Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Vampire Tribal

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Drana, Beatdown of Malakir

This is a list I put together several months back to get my wife to play commander with me (successfully, fwiw!). I wanted to start her off in the format with something sweet, but not overly complex that had lots of tutoring, triggers to remember, combos or weird win conditions. Just good ol' mono-colored-turning-creatures-sideways. To keep such a straightforward strategy from feeling underpowered, I thought that mono black's big mana would be best, and tribal synergies would keep the fun factor high for a newer player. Zombies are sweet and all, but Drana, Liberator of Malakir stuck out as a sweet general with low cmc, evasion, and a propensity for beating down with fellow attacking creatures, so Vampires it is!

Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Vampire Tribal

Commander (1)

Spot Removal (2)

Approximate Total Cost:

There's definitely some holes to be filled and kinks to be worked out, but overall I'm happy with it and my wife has enjoyed learning the deck. It really shines when some of the repeatable removal effects take over or it just starts making so much mana it can't be stopped.

I am going to be ordering some cards next week, and that order will include Vindictive Vampire and Metallic Mimic, which will probably replace Indulgent Aristocrat and Bloodbond Vampire.

Thoughts/critiques welcome!
Last edited by MeowZeDung 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

A quick update in two parts.

First, a few changes:
11/23/19 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

I keep forgetting to pick up a Defile and Witch's Cottage, and I am thinking that The Haunt of Hightower might deserve a test run. We'll see if that happens in time for the next round of changes.

Second, a couple of games to report on:

Today my wife gave this a spin twice against my newly assembled God-Eternal Kefnet list, and these vamps are proving to be quite resilient! Both games had Kefnet taking a substantial lead, but Drana and friends turning the tide decisively and explosively.
Game 1
My wife did the usual and curved into a board of vamps, in this game consisting of Cordial Vampire,Drana, Sanctum Seeker, and Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet with a Cabal Coffers threatening more nonsense for future turns.

However, Drana was unable to connect because Kefnet brickwalls her. Ixidron slammed the brakes on things before Kalitas could get rolling, and Vesuvan Shapeshifter was able to flip back face up as a copy of Ixidron making two 7/7 beaters on the opposite side of the table. Quadruple chumped one with facedown vamps for the trade to get rid of one, shrink the other, and get Drana back to the command zone with only one card in hand (a swamp).

Drew Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with only Drana for devotion and no cards in hand. :sick:

At this point Kefnet's victory seemed assured, and monoblue copycat nonsense with Archaeomancer and Clone effects ensued, buying back Turnabout multiple times, but not finding a way to slam the door on the game.

Drew Champion of Dusk, which drew Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief and something else I can't remember. No matter. Coffers and Nykthos plus the 6+ devotion from Drana and the freshly drawn vamps was enough to get OG Drana enough mana to zap Kefnet and something else relevant before her namesake swung in.

The blue deck couldn't answer either Drana or any of the big mana lands on it's turn, so the next turn was just using a billion mana to have OG Drana nuke everything before swinging in for huge damage. The blue deck desperately topdecked and still couldn't find an answer. GG.
Game 2
Curved out with Drana into Sanctum Seeker into OG Drana. God-Eternal Kefnet copied a Stolen Identity to make a copy of each Drana to block with. Nuked the impostor OG Drana with the OG OG Drana (if you're confused, it's fine) and came crashing in with just the freshly swollen Drana.

At some point Cabal Coffers had hit the table, prompting a Counterspell in response to Mirage Mirror. Kefnet then copied Baral's Expertise and effectively board wiped and got a free Solemn Simulacrum.

OG Drana got countered, and Baral's Expertise was effectively Time Walk. Expertise got brought back to hand via Archaeomancer, and it looked like Kefnet had a soft lock on the game. . . but it turns out Whip of Erebos is a really good magic card.

Played Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and had all the mana in the world after resolving whip, whipping back OG Drana, and resolving Bad Moon and commander Drana. Nuked some poor blue creatures with OG Drana and cast Blood Tribute before smashing face with a huge lifelinking Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief for a shocking win.
So, Drana was the MVP, just not the Drana you might have expected :cool:
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

So I built my 7 y/o son a Gishath, Sun's Avatar deck for Christmas, and I just finished sleeving it up last night and asked my wife to run Drana out against it for a couple playtest games. In Game 2 I had Berserkers' Onslaught in play and was threatening to cast Gishath after my land drop on the following turn when my wife demonstrated an instant kill I somehow missed when building the deck for her! She cast a kicked Blood Tribute with a Defiant Bloodlord out and all I could do is blink and say, "Oh. . ." :crazy:

I knew about the interactions between bloodlord, Blood Artist, random lifelinkers and extort creatures like Vampire Nighthawk and Crypt Ghast, and of course Exsanguinate, but somehow totally missed the wombo combo with Blood Tribute. It's got me thinking that it might be worth it to toss a Epicure of Blood into the deck even though his drain effect is not at all as powerful as Defiant Bloodlord's, and he's otherwise quite boring and. . . crappy. Still, I'm finding the deck really leverages all the drain n' gain stuff well.

I like the idea of giving the deck a little more explosive, combo-y punch so it can straight up assassinate the scariest player at the table when it needs to, or even so it just has some reach beyond attacking with vamps. That said, I don't know if what I've got is already enough to strike a good balance, or if adding one or two more gain/drain effects is just turning this into a Sanguine Bond / Exquisite Blood combo deck.

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