Moraug, Fury of Akoum - For the Horde!

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

Moraug, Fury of Akoum - For the Horde!


Creatures (other)


Approximate Total Cost:

Moraug, Fury of Akoum has been worded specifically that the landfall needs to trigger in your main phases as to stop a number of pretty obvious combos that could be done with say Sword of the Animist.
The ability also only gives you an additional combat step and not an additional main phase, so unless you have a way to give yourself other main phase you can't look to get infinite attacks.
Also if you were looking at attack or combat triggers of any kind to try and establish landfall then you can't do it directly without some other help.
Alright so fine, we have to work harder to get additional attacks in a single turn. We like a challenge.

How do you get lots of lands into play in a single turn?
The deck is full of lands that sacrifice to search for other lands. This way you can play and land and then sacrifice it straight away to get at least 2 additional attacks.
Some of them can tap for colorless mana so that you can wait until Moraug is in play before sacrificing them.
One way to get around having to sacrifice the others is to use Chromatic Lantern to tap them for mana.
With so many tapped lands Amulet of Vigor can really help to smooth out mana as well as have the interaction allowing some more single turn landfall triggers.
So with Amulet of Vigor and Mountain Valley, Rocky Tar Pit, Thawing Glaciers you can get 2 additional attacks and Myriad Landscape even would allow for 3 additional attacks.
Terrain Generator and Isolated Watchtower can also be used put extra lands into play.

There are creatures that can put additional lands into play in Walking Atlas, Alpine Guide, Burnished Hart, Solemn Simulacrum, Scaretiller, Oblivion Sower.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Feldon of the Third Path can make copies of these creatures for even more triggers.

There are some artifacts that allow you to put additional lands into play.
Wayfarer's Bauble can search your library for basics.

Ghirapur Orrery is a symmetrical effect that plays out an additional land each turn.

Nahiri's Lithoforming can be a bomb in this deck. I literally will sacrifice all my lands in an attempt to play out as many lands as possible. It has been game winning each time I've cast it.

Because Moraug, Fury of Akoum untaps your creatures you can look to get advantages in a number of ways.
When you have creatures that can tap for mana you'll get access to that mana each new combat.
If lands become creatures then you'll be able to untap them as well.
Embodiment of Fury with landfall can make a land a creature. This is a super powerful ability in this deck.

As part of being able to produce mana with lands becoming creatures, if you specifically have Thawing Glaciers then it untaps and you can use it as it doesn't return to hand until the end of turn.
So a sequence you look for is play Embodiment of Fury and put Thawing Glaciers into play pre-combat. Use the Embodiment of Fury trigger to make the Thawing Glaciers a creature as well. Now when you go to your additional combat it will untap.
Next main phase you can use the Thawing Glaciers to get a Mountain and then use Embodiment of Fury landfall trigger to make another land a creature. This guarantees you at least additional combat each turn.
You can also look to untap Terrain Generator or Isolated Watchtower for additional uses in a single turn.

With Sword of Feast and Famine (if you get to connect) will untap all your lands as well.

Scaretiller can bring a land card back from your graveyard each combat, but Moraug, Fury of Akoum doesn't trigger because it's not your main phase.
However if you have a way to untap that land and it is a fetchland, which is any land that you can sacrifice to search for another land of various types.
The deck is actually chocoful of these type of lands. There are 18 of them actually.
Here is an example if you had Embodiment of Fury then you can make that tapped fetchland a creature. As long as you can create another landfall trigger you can have another combat and the fetchland will then untap as a creature.
Also Sword of Feast and Famine will untap all your lands so can use it here to combo with Scaretiller and a fetchland.
Paradise Mantle can be used to tap Scaretiller in your main phases.

If you have Walking Atlas then it untaps each time you have an additional combat. So as long as you have a land in hand you can get an additional combat.

Goblin Engineer and Goblin Welder can exchange artifacts, so if you can specifically keep targeting Wayfarer's Bauble or Burnished Hart or Synod Sanctum.

Combat matters
Often what you are trying to achieve is to build out a creature base that has advantages with combat directly whether that is attack or damage bonuses or even creatures with tap abilities as you do get to untap creatures as part of the additional combat.
Given this you want to curve out as much as possible with creatures. In a good game you'd really want to deploy creatures each turn until you are ready to cast Moraug, Fury of Akoum.
In my initial build I focused too much on trying to trigger landfall and not enough on actual attack advantages. So even though there are more ways you can trigger landfall potentially, you need to balance between creatures that attack and getting more attacks.
If you're familiar with my threads you'll know that I go d.e.e.eeeeeeep into potential interactions and so I list a whole lot of ideas that I thought about for theory-crafting around getting multiple landfall triggers at the end of this post.

Right so the creature base as I mentioned benefits from curving out so I've tried to make a bit of a distribution between 1-6 converted mana creatures with resource advantages of various kinds..
Card advantage creatures include Bomat Courier, Smuggler's Copter, Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, Robber of the Rich, Magmatic Channeler, Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner, Anje's Ravager, Stromkirk Occultist, Grotag Night-Runner, Tectonic Giant, Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion, Etali, Primal Storm.

Cyclops Gladiator,Glorybringer and Inferno Titan can deal damage to creatures, clearing the way for good attacks.

One thing I didn't really factor in when I initially is that the +1/+0 for each time a creature attacks does actually add up.
So going wide does have some appeal. With this in mind I tried Loyal Apprentice, Hanweir Garrison, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss.
If you look at an example sequence, say you've cast Goblin Rabblemaster and then say Moraug, Fury of Akoum two turns later.
You'll have potentially have 3x 1/1 Goblins and they'll be attacking as 2/1's. Then say you get 2 additional attacks with a fetchland. By the last attack you'll have 3x 4/1, 1x 3/1, 1x2/1.
Goblin Rabblemaster could be attacking 3 times that turn as a 6/2, 8/2, 10/2.
All up that is 58 power you can attack with that turn literally just off Goblin Rabblemaster (if nothing gets killed). It adds up!

However I found Hanweir Garrison and Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin are not nearly as good as the others. The reason is that the tokens do not get haste, so you actually don't get any real benefits until the next turn.
Sure Hanweir Garrison can put attacking creatures into play, but with additional attacks they untap but they actually can't attack again as they don't have haste.
It just doesn't have quite the same escalation that I showed in the Rabblemaster example.

There is some equipment that can help to make multiple attacks better with equipping some of the lower converted creatures for more benefits with Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Light and Shadow, Sword of the Animist, Umezawa's Jitte.
Even though Sword of the Animist will not specifically trigger Moraug ability, it is still nice putting additional lands into play in general.
Fervent Champion is a nod to just being able to get more use out of equipment for freeing up mana.

Neheb, the Eternal is a beast for doing all the things post combat to enable a game winning turn.

Combat Celebrant represents another attack and even if you've exerted it the previous turn for example, because of Moraug ability to untap creatures you'll get to exert it for an additional attack.
Also goes infinite with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and if you can produce 1rr additional each combat step you can go infinite with Feldon of the Third Path. The likely scenario is with Embodiment of Fury making 3 lands creatures or either of the Nehebs'.

Because you can often finish opponents in a single turn Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded can be used to just get creatures into play the turn you draw them and as a surprise factor, plus he gives your creatures haste which is amazing, and also getting the 5 devotion is pretty easy with Moraug providing a couple of pips.

Because you are wanting to get advantages from your creatures during combat, often your opponents will have problematic blockers.
There there is a reasonable amount of ways to push your attacks through.

Bedlam simply means that nobody can block.

War Cadence will often keep people off blocker in an efficient manner as they have to tap low to deploy cards.

Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Light and Shadow all give protection against certain colors and they have often been a target of Goblin Engineer to tutor for the correct one to get protection from an opponent or two to get in damage with a relevant creature attack.

Moraug Voltron
Now one thing to touch upon is that Moraug, Fury of Akoum himself as a Voltron commander is viable.
With the +1/+0 each attack, he'll attack for 7, then 8, then 9, meaning you can kill a single player for the first 3 attacks if unblocked. That's just a single fetchland played and sacrificed in order to attack a player for lethal. Yikes!!
Then on the 4th and 5th attacks he will be attacking for 10 and then 11 damage, which is 21 commander damage. Therefore you can kill another player with just 2 more attacks as well.

What other ways are there to get extra lands into play or additional triggers from Moraug?

I've already mentioned that you need to balance your game between trying to get multiple landfall triggers and actually being able to use those effectively, meaning you really want a threshold of creatures to attack with in a meaningful manner.

My initial build(s) had some of these further landfall interactions, but I found quite a few games where I just didn't have a good enough army of creatures to make use of the additional attacks.
I'm not saying it's incorrect to play these cards, but you just want to make sure that your deck doesn't fizzle because of this.

Obviously Red is not know for its land ramp abilities, so methods have to be a bit creative...well a lot more creative.

This following section is cards that I tried (contained in this box), but ultimately replaced, not because they don't work well, but as I said you want to make sure your actual attacks are worthwhile and I found myself getting "additional attack" flooded without actual good attacks.

I had From the Ashes (and even Stranglehold to go along with this), but most of the non-basics in the deck are used for searches anyway.
But the idea is that it more mana efficient way to get lots of triggers as some of the lands require investing at least one or two mana plus tapping the lands themselves.
Better in a deck that has more utility non-basic lands.

Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit play a similar role in that you can target your own lands in order to search a basic for a landfall trigger.
A neat trick is that you can play and target Darksteel Citadel as it's indestructible, so you'll get to still search for a land while keeping the Citadel.

Storm Cauldron allows all players to play an additional land each turn, but also returns lands when they are tapped for mana, thus constricting everybody mana potentially.

Surveyor's Scope can get multiple lands potentially, although it is unlikely that more than one opponent will have 2 lands more. Even getting one opponent requires quite a hard core ramp strategy (from them) as this deck does look to ramp lands as well so you are often level with opponents on lands.
If the lands and mana line up right then you can sacrifice a number of your fetchlands and while they haven't resolved, then use the Surveyor's Scope with the idea of having 2 less lands than opponents.

Synod Sanctum is interesting in that you can keep exiling lands through turns so that when you sacrifice it a bunch of lands come into play all at once. This means as long as you can manage afford to be down a land each of these turns you can get lots of triggers potentially.

Drownyard Temple can be brought back from your graveyard and so with a sacrifice lands ability you can look to reuse it.
I originally had Need for Speed and Drownyard Temple in the deck, but cut them in the end.

Top of Library
Isolated Watchtower can be used if an opponent has 2 more lands than you. See my thoughts on Surveyor's Scope why it is hard to use this card consistently.
Druidic Satchel can put a land into play off the top of your library.
Pyxis of Pandemonium is another top of library way to build up lands for a single big turn.

Chaos Warp and Matter Reshaper are totally random what you'll hit as a shuffle effect happens first.

Petradon and Petravark can target your own lands and so if you have a way to kill them during a main phase you'd get the landfall triggers.

Worldgorger Dragon can exile all your lands, but the problem is that it exiles everything so actually killing it is incredible tricky.
There are a lot of ways you could do it, but
Greater Gargadon suspended is one of the easiest ways.
If you had mana left over after casting the Worldgorger Dragon then you could of course cast a card from your hand which allows you to kill it. Blasphemous Act costing r is the type of play you'd want.
You'd also need a haste enabler in order to get any benefits of attacks once everything comes back into play.

Chaos effects
Warp World would be completely random what would happen. The fact that you need Moraug in play at the same time as the lands coming into play means that you'd actually need to shuffle Moraug into your library and hope to hit him! Realistically better with him as part of your 99 card strategy with Warp World.

Copying creatures
Now the deck already has Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Feldon of the Third Path to copy creatures, but you could extend this further to create more of the ones that can put lands into play.

Cards that I've identified that you can do during a main phase.
Flameshadow Conjuring, Heat Shimmer, Kindred Charge, Mirror March, Molten Echoes, Splinter Twin, Twinflame, Mimic Vat, Minion Reflector, Mirrorpool, Soul Foundry, Soul Separator, Lithoform Engine, Helm of the Host.

Helm of the Host can also make copies of Moraug himself for multiple triggers.
Mirror Gallery could also be used to make copies of Moraug with the various other copy creature cards.

Copying Activated or Triggered abilities
Alternatively you could look to copy some of your activated or triggered abilities to get further uses.

Moraug, Fury of Akoum landfall trigger is..well a triggered ability.
In this manner Lithoform Engine or Strionic Resonator can be used to copy a landfall trigger.

Also all the lands or artifacts that search for other lands are activated abilities, so you can also copy these to get additional lands into play.

Rings of Brighthearth and Lithoform Engine can copy activated abilities.
Rowan Kenrith emblem will trigger each time an activated ability copying it. Rowan other abilities are also relevant to an attack strategy as you can force an opponents creatures to attack leaving few blockers potentially and also the 3 damage can clear out some creatures as well for future attacks.

Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient can copy Wayfarer's Bauble and Surveyor's Scope activation.
You can also copy these with Mirage Mirror, Prototype Portal, Sculpting Steel.
Last edited by darrenhabib 3 years ago, edited 31 times in total.


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Post by Rumpy5897 » 3 years ago

Unfortunately, Moraug does not net you an extra main phase after the combat phase he gives you. So a bunch of the combos you came up with unfortunately don't work. He's worded very weirdly, but I guess they were trying to close as many loopholes as possible - as evidenced by you trying to find some!

That Thawing Glaciers synergy was lovely though, and hopefully you can still keep/use it.

My brief dabble with Moraug as part of the 99 of my Ghired was... weirdly disappointing. Despite my heavy commitment to draw and ramp, I had trouble getting Moraug online super reliably, possibly because he also wants a nice developed board to go truly crazy. Your lower curve means that you should hopefully be less affected by this, as you're trying for a Sheila-style early curve-out into omega smash.

Given the fact the combo approach doesn't seem like it will work, might be worth looking into Crucible of Worlds? Fetches are woefully finite in mono red, especially good ones.
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Post by Wallycaine » 3 years ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
3 years ago
Unfortunately, Moraug does not net you an extra main phase after the combat phase he gives you. So a bunch of the combos you came up with unfortunately don't work. He's worded very weirdly, but I guess they were trying to close as many loopholes as possible - as evidenced by you trying to find some!

That Thawing Glaciers synergy was lovely though, and hopefully you can still keep/use it.

My brief dabble with Moraug as part of the 99 of my Ghired was... weirdly disappointing. Despite my heavy commitment to draw and ramp, I had trouble getting Moraug online super reliably, possibly because he also wants a nice developed board to go truly crazy. Your lower curve means that you should hopefully be less affected by this, as you're trying for a Sheila-style early curve-out into omega smash.

Given the fact the combo approach doesn't seem like it will work, might be worth looking into Crucible of Worlds? Fetches are woefully finite in mono red, especially good ones.
Yeah, Moraug definitely has a lot of work done to close up loopholes/streamline things, so in order for him to "go off", you need to be able to make indefinite/infinite landfall triggers without his ability entirely. Alternately, you can use some of the combos you've laid out here just to ramp a bunch, untap with one of the "turn all dudes into lands", and try to turn that mana into more landfall triggers in the second main phase? But the lack of an additional main phase after his combat step really hurts the combo potiential.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
3 years ago
Unfortunately, Moraug does not net you an extra main phase after the combat phase he gives you. So a bunch of the combos you came up with unfortunately don't work. He's worded very weirdly, but I guess they were trying to close as many loopholes as possible - as evidenced by you trying to find some!

That Thawing Glaciers synergy was lovely though, and hopefully you can still keep/use it.

My brief dabble with Moraug as part of the 99 of my Ghired was... weirdly disappointing. Despite my heavy commitment to draw and ramp, I had trouble getting Moraug online super reliably, possibly because he also wants a nice developed board to go truly crazy. Your lower curve means that you should hopefully be less affected by this, as you're trying for a Sheila-style early curve-out into omega smash.

Given the fact the combo approach doesn't seem like it will work, might be worth looking into Crucible of Worlds? Fetches are woefully finite in mono red, especially good ones.
Oof, yeah that changes things.

I've added cards that give additional main phases as well in Aggravated Assault, Seize the Day, Relentless Assault, World at War, Fury of the Horde.
These help to stack up further additional combats via the combos I laid out but still not indefinite. But at the end of the day still stacking up game winning amounts of attacks in reality.

Because there are no infinites, untapping lands is not as important through phases, so removed some of those enablers.

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Post by weltkrieg » 3 years ago

I am rather ashamed of you all! All those shenanigans and no Storm Cauldron ? Doubles as disruption/annoyance for your opponents too.

Other than that, I don't see the generic need for all of the good stuff/extra combats. Your general does that quite well all by himself.

If you're trying for 75%/CEDH levels, then you probably want Crucible of Worlds and Strip Mine variants. Additionally, with all of the fetches and various activated abilities, it seems a crying shame not to run Rings of Brighthearth .

How about Bedlam or similar? Evasion will be key to allow you to win the game, in my opinion.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

weltkrieg wrote:
3 years ago
I am rather ashamed of you all! All those shenanigans and no Storm Cauldron ? Doubles as disruption/annoyance for your opponents too.

Other than that, I don't see the generic need for all of the good stuff/extra combats. Your general does that quite well all by himself.

If you're trying for 75%/CEDH levels, then you probably want Crucible of Worlds and Strip Mine variants. Additionally, with all of the fetches and various activated abilities, it seems a crying shame not to run Rings of Brighthearth .

How about Bedlam or similar? Evasion will be key to allow you to win the game, in my opinion.
Rings of Brighthearth is a way to copy fetch effects and Strionic Resonator can be used to copy the landfall trigger itself.
I could look to use Basalt Monolith to make casting cards better and then combos with Rings to give infinite colorless mana.

I'm pretty confident about managing attacks and evasion would be nice, but I don't think it's necessary.
Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner I feel has more advantages than Bedlam for a similar role. The big boys in the deck are going to kill creatures or smash somebody, so only the lower power/toughness would benefit from evasion later on in the game.

Endbringer is another card that could have a lot of roles. It can untap during additional combats so you could look to get multiple effects in the turn. Not least make a creature can't block, but also the draw option or even pinging small creatures to kill them if possible.

Storm Cauldron is pretty annoying :P Maybe with some stax elements this card can lock the game down pretty well.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

Finally got hold of some Zendikar Rising cards and been playing Moraug, Fury of Akoum non-stop for the last couple of days.
Well he is definitely a menace for opponents. Don't need to prove that concept.

So the basic problem with the initial deck build was that I simply didn't have enough creatures to get as much value out of attacks as I should.
I found myself literally just attacking with Moraug, Fury of Akoum on his lonesome quite a few times. And although it was still doing work, killing at least one or two players in a number of games in one turn. But I didn't design the deck to be soooo Voltron, I was expecting to be getting more value from the rest of the creatures.
Simply put 28 creatures is not consistant enough to provide multiple attackers, especially ones that can push through for attacks at the stage that Moraug hits the table.

Really what you want to be doing is curving out with creatures with a 2 drop, 3 drop, 4 drop, 5 drop and then into Moraug. That's how you'd like a lot of games to go.
However there just isn't that many good 2-4 cmc creatures that get benefits from combat or untapping available in mono-Red.

I've gone about trying quite a few different configurations. All of them adding more creatures of course.
  • The first one was just adding more creatures in general, trying to curve out as I mentioned more.
  • The second one had an equipment theme, so that lower cmc creatures can potentially have a bit more punch and advantages.
  • The third was more of a go wide strategy and used a relatively heavy Goblin theme.
Long-story-short I ended taking elements I liked from each after playing them, rather than going all in on each theme.

One thing I didn't really factor in is that the +1/+0 for each time a creature attacks does actually add up.
So going wide does have some appeal. With this in mind I tried Loyal Apprentice, Hanweir Garrison, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss.
If you look at an example sequence, say you've cast Goblin Rabblemaster and then say Moraug, Fury of Akoum two turns later.
You'll have potentially have 3x 1/1 Goblins and they'll be attacking as 2/1's. Then say you get 2 additional attacks with a fetchland. By the last attack you'll have 3x 4/1, 1x 3/1, 1x2/1.
Goblin Rabblemaster could be attacking 3 times that turn as a 6/2, 8/2, 10/2.
All up that is 58 power you can attack with that turn literally just off Goblin Rabblemaster (if nothing gets killed). It adds up!

However I found Hanweir Garrison and Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin are not nearly as good as the others. The reason is that the tokens do not get haste, so you actually don't get any real benefits until the next turn.
Sure Hanweir Garrison can put attacking creatures into play, but with additional attacks they untap but they actually can't attack again as they don't have haste.
It just doesn't have quite the same escalation that I showed in the Rabblemaster example.

The reason that I tried a Goblin heavy deck is that I wanted to try and leverage off other interactions with Krenko, Mob Boss, Goblin Lackey and Warren Instigator as ways to cheat in tons of Goblins with so many attack steps.
The thing is that you need to go really Goblin heavy to make that work. So it was supplemented with various Goblin Lords and Goblin tutors and combos with Conspicuous Snoop.
The deck was good, but at the end of the day I've played Goblin themed decks a lot (especially lately), so I wanted more of a unique feel to my Moraug, Fury of Akoum final deck.

As far as equipment I've finally landed on adding Paradise Mantle, Lightning Greaves, Skullclamp, Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of the Animist, Umezawa's Jitte.
I actually took out Godo, Bandit Warlord and Helm of the Host (too slow for what the deck can do) and have Fervent Champion as a cheap attacker that can make use of equipment in a pinch.
I was also playing Sword of Light and Shadow, Brass Squire, Kazuul's Toll Collector and Valduk, Keeper of the Flame in the heavier equipment version, but cut them for my more hybrid build.
I added Paradise Mantle because it not only can you get quick mana out of it, but it combos with Scaretiller and you can get additional mana with additional attacks untapping creatures.

Some general evasion is nice for sure as often you will get stuck on being able to freely attack with all your creatures, so Bedlam is a bomb for finishing opponents.

Because you can often finish opponents in a single turn Sneak Attack can be used to just get everything into play.

I've made some land changes. With so many tapped lands Amulet of Vigor can really help to smooth out mana as well as have the interaction allowing some more single turn landfall triggers.
So with Amulet of Vigor and Mountain Valley, Rocky Tar Pit, Thawing Glaciers you can get 2 additional attacks and Myriad Landscape even would allow for 3 additional attacks.
Spinerock Knoll can be used to just exile a land with the Hideaway allowing for an additional trigger post combat as you can often do 7 damage.
Terrain Generator and Isolated Watchtower can also be used put extra lands into play.

Easy cuts were the additional attack cards in Aggravated Assault, Seize the Day, Relentless Assault, World at War, Fury of the Horde.
I was thinking getting an additional main phase would be good, but the way it plays out is that you stack up lots of additional attacks as you can and that'll leave you tapped out anyway.
Casting the mentioned cards would leave you tapped out anyway, so having another main phase is just wasted.

From the Ashes, Rings of Brighthearth, Storm Cauldron were also easy cuts for just including more creatures.

I also felt like there isn't such a need to cast Moraug, Fury of Akoum as quickly as possible, as you want to establish a creature base first to get more advantages.
Lotus Petal, Lion's Eye Diamond, Basalt Monolith are all a bit much as far as basically one-time-uses.

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Post by NotARooster » 3 years ago

My current Extra Combat deck has Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion at the helm but I think I'm gonna try out Moraug when I get the chance, this list looks like a lot of fun!

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Post by RowanKeltizar » 3 years ago

Wow, neat list! How about Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded?
WRBKaalia, Zenith Seeker - Certified Air Raid Material
WBElenda, the Dusk Rose - Drain and Gain
WRAurelia, the Warleader - Tokens/Equipment
URNiv-Mizzet, Parun - Controlled Burn primer
BRGHenzie, "Toolbox" Torre - Creature Feature
BRGSoul of Windgrace - Lands Matter
RGWGishath, Sun's Avatar - I'M YOUR DADDY
GWUBAtraxa, Praetors' Voice - Artifact Stax Beatdown
Budget Starter Decks
UBSygg, River Cutthroat
WU Shorikai, Genesis Engine

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

NotARooster wrote:
3 years ago
My current Extra Combat deck has Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion at the helm but I think I'm gonna try out Moraug when I get the chance, this list looks like a lot of fun!
I will say that you are more at the mercy of your natural draws with this deck, rather than Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion ability to filter for cards you want.
But I'm guessing 80% of the time the mana you get from Neheb is put back into extra attack cards? Let me just say that both the Nehebs' are incredible with Moraug :) Literally like 2 of the best in the 99 here.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

RowanKeltizar wrote:
3 years ago
Wow, neat list! How about Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded?
Actually I'm going to play Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded over Sneak Attack as I feel he will more often than not be a creature as Moraug provides 2 pips and so with Purph you just need 2 more red symbols to turn him into a creature.
Have to spend an additional 2 over Sneak isn't such a big deal because it's not often that I have a fist full of creatures to deploy in a single turn, it's more about the surprise factor and getting value out of the creatures after the fact that you might draw them in later turns.
Being able to attack with Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded is a much welcome addition and he also gives your creatures haste which is a big game. Great call!

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

Well after a couple more days thumping this deck out I tried some more changes.
I needed more ways to make attacking easier, getting value out of some of the smaller creatures just becomes impossible and what happens is that as play groups scale to more casual games, opponents normally have beefier creatures to block with. Isn't that ironic that casual boards are more problematic than competitive ones :P

Anyway I made a list of potential ways to get evasion. I might try and mix and match them a bit over time but you'll see from what I added that I ended up with Dolmen Gate and War Cadence.
Potential ways to make attacking easier:
Firefright Mage, Glaring Spotlight, Goblin Battle Jester, Goblin Heelcutter, Goblin Rimerunner, Goblin War Drums, Immobilizer Eldrazi, Kargan Intimidator, Key to the City, Legion Loyalist, Manifold Key, Retreat to Valakut, Trailblazer's Boots, War Cadence, Dolmen Gate.

But further to this I wanted Sword of Light and Shadow as another way to get protection from colors and a good triggered ability.

Inferno Titan is a nod to clearing blockers as well, I've tried to stay away from too many top end creatures so that I can play creatures on curve more to Moraug, but I'm happy with Titan, he is worth it.

I upped my land count by 1, just because hitting land drops is really important before and after you cast Moraug. Now the deck does have lots of ways to get through the library with creatures exiling the top of library to be able to potentially play lands, so the land count is better than you might think, but I wanted to push it in favor of more consistency anyway.

I just found triggering Surveyor's Scope and Isolated Watchtower wasn't happening as the deck does have its own land ramp, so I just was never behind enough on lands to get them to work.
I'm just trying Winding Canyons instead as I've had success with being patient some games and waiting till I had a good army of creatures before I cast Moraug, even though I had the opportunity to cast him a few turns earlier.
This way I can wait till opponents are tapped out and then commit him to the board for a stellar turn. Being untapped with your lands then means you can do all the tricky things to get lots of land fall triggers.

Imperial Recruiter can just get so many of the enablers like Solemn Simulacrum and Burnished Heart as well as combat advantage creatures that it makes sense as their is only Gamble in the deck as another way to toolbox.

Basically the changes I've made is to replace potential ways to get more landfall triggers for cards that make attacking better.

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