[2021] Mono-Blue Ugin

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A Dog's Dream of Man
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Post by Guardman » 3 years ago

I wanted to post this deck I drafted today, because it is one of the more interesting decks I've ever drafted.

Mono-Blue Ugin
Approximate Total Cost:

The draft actually started with me drafting red, with opening a Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner and then getting passed a Volcanic Geyser. Third pick was between another Volcanic Geyser and Shipwreck Dowser. I took the dowser, which was lucky as red dried up after that, while blue was very, very open. Outside of one mid-pack one pick of Chandra's Magmutt over a Frantic Inventory, pack one was all blue. Pack two I opened Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and kept seeing a ton of great blue cards, while no red and not much from the other colors (other than two late Kitesail Freebooter, which I think people at the table were probably undervaluing). Pack three I opened a Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge and Enthralling Hold, which gave me an interesting choice. I either choose Gadrak a commit to probably a Blue deck, splashing red, or take the Hold and go all in on blue. I chose to go all in on blue, and was rewarded by a pick five Enthralling Hold, two late Frantic Inventory, and a tenth pick Mistral Singer. I am pretty sure I was the only serious blue drafter at the table (not an actual table this was a player's draft on Arena).

The games themselves weren't exactly the most interesting to describe in words (though they were a blast to play), as they basically boiled down to stall until I found Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and if they couldn't answer him, I win. The other all-stars of the deck wereSpined Megalodon, as it just gummed up the board, was impossible to answer thanks to hexproof, and at seven mana, was the only thing left on the board after I board-wiped with Ugin, and the Enthralling Hold, which were awkward at times, but were really back breaking when played.

I ended up going 6-3, with me drawing Ugin in every game but one. I lost that game, but I wasn't going to win it no matter what since I was on the draw and opponent goes two-drop, three-drop, Garruk, Unleashed. The other two I lost was to a really strong UR Prowess deck that drew the shock xe needed to win the turn before I ultimate Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and pull the game out of reach. The other was to a BW go wide deck that had a ton of main deck answers to Ugin and had Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, which is basically pay 5 and give your team super trample, which my mono-blue deck was just not equipped to beat.

Overall, I was extremely happy and excited to play and build a draft deck that was basically find and play Ugin. It was one of more my unique experiences.

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