Uro, Titan who brings the Doomsday Aurora

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Ever wanted to play Doomsday in simic colors? This just may be your chance. This deck is a control/value shell that wants to get into the late game and cause multiple Doomsday events. Don't expect too many short games piloting this, unless you are focused out early. The main premise is to get Life from the Loam and a cycling land ASAP to set up a long term, resilient draw engine or set up a value engine using Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath and a bounce effect such as Erratic Portal. In the late game you have hopefully put a lot of lands into play and have little to no library left. At this point you can use mirror of fate to start setting up doomsday piles. It is possible to set this up earlier, and there are many other pathways to victory...but this is what the deck was built to try and do. The deck is born of my love for lands as a card type, Mirror of Fate and The Great Aurora. Field of the Dead receives an honorable mention here as one of the coolest lands printed in recent history despite my misgivings about its power level.

The deck is packed with tutors that can be used to either go right for life from the loam or find another tutor that can. The absolute best of these is intuition which can grab both loam and a cycling land to start drawing cards and milling your library into your other hand. You can also try to set up an engine where each turn you can cast and then bounce Uro to gain life, cards and lands in play. This is rather expensive and slow but also not very threatening.

There are a number of control packages that can be used to slow the game down while trying to keep up the value train of loam/Uro. If you have field of the dead online you should have blockers available for non evasive boards and/or could start swinging in for some damage. Playing and/or looping bounce wipes is an option. Finding a Glacial Chasm or Halls of Mist can help stall for some time while you continue the value train. Sometimes it's ok to take some damage at this stage rather than start demonstrating a loop. Better to stay under the radar for as long as possible.

Congratulations for making it this far. If all has gone well you have 20 to 30 lands out and pretty much no deck. At this point my favorite thing to do is start casting the greatest green card ever printed, The Great Aurora. With all those lands out (one of them being field of the dead) you can create a lot of zombies. Concordant crossroads or finale of devastation can be used to give your undead army haste. There are many other options here, which I will try to discuss further in the Card Selection section.

As mentioned earlier, the main target for these is life from the loam. Afterwards, they are all still great at grabbing another tool out of your deck. They make great escape fodder for Uro once used.

Life from the Loam
One of the most important, and fortunately, resilient cards in the deck. This will help ensure land drops and selection, fill the graveyard with spells for recurring or escaping Uro and help achieve our goal of having no library and a lot of lands. Cycling lands are amazing with loam, as they can continually dredge it back and gain card advantage. Exploration effects can be used to really accelerate those lands into play. If you know you may be facing graveyard hate, be sure to try and leave up more than one way to draw a card at instant speed.

Academy Ruins
Allows us to recur mirror of fate and other valuable artifacts that may be milled by life from the loam. May also save us from decking by sacrificing mirror of fate or oblivion stone repeatedly and putting it back on top to not draw out

Mirror of Fate
The main reason I even built this reasonably bright, definitely hot dumpster fire. This card allows us to pull off some really dumb stuff. It's mostly for the end game where we can recycle any of our win conditions or important pieces lost throughout by either grave hate or repeated escaping of Uro. You could try and copy it earlier in the game to double up its activations, turning your library and current exiled cards into a 7 card doomsday pile. I would advise having at least 15 lands in play before trying this. That number is theoretical at the moment too. At some point I will set up some scenarios to try and find the ideal number of lands, and which lands you definitely want. It is possible to use mirror and cast an infinite number of Auroras, or at least loop it every turn cycle.

The Great Aurora
The other reason I built this deck, easily my favorite green card ever printed. There are many ways to make this to your advantage when casting. Can put your opponents at a pretty huge disadvantage too. Crippling to opponents who have very few permanents and a small hand size. Field of the Dead can help us build up a board before casting to see more cards when we do cast it. In the end game if you've gotten down to little/no library it basically reads pick up your board and replay it, make lots of zombies. Use concordant crossroads or finale of devastation to swing them out right away. Or float tons of mana and words of wind your opponents back to the stone age.

Primarily in here to put mirror of fate back into the library in case it was exiled, can also be used pretty effectively to recycle the Great Aurora. Or anything you want back that was exiled. If your life from the loam is exiled early on you can use a creature tutor to grab riftsweeper and put it back, then tutor out the loam again.

Exploration effects
These can be pretty crucial to your ramp plans. Landing exploration itself early with 4 lands in hand or something can really help your early game. Once you get a life from the loam engine going it can put out two lands a turn which is just what the doctor ordered.

Trade routes
Another bonkers card in this deck. It basically gives all of our lands cycling for use with life from the loam. It can be used to bounce and replay lands for field of the dead triggers. It can be used with mystic sanctuary to recur spells to the top of your library repeatedly. Very useful card.

Riptide Laboratory
I understand there's only like 2 wizards in the whole deck, But we tend to see most of our deck in a good game, and these 2 wizards are particularly good when they can be bounced and recast. I speak of archaeomancer and venser, shaper savant. I have had games decided by this interaction.

Deserted Temple
Useful for untapping riptide laboratory, maze of ith, castle vantress, blast zone, sanctum of eternity or any other land you might want to activate more than once

Mystic Sanctuary
Wow, what an awesome common and another of my favorite lands recently released. Gets silly with trade routes. Unfortunately will not trigger off a scapeshift or splendid reclamation due to coming in tapped or The Great Aurora due to all the lands coming in at once. Incredibly useful engine no less.

Field of the Dead
One of the decks major wincons. You can use scapeshift early on to put your most ideal lands into play and build an immediate board presence. Thespian's stage and Vesuva are here to make extra copies of field for maximum zombie output. You can use it mid game to build up a bigger board than everyone and then use the great aurora to reset everything while jumping ahead in resources. Finale of Devastation for 10+ can make your army real scary real quick. This is often easy to do after floating a bunch of mana into an Aurora

Cephalid Coliseum
An awesome land in this deck. Can be brought back with Crucible of worlds or life from the loam to provide constant card selection. Also great after activating mirror of fate to provide instant access to the top 3.

Halls of Mist
I talked a little trash about this card early on in the comments, but it has turned out to be an awesome little pseudo stax piece. The cumulative upkeep is negligible with how easy it is to recur lands

Glacial Chasm
nananananaaaaa, you can't touch me! Downsides are negligible here also. I have dropped this as early as turn 4 and had it carry me through a game.

Alchemist's Refuge
Because we are at heart a control deck, it is always best to play a draw/go style if available and this allows us more leeway here. Useful plays are using a bounce wipe if someone comes your way, life from the loam, archaeomancer, or eternal witness in response to grave hate, spamming Uro or whatever else you want. Just holding up mana in blue is enough to scare some people into playing poorly.

Erratic Portal/Crystal Shard/Temur Sabertooth/Sanctum of Eternity
Ways to cast and bounce Uro and accrue value. The former two are additionally useful with our other etb creatures and can be used to snipe an unwary opponents creature. Sabertooth is repeatable.

The value that can be gained from playing this card is silly, but it can be difficult to assess too. The effect is symmetrical, which I've found can really work against you despite the fact that you might be drawing 4 cards, gaining 12 life and playing up to 4 extra lands per full turn cycle around the board. When it works, it really works though.

Greater Good
If you are not trying to repeatedly bounce Uro, this is an amazing card advantage engine. Draw 6 ditch 3 with each cast? Awesome, and if you can stick greater good and lifeline at the same time the value you will accrue is insane. Easily the best way to quickly see your whole deck currently in here.

Nexus of Fate
I've heard this called a "7 mana growth spiral" somewhere and that about sums up it's role here. Saves us from decking and should essentially win us the game if it comes down to it.

Words of Wind
Another of the decks many avenues to victory. Particularly brutal following an end of turn cyclonic rift, we can cast Uro and pay one to bounce him back while forcing each of our opponents to bounce a thing. With enough mana and time they will eventually be unable to play anything.

Sac a bunch of lands, get better ones. Get the others back with Life from the Loam or Splendid Reclamation/World Shaper. This card can really accelerate us through the mid game into the late game, especially when followed with the latter two cards.

Phyrexian Metamorph and Sculpting Steel
Inherently useful cards that will almost always have a good target, they can also be used to copy mirror of fate. Double mirror activations give us the closest thing to doomsday that is better than doomsday...because we get 2 more cards and access to exiled cards! Essentially lets you pick and stack up to 7 cards from your library/exile

Venser, Shaper Savant
Very useful for pseudo countering spells to buy time, bouncing problem permanents, and hitting uncounterable stuff. The bounce package makes it easily reusable

Archaeomancer/Eternal Witness
Get back spells lost to dredging life from the loam or reuse spells you need again. Also very easy to reuse with the bounce package

Cyclonic Rift/Flood of Tears/Devastation tide, and to a lesser extent Evacuation
Great for keeping boardstates slowed down enough to keep doing our thing. They are fantastic with an archaeomancer or eternal witness out.

Kederekt Leviathan
Leviathan proves it's worth despite a high mana cost here. If you have Lifeline out and cast it, you can recast the Lifeline and keep the Uro value coming.
13 mana, but worth it. It becomes loopable with a phyrexian metamorph.
Leviathan can also be reused with temur sabertooth, erratic portal or crystal shard in response to the ETB trigger or after the fact.

Finale of Devastation
Great card here. Pumps the team and gives them haste, and can find any creature you need from either the yard or library

Oblivion Stone
Destroys everything and can be recurred with academy ruins. If things go real bad, you could keep putting it on the top with ruins in order to not die to decking

Mirage Mirror
One of my pet cards. All around very versatile and hard to get rid of. Can copy field of the dead and mirror of fate. Could combo with dark depths if you wanted to run that. Could copy an exploration effect to get more land drops. Recurrable with academy ruins. The possibilities with this card seem endless, hence it's pet status. The real fun comes from abusing your opponents stuff like a Cabal Coffers when Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is out.



Approximate Total Cost:

Anything outlined by @tstorm823 and @darrenhabib in the comments below if you wish to try and go infinite with the Aurora. Fair warning, it is not an easy combo to pull off although due to the decks resiliency and access to cards in exile it can probably be done fairly consistently. It's just a complicated and convoluted process that is going to make yours and your opponents brains hurt. Plus cause a whole lot of shuffling. One day I do want to use Forbidden Orchard with this to try and deck my opponents one by one while handing them their decks and infiniteish mana

A disgusting card played in response to The Great Aurora. A little too %$#% you for my tastes, but would be a good add in the right meta...namely one with a strong control presence

Another disgusting follow up to The Great Aurora, simply let your opponents dump their lands out and cast this with your held up mana and watch the tears flow. You should be able to recover far more easily.

Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
A strong beater/blocker who is very hard to get rid of. Can also provide another way to abuse mystic sanctuary. Excellent sac fodder for greater good. I imagine this finding its way into the deck soon.

Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac
The best doomsday pile out there for those who want it. I will never use these cards in this or any deck personally. But they are there.

Veil of Summer/City of Solitude/Dosan the Falling Leaf
Protect your turn when trying to go off with something. Boseiju, Who Shelters All could help here too.

Hermit druid/Altar of Dementia/Mesmeric Orb/Traumatize
Mill through your deck faster. Altar also provides a repeatable sac outlet for your zombies if you want to cast The Great Aurora and have more permanents than cards in library/hand.

Lotus Cobra
Seems like it might be good, but kind of win more and maybe even flat out unnecessary. I think it's a trap but I could be wrong

Off-color fetches
More consistent mana base and deck thinning. Not really to my taste, but pretty effective with life from the loam. Realistically, only breeding pool, tropical island and mystic sanctuary are better targets than basic lands so I'm quite happy with just misty rainforest, prismatic vista and fabled passage. I would rather use land slots for more utility and control.

Reliquary Tower
Had it in here earlier, but seemed unnecessary. Kind of an overrated card in my opinion. Big hands look scary to people, we may want to discard so we can escape Uro, and most of our stuff is recurrable.

Coastal Breach/Crush of Tentacles
more board bouncing, realistically one of these might be better than kederekt leviathan but I just love my get wrekt leviathan

Deadeye Navigator
Would be quite the beast with Uro, but not to my tastes. Another card I just kind of don't run right now.

Dark Depths
Combos with thespian's stage and fairly easy to recur with life from the loam or crucible of worlds

Wayward Swordtooth
Another exploration effect

Rampaging Baloths/Avenger of Zendikar
Some more potential wincons. Avenger bores me, but the baloths might be nice if you wanted a stronger mid game board presence that isn't so controlling. Would be good in conjunction with scapeshift or splendid reclamation/world shaper

Useful cards that can also counter Uro's sacrifice trigger. We already run voidslime and disallow which are more versatile.

More counter magic
Hasn't felt like I needed it yet, but some other good options may be swan song, pact of negation or force of negation for faster comboey metas. Summary dismissal or mindbreak trap for storm/uncounterable metas. I really should just put mana drain in here for extra "ramp" too. These seem to be the stronger ones, otherwise I'd suggest modal ones like cryptic command or mystic confluence

Frilled Mystic
Counterspell that can be bounced for reuse. Also a wizard for Riptide Laboratory

Reclamation Sage
Artifact/enchantment removal that can be bounced

Krosan Grip
Good for that split second removal if you really need it. Mostly for combo metas

Bane of Progress
If you deal with a lot of problem artifacts and enchantments in your meta this might help out. We might lose some things, but most of them are pretty easy to recur or are not as important as removing the threats you may be facing. Mostly a meta call, typically bouncing things has seemed enough for me.

Scavenging Ooze
For that grave hate if you need it

Scroll Rack
Sometimes we end up with a lot of lands in hand from loaming incessantly, this could allow us to filter our hand to the top of library and look at some fresh cards. You could set up dredges for the future or shuffle unwanted cards away with a tutor of some kind.

Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers/Heart of Yavimaya/Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
Can pump Uro to 7 for 3 hit commander damage kills. Rogue's Passage can help him connect.
Last edited by WolfWhoWanders 4 years ago, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

I should note there are some notable exclusions which are intentional for now, and some questionable choices (looking at you halls of mist). I don't know if I want a Narset in the Doomsday pile, but she would make the great Aurora backbreaking and an almost sure win rather than just something stupid I try to do. But there's also probably stuff I missed, so please comment!
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

-1 portal of sanctuary
-1 sculpting steel
-1 string of disappearances
-1 copy artifact

+1 temur sabertooth
+1 muddle the mixture
+1 Sylvan Awakening
+1 remote isle

Think there may have been a couple other changes too, switching some of the cycling lands around because I found my other ones... Not sure. Will try to log later. Deck is pretty fun to play. One game was won with scapeshift into the rest of my lands then splendid reclamation with field of the dead out. Another was won with the great Aurora and almost no deck, got out crossroads and swung. Third game I tried for words of wind and might've had it but got sloppy and lost. I can see Sylvan Awakening being a great add for the deck and Doomsday pile. Haven't gotten to Doomsday yet but I think a brainstorm would be a great addition to the pile to get 3 key cards. Also realize Narset would be difficult if not impossible to pull off with the area Aurora, plagiarize would be a better option.
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

-1 desert of the indomitable

+1 brainstorm

Still kind of want to get more lands in here, but space feels tight. Need to get some games in to see what isn't performing
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Post by tstorm823 » 4 years ago

I'm gonna think about this deck. My instincts feel like the second Great Aurora should be pretty game winning, but to actually play it out is trickier than just hitting the win button.

But if you ever wanted a tutor for just specifically The Great Aurora, Grozoth has got your back.
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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

I did a specialist post on Mystic Sanctuary and there are some similarities within a 5 color deck I created around it's interactions => http://nxs.wf/np51374

I'm sure you're aware, but it can be a real player in your deck doing all sorts of shenanigans.
It's a nice play to keep dredging Loam from the Loam and eventually you might hit Splendid Reclamation and then you can get the Mystic Sanctuary with the Loam and setup this way.
You can keep repeating Devastation Tide/Flood of Tears every turn if you use Wasteland/Strip Mine on your Mystic Sanctuary and buy them back with Life from the Loam. Put's you a couple of lands behind so you really need Burgeoning/Exploration/Azusa, Lost but Seeking to keep it up indefinitely.
So on that note Simic Growth Chamber is nice way to bounce the Mystic Sanctuary.

One thing of note is that it won't trigger with the The Great Aurora because you need the existing lands in play in order for it to not be tapped. Doesn't work when lands come into play all at once.

As far as the Doomsday pile(s), the easiest pile would be...Thassa's Oracle, and that's it :P But if you wanted a bit more safety then say Brainstorm and some cheap counterspells as well to backup going for the win.

If you wanted to go for a few more style points then Temporal Mastery combined with Academy Ruins+Mirror of Fate to give infinite turns. You'd need 10 lands in play to do this, which is very feasible.

But the thing is I think the The Great Aurora is simply just going to do it on it's own after you've Mirror of Fate. Because as long as you're recycling The Great Aurora with Academy Ruins+Mirror of Fate, what is going to happen is that each turn statistically the number of lands your opponents will put into play will keep decreasing. It's hard for your opponents to make any sort of traction this way.
The problem with this however is that Field of the Dead will mean that you create Zombie tokens (not a choice) and so you'll have more permanents than cards you can draw and lose to decking.
So you'd need a creature sacrifice outlet as well. But you will attack opponents with Zombies and clear up the board each turn with The Great Aurora and keep resetting. It does give opponents a chance to counter your Mirror of Fate or The Great Aurora each turn, so it might be that you want some number of counterspells yourself to avoid that from happening. So you just want to make sure counterspells are part of the Doomsday pile.

As far as alternatives to Academy Ruins, there is Holistic Wisdom, Once and Future, Nostalgic Dreams, Restock, Seeds of Renewal, Woodland Guidance, Wildest Dreams, Greenwarden of Murasa, Cavalier of Thorns.
An example is that you use Woodland Guidance to get back Mirror of Fate and you should win the clash because you've put The Great Aurora on top. That way Woodland Guidance will cost nothing, if not gain you mana.

Actually I've thought of a pile that should keep recasting The Great Aurora infinitely.
Mirror of Fate puts Cavalier of Thorns, Deep Analysis, 5 lands on top, The Great Aurora.
We escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath exiling 5 lands and we draw Cavalier of Thorns off it's trigger.
Now we cast Cavalier of Thorns putting Deep Analysis and 3 lands into the graveyard, while putting a land into play.
Cast Deep Analysis with flashback to draw a land (let's say a cycle land) and The Great Aurora.
Note that we gain 3 life off Uro, so the life loss from Deep Analysis is negated.
Use High Market to sacrifice Cavalier of Thorns and exile putting Mirror of Fate back on top of library.
At this stage you only want the one card in hand (that land).
Cast The Great Aurora. You should draw all your cards except one. But even if you were unlucky enough not to draw the Mirror of Fate, if you made sure you had a cycle land you can draw it.
Alright so this is a lot of mana, but the bigger your land base The Great Aurora can in fact gain you a bit of mana when you cast it.
Mirror of Fate + Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath + Cavalier of Thorns + Deep Analysis + cycle land (say Lonely Sandbar) = 8ggggguuuu, 17 to be exactly.
So you want at least 13 lands as you'll gain 4 mana off The Great Aurora and so that's 17 mana to pay for costs.
Now you have to make sure that 5 lands are in your graveyard, we milled 3 from the Cavalier of Thorns and we gain a land in play each time. We cycle a land to make it 4 lands, so we actually need to sacrifice a land in order to keep this up infinitely. Something like Archaeological Dig, Buried Ruin, Cephalid Coliseum, Crystal Vein, Ghost Quarter, as examples. Even Glacial Chasm could be used in this way.
Actually Cephalid Coliseum could be used instead of Deep Analysis now that I think of it.

The net result of all this is that opponents will have no cards in play including lands if cast enough times, because they just keep drawing and putting less and less lands into each time you cast it.
You can just beat them to death with Cavalier of Thorns and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath and keep redoing the loop to make sure they never stick any permanents.

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Post by tstorm823 » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Actually I've thought of a pile that should keep recasting The Great Aurora infinitely.
This is the sort of thing I was trying to think through. This is closer than I was getting on my own, but there are a couple issues in your solution. When you counted up the mana, you sort of double counter the gain off of The Great Aurora, you need more like 26 mana from lands to cycle that infinitely. Second, your Mirror of Fate pile actually has 8 cards: Cavalier, Deep Analysis, The Great Aurora, and 5 lands. But, I don't think you actually need deep analysis, you just need slightly more mana. After you escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, it will be in play, so when you resolve The Great Aurora, it will end up back in your hand. But if you cast it from your hand, it will end up in the graveyard instead, which involves mandatory drawing a card to get it there.

So start the loop with Uro not in graveyard.
Mirror of Fate stack the deck with Cavalier of Thorns, 5 cards to mill over, then The Great Aurora.
Cast Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath from hand, it sacrifices itself, draw Cavalier of Thorns.
Cast Cavalier, mill 5 cards. Use the 5 cards to escape Uro, drawing The Great Aurora
Sacrifice Cavalier, exiling it to put Mirror of Fate on top.
Cast The Great Aurora to shuffle in and redraw everything, which puts Aurora, Cavalier, and the 5 milled cards in exile.

That's Mirror (5), Uro x 2 (1GGGUUU), Cavalier (2GGG), and Aurora (6GGG), for a total of 14UUUGGGGGGGGG, roughly the same as before. Not entirely practical without mana doublers or Omniscience. Also, my solution above is missing 1 card draw. That could be accounted for with a cycle land, or with a single token from something like Khalni Garden to up the draw count from the Aurora.

Also, there's almost certainly a solution involving activating Alchemist's Refuge so that you can escape in response to Mirror of Fate to put it back into your library that way.
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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

tstorm823 wrote:
4 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Actually I've thought of a pile that should keep recasting The Great Aurora infinitely.
This is the sort of thing I was trying to think through. This is closer than I was getting on my own, but there are a couple issues in your solution. When you counted up the mana, you sort of double counter the gain off of The Great Aurora, you need more like 26 mana from lands to cycle that infinitely. Second, your Mirror of Fate pile actually has 8 cards: Cavalier, Deep Analysis, The Great Aurora, and 5 lands. But, I don't think you actually need deep analysis, you just need slightly more mana. After you escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, it will be in play, so when you resolve The Great Aurora, it will end up back in your hand. But if you cast it from your hand, it will end up in the graveyard instead, which involves mandatory drawing a card to get it there.

So start the loop with Uro not in graveyard.
Mirror of Fate stack the deck with Cavalier of Thorns, 5 cards to mill over, then The Great Aurora.
Cast Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath from hand, it sacrifices itself, draw Cavalier of Thorns.
Cast Cavalier, mill 5 cards. Use the 5 cards to escape Uro, drawing The Great Aurora
Sacrifice Cavalier, exiling it to put Mirror of Fate on top.
Cast The Great Aurora to shuffle in and redraw everything, which puts Aurora, Cavalier, and the 5 milled cards in exile.

That's Mirror (5), Uro x 2 (1GGGUUU), Cavalier (2GGG), and Aurora (6GGG), for a total of 14UUUGGGGGGGGG, roughly the same as before. Not entirely practical without mana doublers or Omniscience. Also, my solution above is missing 1 card draw. That could be accounted for with a cycle land, or with a single token from something like Khalni Garden to up the draw count from the Aurora.

Also, there's almost certainly a solution involving activating Alchemist's Refuge so that you can escape in response to Mirror of Fate to put it back into your library that way.

How about.. Cephalid Coliseum, Deep Analysis, Woodland Guidance, Gitaxian Probe, 2 random cards, The Great Aurora.

You'll also need High Tide + Dryad of the Ilysian Grove/Prismatic Omen.

Let's say you have 9 lands + Dryad of the Ilysian Grove/Prismatic Omen.
1.) Cast High Tide for u. 8 lands untapped.
2.) Cast Mirror of Fate for 5. 5 lands untapped, 1 mana floating.
3.) Escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath for uugg exiling Cephalid Coliseum, Deep Analysis, Gitaxian Probe, Woodland Guidance, The Great Aurora. 3 lands untapped, 1 mana floating.
4.) While Uro draw trigger is on the stack, sacrifice Mirror of Fate to put cards on top of library that you just exiled.
5.) Draw and put Cephalid Coliseum into play from Uro ability.
6.) Sacrifice Cephalid Coliseum using the floating 1 mana, to draw Deep Analysis + 2 random cards. Discard these 3 cards.
7.) Flashback Deep Analysis for 1u drawing Woodland Guidance, Gitaxian Probe. 2 lands untapped.
8.) Cast Woodland Guidance (clashing The Great Aurora) returning Mirror of Fate and untapping all your lands. You'll have 9x2=18 mana now at the ready.
9.) Gitaxian Probe into The Great Aurora and cast. 9 mana floating. Also Gitaxian Probe can in fact be any draw card.
10.) You can cast Uro from hand, sacrifice to go to graveyard.
11.) While Uro draw trigger is on the stack, sacrifice Mirror of Fate to put cards on top of library. This time around you can just draw Deep Analysis with Uro trigger and cast it normally 3u to draw Woodland Guidance and The Great Aurora. This time around you don't need to win the clash because you'll be generating exponential mana anyway.

If I haven't got it wrong (my brain is getting a bit muggy at this stage), you should be putting enough lands into play after The Great Aurora and just keeping 3 cards in hand for discarding to Cephalid Coliseum. So between Cephalid Coliseum and 3 random cards to discard and the Deep Analysis, that's always going to be 5 cards to exile from graveyard.

Then the Mirror of Fate 7 cards from there on out are, Deep Analysis, Woodland Guidance, The Great Aurora, Cephalid Coliseum, 3 random cards.

The fail rate is if Cephalid Coliseum is literally one of the cards you don't draw with The Great Aurora.
Because you have so much mana at this stage you can in fact cast out Mirror of Fate as another permanent, but not crack it when you cast The Great Aurora. This just means you'll draw all but 2 cards.
Uro is part of the draw, so you'll be able to cast to draw and you can in fact let it go to the command zone instead of graveyard as you have so much mana, to recast if needing to draw the final card.
Also it's not the end of the world as you can still cast Uro exiling other cards, it's just that you don't want too many sequential turns in a row where Cephalid Coliseum is the last card in library, which is statistically improbable.
Last edited by darrenhabib 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Wow, thanks for all the feedback! It's going to be so interesting to sit down and read all of this...again, and actually digest it! I had already pulled cephalid coliseum out as another possible route to drawing the Aurora after placing it back in the library but this is fantastic. I had also considered finale of devastation to pump the zombies and make them hasty. I hadn't honestly considered going for the Aurora with less than 15 to 20 lands out, figuring to net mana in consecutive castings. I also figured that if we don't have enough cards in the library to factor in the zombie tokens we can always choose not to play field of the dead until we are ready to bring about Doomsday. Thanks again, I wish I could write some more but I'm actually going to get ready to go play some cards:
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Post by tstorm823 » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
How about.. Cephalid Coliseum, Deep Analysis, Woodland Guidance, Gitaxian Probe, 2 random cards, The Great Aurora.

You'll also need High Tide + Dryad of the Ilysian Grove/Prismatic Omen + High Market.

Let's say you have 9 lands + Dryad of the Ilysian Grove/Prismatic Omen + High Market.
1.) Cast High Tide for u. 8 lands untapped.
2.) Cast Mirror of Fate for 5. 5 lands untapped, 1 mana floating.
3.) Escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath for uugg exiling Cephalid Coliseum, Deep Analysis, Gitaxian Probe, Woodland Guidance, The Great Aurora. 3 lands untapped, 1 mana floating.
4.) While Uro draw trigger is on the stack, sacrifice Mirror of Fate to put cards on top of library that you just exiled.
5.) Draw and put Cephalid Coliseum into play from Uro ability.
6) Sacrifice Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath to High Market.
7.) Sacrifice Cephalid Coliseum using the floating 1 mana, to draw Deep Analysis + 2 random cards. Discard these 3 cards.
8.) Flashback Deep Analysis for 1u drawing Woodland Guidance, Gitaxian Probe. 2 lands untapped.
7.) Cast Woodland Guidance (clashing The Great Aurora) returning Mirror of Fate and untapping all your lands. You'll have 9x2=18 mana now at the ready.
8.) Gitaxian Probe into The Great Aurora and cast. 9 mana floating. Also Gitaxian Probe can in fact be any draw card.
At this stage you can repeat at Step 2, but Woodland Guidance, The Great Aurora, Deep Analysis are already exiled, so you do need to exile 3 new cards to Uro.

Note that the 9 mana floating is enough to cast Mirror of Fate and escape Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, so you will literally have 18 mana to spend on anything.

Uro exile this time will be Gitaxian Probe, Cephalid Coliseum, 3 random cards.
This time around...
4.) While Uro draw trigger is on the stack, sacrifice Mirror of Fate to put cards on top of library. This time around you can just draw Deep Analysis with Uro trigger and cast it normally 3u to draw Woodland Guidance and The Great Aurora. This time around you don't need to win the clash because you'll be generating exponential mana anyway.

If I haven't got it wrong (my brain is getting a bit muggy at this stage), you should be putting enough lands into play after The Great Aurora and just keeping 3 cards in hand for discarding to Cephalid Coliseum. So between Cephalid Coliseum and 3 random cards to discard and the Deep Analysis, that's always going to be 5 cards to exile from graveyard.

Then the Mirror of Fate 7 cards from there on out are, Deep Analysis, Woodland Guidance, The Great Aurora, Cephalid Coliseum, 3 random cards.

The fail rate is if Cephalid Coliseum is literally the card you don't draw with The Great Aurora. So to temper this if you have Growth Spiral or Coiling Oracle as part of the "random 3" you'll be fine.
The other thing is that it's not the end of the world either as you can still exile additional cards from your graveyard to cast Uro again, and it's going to be very statistically improbable that you get Cephalid Coliseum as the card you don't draw twice in a row.
That looks solid.

I've only got 3 comments left:
1) For that last part, Sensei's Divining Top is probably the best card for avoiding the fail scenario at the end while maintaining equilibrium in the number of cards shuffling around.
2) Veil of Summer/City of Solitude probably have a place here, because opponents are going to be doing repeated Time Twister while floating infinite mana. It's a shame this deck doesn't have white to Silence people and take that consideration out of play.
3) By the nature of The Great Aurora, with infinite Aurora's, you can kill the table with Forbidden Orchard.
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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

tstorm823 wrote:
4 years ago
That looks solid.

I've only got 3 comments left:
1) For that last part, Sensei's Divining Top is probably the best card for avoiding the fail scenario at the end while maintaining equilibrium in the number of cards shuffling around.
2) Veil of Summer/City of Solitude probably have a place here, because opponents are going to be doing repeated Time Twister while floating infinite mana. It's a shame this deck doesn't have white to Silence people and take that consideration out of play.
3) By the nature of The Great Aurora, with infinite Aurora's, you can kill the table with Forbidden Orchard.
Actually I realized that you don't even need High Market, as you can pick up Uro with The Great Aurora and just recast from hand, sacrificing it. That way you get to always draw an additional card to find Cephalid Coliseum.
You can also send Uro to the command zone, as you have plenty of mana to pay for the tax, so that guarantees that you draw the final card. So it's actually a given that you can loop.


Another card that I was trying to work around is Shelldock Isle.

Something like Shelldock Isle, The Great Aurora, Noxious Revival, Cephalid Coliseum, Wasteland/Strip Mine/Ghost Quarter, 2 random cards.

You'd need Deserted Temple and Simic Growth Chamber and Wasteland/Strip Mine/Ghost Quarter as three of your lands in play (or exiled pile)

1.) Cast Mirror of Fate.
2.) Escape Uro and respond by cracking the Mirror of Fate putting Shelldock Isle into play (off Uro), which hideaway the The Great Aurora.
3.) Untap Shelldock Isle with Deserted Temple
4.) Cast The Great Aurora off Shelldock Isle.
5.) Put Shelldock Isle into play (off The Great Aurora) and cast Noxious Revival putting Mirror of Fate on top, to then hideaway with Shelldock.
6.) Untap Shelldock Isle with Deserted Temple and can cast Mirror of Fate.
This can all be done at instant speed while Simic Growth Chamber trigger is on the stack.
7.) Return Deserted Temple to hand.
8.) Strip Mine the Shelldock Isle.
9.) Cast Uro (from hand), putting Deserted Temple into play. Uro goes to graveyard.
10.) Escape Uro putting Shelldock Isle into play, exiling Shelldock Isle, Strip Mine, Cephalid Coliseum, Noxious Revival, 1 random card.
11.) Crack Mirror of Fate in response to Uro trigger, to put Shelldock Isle, Strip Mine, Cephalid Coliseum, The Great Aurora, Noxious Revival on top.
12.) Shelldock Isle hideaways The Great Aurora.

In theory you can repeat at Step 3, and you can at any time sacrifice Cephalid Coliseum to make sure you draw the combination of cards (i.e Uro, Shelldock Isle, Simic Growth Chamber, Deserted Temple, Strip Mine) needed to loop.

I think you need ..
Mirror of Fate 5 + Uro uugg + Deserted Temple 1 + Sheldock Isle u
After The Great Aurora reset
Deserted Temple 1 + Sheldock Isle u + Uro 1ug + Uro uugg + Shelldock Isle u + Cephalid Coliseum u

So it looks like you need 11 lands that provide mana to do this loop, AS WELL as the Deserted Temple and Simic Growth Chamber, Strip Mine, so basically 14 lands, with Shelldock Isle coming into play for free later.

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

- brainstorm
- pir's whim
- [card]vedalken orrery

+ noxious revival
+ simic growth chamber
+ cephalid coliseum
+ dryad of the ilysian grove

Trying to find some room for the rest of those pieces, I can only imagine it's a pretty hard combo to pull off but that's kind of how I like it. The deck plays pretty well without having to go for it too. I don't know why I keep getting stuck on lands, hopefully adding 2 more helps. Played a game where xenagos brought me to like 12 health by turn 4 or 5... Had missed a land drop but started with a glacial chasm in hand so I dropped it and slowly crawled back with loam and managed to beat ghired who had 40 something beast tokens with an Aurora that decked him for the win. Pretty excellent game.

Edit: not sure why it looks like this, looks okay in the preview.
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Also, @darrenhabib and @tstorm823 , I enjoyed your thoughts and input. Darren you must have quite the magic mind and impeccable scryfall skills. Tstorm, the idea of using another of my favorite cards... forbidden orchard as a win condition while simultaneously handing my opponents their decks and infiniteish mana tickles my heart. dosan the falling leaf could help protect your turn too, but I'm not even sure I'd care what happened at that point... No, I take that back I do but perhaps there are even more ways to protect ourself using alchemists refuge and mirror of fate.
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Post by echopapa » 4 years ago

Really cool deck!

How are you recurring The Great Aurora? Just Academy Ruins and Mirror of Fate and/or Mystic Sanctuary/ mainly?

What are all the transmute for 3s looking to get?

I've found Plagiarize to be fun with The Great Aurora if you have the mana :grin:

What is the wincon once you get several The Great Aurora casts? I cant figure out how Field of the Dead makes more than a few zombies because you have to be sure you're drawing it and putting it back somehow as well as hitting lands.

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

echopapa wrote:
4 years ago
Really cool deck!

How are you recurring The Great Aurora? Just Academy Ruins and Mirror of Fate and/or Mystic Sanctuary/ mainly?

What are all the transmute for 3s looking to get?

I've found Plagiarize to be fun with The Great Aurora if you have the mana :grin:

What is the wincon once you get several The Great Aurora casts? I cant figure out how Field of the Dead makes more than a few zombies because you have to be sure you're drawing it and putting it back somehow as well as hitting lands.
Thank you!

Mirror of fate and academy ruins do a great job of recurring The Great Aurora, and the combo outlined by tstorm823 and darrenhabib can do it infinitely, although I haven't even attempted that yet. You'd be surprised by how many zombies field of the dead can create when you have 20-30 lands out and little to no library, especially if Vesuva comes out with it. It's usually enough to cripple or kill someone that turn if you can land concordant crossroads too. Then you just try it again next turn, unless you go infinite. Sylvan awakening has been pretty good after an Aurora too, but I may take it out because it seems a little win more. I also just got screwed by a spore cloud which stole the win from me. Mystic Sanctuary doesn't help much unless you've milled the Aurora. It's more for recurring anything you may need and general abuse with trade routes.

All the transmute 3's are for getting Intuition mainly, which in turn gets life from the loam and at least one cycling land. If you already have the loam engine going, they could grab Azusa to start puking the lands out or even words of wind if you want to go that route. Haven't tried to win with words of wind yet, but it is there.

So far field of the dead in conjunction with thespian's stage and [card]Vesuva[/card] have wrought the most wins. I have won just swinging with Uro once, but it was the end of the game and my opponent was near death already...wasn't even commander damage.

The thing this deck may or may not need most is a way to plow through the deck faster. Life from the loam does a pretty good job when it gets going, and if you want to just go for it once you've got enough lands mirror of fate will do the trick with a copy effect like phyrexian metamorph or mirrormade.

I considered plagiarize, and it would be a very good addition but I just chose not to for now. Definitely good for the player who would be packing interaction against you
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Post by echopapa » 4 years ago

Narset, Parter of Veils is probably just better than Plagiarize, right?

I'm still not 100% sure i understand how you're guaranteeing that you're hitting Field of the Dead when you cast The Great Aurora

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Narset would be better if she didn't get scooped up by the Aurora. There isn't really a way to guarantee field of the dead with the first Aurora, but after you use mirror of fate to stack your library you can improve your chances astronomically and guarantee it if you create a stack you can draw right away. Then you just use academy ruins to return the mirror of fate to the top and do it again. Uro can exile cards in your graveyard that you want to put back into your library with mirror. Mirror of fate is surprisingly versatile in the end game and the best way to abuse it earlier is to make a copy and have double activations which let's you choose anything that was in your library originally. I haven't gotten to try this, it seems risky but fun. The whole deck is kind of risky at this point, it might be good to put in City of solitude or dosan the falling leaf and some more counters to help protect yourself when you try to go off with the Aurora.

So far I've got 8 games in, and won 5 of them. 2 of them were off the back of the great Aurora, 2 were a scapeshift or splendid reclamation with 3 copies of field of the dead and one was decided by uro himself. The control suite is pretty effective, flood of tears is an all star alongside cyclonic rift and pretty easy to recur with eternal witness/archaeomancer/mystic sanctuary. Uro tends to gain a decent amount of life so one of the more dangerous archetypes may be Voltron because we can be pretty open to attack at times during the early and mid game.

I forgot to mention riftsweeper as another way to get Aurora back. Not as reliable as mirror, but it should work well when your library is low/gone. It's mostly in there in case someone manages to exile mirror of fate though
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Post by Outcryqq » 4 years ago

Have you considered Rampaging Baloths as another finisher? With the amount of lands you put into play, seems like he would finish off a game quickly while playing naturally, or immediately if you use a mass land reanimation spell. Probably same goes for Avenger of Zendikar. And they're both solid even without support.

Also, since you're a control deck and you're recurring lands, have you considered Constant Mists? Will help you survive the early-mid game, you should always have land to spare, and you can use it as a sac outlet for lands that you'd like to recast, of which you have plenty.

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Post by echopapa » 4 years ago

Is using just Uro's exile ability and gy hate from our opponents really enough to fuel what we're doing here though? Are you bouncing Uro somehow to repeatedly exile things youve dredged with Loam? I guess I'm still a bit hesitant on if it is enough. I built the deck so I'll give it a shot.

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

I hadn't really considered the baloths, they might be a good card in there deck but they get scooped up by the Aurora and you wouldn't be able to recast it by the time you dump your lands back out. I tend not to use avenger much because too many people already use it as a wincon. Constant mists is in the deck already and has saved my bacon a few times along with glacial chasm. It works great with loam and any extra land per turn effects.

If you are able to use Uro's escape ability throughout the game it isn't hard to set up your exile pile. There isn't a ton of things you really need to exile, just some set up for mirror of fate and he can get 5 things per escape. I do try to bounce uro a lot throughout the game just to get more draw and lands into play. It's not necessarily a fast deck, you have to try and play the control game and be prepared for the long haul. Ideally you hit splendid reclamation or world shaper mid game and then your turns get really productive. I look forward to hearing your experiences with it
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Had a pretty interesting game at the lgs tonight, 5 pod with baral, vaevictus, golos and the 5 color niv mizzet. Went 4 hours. Things started out kind of slow for me as usual and vaevictus ramped into a turn 4 commander messing things up. Golos looked big and scary early on, and got targeted by the others. Niv seemed to have an answer for everything and tons of grave hate. Early on he nuked my loam (I foolishly put it in the yard without protection) and proceeded to keep me well on my toes. I had a muddle the mixture to go get riftsweeper and try to get it back but was holding out for another tutor to be able to grab loam back. Ended up needing to get cyclonic rift and loop it for a few turns using archaeomancer/riptide lab in order to deal with nivs board state consisting of miraris wake and all kinds of dumb stuff to copy spells... The izzet guild mage that copies spells for 3. Eventually vaevictus came back and made a few swings getting my riptide lab and then getting it nuked by niv. The baral player did mostly nothing... Not very good threat assessment and spent a while locked out by teferi walker from war. Didn't even counter omen machine and he could've. Eventually niv used identity crisis on everyone (golos was dead) and it was top deck mode. Uro excelled here, drawing me back into some cards. It was slow with sanctum of eternity until I hit a lifeline and spent 6 fast turns filling up. Niv is the only real threat and has been for a while but he can't get through my maze of ith and life total. I made a lot of misplays this game I think... It was just so long. Missed opportunities to tutor for answers, kept forgetting to use oboro as a land drop for zombies, letting important pieces get exiled, using Castle vantress to scry and then deciding to mystical tutor, missed opportunity to narsets reversal a rakdos's return for 8 on niv. He wasn't getting me but it was definitely the move to make. I made a lot of good plays too, tougher to remember all those lol. Tend to focus on my mistakes. Man I was mad at myself for letting loam get exiled by like turn 7. I was able to get a greater good out finally and between that and lifeline I drew 21 cards until it got to niv and he board wiped. It was enough to hit mirror of fate after reshuffling that with riftsweeper earlier... Man I can't believe I was able to pull this all off. On my turn I drew the Aurora for turn and cast mirror of fate to Doomsday. Got back thespians stage, vesuva and field of the dead. And cast Aurora floating like 15 Mana. Realize that concordant crossroads must've been in the library and not the exile pile so I don't drop field and have to use academy ruins and sac waterlogged grove to draw mirror and do it again using cephalid coliseum to draw the Aurora and cast it for the win. There was so much going on, it just happened and this isn't even a great highlight reel. Major props to you guys who give great game reports,
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Post by echopapa » 4 years ago

Well, so far i can't make the deck do anything at all. I've definitely gotten Loam going, but I'm not real sure what the plan is after that, since most of the recommended lines in the thread here include cards you're not using in the original list.

Could you more specifically outline the Mirror plan here? what cards you're trying to get exiled before using mirror and how are we going about recurring mirror.

I also thought that a land etb damage card like Sunscorched Desert might be a thing to consider if we're somehow able to just repeatedly cast the Great Aurora and hit it at least every other time.

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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago


It feels very much like a draw go control deck, especially early on. This is mostly ok, because you will make up for your short turns later. Early game the most ideal situation would be to run into one of the cards that can bounce Uro and just bounce and replay him to draw cards and put lands out. These could be crystal shard, erratic portal[/card, [card]sanctum of eternity and most ideally temur sabertooth. Don't be afraid to use some mass bounce spells to clear up the board and muck up peoples plans a little bit, they can be recurred with archaeomancer or eternal witness. And they can be bounced back to hand to get the spells you need back. I imagine an exploration or burgeoning would be great early game but I haven't run into one yet. Recursion is the name of the game. Don't be afraid to drop an early glacial chasm and keep it up a few turns to encourage people to attack elsewhere. Scapeshift and splendid reclamation are cards to look for early on, as they can really accelerate our game plan. Don't be afraid to get only 3 to 5 lands back with reclamation it's still a good boost and we should be able to recur it.

As for mirror of fate, that is a tougher question. To be truthful, unless you are going all in on the infinite Aurora combo it's mostly there to bring things back from exile in the late game. Anything you want really. Casting 2 back to back Auroras should be fairly backbreaking to the table while setting you up with a lot of zombies hopefully. You can also use it to get field of the dead back if it was exiled. There have been 2 games where my exile pile was most of my deck by the end of the game. At this point mirror of fate can just be used turn after turn to stack your deck with anything you want from it. Do you know that you can use 2 mirror of fate activations (using a copy effect such as phyrexian metamorph) to essentially turn your library into a 7 card doomsday pile of your choice? It's a risky move, so be sure to read the table for potential interaction first. If you are pretty far ahead on board state (lots of lands in play, generally more permanents and a larger hand than everyone else) you could go for an Aurora win right there. It just occurred to me that you might be able to use mirror to put lands into the doomsday pile, cast scapeshift to put them into play and then reclaim the others with splendid reclamation or world shaper. This could put out a decent amount of zombies.

I will make a point to update the main post with the current deck list probably tomorrow. In the meantime, I would disregard the Aurora combo. It is pretty hard to pull off and I personally am just trying to get experience piloting it as it is a tricky deck to play. A few changes or additions that you may want to consider are cephalid coliseum which helps draw into your doomsday pile. Make sure muddle the mixture is in there, I forgot it in the original list. I just added tolaria west to help grab whatever land you need earlier on and finale of devastation which I expect to be an all star. Earlier on it can get whatever creature we need out of the yard or library and later on if you can float a lot of mana into an Aurora and land field of the dead it will make your army huge and hasty. Also replaced mirrormade with sculpting steel because most of our valuable targets are artifacts and the steel can be recurred with academy ruins. Sunscorched desert seems real slow to me the way I'm currently trying to play. It could be a very legitimate win condition if you went infinite though.
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

I'm sorry if I haven't brought much light to the mirror question, I'm still kind of trying to work it out myself. I've been shooting for smaller piles of like 3 cards and experimenting with it, just recurring and doing it again if I need something else. Sometimes the plan folds. I will say it may take some time to figure out. It's a long haul to get that far into the game, and my brain usually hurts by then and I make dumb decisions...
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Post by WolfWhoWanders » 4 years ago

Don't discount words of wind as a wincon either. A mass bounce spell, preferably an EOT cyclonic rift and then spamming Uro into the words of wind and bouncing him should work very well. It may take a few turns to put everyone's entire board back into their hands but once you do that's game
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