New site is great upon closer inspection...

Posts: 34
Joined: 5 years ago
Pronoun: he / him

Post by jaishivajai » 5 years ago

I found Nexus because of the scuttlebutt over at mtgsalvation. While I was initially quite sad to learn that many of my favorite members were transitioning to this site, there are many cool features even in these initial stages. I love the card search option. I have disliked resorting to scryfall for Magic searching ever since closed down. Their searches are so slow and you can't type out card types directly into the box. After perusing this engine, I prefer it.

I'd recommend adding a card search option as one of the main tabs on the welcome page. People will come to the site for that search engine alone I'd imagine.

Also, I'm not a fan of this font so much. It's a bit thin and hard to read.

It was nice to see the life total counter templates and the tournament templates available for printing. That is a nice touch I didn't even know I wanted until I saw it. I've only played around a tiny bit with the mana base calculator et. They seem pretty sweet though.

Hope the new site takes off! While all the tools are nice, traffic will mostly come down to having a good forum community. Hope to see new posts coming.

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