Dear Vorthos and Lore Lovers: We Need Your Help

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Elder Vampire
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Post by Feyd_Ruin » 4 years ago

Good Evening!

We're working on two new Lore-Centric areas, and are needing volunteers to help fill the areas out with content. No real experience or knowledge is needed to help, just a passion for the game, its lore, and/or the wonderful artwork.

The first area is specific to card art, and all we need is a willingness to track down high resolution card art and add it into our system. Nothing special required, except for a love of magic art and a desire to help.

The second area is pure Lore, from planes and planeswalkers to events and legendary figures. This area just requires the ability to summarize existing content, and a little bit of copy-paste / linking.

Both can be a bit time consuming since there's a great number of things to add into the system, which is where I need help the most. I've created the systems and added a lot of information, but it's become a time sink that I'd rather spend coding on other projects.

If you're interested, please PM me, or respond below.

Thank you!
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