[EDH]- Neheb the Eternal - Please help

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Post by Edgar23 » 4 years ago

Hello, this is my Neheb deck: https://deckstats.net/decks/155462/1645332-neheb ( you can change the card groups under "Display")

The gameplan:

Fast ramp - > play Neheb, the Eternal [/card] cast spells like Flame Rift, attack with neheb → generate mana → cast cards like Seize the Day → repeat and finish with a big X-spell like Earthquake.

My problem is that I am a budget player and befor I order this cards I would like to get a feedback or some suggestions.

So please help me and let me know what you guys think!

Big thanks!

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Post by OCPunisher » 4 years ago

My Rakdos deck (below) operates on a similar game plan: damage the opponent, play the commander, profit. So, I can share a bit of experience that I've gained over the past few years.
- Generally, you want to focus on consistent ways to enable your commander, and avoid one-shot tricks that stop working after you pass the turn. For example, Flame Rift might look like fun, but Lobber Crew is going work more than once, and it's not going to generate as much attention from other people. Granted, your commander does get more benefit for doing more damage, but you're still a mono-red deck that doesn't draw cards particularly well, so you can't afford to blow them easily.
- Based on your commander's ability to trigger with EACH successful post-combat main phase, it goes without saying that any extra combat step is going to be in your favor. I'm not sure what your budget limitation is, but I would jam as many of those as possible into your deck.
- Finally, there's the wonderful problem of what to do with all that mana you will presumably create with Neheb. Again, unless you're going to outright kill the table, I'd try to go for some more consistent options than just a bunch of one-shot Earthquakes. For example, you might try something like Kumano, Master Yamabushi or Pyrohemia or Obsidian Fireheart for a more long-lasting effect.

I'll throw in a few specific cards that I would probably cut, since it's always easier to suggest new things.
- Fanatic of Mogis: You don't have very many sources of red devotion as of this writing, so this card doesn't feel like it's going to be worth the price.
- Generator Servant: One thing red is very good at is giving creatures haste. You might get lucky and cast Neheb with haste one turn earlier, but most of the time this will be a really crappy top-deck.
- Seething Song: I've never been a fan of these ritual-type effects in this format. As mentioned before, you might get lucky and hit a Neheb one turn earlier, but most of the time you're going to draw this when it doesn't help you.

Hope that helps!
A deck for every color: Rakdos | Lord | Heliod | Yeva | Tetsuko | Scarab | Kykar | Kozz | Athreos | Haldan/Pako

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Post by Sinis » 4 years ago

You've got a lot of choices that I used in my version, but there are some elements I think are missing.

Part of my success with the deck was maximizing my initial investment in pre-combat damage, and then maxing out the post-combat fruits. Youv'e got some good fundamentals in there (like using X spells to be able to utilize an unlimited amount of mana), but there are some things that you can use to do more.

Double your fun:

Part of maximizing Neheb is spending as much as you can pre-combat on relevant actions so you can maximize post-combat output. I think you'll get a lot further if you have Insult // Injury (and, perhaps, Dictate of the Twin Gods) in there. If you copy Insult, you could quadruple damage. It's important to note that this does double duty: if you do pre-combat damage to players, you get more mana. With more mana, you do more damage to players in the post-combat phase. It's relevant at all points in your combo process. Similarly, Bonus Round is an exciting way to double the damage spells you plan on using for mana (like Flame Rift), and also to double the resulting things you spend mana on. Another favourite is Increasing Vengeance; if there's anything better than a single Flame Rift, it's more Flame Rifts. If you don't have the initial buy in during pre-combat, you can flash it back later for more.

Draw power

Second, you're missing the very best draw 7 available! No, not Wheel of Fortune (though, it would be a good inclusion), I'm talking about Apex of Power. Once you find yourself at the kinds of mana you would want to spend on Commune with Lava, you'd be more than happy to pay-10-get-10-and-7-cards with Apex. There are other good options as well for draw that are fairly budget: Runehorn Hellkite can work if you discard it with a Looting/wheel spell, and you can kind of hold it in reserve in your graveyard. I would also consider other draw spells like Cathartic Reunion and Magmatic Insight; when you're trying to push out mana/damage, you're going to draw duds (like Lands, mostly), and being able to discard them at a low cost can help you dig for the next wheel/damage spell/etc. is going to be one of the ways you win. They're also not the worst things to copy in a pinch.

That was fun, let's do it again!

Your list, more than anything, is missing Past in Flames. PiF does all the good work that copy spells do; it gives you another flame rift, another Reforge the Soul... well, almost everything. More importantly, it lets you use draw+discard spells with impunity. You have all this mana, and PiF gives you the avenue to use all of it. PiF has flashback itself, so you can even do this multiple times, or if you discard it to another effect, you're still in luck. PiF can also help you power through counterspells; they only have so many, probably not more than a second copy of all your stuff. To a lesser extent Recoup helps out as well. Flame Rift is worth 2 mana, but if you have 4 mana and nothing else to do pre-combat, Recoup + Flame Rift is a completely legitimate choice.

Hope all this helps!

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