[Deck] Faeries, snakes, and ninjas... oh my! (Ug Tempo)

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Post by Victorshade » 5 years ago

This is the deck I played at GPDFW (or at least 3 cards different from it) Went 10-4-1. There aren't many tempo decks in the format, so most people weren't sure how to play against it.

Creature Suite
Faerie Seer, Spellstutter Sprite, Pestermite, and Vendilion Clique are the backbone of the deck. All faeries, which strengthens the power of Spellstutter Sprite. Faerie Seer says scry two, but it actually reads as draw one. It helps fix your draws at every point in the game and is the best card to have in your opening hand.
Ice-Fang Coatl is why I built the deck. A two mana card that does everything you want, attack, card advantage, and a kill spell.
The Ninjas are some good spice. Picking up which ever Faerie you need if it's come into play ability is relevant again or just want some card draw. Mist-Syndicate Naga is an underrated win condition. One hit from it will leave many decks scrambling to deal with the army of tokens

The deck is a mix of counters and bounce spells. Knowing what to play when depends a lot on the match-up. Echoing Truth ruins so many decks plans that aren't expecting it. String of Disappearances doubles as a bounce spell for their creatures and yours, also note you can bounce your Spellstutter sprites to replay them to counter something.

In testing the deck kept changing what high end finisher it had. It was running two Torrential Gearhulks for awhile but the mana wasn't always there. I finally settled on the swords. Sword of Feast and Famine's ability to untap your lands is perfect for this deck. Running only two is great because many players will side in artifact hate if they see one game one and any time your opponent dilutes their deck to fight only two cards, you are doing good.

Nothing crazy here. Field of Ruin is in the deck to target Cavern of Souls more than anything.

This is still a work in progress and will always depend on the meta. Weather the Storm does fight storm very well (up to 85 life once) but is also strong versus burn or mono-red prowess. Ravenous Trap was originally there to fight Bridgevine but is still good against dredge. Rebuild is to fight Affinity and artifact lock decks. I play it over Hurkyl's Recall due to Orbs of Warding that some Whir Prison decks run.

Cards to test
Brineborn Cutthroat seems to have potential for the maindeck.


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