138 Card Expansion Set
By Shiro_Demoneye
Ithraan is a diverse plane that that seems to have been split in half. One half is a frozen wasteland, and the other half is full of life. Ithraan is inhabited by the Titans—magical creatures that range from the size of a large building to a small country—that travel the plane. These Titans are inhabited by various creatures. For example, the Titan Aquis is inhabited by elves, merfolk, humans, and goblins. Oris prowls the wastes in search of corpses.
The power of Titans causes them to avoid each other, so contact between cultures is fairly limited. As a solution, many of the larger and more developed Titans' inhabitants use airships to travel between Titans and to and from the wastes.
The wastes—known as Frostdale by its inhabitants—are protected by a group known as the Sentinels, who are led by the mysterious Auris. Ancient magic protects certain areas of Frostdale, which causes Titans to avoid settlements that would be crushed by the Titan's footsteps.
The other half of Ithraan is called the Wildlands. The Sentinels occasionally venture into the Wildlands in order to pursue enemies, but generally leave the area alone. The larger Titans don't often travel to the Wildlands, but there are similar wards in place to keep the Titans away from civilized and sacred areas. The Wildlands have many different ecosystems, such as swamps, forests, plains, and jungles. The coast also wraps around the eastern edge of the Wildlands.
The moon plays an important role on Ithraan. During the blood moon, the moon corrupts the pure-hearted and empowers evil. During the blue moon, the moon bridges the realms of life and death, causing spirits to reincarnate or manifest in the mortal realm.
On Ithraan, angels and fiends are constantly at war. Unlike celestials and fiends on other worlds, the celestials and fiends of Ithraan aren't always good or evil, respectively. Like mortals, they can choose their own path (most of the time), even though most celestials are good and most fiends of evil. Phoenixes are often allied with the celestials, but sometimes they are neutral.

In recent years, chaos has reigned on Ithraan. The blood moon appears more frequently and the Sentinels have been divided. The Darkblades (called the Betrayers by other Sentinels) exploit necromancy and dark magic, and aren't above murdering people in their sleep The other Sentinels remain loyal to Auris. The conflict was escalated by the arrival of the Immortal Sun. Various groups fought for control of the artifact. In the end, the Immortal Sun was claimed by the phoenixes.
The Immortal Sun has drawn planeswalkers from other worlds to Ithraan. Some of these planeswalkers include Jace Beleren, Nissa Revane, Chandra Nalaar , Ajani Goldmane, Ob Nixilus, and Vivien Reid. All of them (except Ob Nixilus) were awed by the Titans' powerful connection to the Æther.
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