[Deck] Titanshift

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Post by ktkenshinx » 5 years ago

This is a placeholder thread. If you are interested in taking over the thread and/or writing a primer, PM the moderator team.
This is the thread to discuss the Titanshift archetype in Modern. Titanshift (aka Breachshift or Breach Titan) features one of Modern's most efficient engines to win through Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle triggers. Whether firing off a Scapeshift for lethal, blasting in a T3 Primeval Titan off Through the Breach, or just slow-rolling Mountains to Bolt an opponent to deck, Titanshift is a robust and resilient ramp deck for any Modern metagame. Here's Thien Nguyen's 8th place Mythic Championship list to start discussion:

What updates do you have to the deck? What technology are you running in this new metagame? How are you tuning the timeless Titanshift for an evolving Modern? Discuss your lists and cards here.
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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

19 person WNM.

Round 1 vs. Wu Enduring Ideal. Leyline of Sanctity. I draw hardly anything and try to attack with 2 Prime Times. But he has Phyrexian Unlife, then he plays Solemnity next turn. No out to this. In the next game, I Scapeshift on turn 5 after Mwonvuli Acid-Moss on turn 3. I put him to 1 life, but then he does Runed Halo on Valakut, then he draws stuff while I draw 2 ramp spells and 5 land. I had literally 2 fetchlands left in my deck with 21 cards and 5 cards that I sided in. Was never gonna see them. 0-2.

Round 2 vs. Hardened Scales. He goes all in on an Inkmoth Nexus since he believes that I can Scapeshift him next turn after a slow start. Bolt saves me. In the next game, I find Force of Vigor at a key moment and survive at a low life total to Scapeshift him out. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Elementals. Anger of the Gods, Bolt, Flame Slash, Prime Time, all those in both games. He put out the new 1UG Elemental from M20 and some more. Pretty sick deck, but he struggled with draws and I had a solid draw. The dude said he was gonna play Naya Squirrels on Friday. :o 2-0.

Round 4 vs. Tron. Acid-Moss into Acid Moss. He doesn't find lands. I don't find lands, but find a 2nd and 3rd Scapeshift. I draw Farseek and Shift him. In the next game, I am able to Reclamation Sage an Expedition Map on turn 3 and he struggles to find the 3rd Tron piece. By that time, I have Prime Time with another coming from Pact soon. :D 2-0.

I go 3-1.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by Suichimo » 4 years ago

I'm going to Magicfest Minneapolis this weekend and am entering the GP. This is the deck I'm running. The only difference at the moment is I've got Ruric Thar instead of Atarka, I've got a fairly heavy control metagame at my FLGS that I have a hard time dealing with, and I plan on replacing Shatterstorm with Fracturing Gust, if I can find one while there and get my deck list updated in time.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

There is a Naya Titanshift deck list on the facebook Valakut group if you're interested - 4 Path to Exile main, 2 Celestial Purge and Rest in Peaces sideboard. There have been some players on the Valakut group surmising that it should do better than the GR version in this Hogaak meta.

Oh yeah - 3 Relic of Progenitus main too.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

So I ran that Naya Titanshift deck from the FB group and went 3-0-1 at FNM, a 15 person tournament.

Round 1 vs. Tron. I play against my friend who I drove with. In the first game, I keep on 2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, 3 lands, and something else. I don't ramp, but with his mull to 5, I am able to Acid-Moss him twice and then Prime Time. In the next game, I am 1 ramp away from doing Prime Time during this game. But I do not draw a ramp spell and turn 4 Ulamog crushes me. He mulled to 4, but found Ulamog or had it with his last card. :o In the final game, he mulls to 4 again and I get 2 Prime Times in a row after ramping. Lots of mulls this round. We were both on 5 in game 1, him on 4 and me on 6 in game 2, and him on 4 and me on 7 in game 3. 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Elves. I loaned out a deck to a friend who doesn't get to play much. I am able to stabilize at a low life total with Prime Time and Field of the Dead, getting me 2 Zombies and killing an Elvish Archdruid and a Llanowar Elves. He scoops. In the next game, he gets some Nettle Sentinel and 2 Lords to kill me dead. I wish I could save Path to Exile to use on Heritage Druid on turn 2 like I did in Game 1, but I really need to ramp on turn 2. In the final game, I have an active Valakut and am low on life, but I top deck Scapeshift and it's over from there. It would have been close outside of that. I had 2 active Valakuts, so I was in a good situation if I draw ramp or land, but Scapeshift is obviously ideal. Feels good beating my own deck! 2-1.

Round 3 vs. UW Control. I Search for Tomorrow 3 times and then Scapeshift him to 1 life since he fetched. I did it while he tapped out for T3feri. He didn't Field of Ruin me next turn, so I draw Farseek, which he counters. The next turn, I draw a fetchland for Mountain and game. In the next game, I ramped and played Chameleon Colossus and Obstinate Baloth, which taxed his lone Path to Exile and I got there pretty easily when he has to tap to 1 mana for Cryptic Command on Baloth. I had just drawn Prime Time, so that was good timing. 2-0.

Round 4 vs. UR Wizards. This guy has only lost once in 3 tournaments with this deck. He's trying something new for him. We ID and we both agree that he probably would beat me, lol. 0-0-3.

I go 3-0-1 and open a JP foil Chandra, Fire Artisan. Looks like a $60 card! :o Dreams do come true...
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

So I ran back Naya Titanshift at a MCQ, 121 players for 7 rounds.

Round 1 vs. UB Mill. I fetch a Windswept Heath. He does Archive Trap. He mills all of my 3 Valakut. He has Crab out on turn 2 and does a Swamp to mill Field of the Dead. My only win-con is now Prime Time swinging 3 times and if he has no more mill cards after his turn 2 Mesmeric Orb. But I draw a land to get to 5 mana with Prime Time left in hand. I draw another Prime Time. He mills a Prime Time and Surgical Extraction on my other 2 in hand. I scoop. In the next game, I mull to 4. PRime Time, land, land, Sakura Tribe-Elder. Nuts for 4. I get stuck on 5 land again and he has Ashiok, Dream Render to mill and exile. I draw a 6th land, a Wooded Foothills. He mills Stomping Ground, Forest, Valakut the next turn. I did not deserve to win this round. 0-2.

Round 2 vs. Burn. In the first game, I mull again to 5. He gets enough burn together to kill me when I have Prime Time next turn. In the next game, I get 2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss on turns 3 and 4 to keep him to 0 land and barely Scapeshift him to win. In the final game, I ramp like crazy and he did turn 2 sacrifice a Sunbaked Canyon. But I get stuck on 5 land, then draw Scapeshift X 3 to have all FOUR in my hand with a Prime Time. I get another land, but do not want to tap out for Prime Time at 5 life and 2 cards in his hand. I pass and lose. Four Scapeshift after starting the game with 1 in hand. Hmph! 1-2.

Round 3 vs. Hollow One with main board Leyline of the Void. He gets no early pressure, but finishes strong. I get stuck with 4 Scapeshift in hand again. Six lands and Scapeshift is not a combo unfortunately. In the next game, I kill most of his things and ramp with Relic of Progenitus to get there fairly easily. In the final game, he gets stuck on 1 land, but Flameblade Adept X 2 puts pressure. I Abrade and Path to Exile on the same turn to slow the bleeding. In turns, I could go for Obstinate Baloth to not lose to him drawing a Bolt with Bolt in hand and 1 in the yard. I go for the win instead and Prime Time because next turn is lethal. He doesn't draw the 3rd Bolt and DID have the 2nd in hand, so I survive. 2-1.

Round 4 vs. Eldrazi Taxes. In the first game, he kept on 1 land and Vial. I turn 3 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss. He draws a land, but Mwonvuli Acid-Moss rears its ugly head again. He nearly puts enough on board to kill me by spitting out a million creatures, but Prime Time getting Path'd doesn't care about multiple Giver of Runes. I put out too many Zombies for him. Next game, Giver of Runes into Leonin Arbiter X 2 and Ghost Quarter X 3. I suspend Search into tapped land, so no turn 2 Abrade, another tapped land on turn 3. Yep, I had Anger of the Gods and multiple Prime Times that I could not cast while he was casting Thought-Knot Seer. The next game, he puts way too much pressure and my only out is Anger of the Gods. Nope, another land. 3 Prime Times in hand with 5 mana out. A guy watching said that I paid Leonin Arbiter's tax twice on the same turn. I must have since I did it for Search for Tomorrow and his end turn Ghost Quarter. This allowed him to Ghost Quarter me the next turn, strip mining me effectively. It turns out that Prime Time would have been the best I can do and he can blink guys with Eldrazi Displacer to win anyway. Still a big mistake. Haven't played against that card in a while, lol. 1-2.

Round 5 vs. Jund. I draw a nuts hand and Prime Time into him scooping. In the next game, Scavenging Ooze and discard put me to 5 life. I can lose to double Bolt since he has 3 cards in hand, but he doesn't have it and I stabilize. Yes, Prime Time into Field of Ruin is good for some Zombies. This seemed like my toughest opponent of the day skill-wise, but the cards were not there for him and I kept a total of 13 cards in 2 games, my most by far this tournament. 2-0.

Round 6 vs. Burn. In the first game after mulling to 5 (and should have mulled to 4), I play 3 lands and he's confused. In the next game, I Scapeshift on turn 4 for lethal. So much ramp. In the final game, he plays Eidolon of the Great Revel and I draw multiple ramp spells before Anger of the Gods sets up Bolt, untap, Bolt and Boros Charm. GGs. 1-2.

Round 7 vs. UR Phoenix. He starts slowly, but finishes with a flurry of Bolts and a Thing swing. In the next game, I Scapeshift on turn 4. In the final game, he starts off slowly and swings me to 4 life. He has Lava Dart in his yard, so I know he doesn't have Bolt or it's game. I draw a lucky Prime Time and get tehre. 2-1.

I finish 3-4, doing worse than even Neoform last week. Lots of mulls today. Average 6-7 card hands has Prime Times and lands. At 5 one round where I should have mulled, I kept. I was tired of it. Lots of shuffling today because of mulls and fetches, possibly more than any of the other 120 players. I'm really unsure about what to play -there were 2 Jund in the top 8.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by Erian Ignis » 4 years ago

Has anyone tried Wrenn and Six in their RG Titanshift? How many copies would you include?

It does not exactly ramp per se, but it such a powerful card with relevant modes that adds another angle of attack to the Deck, I think.

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Post by Pistallion » 4 years ago

Can someone explain the interaction with Field of the Dead and Scapeshift for this deck? It says 7 or more lands with different names. So does that mean we need to get fetch lands and use snow-covered and regular basic lands with Scapeshift?

Is Field just secondary win con if Valakut is surgical'd or something?

Secondly, what is your guys' idea about Cavalier of Thorns? Seems like a good threat

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Post by Erian Ignis » 4 years ago

Precisely that does it mean. I have not tried it myself (still need to get my hands on a Field of the Dead) but I imagine it is used in case you cannot finish off the opponent right away such as under a Leyline of Sanctity, opponent above 18 life, etc. At SCG Dallas Ross Merriam used it to create 14 2/2 Zombies, although at this moment I cannot exactly recall the boardstate.

I personally find it a spicy tech, but I am afraid of it being colorless as well as drawing the one copy of it.

About Cavalier, I personalyl find it an underwhelming Primeval Titan, but I guess it costing 5 instead of 6 total mana could come up sometimes.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

156 person MCQ. 8 rounds.

Round 1 vs. Dredge. First round against my former teammate. He has also been a super tough opponent. He dredges a bunch of lands and I cast Prime Time into Scapeshift. In the next game, he has Tome Scour. He scours 2 Tome Scour and 3 land. Then the next few cards are Alpine Moon and some Nature's Claims. I once again get Prime Time into Scapeshift. 2-0.

Round 2 vs. Tron. He mulls a lot. I don't draw a single ramp spell and only had 1, so it took a while, but I got Prime Time in time and then did another Prime Time, ramp that I JUST drew, and land for a bunch of lethal damage. In the next game, it is similar. He's a bit too slow and Mwonvuli Acid-Moss slows him more and then I do a lethal Scapeshift. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Grixis Shadow. I kept a double Lightning Bolt hand because I mixed him up with a guy who play Humans. After he played Watery Grave, I regretted my keep immediately. He did Thought Scour into Gurmag Angler into hit me 3 times and Lightning Bolt for game. I got to 5 mana. In the next game, he also got Gurmag Angler into Temur Battle Rage into another swing and Bolt for game. I was on 5 mana again. Even with removal, at least in the 2nd game for sure, he had 3 cards so 1 is Stubborn Denial for sure. 0-2.

Round 4 vs. Burn. He wins the die roll and does the turn 1 creature into double Rift Bolt into a million 1 mana Bolts and finally a Boros Charm for game. Not much of a chance here, although a ramp spell drawn next turn would have allowed me to Shift for 18. In the next game, I do turn 3 Baloth and curve into Scapeshift, but he literally had me down to 4 life with a card in hand. So he could have had me dead. In the next game on turn 3, I put 2 Sakura Tribe-Elder into play. He's at 19 life. I feel like I can't beat Lightning Helix if that is one of his last 2 cards. So I attack him to 17 with Tribe-Elders, then sacrifice both of them and play a fetch land for the turn. I do Scapeshift for 18. His last 2 cards are Deflecting Palm and land. I am at 6 life. He Deflecting Palms one of the Valakut triggers off a Horizon land. He goes to 1 life. I go to 3 life. He draws for the turn and Skullcrack ends my life. I'm pretty sure that Obstinate Baloth would have won this game and Pulse of Murasa for sure would have won the game. Sad. I'm out of top 8 contention. 1-2.

Round 5 vs. Goblins. But I turn it around with some luck. My opponent mulls to 5 and hits his first 7 land drops, which allows me to get Prime Time with Zombies and kill him. In the next game, I allow a Warren Instigator to hit me twice when I have Bolt in hand so I can Anger of the Gods next turn. He gets Goblin Ringleader and 3 Gobbos off it. This sets me back because I see a bunch of 1 mana and aggressive Goblins, which I did not see in game 1. He swings for too much by finishing me off with a Goblin Grenade after I Anger his board away. In the final game, he got to 7 land again. Not a good thing to see from Goblins and my mediocre draw gets me there. 2-1.

Round 6 vs. Burn. I get Courser of Kruphix into a bunch of life gain from him. Then I have an option of Scapeshift, but Lightning Helix saves him. I think a bit. What was I thinking about? I'm about to gain 7 life from the Scapeshift with Courser, so what do I care? Lol, I felt a bit dumb considering my play for a bit. In the next game, I get Baloth. He doesn't have Path to Exile and I end up getting Prime Time. There was a point where I was at 12 and he had 3 cards in hand with 3 land in play that I thought he'd throw 9 to my face, untap and kill me. But he sacrificed a Horizon land instead and that essentially was game there. 2-0.

Round 7 vs. Storm. The first game is him stuck on 1 land and me doing turn 4 Scapeshift. In the next game, I'm a bit slow and he turn 4s me. In the final game, he just floods out too much. He did have Abrade for Damping Sphere, so he was ready there. But that just didn't happen.

Round 8 vs. GW Taxes. I kill some Leonin Arbiters with Bolts and Anger. I get Prime Time and he gets there. In the next game, it is similar, but the 3rd Leonin Arbiter and Ghost Quarter is met by my 3rd Lightning Bolt. He exclaimed, "3rd Bolt?" He was pretty upset and yes, that was damn lucky. About as lucky as 3 Arbiter I guess... I get there with a lethal Scapeshift after he Paths my Prime Time with Arbiter in play. Got there! 2-0.

I finish 6-2 at 18th place. Rough round 4. I kind of expect to lose round 3 because G Shadow is one of those decks that always has the right card against me and I stumble like crazy against them. It's a bad combination.

One friend made the top 8 and another friend won the WHOLE THING! If you're reading this, congrats to Logan, winning with 4 Color Whirza.
Last edited by FoodChainGoblins 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by Erian Ignis » 4 years ago

I guess you do have Veil of Summer in the side for those matchups?

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Played a 129 person MCQ. Failed pretty badly.

Round 1 vs. Whirza. The matchup I've been testing a bunch! In the first game, he does turn 2 Urza, then turn 3 Urza, then turn 4 combo kills me. I also had the turn 4, but alas, a DIE ROLL chooses who plays first. In the next game, I had the kill the turn after he played Urza. In the final game, I barely get there when I have hate to slow him down. I find a land and a ramp spell to Scapeshift for lethal while he had a Thopter Foundry and a few artifacts in play. 2-1.

Round 2 vs. Tron. A match vs. a local player who is amazing with Tron. She beat my friend in the mirror match at the last MCQ we went to and then she top 4ed, losing only to my other friend, who won in the finals. In the first game, she mulls to 5 and does turn 3 Karn. I Bolt it and continue to ramp while she just plays Ugin. I bolt it once so it doesn't kill my Prime Time next turn and then I cruise to a win, leaving the Ugin on board. She mulls to 5 in the next game and I have double Mwonvuli Acid-Moss. :( for her. 2-0.

Round 3 vs. Whirza. This was the deck I lent the 1 friend I drove with because he left some Tron pieces at home on accident. It was his only choice and he top 4ed. He gets the turn 4 combo and I don't scoop to it right away. But I scoop a few turns later. In the next game, he gets turn 4 Urza, but I am able to control the board with Valakut triggers from a Prime Time the turn before. In the final game, he is able to win through Force of Vigor and Reclamation Sage. He Whirs for another Thopter Foundry after 2 are destroyed. GGs. 1-2.

Round 4 vs. Storm. I bolt 2 cost reducers, one in response to her Ritual. Then she gets another one and I have Valakut triggers from a Prime Time. In the next game, she is holding a lot of cards, but couldn't get more than 1 cost reducer, which got killed by me on turn 2. I decide that I kind of have to go for Summoner's Pact into Sakura Tribe-Elder into Scapeshift and sure enough, she actually DOES NOT have Remand. Got there. She made a lot of mistakes in this game, not knowing about Repeal and targets that disappear and some other minor stuff. An onlooker told me that she had the win rolled up in Game 1, but punted. 2-0.

Round 5 vs. Whirza. Dream dead. He combo kills me on turn 4. I also had the turn 4 Scapeshift. Sad. I grind through him in the next game, overcoming Magus of the Moon immediately and then Ensnaring Bridge and . Tireless Tracker is king! I Pact for it early and get to 13 cards left in my deck when I draw all the answers 5 in a row! Bolt, Bolt, Force of Vigor, Summoner's Pact for Rec Sage, and Ancient Grudge. Did a 4 land Scapeshift (should have been 5, but I thought I needed to win that turn because he'd draw the combo to win this late in the game.) But it was good enough. Ever had 2 dice full on a Tracker? I now have. In the final game, he overcomes Force of Vigor and more to combo out and kill me on turn 5. I had to double Force of Vigor, leaving myself with 5 land and a Prime Time. So I wasn't winning any time soon because the top card was yet a 3rd Scapeshift (I exiled 2 of them to Forces). Sad, sad days we live in. 1-2.

Round 6 vs. Burn. In the first game, I get an early Courser and do an 18 point Scapeshift, knowing that he may have Lightning Helix, but the life gain wins. It killed him. No Helix. In the next game, he gets double Eidolon and they're good. I Anger of the Gods, but I take 4 and am down to 3 to get Rift Bolted. In the final game, I am nearly dead, but he misses on 1 draw with me at 2 life and I draw a Search for Tomorrow to Scapeshift him. 2-1.

Round 7 vs. Jeskai Copycat. Comboed me on turn 4 because it seemed like I was about to win anyway next turn. Smart player, as that is what I was going to do. I did not have Bolt in hand. Nearly the same situation in Game 2, but I DID have Bolt and I win from there. In the final game, he gets Teferi, Time Raveler, leaving Search exiled. Then Narset into Narset. I am about to hope to dodge Force of Negation and STE into Scapeshift and kill him despite all this, but he draws Ashiok for the turn and I only draw stuff that loses to that, while I already have that stuff in hand. :( 1-2.

Round 8 vs. Titanshift. His deck was close to Marshall Jankovsky's, who won an MCQ last weekend with it. I kept on 2 land, STE, double Explore and never draw a single land. I Summoner's Pact, confusing him since I only have 3 mana. Then I Bolt myself before Valakut triggers kill me. He mulls to 5 and I mull to 6. I would have mulled more, but it seemed like he wanted to mull right away, so I keep 4 land and Mwonvuli Acid-Moss with a Prime Time. I Moss him twice and win easily after that. In the final game, I Prime Time first, but I still lose to Scapeshift. He doesn't draw it, but draws Prime Time and I am able to kill him on board. Field of the Dead put some useless Zombies for both of us since Valakut triggers were low at the time. Lol. 2-1.

I finish 5-3 and definitely out of prize. I expected to win all matches except vs. my own deck. I should have just played Whirza. I know people don't come to these threads to see this, but I honestly didn't make the correct deck choice, due to seeing Marshall win. I went from thinking that Titanshift is a top 8 deck to Titanshift is a winning deck. :(
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

Erian Ignis
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Post by Erian Ignis » 4 years ago

By all means please continue to post your tournament reports. I actually enjoy reading them. I like to see how other people fare with the Decks I myself like to play.

Now, as per your comment, I understand Whirza is in a category of its own, right? So, outside of it, I think Titanshift has got good matchups overall right now?

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Erian Ignis wrote:
4 years ago
By all means please continue to post your tournament reports. I actually enjoy reading them. I like to see how other people fare with the Decks I myself like to play.

Now, as per your comment, I understand Whirza is in a category of its own, right? So, outside of it, I think Titanshift has got good matchups overall right now?
I felt like Whirza was close enough to 50% for me to take that chance. I hadn't faced it since the Grand Prix Las Vegas when I played Hogaak.

Tron - favorable
UW Control - favorable
Jund - favorable
Burn - not favorable
Mono Red Prowess - not favored
Whirza - not favored, especially the Whirza you loan out
Shadow - not favorable
Dredge - favorable, but I play 0 GY hate now
Eldrazi dudes - favorable
Super quick combo decks like Storm - mostly not favorable unless it's Devoted combo
dinky creature decks - favorable if we draw Bolt and Anger/Sweltering Suns.

That being said, I got some interesting advice on the Valakut facebook group; 3 SB Pithing Needle. If I did expect to face Whirza, I could have done that. I could have easily taken out the Damping Spheres. I don't think I've ever had that card when the opponent has not had an answer immediately. The opponent will still have to side as if we have them, even if they're not seen in Game 2. :grin:
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by Erian Ignis » 4 years ago

So unfavored against the perceived best Deck? It is not good, although what *is* favored is another matter entirely.

I guess against a fair or fair-ish meta the deck shines.

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Post by FoodChainGoblins » 4 years ago

Erian Ignis wrote:
4 years ago
So unfavored against the perceived best Deck? It is not good, although what *is* favored is another matter entirely.

I guess against a fair or fair-ish meta the deck shines.
I think it's close, but you may need to hedge a little bit against it if you expect to face it a lot. As for me, I didn't face it 1 single time in 3 other MCQs. I did face UW in 2 of those, Tron in 2 of those, and Burn in all of those. I also faced Jund 0 times in these tournaments, which seems unlucky to me. I didn't face a single Stoneforge Mystic either.
Standard - Will pick up what's good when paper starts
Pre Modern - Do not own anymore
Pioneer - DEAD
Modern - Jund Sacrifice, Amulet, Elementals, Trollementals, BR Asmo/Goryo's, Yawmoth Chord
Legacy - No more cards, will rebuy Sneak Show when I can
Limited - Will start when paper starts
Commander - Nope

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Post by Ed06288 » 4 years ago

Why does titanshift play 3x windswept heath instead of say 3x bloodstained mire? It doesn't grab a basic mountain. Are we supposed to use our fetches to grab a basic forest on turn 1? Or do we fetch stomping ground turn 1? We need mountains for active valakut but you also need enough mountains in the deck for a scapeshift kill. Also, what are people's thought's on castle garenbrig? It's not exactly a mountain. This is coming from a long time titan breach player, where we always used arid mesa or bloodstained mire. The mana base confuses me.

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Pronoun: he / him

Post by ShockerNation » 4 years ago

Windswept Heath and similar fetchlands are necessary to get that basic forest when you are playing against a Blood Moon deck. Also, there are times when you will be setting up for a Scapeshift and actually want a basic forest since you will be sacking all of your lands and will need to find mountains. Also, if you are playing against Burn you may want a basic forest to suspend Search for Tomorrow without taking three damage right away.

Castle Garenbrig should be included since it allows for an early PrimeTime. I think running two would not be unreasonable. Since Field of the Dead gives Titanshift another powerful avenue.

Now, most often you will get a Stomping Ground with the first fetch.

If you proxy up the deck and play it out, it will all make sense. Run scenarios where your opponent is on Burn, Jund, the mirror, etc. to see what would be the most optimal first few turns.

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