[White Border] Alesha, Who Smiles at Death

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

So I've done a few of these "limitations" by now, so it should be no surprise I'd come around to make one of Alesha too. For reference, here's the first one designed on my own: White Border Kaalia. Yes, Alesha has no white border print. This means you're either making an exception, or commissioning an alter. Your choice (personally, I think the modern frame does not look well with white borders, YMMV).

Standard disclaimer: White border is ugly when mixed with blackborder cards but actually can look pretty sharp by itself...which means limiting your pool of cards. However, this doesn't have to be bad, merely the cards are just straight-forward but still fully functional. Nevertheless I find this deck to be great to hand out as a loaner/starter to new players to get them interested in the format, without bogging them down with a lot of corner case rules interactions that may confuse or even scare them away.

The bulk of this deck's price point is in the tutours and three ABU duals (and goblin settler, I guess), but if you cut those you could pick the rest up for pennies on the dollar. Then you could even proxy some of the high $ cards since this is an unsanctioned format with nothing on the line, which is a pretty fair line of thought given the role of this list. Aside from that, my only stipuations are that every card should have an English print and be reasonably attainable (sorry Spanish Mana Crypt and P3K). However it's worth noting that those ABUs and tutours will be a part of any deck you build after this, making the investment a wise one on your end.

Before you say it, yes, this deck is missing Weathered Wayfarer (9ED). This is by design. You don't have a lot of real utility lands to search up, making this a bit of a lacklustre include. And, y'know, it's still a $15 card which feels not especially great for the cost. Similarly Defense Grid is ~$10 and interferes with a surprisingly high number of instant speed interaction you're packing in this list while offering not a lot of protection for you that you particularly care about.

Deck stats: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/alesha-w ... te-border/
Steel Sabotage'ng Orbs of Mellowness since 2011.

I collect Kaalia of the Vast normal-size cards. Do you have any extra taking up space in your binder? Help me grow my collection! :)



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Kaalia's Personal Liaison
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Location: Ruined City of Drannith, Ikoria

Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

Updated to incorporate Death Pits of Rath since it combos well with the commander.
Steel Sabotage'ng Orbs of Mellowness since 2011.

I collect Kaalia of the Vast normal-size cards. Do you have any extra taking up space in your binder? Help me grow my collection! :)


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