Kalamax, the Stormsire: Gro-A-Saur

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 3 years ago

Ancient enemy of man

- chorus, Rugrats (Reptar on Ice)


Gro-A-Saur is a Voltron-control pseudo-tempo deck inspired by Delver, Death's Shadow, Gro-A-Tog, Miracle Grow, Old School Expulsion, and the granddaddy of all tempo decks: Turbo Xerox. Despite differing formats, individual card choices, and decades between them, these decks share certain characteristics that unite them under the umbrella of tempo decks:

1) low density of lands
2) high density of cantrips
3) high density of disruption
4) low density of threats
5) protection for your threat

In EDH, things are a bit different. Not only are life totals significantly higher,but games go longer and higher impact spells are played regularly. These two facts severely reduce the value of a tempo strategy. Turning creatures sideways is one of the worst strategies in the format, and this weakness is only exacerbated by playing what are normally low impact card filtering spells. You may see twice as many cards as another player, but if all you're drawing are more cantrips and counterspells that don't affect the board, you're going to have a bad time.

Enter Kalamax. Kalamax solves these two problems quite handily. Not only does it get bigger with each cantrip you cast, it also turns something as simple as Peek into a hyper efficient card draw spell that also reveals vital information about your opponents. Impulse becomes Dig Through Time. Dig Through Time becomes absurd. Oh, and those life totals? Meaningless with a high enough density of power doublers that become power quadruplers, allowing you to one shot opponents out of nowhere. While my experience with this deck is very limited, in one test game I was able to resolve Unleash Fury against a tapped out blue player, killing them with commander damage, then kill off the remaining player at low life with Soul's Fire. The deck is explosive, relatively consistent, and challenging to pilot, with a lot of decision trees to navigate in order to win games.

It's a hoot.

Unfortunately, like all commander-centric decks, it's weak against repeated countermagic and removal, which is why we're running an abundance of ways to protect our baby.

Right now, the deck is in beta, but I'm bored at the doctor's s office and wanted to get it down for analysis and critique. I'm mostly worried about the mana source count, protection suite, and cantrip quality. I'll separate the deck into card function when I get home, but for now it's just a copypasta from my deckbuilder by type.

Anyway, here's the list. Any ideas?


Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 3 years ago

Sigh, okay. I'll add Reverberate and some other spell copiers to make the deck a little more threatening.

- Island
- Forest
- Peer Through Depths
- Silundi Vision // Silundi Isle
- Think Twice
- Cryptic Command
- As Foretold
- Rhythm of the Wild
- Xenagos, God of Revels
- Leadership Vacuum

+ Mountain
+ Cavern of Souls
+ Twincast
+ Reverberate
+ Expansion // Explosion
+ Narset's Reversal
+ Gush
+ Leap
+ Delay
+ Blasphemous Act

Shifting mana costs means juggling the basic count, and Cavern of Souls is a no brainer. Some of the cantrips were a little on the weak side and redundant with what I'm running, but Gush is absolutely bonkers and seems like a slam dunk inclusion. The haste enablers aren't actually all that great since typically, you're tapping out or nearly tapping out to resolve Kalamax so hasting it isn't great.

Now, the spell doublers. I had originally not wanted to include them but the explosiveness they provide can't be ignored. It makes the deck much more aggressive and as far as combos go, relying on your opponents to cast certain types of spells, having to untap, and get through blockers makes it comparatively fair.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 3 years ago

Got a game in tonight against a couple of lovely fellows at my FLGS, on Chulane, Teller of Tales and Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge. This deck is a joy to play. I was able to ramp into a t3 Kalamax that was swiftly put in detention. Then, Jeleva was able to resolve an early Dauthi Voidwalker as well as Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, and Kalamax ate a Bant Charm back into the command zone, which put me on my back foot for a chunk of the game until Chulane resolved Austere Command. After resolving Kalamax a third time on the back of Cavern of Souls and getting to attack Jeleva, during the declare blockers step the stack looked like this:

8) Memory Lapse > Fatal Frenzy
7) Heroic Intervention
6) Labyrinth of Skophos > Kalamax
5) Veil of Summer
4) Dovin's Veto > Fatal Frenzy
3) Kalamax +1/+1 counter trigger
2) Fatal Frenzy (copy) > Kalamax
1) Fatal Frenzy > Kalamax

Good times.

Jeleva managed to swing and cast a Time Wipe swiped from Chulane, returning the Voidwalker to his hand and blowing up his own Jeleva and Teferi as well as Chulane's board. Chulane had mostly been drawing into ramp and hadn't been able to contribute to the game much. I was able to resolve a double Dig Through Time which kept me relevant when Teferi was around, so despite being less than aggressive I was still hanging in there. Eventually I get Kalamax out again and unbeknownst to them I'm threatening lethal with Fatal Frenzy back in hand with Soul's Fire to wipe the other one out Life totals were low because Jeleva kept Tergrid's Lanterning us both, but when it became apparent that I was holding a loaded gun Jeleva focused on me, bringing me to a paltry 2 life. I was able to Ambuscade some threats away from Jeleva earlier, so the only thing left was a Hostage Taker that had taken Chulane. I twinned Beast Within on his Labyrinth and the Rogue's Passage he was going to kill me with, then promptly Cyclonic Rifted everything before he could deliver the final blow. He tried to cast something that would have enabled him to kill Kalamax using something in my hand but Chulane revealed Mystic Snake and Jeleva scooped before he could even cast it. This meant I didn't even need Soul's Fire.

Chulane still had the Snake, so I had to play around it. I cast Fatal Frenzy, copied it, and Chulane tried to Snake the original copy, but I was ready with Narset's Reversal. I returned the original Frenzy to my hand, played it again and, combined with Rush of Blood, put me over the top. I don't think I would have won if Jeleva hadn't scooped, but it was still a long, interactive game and even if I was backpedaling for a lot of it, I still felt very threatening and dangerous. Generally, it felt like if I was able to untap and attack, someone would die either in that combat or the next one. I never even had the opportunity to grow him arbitrarily large!

This deck is such a change of pace from control decks that I love it.

As for changes, I'm going to need some more real games before I commit to any changes.

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Post by Ruiner » 3 years ago

You've got a pretty significant amount of instants that cost 2 or less. Any thoughts on adding Isochron Scepter to the list? It seems like it'd have some potential.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 3 years ago

Ruiner wrote:
3 years ago
You've got a pretty significant amount of instants that cost 2 or less. Any thoughts on adding Isochron Scepter to the list? It seems like it'd have some potential.
I thought about it initially, but then I would be sorely tempted to convert the ramp package over to mana rocks to support a combo with Dramatic Reversal. I should probably do that from an optimization standpoint, especially considering it's an okay back up plan if Kalamax stops being an option normally. I'm equally worried about my rocks getting caught in a sweeper, though, considering how reliant I am on recasting Kalamax. Scepter would be a solid value engine with virtually any of the cantrips. It's probably worth testing without the combo for the moment. I just don't know what to cut out of the value column to test it. Turnabout, Temur Charm, and Rush of Blood seem like good cuts.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 2 years ago

I caved and added in an artifact ramp/Dramatic Reversal/Isochron Scepter package and the deck runs a bit more smoothly now, and not just because a turn 3 Kalamax is statistically more likely this way. The mana rocks also do a great job of mana fixing without requiring green in my opening grip, which takes the pressure off of the non-fetch manabase. It feels dirty, but considering the only infinite pay off I have is growing Kalamax infinitely large, I think it's comparatively fair here. I also included Muddle the Mixture to find the other half of the combo.

The rest of the changes are minor adjustments.

- Forest
- Farseek
- Natural Connection
- Nature's Lore
- Rampant Growth
- Road // Ruin
- Sakura-Tribe Elder
- Three Visits
- Everdream
- Miscast
- Twinning Staff
- Turnabout
- Rush of Blood
- Ambuscade
- Clear Shot

+ Mountain
+ Arcane Signet
+ Gruul Signet
+ Izzet Signet
+ Simic Signet
+ Talisman of Creativity
+ Talisman of Curiosity
+ Talisman of Impulse
+ Consider
+ Think Twice
+ Muddle the Mixture
+ Charge Through
+ Dramatic Reversal
+ Isochron Scepter
+ Choose Your Weapon

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