Kozilek 1.0 - How to Lose Friends and Annihilate People

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Post by Rasputin101 » 2 years ago

MJ0LN1R7 wrote:
2 years ago
Hahaha I hear you man. My list has gotten so tight that I don't feel the need to replace anything right now. I still play around with Mirage Mirror but its just been too good for me! It's also a sac outlet for Kozi and I've used it to great extent to copy him and cast the real one over and over again. Plus the other obvious targets like an opponents Necropotence!! Even Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth along with Urza's Saga was super hard to find room for.
I'm literally changing up what I remove for those two cards every time I play.
Forever trying to work out the weakest corner case cards in the deck but I think I've played it so much I'm so attached to every card in the deck!


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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 2 years ago

Well people… I completely missed this until I pulled it in my prerelease today!! Moonsilver Key looks to be something I will be tinkering with! It can tutor some fun shenanigans including even Metalworker!! What's everyone's thoughts on this bad boy now??

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Post by Rasputin101 » 2 years ago

MJ0LN1R7 wrote:
2 years ago
Well people… I completely missed this until I pulled it in my prerelease today!! Moonsilver Key looks to be something I will be tinkering with! It can tutor some fun shenanigans including even Metalworker!! What's everyone's thoughts on this bad boy now??
I utterly missed this one too!
Completely skimmed over it without a second glance! Here's me thinking there's another set that's a bust for colourless players!

I'd say it's definitely worth testing and looks really promising.
Gets all the usual offenders: Basalt Monolith, metalworker, or worst case its a land.
I like it!

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 2 years ago

I guess I have finally taken Manascape Refractor out for the Moonsilver Key. It was either that or Mirage Mirror for me and I honestly have too much fun with the mirror. What you playing around with? I know you took out Mindslaver too but I also have way way too much fun taking my friends turns!! Lol… I have things in my Kozi build like Chromatic Orrery and I know you don't mess with that but I've found it to be such a bomb. Especially really only costing 2 mana net in reality. So the moon key can help me get that sucker out quicker with some neat untap effects it's insane. The orrery is quite the target for Clock of Omens or any of the untap keys for that matter!

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Post by Rasputin101 » 2 years ago

MJ0LN1R7 wrote:
2 years ago
I guess I have finally taken Manascape Refractor out for the Moonsilver Key. It was either that or Mirage Mirror for me and I honestly have too much fun with the mirror. What you playing around with? I know you took out Mindslaver too but I also have way way too much fun taking my friends turns!! Lol… I have things in my Kozi build like Chromatic Orrery and I know you don't mess with that but I've found it to be such a bomb. Especially really only costing 2 mana net in reality. So the moon key can help me get that sucker out quicker with some neat untap effects it's insane. The orrery is quite the target for Clock of Omens or any of the untap keys for that matter!
I think I'm axing Crucible of worlds. Its the least impactful card in the deck at the moment. I can't figure anything else I could possibly do without
Crucible is good under the right circumstances but Moonsilver Key is great all the time. And finds the odd combo piece.
It needs testing still I think.
And considering I removed mindslaver that loop with buried ruin is gone now anyway.
Although, I might put it back in for the synergies with the sac lands and Urza's saga. Such a tough decision!

Ps. Sorry for the late reply. Life got on top of me!

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Post by Cristian94s » 2 years ago

Hi, I'm a great fun of your colorless eldrazi deck, I wanted to know if there are any improvements or updates.
Kind regards Cristian

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Post by Rasputin101 » 2 years ago

Cristian94s wrote:
2 years ago
Hi, I'm a great fun of your colorless eldrazi deck, I wanted to know if there are any improvements or updates.
Kind regards Cristian
Heya! Thanks for saying, glad you enjoy it.

Not massively! Colourless hasn't been all that generous to us recently with most cards we can use not being massively useful in the recent sets.
Moonsilver Key, Liquimetal Torque, Urza's Saga and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are the I've really been using that are relatively new and all of them have been proving quite good. I need to do a deck update really and get the main decklist up to date!

D&D was a bit of a bust. Crimson Vow has a few cards that may need testing but nothing remarkable.
Wedding Invitation and Lantern of the Lost are the only two that might be worth looking at with my specific build.

How about you? Tested anything worth mentioning?

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Post by Cristian94s » 2 years ago

In your opinion, mox lotus, copper gnomes are useless? 🤔

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Post by Runnin » 2 years ago

Rasputin101 wrote:
2 years ago
Cristian94s wrote:
2 years ago
Hi, I'm a great fun of your colorless eldrazi deck, I wanted to know if there are any improvements or updates.
Kind regards Cristian
[...] and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are the I've really been using that are relatively new and all of them have been proving quite good.
Now that I think about it, we should probably phse out Urborg and run Yavimaya instead, since I think Coffer players are way more popular and benefits from us running Urborg. I haven't gotten a Yavimaya yet tho so ^^' Happy new year and a late Merry Christmas btw!

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 2 years ago

I run both Urborg and Yavimaya just because of Eye of Ugin, Hall of the Bandit Lord, Mishra's Workshop and Maze of Ith.
… I suppose that means a guy could take out Chromatic Lantern now but it is still super useful and I have a gorgeous promo I won one day! The colours in the light are amazing.

But alas, no there isn't anything worth testing past the Moonsilver Key IMO. That card is really great though being we have very little tutor capabilities. Hopefully here in the next set it's supposed to be futuristic and maybe we will get some more keys or something cool.

Last night I won a game by copying Phyresis with the mirror and slapping it on Kozi for a jaw dropping Annihilator 4 and some infect hahaha!!

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Post by lyonhaert » 2 years ago

MJ0LN1R7 wrote:
2 years ago
Last night I won a game by copying Phyresis with the mirror and slapping it on Kozi for a jaw dropping Annihilator 4 and some infect hahaha!!
With Mirage Mirror? Unfortunately that wouldn't work. As a state-based action, if an aura isn't attached to a valid permanent it goes to the graveyard. The Mirror is just sitting there, not attached, so once it becomes an aura it'll die.

From its rulings:
If Mirage Mirror becomes a copy of an Aura, it's put into its owner's graveyard unless it's somehow attached to an appropriate object or player already. If it becomes a copy of an Equipment and is attached to a creature, it'll become unattached when it becomes a non-Equipment artifact again.
However, if you're able to able to activate Mirror targeting the aura, hold priority and activate targeting an equipment that can be attached at instant speed, then in response to the first activation you do that attachment while it's an equipment. Then it's already attached when it becomes an aura.
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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 2 years ago

Ahahaha well now that's funny. And totally makes sense. I've never copied an aura except for that time but I agree. Doesn't make sense now that I think about it. Thanks for the reply my dude ;)

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 2 years ago

Stonespeaker Crystal…. Now that's a win folks! Niiice

Also seen this one… Fraying Line could be a valuable board wipe

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Post by Hudbake » 1 year ago

Do you feel Kozilek The Great Distortion is better to run then Ulamog the Ceaseless Hunger or the legal Emrakul? Your deck has inspired me to build a kozilek deck of my own and am wondering which big boys to include!

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Post by Runnin » 1 year ago

Hudbake wrote:
1 year ago
Do you feel Kozilek The Great Distortion is better to run then Ulamog the Ceaseless Hunger or the legal Emrakul? Your deck has inspired me to build a kozilek deck of my own and am wondering which big boys to include!
Between those three, Kozilek, free. Being able to refill your hand is superimportant. Powerout Ulamog and what is he, two "vindicates"? You're out of gas from overextending/building your board, someone wraths and you're down to two cards in hand. Plus you gotta dedicate more slots in the main deck that lets you draw cards.

EDIT: And you can add all of them really, as the top end. Have a lot of ramp : )

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Post by Rasputin101 » 1 year ago

Hudbake wrote:
1 year ago
Do you feel Kozilek The Great Distortion is better to run then Ulamog the Ceaseless Hunger or the legal Emrakul? Your deck has inspired me to build a kozilek deck of my own and am wondering which big boys to include!
Hey! Sorry for the delay in replying (and the long absence to everyone else.)

I don't love the new Emrakul. I only find if good in specific situations where the big threat on the board has either just tutored up that last combo piece and is ripe for ruining, or they have some kind of sac outlet that let's you cleanse their field shortly after using their stuff to wreck everyone else.
I suppose its good for politicking with. Have someone agree to let you take their turn so you can use their things for a double turn against a third player but I'd rather something more consistent.

Newlamog is solid. It removes, and it absolutely devastates combo players as they watch multiple combi pieces disappear into exile. I've used it on one player and he seeped because pieces of his three wincons went bye bye.

Distortion kinda has everything on one neat little ball. It refills a hand you might not have and then protects your next play(albeit cirmumstancially) from other players casting anything against you. Play it with a draw engine and nobody's casting for the rest of the game and it's in the bag.

Provided you have the mana rocks right you can easily run all of them but you'd have to sacrifice on other cards to fit them. You could have a slightly more toned down version of what I run and still be strong. They're all fun cards to play so run them all if you want!

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Post by Runnin » 1 year ago

I like it, a bit smaller Ulamog with trample. Not indestructible tho but unearthable and it deals with nonland permanents.

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Post by Runnin » 1 year ago

Soo a little thing I stumbled upon. Apparently The Mightstone and Weakstone is considered a colourless card, both front and back. Because of these rules:

903.4d. The back face of a double-faced card (see rule 712) is included when determining a card's color identity. This is an exception to rule 712.4a.

713.1a. A meld card isn't a double-faced card. Its back face can't be cast or put onto the battlefield, and it can't transform, convert, or enter the battlefield transformed or converted. (See rule 712, "Double-Faced Cards.")

Then again, the mana can't be used for Kozilek :?

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Post by ender86 » 1 year ago

I had my first Kozilek win yesterday using 95% of the original list, so thanks for a great primer and great discussion! :grin: After taking out one opponent with commander damage, my other two opponents scooped after I started tapping to go infinite. After drafting the new Phyrexia set today, The Mycosynth Gardens made me think it might be an excellent add for this build. Maybe a better Sculpting Steel? The color filtering obviously doesn't do anything, but a land that transforms into any of our important combo pieces at instant speed is cool protection! And doubling a mana rock could get Kozilek out a turn sooner. Cheerio's are ideal: a second Everflowing Chalice, Lion's Eye Diamond, or Mana Crypt seems great. And there's probably some broken things you can do with a second Metalworker. A second Doubling Cube sounds exponentially fun! Overall, the flexibility this provides seems like a great thing to have. It can act as ramp, removal, draw, stax, untap, or even a second artifact cost reducer with Cloud Key. :explode:

Thoughts? What am I overlooking? :thinking:

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 1 year ago

Congrats on the win man!! You run Distortion then? Butcher with Juice player here… yes The Mycosynth Gardens is going to be a great addition to our Kozilek decks. Amazing synergy. Imagine even just dropping a Jeweled Lotus and copying it, bringing you 4 mana up to 10 just like that. I can't wait to try it out in my deck 🤪

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Post by ender86 » 1 year ago

Thanks! No, I'm a Butcher player as well. I hadn't thought about Jeweled Lotus, but I like the idea! Here's my decklist.

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 1 year ago

Nice looks great! No Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in there to pair with your Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth?

Here is mine. Pretty up to date

I run a bit more Annihilator/Combo style. Not a whole lot of reactive but proactive items. I find they don't even get a chance to hit me too hard because of the tempo the deck brings, even in higher power games.

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Post by ender86 » 1 year ago

Green seemed less advantageous to the other players in my friend group than Black since they tend to run more black than green, and I didn't want to help them fix their colors. I suppose I could swap one out for it. Maybe Guildless Commons? If there seems to be an obvious swap to you, I'm all about hearing it!

Interesting that our decks seem similar and yet there are 23 differences. I looked at Helm of Awakening, but decided against it because it wasn't asymmetrical. Phyrexia's Core seems like an interesting choice on your end. I haven't found life to be something I'm too worried about unless there's an interesting combo with it that I don't know about?

The game I won was against someone who had the nerve to run Kibo, Uktabi Prince who naturally started attacking me every turn and chowing down on my artifacts!

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Post by MJ0LN1R7 » 1 year ago

Hahaha that's funny and a real crap time playing against that monkey.

I would look at Shrine of the Forsaken Gods but again this is all my opinion. I rarely get to 7 lands so the +1 is few and far between on the value there. Guildless Commons can be great if you get locked down by Song of the Dryads or Imprisoned in the Moon but I removed it in my list for Mishra's Workshop long ago. I find that the more utility cards you use such as Maze of Ith and all the others, the better it is to run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth alongside Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, plus you have the Chromatic Lantern in there anyway so I assume you have the need for lands to tap for mana and be utility pieces.

Phyrexia's Core lets me combo with Spine of Ish Sah or some other items like getting rid of my Winter Orb if I need to although tapping it down is best, the life is negligent but I will say it has saved me one time at 1 life while an opponent overlooked that. I have won plenty times with 1 life and we all know 1 is not 0 hahaha!Also it can save an artifact from getting exiled but it's mostly for the spine combo.

This deck can infinite destroy everyone's board at instant speed any time I have priority with the right setup so artifact sac is redundant for a few reasons like that. On someone's upkeep I'll untap with Unwinding Clock and go to work if need be ;)

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Post by Rasputin101 » 1 year ago

I'm loving The Mycosynth Gardens.
The obvious copying of key pieces is great. It can substitute Sculpting Steel in the clock/staff combo is great.
I like it becoming a sac outlet for Kozilek if we have Liquimetal Torque or similar on the field.

Other than that I've seen few cards released in the last few years that I can actually get excited about and the deck hasn't really gone through any changes since maybe Wandering Archaic // Explore the Vastlands came out

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