Greven, Predator Captain

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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

Greven is a nostalgia bomb for me. I started playing in Tempest block, so the Weatherlight story is a very familiar one, and one of my first EDH decks back in the day was built around the OG Commander Greven il-Vec. Building the new Greven is more or less a given for me and I'm planning on using something along these lines as a starting point.

Miscellaneous Artifact

Approximate Total Cost:

Decklist by Function
Approximate Total Cost:

Realistically, this deck should play out like a big red burn deck. Greven is an effective beater and there's a lot of burn that can go to the dome to finish people off. There are also a few spells that work extremely well with Greven's static buff. Things like Heartless Hidetsugu and Price of Progress threaten to turn Greven into either a 1 or 2 turn clock with relatively low investment. Odds are that I'm relying too heavily on Greven right now as both primary threat and card draw engine, so I'll probably try and shift to something a little less general reliant over time.

edit: Pulled Sneak Attack, Reassembling Skeleton, and Nether Traitor for Sign in Blood, Read the Bones, and Fire Covenant.

edit ii: Swapped Ancient Tomb, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep, and Shizo, Death's Storehouse in for Mountain, Swamp, Snow-Covered Mountain, and Snow-Covered Swamp.
Last edited by SocorroTortoise 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I wonder if making Greven a Rakdos Control Commander might be viable. He's a massively fast clock that can churn Card Advantage like no other Rakdos legend before him, so why no utilize his Card Advantage ability to keep drawing removal and keep your opponents with only 1 or 0 blockers? Grven can then kill them all via Commander damage. Cards like Earthquake and Rolling Earthquake will help keep the board clear while also significantly boosting Greven so you can kill your opponents faster.

I also think you should definitely consider adding in more mana and card advantage sources.

Actually the more I think about this idea, the more I like it. I'm starting to think I'm going to build a deck for each member of Yawgmoth's crew.

Here's a list of Self-inflicted pain spells that can help power Greven beyond his trigger that are all worthwhile effects on their own. There are some other synergy cards that I think are worth looking at as well, particularly The Scorpion God. It will be a fine line between suiciding your life total and keeping it above 0!

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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

I'm not super worried about the mana at this point. A few more cheap draw spells will definitely help, but the deck is sitting on 38 lands and 6 rocks at 3 CMC or less and effectively curves out to 5 (1 six drop and 1 seven drop). I could see adding a couple more mana rocks given the potential draw power of the general, probably Coldsteel Heart and Star Compass (to be replaced by Arcane Signet when available). Fast mana rocks are out by playgroup agreement. I don't think there are any other rocks with CMC >2 that I'm interested in. Both of the current ones can get to 5 mana and therefore play 98/100 cards in the list even if I do miss land drop number 4 which was the criteria for them.

I can see the appeal of using him as a control commander. I'm going to stay farther away from that at this point for two reasons. First, I've been playing a lot of durdly control recently and I'd rather just swing in and burn people out for a while. That's feeling overdue. Second, I don't really want to be playing the density of spot removal necessary to keep whoever I'm targeting at 0-1 creatures, and it's more difficult to build a board presence of your own if you're running more mass removal effects. Having no board presence and lots of self damage is asking for trouble in my group, even with plentiful removal.

That said, Fire Covenant was definitely an unintentional omission. I'll probably pull Sneak Attack (early add and the deck didn't really come together in a way that supports it) and a couple of the little self recursive dudes for that and some more card draw. Manabarbs is also an appealing one that I'll have to keep in mind going forward, and Phyrexian Rager is one that I didn't consider and should have. I should also find the space for at least one of the Earthquake and/or Pestilence effects.
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Post by Artaud » 4 years ago

I don't see Ancient Tomb here and adding fetches will also allow to pump Greven a little.
You will need ways to restore your life total as you won't be fastest deck on a table usually. You already use Loxodon Warhammer but including Batterskull provides repeatable sac fodder beside lifelink and Kokusho is always great sacrifice target.

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Post by vandertroll » 4 years ago

Did you consider running any sac outlets like Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Altar of Dementia etc?
I also think that Treasonous Ogre and new Vilis, Broker of Blood could be staples :D

Some other more general cards that may worth putting in a Greven deck:

Killing Wave: Nice way to clean the board and pump the commander
Garza's Assassin: That's really nasty with lifelink
Murderous Betrayal: The same
Doom Whisperer: Great way to filter your deck and pump Greven
Bond of Agony: Great mana sink at killing at least one player in one combat step
Blood Celebrant: Great Greven pump
Seizan, perverter of truth :Draw cards and buff Greven
Ankh of Mishra : Punish ramp and buff Greven
Manabarbs: The same, could be even more explosive
Furnace of Rath effects for finishing opponents.
Erebos, God of the Dead: Two mana for +2 power and one card
Reckless Assault: This must be the home for this card!
Arguel's blood Fast: Same as Erebos
Plunge into Darkness: Instant speed filter and pump
Season of the Witch: Control the board and pay life for Greven
soul Channeling: regen and pump

I am also thinking that I might want to build Greven with some extra combat steps effects as well but it might be a totally different deck altogether
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

Artaud wrote:
4 years ago
I don't see Ancient Tomb here and adding fetches will also allow to pump Greven a little.
You will need ways to restore your life total as you won't be fastest deck on a table usually. You already use Loxodon Warhammer but including Batterskull provides repeatable sac fodder beside lifelink and Kokusho is always great sacrifice target.
No off color fetches is personal preference for multicolor lists, so those are unlikely to make an appearance. Tomb is a reasonable call, probably over a basic. I agree that more lifegain is probably a good plan. At the moment, it's Warhammer and Whip of Erebos. I'm not sure where I want to go next on that. Batterskull is definitely a reasonable card here, though I'm not sure what the cut is yet. Basilisk Collar is another one I'm considering for that role. Kokusho is one I may revisit in the future. I'm not a huge fan of the card, especially because it's 6 CMC. I also don't have sac outlets outside of Greven in the list which makes Kokusho a lot less reliable as lifegain.
vandertroll wrote:
4 years ago
Did you consider running any sac outlets like Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Altar of Dementia etc?
I also think that Treasonous Ogre and new Vilis, Broker of Blood could be staples :D

Some other more general cards that may worth putting in a Greven deck:

Killing Wave: Nice way to clean the board and pump the commander
Garza's Assassin: That's really nasty with lifelink
Murderous Betrayal: The same
Doom Whisperer: Great way to filter your deck and pump Greven
Bond of Agony: Great mana sink at killing at least one player in one combat step
Blood Celebrant: Great Greven pump
Seizan, perverter of truth :Draw cards and buff Greven
Ankh of Mishra : Punish ramp and buff Greven
Manabarbs: The same, could be even more explosive
Furnace of Rath effects for finishing opponents.
Erebos, God of the Dead: Two mana for +2 power and one card
Reckless Assault: This must be the home for this card!
Arguel's blood Fast: Same as Erebos
Plunge into Darkness: Instant speed filter and pump
Season of the Witch: Control the board and pay life for Greven
soul Channeling: regen and pump

I am also thinking that I might want to build Greven with some extra combat steps effects as well but it might be a totally different deck altogether
As is, the deck doesn't have much use for sac outlets. There are relatively few ETB/LTB effects on the creatures and few death triggers. Without some kind of payoff for sacrificing creatures beyond what's on the outlet, I'm not super interested in doing it. There's definitely potential with Greven for something that goes further into that, but it's not happening in this deck as built right now.

I'm hesitant about adding too many more ways to damage myself before I have the chance to play the deck a little. There are already a lot of things doing that, not the least of which is Greven. The hope is that all of the burn and Greven beats take out opponents before it all adds up to take me out - there are around 10 ways to make Greven a 3 turn clock unassisted, several more that will do the same with things like continued land drops or mana investment, and a few that will make him into a 2 turn or 1 turn clock. The thing I'm trying to avoid is leaning really heavily on Greven and taking out 1-2 players, then being cold to whoever's left. I'm starting with less ways for explosive Greven kills on the assumption that a bunch of small effects and the trigger will stack up anyways, then leaning on burn for additional reach late. From that standpoint, the stuff like Manabarbs and Ankh of Mishra is appealing, but the rest of it may wait for a bit until I see how quickly my life total is dropping in game. I'll probably still play Doom Whisperer too, because I love that card and it's a great fit here. If it constantly gets seen as a potential Hatred, I may need to rethink it.

Vilis in particular I'm skipping because I'm trying to stay lower curve. He feels a lot more like a reanimation target to me, which I don't have a ton of support for. Drakuseth is already pushing it pretty hard.

In the interest of making my playgroup love me even more, I'm also debating the merits of Pox|ICE and Wildfire. I think I'd need to go heavier on mana rocks for both of those, which was already proposed earlier in this thread.
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Post by vandertroll » 4 years ago

I'd test some sac outlets in order to further profit from Greven's built in card draw. Getting some mana/mill along the way wouldn't harm :) and I agree that this is a deck that needs playing because toying with our own life total is trickier than other strategies. Finally, i think that the instant speed Hatred like cards can be the most explosive when deciding to kill an opponent with commander damage
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

vandertroll wrote:
4 years ago
I'd test some sac outlets in order to further profit from Greven's built in card draw. Getting some mana/mill along the way wouldn't harm :) and I agree that this is a deck that needs playing because toying with our own life total is trickier than other strategies. Finally, i think that the instant speed Hatred like cards can be the most explosive when deciding to kill an opponent with commander damage
I think you may be misreading Greven's ability. You don't get card draw whenever you sac a dude, you get it for the specific sac on attack trigger.

Hatred, and by extension anything that lets you repeatedly pay life here, is definitely effective. If the presence of the cards in the list means Greven gets removed at every opportunity even at the expense of other on board threats because the table is concerned that you're able to drop a card and kill a player, it's still not worth having them. I'd rather get more sustained small value out of Greven sticking 60-80% of the time than an explosive kill from him sticking 10-20% of the time.
pokken wrote:
4 years ago
Filth but no urborg? :)
Good point. Black is usually prevalent at my tables, but not enough that I'm concerned about regularly enabling Coffers or anything. Swapped that in for a Swamp. Also swapped out a couple more basics for Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse. Both of those have very relevant abilities for Greven and opportunity cost is very low here.
Last edited by SocorroTortoise 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
[Pr]Jaya | Estrid | A rotating cast of decks built out of my box

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Post by vandertroll » 4 years ago

SocorroTortoise wrote:
4 years ago
vandertroll wrote:
4 years ago
I'd test some sac outlets in order to further profit from Greven's built in card draw. Getting some mana/mill along the way wouldn't harm :) and I agree that this is a deck that needs playing because toying with our own life total is trickier than other strategies. Finally, i think that the instant speed Hatred like cards can be the most explosive when deciding to kill an opponent with commander damage
I think you may be misreading Greven's ability. You don't get card draw whenever you sac a dude, you get it for the specific sac on attack trigger.

Hatred, and by extension anything that lets you repeatedly pay life here, is definitely effective. If the presence of the cards in the list means Greven gets removed at every opportunity even at the expense of other on board threats because the table is concerned that you're able to drop a card and kill a player, it's still not worth having them. I'd rather get more sustained small value out of Greven sticking 60-80% of the time than an explosive kill from him sticking 10-20% of the time.
Jesus Christ I've read the card like 20 times today and i kept reading ''you may'' as ''whenever''. I am not in good shape today :$
In any case, sustained value vs. big rounds is interesting, I'll be waiting for any game reports!
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

Happens to the best of us. The list feels like it's in a reasonable spot to start, especially now that I've added in a few of the no-brainers that I somehow missed the first time thanks to people chipping in advice. There are still a few cards that don't feel great here so I either have some easy cuts when that time comes or I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I'm not big on playing with proxies (no problems playing against, I just like actual cards) so I won't get a chance to try this out for a couple weeks. If anyone else plays with him before then I'm definitely interested in hearing how it goes.
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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I just realized that you can use Fling on a pumped up Greven to potentially kill a player after combat damage.

Talk about some delicious irony of flinging Greven at your opponents! Vhati il-Dal would be pleased!

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

Being the player that churns through his own life crazy fast, it's almost like Greven was tailour made for me. In the two hours I researched and discussed this card yesterday, I came to the conclusion of;

- A lot of the synergies found in Darien, King of Kjeldor can be used here. But more, because lifeloss also works.
- Tarnished Citadel is pretty good here, and on a lesser scale City of Brass & Mana Confluence
- Dark Confidant is an obvious include.
- Pestilence effects are extra spicy, and you have three of them (Pyrohemia & Withering Wisps being the other two).
- Repercussion will further combine here since the aforementioned pestilence effects are so great. Earthquake effects are similarly very strong.
- Unspeakable Symbol is really lethal.
- Moonlight Bargain is looking extra smexy here <3.
- Boseiju, Who Shelters All is great, but the best is gonna be Hall of the Bandit Lord.
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I collect Kaalia of the Vast normal-size cards. Do you have any extra taking up space in your binder? Help me grow my collection! :)


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