Your Commander 2019 Edition Wishlist?

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

This was fun back on 'Sally, so I thought I'd try it here. We all know folks are excited to try new shiny Commanders, but what new cards are you excited to try out in your current Commanders? Here's mine!:

Daretti, Scrap Savant
Daretti, Scrap Savant


Maybeboard/Testing Board:

Approximate Total Cost:

- Not much for the ol' Trash Goblin which honestly is totally fair considering just how good the last few sets have been for him. Dockside Extortionist is a windmill slam inclusion - a super star that can ramp, make sacrifice fodder, and come back to do it again thanks to Feldon and Mimic Vat. Sanctum seems good for any deck with a 'walker as a Commander, especially mono-colored, but I do worry about lowering my Mountain count as it makes Koth, Valakut, and Caged Sun worse. I also get excited by any cheap card that lets me draw repeatedly but have to see just how many cards I have that reliably make tokens.

Gahiji, Honored One
Approximate Total Cost:

- Gahiji is all about "group hug" and keeping the game moving by making cards flow freely and providing tokens. As I don't intend it to be a "winning" deck, it rarely gets a lot of attention, but Tahngarth and Blade are exciting to me as ways to cause even more mayhem and force even more damage through. I'm also legit toying with replacing Gahiji with either legend, and could see them in the 99 if I choose not too. Atla Palani could be a powerful "rattlesnake" to generate more value while also rewarding the token subtheme of my deck, while Marisi is just an amazing violence enabler that would necessitate a leaner, more aggressive creature base.

Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: Nothing, unsurprisingly.

Doran, the Siege Tower: Nothing. As a Treefolk/Shaman tribal-ish deck, none of the new Shamans ping my radar and none of the new utility/removal cards seem better than my existing suite.

The Gitrog Monster

Must-have: 0


Approximate Total Cost:

- Not a ton here. Scaretiller seems powerful but super super slow, and I'm not sure I have enough discard to reliably activate Bone Miser.

I'm also toying with building Sevinne, the Chronoclasm and Greven, Predator Captain but we'll see.


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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Going by cards I would like to test (assuming prices are low enough)....

Atla Palani, Nest Tender - may test in Samut, although I suspect I need more sac outlets for it.
Doomed Artisan - planning to throw in Teysa. Yaaaay tokens.
Sevinne's Reclamation - may test in Teysa. Hard to evaluate.
Song of the Worldsoul - may test in Teysa, but not sure if it will make the cut or be too slow.
Kadena's Silencer - may test in Animar as a bit more interaction, but probably would get cut.
Thieving Amalgam - may test in Teysa. A bit expensive, but I've been considering rebuilding the deck to do more reanimator stuff.
Mire in Misery - throwing in Kess, which currently doesn't have good enchantment removal
Nightmare Unmaking - interesting card, but not sure where I would put it.
Backdraft Hellkite - if I had more instants/sorceries, might test in Samut, but don't think I have enough. Might be interesting in Mizzix though.
Dockside Extortionist - easy include in three of my red decks - Animar, Kess, and Mizzix. Tempted to include in Samut too due to raw power level.
Ignite the Future - Kess loves it. Might test in Mizzix.
Wildfire Devils - looks hilarious, but not sure what deck I would put it in.
Ohran Frostfang - interesting in Animar as Edric, Spymaster of Trest #2, but probably too expensive.
Voice of Many - want to test it in Animar - there aren't many creatures that can draw 2+ cards on ETB. I'm pretty sure I would happily play 8+ copies of Mulldrifter in that deck if it were legal to do so.
Empowered Autogenerator - may test in Sharuum, which has some ability to untap it.
Pendant of Prosperity - seems worth testing somewhere, but not sure where. I'm not a big fan of kingmaker cards, but the fact that someone else is paying the mana for it makes it more attractive.
Scroll of Fate - snap include in Brago. Manifest is great there.
Idol of Oblivion - snap include in Teysa. Yaaaay tokens.
Sanctum of Eternity - might test in Sharuum, but not entirely sure. Seems like a useful effect to have on a utility land though.

Reprints I want to pick up:
Sultai deck: Seedborn Muse, Tempt with Discovery, Thran Dynamo
Jeskai deck: nothing D:
Naya deck: Wingmate Roc (for cube), Feldon of the Third Path, Thragtusk (for cube), Lightning Greaves
Rakdos deck: Overseer of the Damned, Solemn Simulacrum (several),
Also: more copies of Sol Ring.

Decks not getting new cards:
Tasigur - no land synergies in the new cards
Thada - no big blue / colorless things
Zedruu - more of an idea than an actual deck, so it doesn't get updates that often

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Post by Cyberium » 4 years ago

Getting all four decks, so I'll have all the cards. Though, there are a few I consider getting extra singles of for other decks, such as Dockside Extortionist, Cliffside Rescuer, Leadership Vacuum, Sevinne's Reclamation, Sudden Substitution, Wildfire Devils, Sanctum of Eternity, Bloodthirsty Blade, and Scroll of Fate.

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Post by Sinis » 4 years ago

Preordered everything, so, here goes:

Erebos, God of the Dead: going to absolutely play Mire in Misery. I will probably try Nightmare Unmaking and Scaretiller, though I'm not expecting much from the latter.

The Scarab God: Mire in Misery again. Maybe Leadership Vacuum.

Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: Mire in Misery. (I think this might mean I won't have enough Mire in Miserys...)

Niv Mizzet Reborn: My Niv deck is full of midrange beaters, and Tahngarth, First Mate would fit right in with its low-demand mana cost. 5/5 for 4 is just right.

Ishkanah, Grafwidow: I will probably try Idol of Oblivion. I'm not expecting a lot, because the deck doesn't reliably make tokens every turn, but, maybe it's enough for it to be good.

Radha, Heir to Keld: Apex Altisaur will certainly be included for the lulz, for a little while at least.

Pir, Imaginative Rascal/Toothy, Imaginary Friend: Mass Diminish looks like an early card that might help me not die, and Bloodthirsty Blade is kind of like a Vow aura that you can ship around (that will also help with not dying early).

Bruna, the Fading Light (not yet built): This deck is going to love Pendant of Prosperity and Sevinne's Reclamation.

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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

I also preordered the set, so I'm getting everything one way or another. In terms of the stuff I have definite plans for: Other than those, I'm sure it won't take me too long to build around Atla Palani, Nest Tender or Elsha of the Infinite. I'm expecting K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, Nightmare Unmaking, Dockside Extortionist, Apex Altisaur, Ohran Frostfang, and Scaretiller to all find their way into decks in relatively short order as well, though I'll see how long I keep going back to them. There are a couple others that I think have more niche uses that I'll likely use someday as well.
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Post by lyonhaert » 4 years ago

Cool, I'll play. I'm going to use 3 categories, though: "Definitely" for stuff that is almost certainly going to be good, "Gotta Try" for stuff I have some hopes about but need to test, and "Maybe" for stuff that might need some added support but has potential.

Chainer, Dementia Master
Gotta Try: Thieving Amalgam
Maybe: Bone Miser

Zedruu the Greathearted
Maybe: Elsha of the Infinite

Zada, Hedron Grinder
Definitely: Dockside Extortionist, Backdraft Hellkite, Ignite the Future, Ghired's Belligerence

Ayula, Queen Among Bears
Gotta Try: Selesnya Eulogist
Maybe: Ohran Frostfang

Marchesa, the Black Rose
Definitely: Chainer, Nightmare Adept
Gotta Try: Thought Sponge
Maybe: Bone Miser

A number of these would also work well in the Samut, Voice of Dissent deck I want to build, but we'll just see once I get around to that.

I'll probably ended up getting the decks since the sum of the cards I want (almost all the new stuff and some reprints with new art) is more than the cost of the 4 decks.
Chainer bbb
(rebuild after Geth)
r Lathliss
bw Breena
To-Build Pool
rb Obosh Burn
gw Dromoka

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Post by Sanity_Eclipse » 4 years ago

New Commander - Elsha

Definites in - Mandate of Peace, Sevinne's Reclamation, Dusk // Dawn - I'm thinking I'll use Mandate as an Orim's Chant placeholder in Kaalia, and Reclamation is just value town. Not sure where I'm gonna put it though. I swear I had a deck I was looking to put DtD into, I just don't remember.
Maybes in - Thalia's Geistcaller - I like TGC here, and maybe she would be good in Elsha, but E doesn't want many creatures of course. Not sure I have a place for TGC at the moment.

Definites in - Leadership Vacuum, Mass Diminish - Mainly because I recognize their power. Not sure where I'll put these either. Always been a fan of Sudden Spoiling, and like the Hinders of days gone, Vacuum is gonna be something you need to have and have defenses for methinks.
Maybes in - Mystic Retrieval new art? maybe

Definites in - Curse of Fool's Wisdom, Plaguecrafter, Mire in Misery - I have most, or maybe all, of the curses printed so far and it would be cool to have a curse deck, even if it's not that great. Meren I'm thinking will want PC. I'm not sure where Mire will go, but it's the kinda removal option you pick up a couple of just in case.
Maybes in - Bane of the Living new art, not sure if it creeps me out though.

Definites in - Hate Mirage, Ignite the Future - I want to test HM in Elsha. A good combat blocking trick. ItF is either gonna be tested in Elsha as well, or in Chandra.
Maybes in - Backdraft Hellkite, Wildfire Devils - Cool creatures. Hellkite seems a bit slow, not sure where I would put the Devils, but I like 'em both.

Definites in - Road of Return - I'll definitely take a few Nature's Spirals with an upside. Not in place of Regrowth, of course, but in addition.

Definites in Artifact, Multicolor, etc - Empowered Autogenerator, Scroll of Fate, Sad Robot (new art, HS) - Gonna give Emp.Autogen. a try in Breya. Proliferate for stupid mana. Scroll for Narset, at least, another card I want a few copies of for other decks.

Happy for more copies of Greaves, and the reprints of the planeswalkers, Wheelie Man, Echoing Truth
More Decks
- Lyra - Naru Meha - Chandra - Lovisa - Nissa -
- Lavinia X - Yuriko - Jhoira - Saheeli - Glissa - Lathril - Meren - Koma -
- Anafenza - Alela - Sen Triplets - Inalla - Sidisi -
- Breya -

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Post by CommanderMaster999 » 4 years ago

Cyberium wrote:
4 years ago
Getting all four decks, so I'll have all the cards. Though, there are a few I consider getting extra singles of for other decks, such as Dockside Extortionist, Cliffside Rescuer, Leadership Vacuum, Sevinne's Reclamation, Sudden Substitution, Wildfire Devils, Sanctum of Eternity, Bloodthirsty Blade, and Scroll of Fate.
I'm getting all 4 too so I have all the cards too someday might get singles of certain ones as well just need to figure it out and depending on price

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Post by Morganelefay » 4 years ago

Well, I'm very tempted to build either Chainer or Greven, but beyond that...

Sevinne's Reclamation is going to be a semi-staple to me. From recurring fetchlands to utility pieces, it does more work than Sun Titan until the late-game where the Titan may start to outpreform it.

Leadership Vacuum - I might not end up playing it, but it's the kind of card I'd want to have on hand at all times just in case. The cantrip addition makes it worthy.

Sudden Substitution - Kykar, Wind's Fury is going to gladly give you a spirit token for your big spells, or a Brainstorm for your Ulamog, thank you very much.

Thought Sponge - Prime Speaker Zegana is card draw tribal, I feel I can make use of this.

Wall of Stolen Identity - A pacifism and a way to make use of useful abilities in one go, what's not to love about this thing.

Bone Miser - Will come with Chainer if I do decide on him.

Nightmare Unmaking - Is going in every black deck I ever build. Exile wipes are great y'all.

Dockside Extortionist - The best red card in the set, period. Should be a mono-red staple, and thus Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh will appreciate it.

Ignite the Future - Chandra relies on impulse draw and this is a good late game version of it.

Apex Altisaur - Turn 4 wipe the board and have a 10/10? Selvala, Heart of the Wilds approves.

Anje Falkenrath - Will probably go into Edgar Markov, though she'll have to fight for a spot as that deck is tight on the 3 mana spot.

Empowered Autogenerator - Between proliferate shenanigans and Pir himself, Pir & Toothy is going to enjoy pulling 20+ mana out of this thing.

Scroll of Fate - I have an inkling this card isn't getting nearly enough hype.
EDH Decks:

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis - Arise, Lord Hogaak.
Grumgully, the Generous - The wonderful world of Ferngully.
Prime Speaker Zegana - Draw Cards Tribal.
Pir, Imaginative Rascal & Toothy, Imaginary Friend - Imaginary Superfriends.
Selvala, Explorer Returned - Taxes, Denial and Fatties.
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Dinos and Eldrazis, oh my.
Ayara, First of Locthwain - March of the Black Queen.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh - Chandra Tribal.
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Curious Contraptions

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

Let's see, only a few cards here;

Dockside extortionist
Cliffside rescuer
Backdraft hellkite
Bloodthirsty blade
Mire in misery
Mandate of peace
Greven, predator captain
K'rrik, son of yawgmoth.
Scroll of fate
Strionic resonator
Gift of Doom

That's it.
Steel Sabotage'ng Orbs of Mellowness since 2011.

I collect Kaalia of the Vast normal-size cards. Do you have any extra taking up space in your binder? Help me grow my collection! :)


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