Goblin Farm (Krark/Tymna/Zada) - Goblin Tribal Spellslinger

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Post by narglfrob » 3 years ago

Origin and Deck Concept
This deck came about by the desire to play Goblin tribal without being a glasscannon combo deck, (aka I wanted to play midrange, draw lots of cards, have a nonlinear gameplan and interact with my opponents) and the realization of how well Krark, the Thumbless works with the same 1cmc cantrips (i.e. Bandage) that work with Zada, Hedron Grinder (a card I both love for how crazy it is, but hate for how linear and glasscannon his deck is).

In its current form, the deck is incentivized to play a lot of goblins early and get into the red zone (both things I enjoy and that are normally disincentivized in EDH) by drawing cards off of Tymna the Weaver. It also draw's cards early by Krark, the Thumbless doubling up your cantrips. It effectively interacts with your opponents in the early game by Krark, the Thumbless again doubling up your (excellent) Orzhov spot removal.

Then late game it goes banana's with cards like Zada, Hedron Grinder, Goldspan Dragon or Mirrorwing Dragon which is insanely fun.

In summary, it combines the explosive fun of a Zada, Hedron Grinder deck, with the grindy consistency of a Tymna the Weaver deck, without (hopefully) being oppressive or obnoxious to play against.

* Tymna plan: Play goblins, draw cards off of Tymna
* Krark plan: Play cantrips and removal, double them up with Krark's trigger (we get an excellent or good result 75% of the time, and actively terrible results only 12.5% of the time) (we play low cmc spells to mitigate the effects of variance)
* Zada plan: cast targeted cantrips on your creatures and radiate them to all your goblins to draw butt loads of cards.

* The deck is resilient because it draws so many cards
* It doesn't need either commander in play to execute its gameplan (while also benefiting from them immensely if they stick)
* The bodies you play early benefit the Tymna plan and the Zada plan
* The cantrips you play benefit the Krark plan and the Zada plan
* Once Zada is online, Krark's downside of returning spells to your hand becomes an upside, since you retain the copies from Zada and can recast the original spell to trigger Zada again.

Current Decklist
I've only gotten one or two games of testing with it so far, so I expect the list to evolve rapidly. I would love card suggestions and ideas from the forum.

Goblin Farm - Goblin Tribal Spellslinger hidden Zada
Last edited by narglfrob 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Legend » 3 years ago

Interesting. Would be nice to have a list here.
“Comboing in Commander is like dunking on a seven foot hoop.” – Dana Roach

“Making a deck that other people want to play against – that’s Commander.” – Gavin Duggan

"I want my brain to win games, not my cards." – Sheldon Menery

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Post by ElevatorDreams » 3 years ago

This seems very fun. It will be interesting to see how it evolves after you get a bunch of suggestions.

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Post by narglfrob » 3 years ago

Managed to get a game in. It was pretty brutal (lots of removal) but overall I was happy with how the deck performed under such trying circumstances, I did not win however.

Game Summary
  • Ob Nixilis, Hamza, Hogaak
  • Boardwipes cast: 3
  • Tymna cards drawn 2, cast twice
  • Krark spells coped = 0, cast twice
  • Dowsing Dagger: played t3, flipped t5, (t2 Krark was killed by first wipe)
  • Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin: goblins made = 7 over 2 turns (power buff from Dagger helped)
  • Sword of the Animist played t5, put two lands in play (t7, t8)
  • Game over on t8 (attacked by Hogak and 5/5 Scavenging Ooze, after taking chip damage from the Hamza player
Also, here are some cards that are on my radar, I haven't added them yet as I am not familiar with how the deck plays to figure out what to cut:
  • Iroas, God of Victory: helps the goblins get through attackers, and should turn into a creature relatively often. I've had lots of issues connecting with my small un-evasive bodies, perhaps this can help with that.
  • Blind Obedience: Again helps complicate blockers live's, while also slowing down people using artifact mana.
  • Bloodmark Mentor: Again complicates blockers lives (sensing a theme?) while also providing a goblin body.
  • Rionya, Fire Dancer: Another spellslinger payoff, that is quite good even without casting any spells to boost her as she always makes one copy (which is doubly important, since our instant/sorcery density isn't super high). Also seems really fun to make a bunch of copies of something like a Goblin King. This seems like a shoe-in.
  • Dusk // Dawn: One way to get past blockers is to blow them up. I don't like how its really bad with Krark out though
I'll play the deck a bit more before I make any cuts for the above cards to get a sense for how it plays. I suspect I might take out some of the artifact hate as in the randomized Cockatrice pick-up game meta I play most games in sometimes people don't run a ton of artifacts.

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