Skullbriar, the Walking Grave: The Ground Walks, With Time in a Box

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 4 years ago


So, it's Skullbriar. You know. Turn 2, cast Skullbriar move to combat, party time. With the introduction of ability counters in Ikoria, he got a lot of nifty new toys with which to disembowel his enemies. I've long looked for a BGx deck to jam a bunch of removal and value into and having an ever-growing threat in the command zone solves the win condition problem.

This is a rough draft, and I'm looking for feedback. Specifically, I'm worried about folding to theft and abundant removal taxing Skullbriar out of relevance. Skullbriar is my only win condition and I'm a little worried about not having a Plan B.
The Ground Walks, With Time in a Box
Approximate Total Cost:

12/10/21 EDIT: Major overhaul of the deck as I decided to retire Kalamax (as the dino is just too busted to make for interesting games) and refocus here as my aggro deck. It's still pretty rough, but I think it's a major improvement over what it was before.


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