When Archetype Went "Right", I Went Wrong Intentionally

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 1 month ago

I like sticking to archetypes for most decks. It gives you a lot of resources to make a deck and have fun. But sometimes...SOMETIMES I don't. Take this idea here. Blue is good at patient draw-go, counters, permission, you get the idea. Normally, blue doesn't go all-aggro with nary a counter in the deck. I did, way before Delver hit the scene and have maintained one ever since. Personally, I can't stand playing more than 4 counters in a deck myself, and few decks even have that many, that's just never been my thing. Now, Delver spawned whole tourney scenes of aggro, so it's not so shocking anymore. But, I love blue aggro, and Sleep Bounce is fun as heck. The last changes I made was adding in the stuff from Dungeons and Dragons and Kefnet to expand drawing cards and pile on damage. I just love burning folks out for the last 8 with Psi-blast, too.

Dawg: "But, but, but...". Foghorn: "Nevermind the butts, son, I just handed you yours..."

One card I still love since I started playing the game (30 years ago) is Serendib Efreet. Dude hung out with Ol' Juzam himself in OG Type I tourney decks ...My good friend Chuck had one of those decks...<shudder>, it was brutal. The only way back then I could hang with it was because I had four Mana Drain to counter my way into my own less-efficient blue beaters. So, a golf clap, please, for the humble Serendib...now that's longevity, but he's still a pretty decently-costed beater even today. He's playable. He and Psiblast have closed many a game out for me, too. And blue's best beaters all seem to fly...so, you can go optimized or janky and have fun either way.

Do you run against an archetype, which one, and what lured you to go the other way?


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