fleshbag Marauder are super playable here, but the non-creature removal could possibly be cut for something a little more synergistic. It's harder to replace countermagic with creatures, and the card draw is pretty utilitarian, but with Kels being a draw engine I could see going down a bit on draw.

Anyway, that's the deck I threw together in a few hours.


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