Karametra, God of Harvests

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Post by WizardMN » 5 years ago

This is ported over from MTGSalvation. That thread will no longer be updated, but I don't want to lose the great discussion over there so here is the link to that thread.

At some point, I will revamp this into more of a "Primer" layout (even if it ends up not being an actual Primer) and I will update this first post at that time. For now, here is the same "intro post", including decklist, as I made before:

This deck was built with the idea of just getting big creatures into play. Almost everything is geared towards to flooding the board with creatures. Most cards that aren't creatures, or don't facilitate getting creatures into play, are there to clear the way or stop others boards from getting out of hand. Note that there are a couple notable exclusions: Craterhoof Behemoth and creatures that bounce creatures (such as Whitemane Lion). Craterhoof is excluded because I want the game to go on for a while and with the tutor effects in the deck, Craterhoof would almost always be the first target. Since I can ramp relatively quickly, Craterhoof on turn 6, 7, or 8 would probably just mean game and I am not interested in ending the game that quickly.

"Bounce" creatures (I think there is a slang term for them but I can't remember it Gating I think is the term) are out for the same reason. Casting Whitemane Lion over and over just floods my board way quicker than I want it to. If I ramp into Karametra on Turn 4, casting Whitemane over and over can get me 8 mana on turn 5, 12 on turn 5, and 18 on turn 6. My meta is really against mass LD and ramping into 18 mana by turn 6 is way too much for people to handle and would let me end the game a lot sooner than I want to.

Here is the list:
Karametra, God of Harvests



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Avacyn is there to protect my creatures and Archangel of Thune helps pump up my creatures while also letting me gain life. Since the counters of Karametra don't go away when she is not a creature, she can just stick around waiting to be turned into a creature again.

Kamahl helps make Avenger more powerful, though the Plant tokens are often fairly large due to being able to tutor out lands already so Avenger is the biggest win condition in this deck.

Beyond ramp, most of the creatures are there as answers to the rest of the board. Elesh Norn takes care of tokens (while also letting me attack for more). Grand Abolisher saves me from combat tricks from my opponents. Spike Weaver fogs if I need to save myself and Arachnogenesis and Constant Mists help prevent me from dying to combat damage.

This is one of my favorite decks due to the "Timmy" nature behind it and I think it embodies what a lot of people think of when they think of "casual" EDH. Just big creatures while still accounting for other players. No "game-ending" cards like Tooth and Nail and Craterhoof. I am not against these cards by any means, but I felt like this deck plays more how I want by excluding them.
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