[Placeholder] Primer - Depths

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Post by Diz » 5 years ago

This is the placeholder thread for the Legacy Depths Primer on MTG Nexus. If you would like to take over the primer for this particular deck, please message a Legacy staff member.

Depths, also known as Turbo Depths, is a Black-Green combo deck aimed at powering out a 20/20 flying, indestructible Marit Lage token from Dark Depths as soon as possible, utilizing either Thespians' Stage or Vampire Hexmage to do so. Unlike some other lists that utilize the Stage-Depths combo, like Lands or Aggro Loam, Depths devotes most of its deck space towards pursuing this goal. Cards like Expedition Map and Sylvan Scrying help assemble the pieces, while cards like Mox Diamond, Lotus Petal, and Elvish Spirit Guide help power out the combo as soon as possible. Discards like Hymn to Tourach, Duress, Thoughtseize, and Inquisition of Kozilek help remove any possible roadblocks to the combo, and Dark Confidant and Life from the Loam often show up to add resilience.
Dark Depths, #7 in MTGO Legacy Format Playoff
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Post by Diz » 8 months ago

I've been experimenting with Depths, for a while, now. I had two main variants I liked - one I called "Depths' Shadow", which used Sylvan Library, Thoughtseize, Dark Confidant, and shocklands as a Death's Shadow package to have an alternate threat that could play around Karakas, and then another build that used Stitcher's Supplier, Satyr Wayfinder, and Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis. I think the Hogaak variant played better than Depths' Shadow, but I can't remember what I cut from my current list for the Hogaak package, so, I'm unable to confirm, at this time. I've recently settled on a plain Depths build that's pretty effective, and uses Not of This World for protection, rather than things like Sylvan Safekeeper. I slipped in a singular copy of Glissa Sunslayer as a draw engine, but also to have an alternate plan for popping Depths off in the event that I can't Stage or Hexmage it. Haven't gotten to test since making the change, but, yeah - I've messed with this deck a decent bit.

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